Final Fight/Characters
Characters from Capcom's Final Fight series. This page deals only with the characters as they appear in Final Fight canon. For notes on their Street Fighter series appearances, please visit the Street Fighter character page.
Protagonists (Heroes)
An ex-pro-wrestler turned mayor of Metro City, Mike Haggar is the only hero from the first game to appear in all of the sequels. When the Mad Gear gang kidnaps his daughter Jessica and demands that he let them run free, Haggar says "no" and enlists the help of Cody and Guy to stop them. In Final Fight 2, he fights Mad Gear once again to rescue Guy's master and fiancée. In Final Fight 3, he faces the Skull Cross gang who invades Metro City. By Final Fight: Streetwise, he is no longer the mayor of the city and is now a dock worker and a wrestling trainer.
- Ambadassador: Time and time again, Haggar will use his fists do his talking when it comes to the issues of crime.
- Assist Character: To Kyle in the story mode of Streetwise.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: You think he will bow down like a whimpering dog as 1) his daughter is held hostage, 2) his friend's fiancé and master are held hostage, or 3) a massive gang war erupts in the middle of his city? Hoo boy, have you got another thing coming...
- Badass Mustache: Haggar is said to weigh over 120kg, and over half of it is estimated to be body hair.
- Beware the Nice Ones: A level-headed reasonable man, Haggar will not hesitate to cave in some skulls to save his daughter.
- The Big Guy
- Breakout Character: In the original game, the role of The Hero is played by Cody. But Haggar proved popular enough to take that role in following games, as well as representing Final Fight in Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
- The Commissioner Gordon: Subverted, he not only aides the vigilantes, he's out there fighting along side them in every Final Fight game.
- Crossover: His appearances in Namco X Capcom, Saturday Night Slam Masters (which gave us a look at his actual wrestling career before he became a mayor, at least in the original Japanese continuity) and Marvel vs. Capcom 3. He can also be found in the UDON Street Fighter comics and in USA Network's Street Fighter cartoon.
- Curse Cut Short: "You son of a... What have you done to her?"
- Expy: Of "Sleepy" Estes.
- Gentle Giant: Outside battle, the same arms of steel that allow him to literally snap villains in half give the warmest and kindest hugs.
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Smokes a cigar in a win pose of Final Fight Revenge.
- Improvised Weapon: Pipes and 2 x 4 are his signature weapons.
- Invulnerable Attack: His Spinning Lariat.
- Meteor Move: His Sky High Backdrop and Final Hammer in Final Fight 3.
- Mighty Glacier: One of the oldest examples of this trope in video games. He is the slowest of the initial trio and cannot throw enemies, but makes up for it with the most damage output. Not mention he can pull off body busting wrestling maneuvers such as the German Suplex and the Pile Driver. Him being a former pro-wrestler helps.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Mike Haggar resembles professional wrestler Jesse Ventura, especially since he later became governor, although some think Mike Haggar's mustache and trim haircut makes him look like Freddie Mercury.
- Our Mayor Is Different: He takes a more direct approach in reducing the crime rate of his city than most mayors.
- Papa Wolf: Do not mess with his daughter. It will be a miracle if he lets you live...
- Rated "M" for Manly: Haggar, along with Cody and Guy, have enough testorone for all of Metro City to share. He's a politician who cleans up crime... by piledriving thugs into the ground and introducing them to the concept of gravity.
- Retired Badass: In Streetwise, Haggar seems to have distanced himself from most of Metro City, saying many of its citizens have forgotten him. He now runs a gym ("Mike's Mat and Muscle") and a dock ("Mike's Maritime Maintenance").
- Spin Attack: The Double Lariat.
- Spinning Piledriver: "Borrowed" the move from Zangief, but it is no less punishing.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Excluding Streetwise.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Haggar is a former pro wrestler, and also a playable character in Saturday Night Slam Masters. In the second Final Fight game, he upgrades his piledriver to a Spinning Piledriver, similar to Zangief's in Street Fighter II. According to the manual for the Super NES version of Street Fighter II, Zangief copied his Spinning Clothesline (aka the Double Lariat) from Haggar's.
