< Inuyasha

Inuyasha/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Inuyasha fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Authors, and Websites

Anything by Seaouryou

  • Recommended by Soojinyeh
  • This girl offers deep, unique psychological insight on the relationships between various different characters, and can be hilarious at times.

Anything by forthright

Anything by dolphingirl0113

  • Recommended by Gatekeeper 827
  • This author is one of the best Inuyasha writers out there, as long as you like romance. (No lemons, but a few scenes that approach lime territory and fluff aplenty.) The main pairing in her work is Inuyasha/Kagome, although Miroku/Sango pops up quite often, while Kikyo (She's a Kikyo sympathizer) and Sesshomaru pairings vary from fic to fic. Particular acclaim goes to The King's Mistress as well as her Confessions Trilogy, which includes Confessions Of A Broken Heart, The Realistic Happily Ever After, and Soldiers In A Timeless Battle.

Anything by Torenza

  • Reccommended by Gatekeeper 827
  • Another phenomenal Inuyasha writer. She excels at AU fanfics, and the genres vary from romance to drama to humor. Just check her work out - words cannot do her justice. Well, not MY words, anyway...

Anything by Resmiranda

  • Recommended by Kady The Red Panda
  • Resmiranda is one of those writers who can write virtually any genre very well. Her humor is spirit-lifting, her drama is heartwrenching, and her horror bone-chilling. She also loves to experiment with various pairings, from Kagome/Naraku, to Sesshomaru/Rin, to even Sango/Kohaku, and all of them work effectively. This is one writer I never tire of reading. She also wrote the very popular Sess/Kag fanfic Tales from the House of the Moon.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

The White Dog by Becky Tailweaver

  • Recommended by Silverfire526
  • Synopsis: The Inuyasha-tachi meets one of the most obnoxious Mary Sues of all time. The problem is, she's got major political sway in the Yokai world, and she only wants one thing: to get her clan back on top. And she'll stop at nothing to get it there.
  • Comments: A very well-written story with lots of punchy humor and good character development. It was one of the first fanfictions I ever read, and is still ranked among the best I have read in the four years since. See Original Flavour.

Blood & Tears by doggieearlover

  • Recommended by cattychan09
  • Synopsis: Inuyasha and Kagome are brutally attacked by someone they thought a friend and ally. Who will save them and help them recover? How will the turn of events change their lives? (Inu/Kag/Sess but evolves to Inu/Kag, Sess/OC) (COMPLETE)
    • Feudal Association Jan 2007 WINNER Best Inuyasha/Kagome Romance, and IYFG Q4 2005 2nd Place Best Drama!
  • Comments: Romance, Drama, Hentai, Angst. A true page-turner. Often somewhat gross and/or gruesome, but the rest is VERY worthwhile. Not recommended for anyone who's under 18, has a weak stomach, or has no sense of humor.

Drain by Protege-Fics

  • Recommended by Soojinyeh
  • Synopsis: When she told me that she was with child, Rin was crying. She was not crying from joy, however, but with a heart breaking despair I had never before witnessed in her.
  • Comments: A beautiful study of the mind of a pedophile. Unfortunately unrecognized because...well, it's too deep for the majority of fanfic readers.

Daemon Nature by nightstar

  • Recommended by Elenor
  • Synopsis: Sesshomaru's children have grown up and he decides it's time that Japan is brought under the rule of one daemon lord.
  • Comments: Sex, murder, intrigue, rape, politics, manipulation, betrayal, a few references to torture, poison, and more. You should be 18 to even think of opening this fic. You have been warned. Now that that's out of the way, one of the most fascinating stories I've ever read. You want to survive you better learn to play the game seems to be the motto of the characters in the piece. Absolutely fascinating, but be warned that there are no characters within who remain innocent for long.

Colliding Winds by Tifa Tyndal

  • Recommended by Soojinyeh
  • Synopsis: On opposite sides of the battle. They should be killing each other. But they aren't. In its' own way, the wind unites them.
  • Comments: A unique perspective on Miroku and Kagura's characters.

Xenophobia by Silent Scribe

  • Recommended by Soojinyeh
  • Synopsis: Sesshomaru discovers he has one fear in the world and it has just arrived on the Western coast.
  • Comments: Fanfic is so filled with blind teenage lust and Shipping Goggles it's hard to find something that has plot, characterization and addresses issues deeper than crushes. This one is a rarity.

Mortality by Seaouryou

  • Recommended by Soojinyeh
  • Synopsis: She wanted to be with her Sesshoumaru forever. And so she shall be.
  • Comments: One of the best fanfics I've ever come across. This fic make you glad that you have the ability to die.

Naraku VS Kirby by Kinkatia (Crossover with Kirby series)

  • Recommended by Akatsuki Daybreak
  • Synopsis: Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Kirby mysteriously finds himself in feudal Japan and causes a lot of trouble for Naraku and his incarnations.
  • Comments: An utterly hilarious and silly story that definitely does not take itself seriously.