A Japanese American Ninjutsu master dressed in a red ninja outfit and converse shoes. Guy is the 39th successor of the Bushin style of Ninjutsu, a martial arts style dating back to Japan's feudal age. Guy traveled to America to improve his martial art skills and found himself at Metro City, where he befriend fellow fighters Cody and Haggar and assisted the two in their battle against the Mad Gear gang in the original Final Fight to save Jessica (Cody's girlfriend and Haggar's daughter). Guy then helps Haggar and the others fight the Skull Cross gang in Final Fight 3. In Final Fight: Streetwise, Guy became a crime boss after committing a serious crime that Cody was blamed for.
- Assist Character: To Kyle in the story mode of Streetwise.
- Badass
- But Not Too Foreign: His nationality was listed as Japanese in Final Fight, but was changed to American since the Street Fighter Alpha series (implying that he became a naturalized citizen at some point).
- Cloudcuckoolander: The Alpha version of Guy in the Game Boy Advance version (Final Fight 1), who acts as if he was a time-traveller from the future literally reliving the past.
- Crossover: So far, he's the Final Fight character with the most appearances outside of his main series: Street Fighter Alpha (all three games), Super Street Fighter IV, Namco X Capcom and Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution.
- Delinquent: Believe it or not, he was one before being taken in as Zeku's pupil. As you can see, the training caused Guy to mellow out considerably.
- Dope Slap: To Cody at the end of the first game.
- Epic Flail: Nunchaku, his signature weapon in Final Fight 3.
- Fragile Speedster: He is the fastest of the original three characters.
- The Hero: To Dean.
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Guy wears red ninja suit (with no mask) and fights people in broad daylight.
- Hurricane Kick: His Bushin Senpūkyaku which was carried over to Street Fighter Alpha.
- Katanas Are Just Better: His signature weapon in the original Final Fight.
- Ki Attacks: But only in Final Fight 3.
- The Lancer: To Cody.
- Meaningful Name: His real name in Japanese is actually Gai (spelled with the kanji 凱, which means "victorious", but more often rendered in kana as ガイ), but it's romanized "Guy" to avoid the obvious mispronunciation.
- It could also count as a reference to Guy Picciotto of Fugazi, like other characters in the original game who are named after or are references to musicians. Both have bangs long enough to cover their eyes.
- Nice Shoes: As mentioned below, his Nike sneakers, to Memetic Mutation levels.
- Ninja: Guy is the 39th successor of the Bushin-ryuu.
- Older and Wiser: Granted, he was pretty wise to begin with, but Streetwise sees him training the next generation of Bushin genin.
- Perpetual Frowner: Guy has a trademark scowl that matches his aloof and serious personality. The only instance in which Guy smiles is in an official art depicting Ryu, Ken and Guy in casual clothes
- Product Placement: In the original, Guy wore jika-tabi. From Street Fighter Alpha and Final Fight 3 onwards, he instead wore some Nikes. But hey, real ninjas wear Nikes.
- The Stoic: Going hand in had with, perpetual frowner, Guy carries out his duties as a ninja/protector of the world's balance with an almost professional air of detachment. His grim face rarely shows any emotions other than scowl.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: One of the reasons why Guy has a fiance.
- Wall Jumper: One of the earliest characters to use the move. Being a ninja, the move an obvious one for Guy to have.
- Warrior Poet
An American martial arts expert, specializing in knife fighting, Cody Travers is a born street fighter who became known as the "Hero of Metro City" after rescuing his childhood sweetheart Jessica from the Mad Gear gang in Final Fight with his friend Guy and Jessica's father Haggar. However, he ended up becoming addicted to street fighting and, after breaking up with Jessica, was arrested by old nemesis Edi. E. He's then arrested again for taking the blame for a crime Guy committed (though he can escape at any time he wants), which led to the end of their friendship. Once again released from prison, Cody's fighting had taken its toll on his knees, so now he trains and lives fights through his younger brother Kyle in Final Fight: Streetwise.
- Anti-Hero: After the first Final Fight. He's a Type III on the outside, but a Type II at heart.
- Badass
- Blood Knight: Tragically Deconstructed Trope. Nowadays, he's lost all satisfaction with fighting and only continues to do so because he's addicted.
- Cloudcuckoolander: The Alpha version of Cody in the Game Boy Advance version, who act as if he was a time-traveller from the future literally reliving the past.
- Crossover: Following Guy, Rolento, and Sodom, he appeared in Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Super Street Fighter IV.
- Demoted to Extra: He only appeared in the first game of the series, returning for the polygonal games.
- Dull Surprise: In Super Street Fighter IV. Notable because, most characters show an "Oh Crap" expression when face-to-face with an opponent's Ultra Combo.
- Expy: He's based on Tom Cody from Streets of Fire.
- Fallen Hero: From "hero of Metro City" to a convicted vigilante.
- Hair of Gold
- The Hero: Of the first game.
- Hurricane Kick: His "Double Kick".
- I Know Karate: According to the manual of the SNES version, Cody is a fifth-degree black belt in karate and a boxing expert, not to mention that he's been training in martial arts since he was nine years old. All of this isn't even factoring in his Combat Pragmatist tendencies in Street Fighter.
- Jack of All Stats: Not as fast as Guy, but not as strong as Haggar.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Mainly to his brother.
- Ki Attacks: As a GLOW addict in Streetwise.
- Knife Nut: He seems to be this since he's skilled with knives.
- Perma-Stubble: After the first game.
- Promotion to Parent: To Kyle, sort of...
- Retired Badass: In Streetwise, due to arthritis in his knees. He now spends his time training Kyle, who he believes has the potential to surpass him, but ultimately unknowing of said potential. By the end of the game, thanks to his overdose of GLOW, Cody remarks that his knees are feeling "better than ever", hinting that he's ready to come out of retirement.
- Shout-Out: In Revenge, his Final Finish has him punching the opponent, slowly walking away, and muttering, "You are already dead." as they are hit by numerous invisible strikes.
- Tragic Hero: Even ignoring his various Street Fighter appearances, he still went to jail, still lost Jessica, and in the end of Streetwise, when his use of GLOW healed his knees, he still wants to live his life through fighting.
- Victory Is Boring: Cody is so addicted to fighting that he shows dark elements of this both in Streetwise and Street Fighter Alpha 3.
- In Street Fighter Alpha, he is thrown in prison and manages to escape just as everyone starts fighting.
- In Streetwise, Belger turns him into a fighting monster via drugs.
- Judging from his intro quote in Super Street Fighter IV, he's still like this. Granted, Streetwise occurs later in the joint timeline than Super Street Fighter IV.[1]
"Well now. Let's see if we can't do something about my boredom."
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Him and Guy.
- Wolverine Publicity: When Street Fighter Alpha 3 was released for the arcades, Cody was featured either featured prominently or specifically focused on in the promotional illustrations despite not being even the highest profile new character to the game. He even got to share the packaging illustration of the Sega Saturn version in a dynamic battle pose against perennial Street Fighter icon Ryu.
Introduced in Final Fight 2, Maki Genryusai is the younger sister of Guy's fiancee Rena and also trained in the art of the Bushin style. She was once the leader of a biker gang during her high school years. After her sister and father are kidnapped by a revived Mad Gear, Maki enlists the help of Haggar and Carlos to rescue them.
- Action Girl
- Amazonian Beauty: Depending on the Artist. Maki's sprites in Final Fight 2 and Street Fighter Alpha 3 show her to be lithe, but official art from Final Fight 2 and the Sakura Ganbaru! manga show that Maki has some pretty defined biceps. Additionally, Damnd's ending in Revenge depicts Maki with muscular, Chun-Li-esque legs.
- Badass Adorable
- Biker Babe/Delinquent: It's All There in the Manual.
- Crossover: She appeared in Capcom vs. SNK 2 Mark of the Millennium and the Game Boy Advance/PSP versions of Street Fighter Alpha 3.
- Cry Cute: In the ending of Final Fight 2, she hugs her rescued family in tears.
- Cute Bruiser
- Distaff Counterpart: To Guy in Final Fight 2.
- Dual Tonfas: Her signature weapon.
- Fragile Speedster: Like Guy, she's the fastest character in the game, but she deals the least damage. Also like Guy, her speed and running in general play a big role in her fighting style during her fighting game appearances.
- Gendered Outfit: She wears a gendered version of Guy's Bushinryu gi.
- The Heroine: Of Final Fight 2.
- Hurricane Kick: Her Reppūkyaku.
- Lady in Red
- Martial Pacifist: How she's presented in the English versions of Final Fight 2.
- Mukokuseki: She sports tousled locks of wavy blonde hair, despite being Japanese. According to supplemental materials, she actually dyes her hair as a homage to her days as a gang leader.
- Ninja: A member of the Genryusai family, celebrated practitioners of the Bushin-ryuu style.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: She's the Red Oni, and wears red cloths to prove it.