Seduction of the Innocent by TRF

  • Recommended by Catelyn
  • Synopsis: When Bankotsu falls for the charmes of a strange young woman who happened to be a Mary Sue, it's up to the rest of the Shichinitai to rescue him.
  • Comments: Hilarious Mary Sue parody that manage to accurately criticize the Mary Sue phenomenon. It's also well-written, and the characters are very IC - except when they are not because of the nocuous effect of the Mary Sue on her surrounders.

Possession by Wheezambu

  • Recommended by Gatekeeper827
  • Synopsis: Inuyasha uses the jewel to become a full-fledged demon and lays claim to Kagome in every sense of the word. She escapes and returns by accident 10 years later, only to find that everything's gone to hell.
  • Comments: A deep and facinating story that deals with themes of betrayal, redemption, and what it means to love someone. Add in the fact that there are very few "innocent" characters in the story and you've got yourself one dark read. It's rated M for a reason (lemons and pottymouth) so younger readers should stay far, far away. Updates are a bit slow but it's far from Dead Fic status.

Behind The Silk Screen by eien-no-basho

  • Recommended by Genki Girl
  • Pairings: Kikyo / Inuyasha / Kagome love triangle (currently unresolved), Kouga / Kagome / Inuyasha (currently unresolved, MirSan (UST)
  • Synopsis: When a twist of fate brings the common born miko Kagome to serve Inuyasha, Emperor of Japan, will she be able to help him bring order to the country? Or will court intrigues and chaos tear the two and their nation apart?
  • Comments: An incredibly long fic that's at 25 chapters and is still going, Behind The Silk Screen is a historical and romantic masterpiece of fanfiction. It really only would need to change names and it could be an amazing, if also amzingly lengthly, book. The story has won several IY Fanfic Awards on the site, it's 4 years in, and it's the author's only story. It portrays the humanity of the characters, and while there are obvious pairings, Shipping Goggles are not to be found here. Kagome's and Miroku's characterization is especially strong, and the historical information is fascinating without being grotesque. It is the best IY fanfic I've ever read, and it comes highly recommended.

Buffy the Youkai Slayer by Sharibet

  • Recommended by Silverfire526
  • Pairings: Inuyasha/Kagome
  • Synopsis: A crossover between Inuyasha and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy's vacationing in Tokyo when the Watcher's Council asks her to deal with a demon infestation at the Higurashi Shrine.
  • Comments: As a reader who knows absolutely nothing about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I find this to be one of the best Inuyasha fics I've ever read. The story is told mostly through Buffy's perspective, and her observations on the events happening around her make even the most mundane events interesting. The plot itself has both action and romance, and there's always the sense that the author has really thought through everything about the universes she's writing about. The fic is rated M, but there's really nothing too objectionable in it, just a bit of awkward discussion about sex. Again, this fic is highly recommended, even to readers who know nothing of the Buffy universe.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Life In Moderation by Fantastical Queen Ebony Black (Mature Content: Sex, rape, violence, language)

  • Recommended by Soojinyeh
  • Pairings: Sesshoumaru/Kagura
  • Synopsis: A story about just how beautiful life can be when you’re hardly doing anything at all. And how the words unspoken can mean the most. But the past never wants to stay hidden...
  • Comments: I can't believe the author was only thirteen when she wrote this. Incredible.

Beside You in Time by Rosie B (Moderate Explicit content: Language, Violence, Mentions of Rape. Be warned things may change in the future, as the fic is incomplete.)

  • Recommended by Elora
  • Pairings: Sesshoumaru/Kagome, Kagome/OC (very slight)
  • Synopsis: After the Jewel is stolen and the wish is made, Kagome finds herself cursed with immortality. Convincing Sesshoumaru to help her, they travel the world and through some of the most cataclysmic periods of human history to defeat the powerful thieves.
  • Comments: Really good fic, historical accuracy is amazing, the author leaves comments at the end of every chapter to let you know what really happened. So you can be entertained by the fic and still learn!

Tales from the House of the Moon by Resmiranda (Mild-Moderate Explicit content IE. blood, gore, language, ect. It's not that bad.)

  • Recommended by Elora
  • Pairings: Sesshoumaru/Kagome, slight Miroku/Sango, Inuyasha/Kikyou, hinted Inuyasha/Kagome
  • Synopsis: Kagome, now in college, discovers the tale of Sesshomaru and Rin. Grief can be a prison, but the bonds of love are not easily broken. What is the truth behind fairytales?
  • Comments: If you are a reader of fanfiction, you haven't lived until you've read this one. Even the most hardcore fans of different ships will be swayed by this gem of a fanfic. I can't even begin to describe how amazing it is. If you ever read a fanfic, make sure it's this one.