- Sexy Backless Outfit: Her revealing red dress is exposed from the upper back, showing her well toned back and shoulder muscles.
- She's Got Legs: Most of her legs are shown through her uniform. In Damnd's ending in Final Fight Revenge, they get an added layer of definition, must be all that running she does.
- Spin Attack: Her Reppukyaku.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To Guy. Justified Trope as she's his sister-in-law, as well as a fellow member of the Bushin clan.
- Wall Jumper: Another move she shares with Guy, and like him, it makes sense because she's a ninja.
Introduced in Final Fight 2, Carlos Miyamoto is a South American swordsman and martial artist who traveled to Metro City and lived as a border with the Haggars. He aids Haggar and Maki in their battle against the Mad Gear gang after they had kidnapped Maki's father and sister.
- Awesome McCoolname: Carlos Miyamoto.
- Badass Long Hair
- But Not Too Foreign: He is of Japanese heritage, but he's from Brazil.
- The Drifter
- Halfbreed: He's clearly Latino but also is of Japanese decent (hence his surname Miyamoto).
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Only used for his special.
- I Owe You My Life: A milder version. He decides to help out Haggar and Maki because he owed some undisclosed debt to both Guy and Haggar.
- Jack of All Stats: Filling in the role for Cody, he is not the fastest or strongest, but he has the right amount of both to be a threat.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Only used for his special.
- Knife Nut: His signature weapon.
- The Lancer: To Maki.
- Pretty Freeloaders: Off of Haggar initially.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the Blue Oni, and wears blue cloths to prove it.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: For Cody.
Introduced in Final Fight 3, Lucia is a member of Metro City's Special Crime Unit, cleared of corruption charges thanks to the help of Haggar. With the help of him, Guy and newcomer Dean, she fights the Skull Cross gang, who have filled the Evil Power Vacuum after the collapse of the New Mad Gear gang.
- Amazonian Beauty: Just like Maki, official art shows the Lucia has some noticeable biceps. Her sprites, however, merely give Lucia an athletic build.
- Bare Your Midriff: Like the rest of her gear, Lucia's bikini top and leather biker top doesn't cover a whole heck of a lot.
- Dual Tonfas: Her signature weapon.
- Fair Cop: Given the other confirmed members of Metro City's police force aren't the most attractive (Edi. E, Dave), Lucia's beauty and and athleticism balances it all out.
- Fingerless Gloves: A pair of brown gloves to match her jacket, they're blue later in the series.
- Hurricane Kick: Her Hurricane Spinner.
- Kick Chick: Relies heavily on kicks, giving her the longest reach of the four.
- Lethal Chef: In the manual.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Playing with Fire: Her normal and super flying kicks.
- She's Got Legs: Like Maki, her outfit puts heavy emphasis on them, and they are toned due to her kick-heavy fighting style.
- Stripperiffic: Oddly enough, the game's intro has Lucia dressed in more formal (and more conservative) police attire.
- Wall Jumper
Introduced in Final Fight 3, Dean is a lone street fighter who assists Guy, Lucia and Haggar in their fight against the Skull Cross gang after they murdered his family when he refused their offer to join them.
- Drop the Hammer: His signature weapon.
- It's Personal: After the Skull Cross Gang kills his family.
- Jack of All Stats: Well, almost.
- The Lancer: To Guy.
- Mysterious Past: Even by Final Fight standards, very little is known about Dean other than his family's murder.
- Shock and Awe: His super moves, which led to rumors that he isn't entirely human.
- Shrouded in Myth: He may or may not be a Cyborg.
- The Stoic: Almost enough to give Guy a run for his money.
- Walking Into The Sunset: In the ending.
Kyle Travers is the main character of Final Fight: Streetwise and brother to Cody from the first Final Fight. He fights as an underground pit fighter in Metro City with Cody as his trainer. When Cody is kidnapped, Kyle goes on a one man search party to find him and those that abducted him.
- Author Avatar: To a degree, seeing as he's voiced by artist Trent Kaniuga, who helped develop Streetwise.
- Batter Up: His signiture weapon in arcade mode of Streetwise.
- Composite Character: Can acquire attacks from Cody, Guy and Haggar throughout story mode.
- Deadpan Snarker: With the crap he has to deal with throughout the game, he could be even snarkier.