The Lucky Ones and Coyote Child by Terri Botta (AU, Mild Explicit Content)

  • Recommended by Terrace
  • Pairings: Inuyasha/Kagome, references Sesshomaru/Rin and Kouga/Ayame
  • Synopsis: Lucky Ones starts off with Inuyasha and Kagome being forced to take care of an orphaned inu-hanyou infant, and just snowballs from there. Started a few common ideas about how a Half-Human Hybrid like Inuyasha would grow up day-to-day. The sequal, Coyote Child, takes place in modern Canada and American Southwest. Anything more than that would spoil the plot completely.

The Pearl by asiancherries

  • Recommended by Elenor
  • Pairings: Sesshomaru/Rin
  • Synopsis: Sesshomaru is building his empire and Rin refuses to be left behind. So she'll do whatever it takes to make sure he needs her and one way or another she'll be with her lord, forever.
  • Comments:

Unworthy One by weretigress

  • Recommended by Comartemis
  • Pairings: Kagome/Sesshomaru, Inuyasha/Sango
  • Synopsis: Naraku is dead, but so are most of the heroes. Betrayed by Kikyo and heartbroken by Inuyasha's last words, Kagome stumbles aimlessly through the world until by sheerest coincidence she crosses paths with a certain youkai lord...
  • Comments: I'm not exactly an Inu/Kag shipper, but I never thought the Sessh/Kag pairing was very realistic or even plausible until I read this fic. The summary may suggest otherwise, but this is not a cliche-ridden piece of drivel like most of the low-quality Sessh/Kag fics are; all the heroes are perfectly in-character, Inuyasha does not simply dump or cheat on Kagome but hurts her one time too many through his insensitivity, Sesshomaru does not fall in love with Kagome at first sight, and behind the solid wall of angst that Kagome presents at first, a happy ending lurks just out of sight for everyone who deserves one, even Inuyasha. Kikyo fans be warned, however: the undead miko is not treated kindly in this fic. Also, beware the lemon content: it's tastefully done, but it's still there.

Drowning in the Sun by Sango

  • Recommended by Maylene
  • Pairings: Kikyou/Inuyasha (mainly); Kagome/Inuyasha
  • Synopsis: This is the tale of a miko and hanyou who wanted only each other, a rare and innocent love betrayed, and the time Midoriko's jewel came so very close to finally granting happiness instead of sorrow...
  • Comments: A rare fic where both Kikyou and Kagome are treated with respect, and how although each love is different—it doesn't make the other less meaningful than the other. Her writing is also gorgeous—that even though you're not an Kikyou/Inuyasha fan, it's worth reading.

Red and Black by S-Michael

  • Recommended b shaun
  • Parings: Sango/Inuyasha
  • Synopsis: Sango consoles Inuyasha after he breaks up with Kagome.
  • Comments: Unlike many (way, way, way too many) shipping fics that star Inuyasha with someone other than Kagome, this fic does not bash Kagome...much. It's hard to avoid bashing her completely if one's definition of Canon includes the the third movie. (Specifically the final scene; yes, I realize that you were contractually obligated by the plot to Leash Inuyasha, but that was a dirty trick, Kagome. But I digress.) At any rate, Mike's respectful about what little bashing he does, and keeps it all in character, third movie or no.

All Our Hopes by myLink'sLady

  • Recommended Elenor
  • Parings: Kagome/Inuyasha, (Main) Side pairings - Sesshomaru/Rin, Miroku/Sango, Koga/Ayame
  • Synopsis: The Inu brothers travel the long, hard road to reconciliation.
  • Comments: Warning for kiddies, this fic has lime here and there. I love, love, love this peice and have read it again and again. This fic focuses less on the shipping and more on relationships if that makes sense. It starts with Naraku being defeated, then moves on to the tough issues. The hardest battles are not won with the sword.

Medication by teresa (AU, Moderate explicit content: Language, Mentions of violence, murder etc.)

  • Recommended by Catelyn
  • Pairings: Bankotsu/Jakotsu (Male Slash)
  • Synopsis: Despaired 16 years old Bankotsu ends up in a juvenile asylum after he did something terrible, with no other than Jakotsu as his roommate. At first, he is freaked out by his roommate abnormally lecherous behaviour, however slowly but surely, he is really starting to like this guy. Although it's hard to trust anyone in an asylum, especially when everyone keeps warning him about how much dangerous Jakotsu really is...
  • Comments: Apart from the excellent captivating writing and the right dosages of drama and realistic romance, the idea is just brilliant: The author took the Shichinintai, a group of homicidal mercenaries, and turn them into teens with serious mental problems. That way, the reader won't have to sympathize with a bunch of human monsters, but still the characters are kept in connection with the original ones. The most impressive of all is Jakotsu, who is one of the more - if not the most - IC Jakotsu I've ever seen. Sadely, the fanfic is dead, but it's so good and the last chapter ends with a non-suspensive way, so unless you are seriously allergic to unfinished fics, don't let it bother you.
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