- Genius Bruiser: He's a college grad, don't believe me? Look at the degree on top of the shelf in his apartment that says "College".
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Smokes when he's annoyed.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He doesn't even try to be nice in the extroverted sense most of the time, but whether he's forced or he's doing what he needs to protect his friends, family and his Hood, he ends up doing the right thing.
- Narrator: Of Streetwise.
- Perma-Stubble: Throughout Streetwise, he sports a five o'clock shadow.
- Remember the New Guy?: Guy doesn't, everyone else seems too.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Not a smart idea to kidnap his brother.
Mad Gear Gang (Final Fight)
Bred, Dug, Jake and Simons
The Goombas of Final Fight thugs, Bred and his head swaps Dug, Jake and Simmons are the low-ranking members of the Mad Gear gang. The only thing that's really notable about Bred (other than his dumb name) is that his car gets trashed in a Bonus Stage by the heroes. He would go on to make a cameo in Super Street Fighter IV where in yet another bonus stage, Cody and/or Guy wreck another one of his cars.
- Big OMG: When Bred's cars get totaled, changed to "Oh, My Car!" in the overseas versions of the SNES and GBA ports and Super Street Fighter IV.
- Expy: Iron in Mighty Final Fight, who is based on Bred.
- The Goombas: A simple 3-4 punch combo, and these guys are out for the night.
- Head Swap: Jake and Simons differ from Bred and Dug due to the vests they wear and their jump kick attacks in the arcade version.
- Kick A Barrel At It: Sometimes these guys kick oil drums towards the heroes, causing them to roll into the ground.
- Mooks: They are Mad Gear's front line, and they have the "honor" of taking on two 20-something fighting prodigies and enraged wrestler mayor first.
- Shout-Out: Simons to Gene Simmons.
Two P and J
The quick fighters in the Mad Gear gang, they were just a step above Bred in being a threat. Two P remained with the gang until Belger's defeat. In Final Fight: Streetwise, Two P changes his name to 2-Ill (he doesn't like to be reminded of his Mad Gear days) and helps Kyle search for his brother, by gathering information for him, for a price.
- Ambidextrous Sprite: J's jacket has the word "BAD" written over it. It becomes mirrored when he faces to the right.
- Ascended Extra: From a regular Mook to a significant character, plot-wise, in Streetwise.
- Assist Character: 2-Ill to Kyle in story mode of Streetwise.
- Dirty Coward: Yeah, these guys subscribe to the "jumping an enemy from behind" fighting style.
- Expy/Meaningful Name/Shout-Out: Two P. is based on the Player 2 character from Forgotten Worlds, hence his name ("Two P." as in "2P").
- Gale in Mighty Final Fight is based on J.
- Fragile Speedster: They attack and move fast, are a nuisance when you're distracted by a lot of other enemies, but generally have low HP and are quick to kill. J, in particular, is known for his "razor like jabs".
- Head Swap: In the arcade version, Jay has a nuclear symbol on the back of his jacket, while Two P. has a dragon. In the SNES and GBA versions, they both wore nuclear symbols.
- Heel Face Turn: 2-Ill.
- The Informant: 2-Ill to Kyle.
- Old Shame: For 2-Ill, it was working for Mad Gear and having the name Two P.
- Sunglasses at Night: 2-Ill in Streetwise.
- Who Names Their Kid 2p: Given that a fair deal is given about his name change, and that he didn't change his name to something that sounds very much like his original, 2P's name seems to really be 2P.
El Gado and Holly Wood
Mad Gear's knife-fighters, It is revealed in Final Fight Revenge that El Gado infiltrated the gang to kill Rolento who is responsible for the deaths of his family. Eventually, Rolento made a deal with him, and El Gado spared his life. They appear in Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Street Fighter Alpha 3 as two of his knife fighters that aids Rolento in battle.
- Animal Motifs: Scorpions for El Gado.
- Assist Character: Of Rolento in the Street Fighter Alpha series and Capcom vs. SNK 2.
- Dynamic Entry: Sometimes shows up jumping through their upside down, hitting the player characters if he gets above them.
- Expy: Tequilla in Mighty Final Fight, who resembles El Gado.
- Glass Cannon: Rather literally; the red-garbed Holly Woods who throw firebombs in the original game can be taken out with just a couple of hits, while the regular knife-wielding version is fairly tough.
- Head Swap: El Gado has black hair that's either curly with a hair band or covered under a cap depending on the adaption, while Holly Wood always wears a cap. El Gado has a green jumpsuit and a goatee, Holly Wood has a tan or red jupsuit and clean shaven.
- Invisibility Cloak: El Gado's "Scorpion Viel".
- It's Personal: El Gado against Rolento for killing El Gado's family, but...
- Every Man Has His Price: ...and Rolento found El Gado's to have him spare his life.
- Knife Nut: They can throw knives, stab with them, and jump overhead to stab downward at the player.
- Molotov Cocktail: Holly Wood (the red-clothed version).
- Nice Hat: The cap Holly Wood and El Gado (on occasion) wear is simple and form fitting.
- Palette Swap: There are two variants of Holly Wood. The brown ones are the standard knife-wielding ones, while the red ones throw molotov cocktails.
- Stuff Blowing Up: El Gado with TNT in Revenge.
- Wrestler in All of Us: El Gado's finishing move is the Scorpion Death Lock.
Poison and Roxy
Part of Mad Gear's acrobatic seemingly female thugs, Poison grew up in a rich family... as a boy. One sex change later, she is disowned by her parents and became one of Metro City's homeless, until she started working for Mad Gear. She and her Palette Swap Roxy (who may also have been a man in another life) were the gang's acrobatic fighters. After Mad Gear's defeat, Poison develops a crush on Cody and purses him in Final Fight Revenge. She realizes that Cody will never love her, and after he's arrested, Poison moves on. Some time afterward, she reunites with her old partner Hugo Andore from Mad Gear, and together, they make a legitimate career in professional wrestling, Poison being the manager and Hugo doing the work.
The tropes below explains the long complicated story on why Poison and Roxy are transwomen/transvestites.
Refer to this fan-made documentary for actual facts on Poison's gender confusion saga.
- All There in the Manual: Their genders. Character bios in manuals, guide books, and even design documents, clearly labels them as male (or "newhalf," a Wasei-eigo term for transwomen).
- Ambiguous Gender: Roxy. While Poison is outright stated to be a transwoman, Roxy is left ambiguous.
- Ascended Extra: From a regular Mook and cameos in Hugo's appearances in Street Fighter III and SNK vs. Capcom SVC Chaos, to playable in Revenge and Street Fighter X Tekken.
- Attractive Bent Gender: This character profile from Card Fighters DS said it best.
"She's a man, baby! But she's prettier and sexier than any other woman."
- UDON's World Warrior Encyclopedia includes this gem:
"She may seem like a dynamite babe, but anyone who knows the real Poison will tell you she's anything but ladylike!"
- Bare Your Midriff: Poison and Roxy wear midriff white tank tops.
- Combat Stilettos: They fight in heels, and they never seem to fall off despite all the acrobatics they do.
- Crossover: Was supposed to appear in the cancelled Capcom Fighting All Stars before finally making her crossover debut in Street Fighter X Tekken.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Much of the confusion of Poison's gender comes from Final Fight: Revenge, an American-designed 3D fighting game in which Poison was depicted as born female. The Japanese localization reverted back to her birth sex. Roxy's gender is classified "female" in the character bios of Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1, but this is nothing but a Capcom USA retcon.
- Expy: Poison and/or Roxy's younger sister, Poison Kiss in Mighty Final Fight, who is actually female.
- Kick Chick: Mostly true in the original games as most of their best-known attacks were kicks. By Revenge, Street Fighter X Tekken and Ultra Street Fighter IV, this would be evened out for Poison as she used her riding crop to attack.
- Kiss of Death: Complete with hearts.
- Nice Hat
- Palette Swap: Poison has pink hair, while Roxy has orange.
- She Fu: Given the time when she was released, it's only natural that this is how she fights.
- She's a Man In Japan: But post-op in the States.
- She's Got Legs: Extenuated by their short shorts and 5'9 frames.
- Shout-Out: Poison is named after a band. As Billy and Sid, they are named after Billy Idol and Sid Vicious.
- Stripperiffic: The ratio for clothing to skin is about 65/35 in favor of skin.
- Underboobs: Both Poison and Roxy.
- Villainous Crossdresser: Poison. Whether or not Roxy is one is up for debate.
- Villainous Crush: On Cody, according to Revenge.
- Whip It Good: In Revenge. In Street Fighter X Tekken, she uses a riding crop.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: Hot pants to be specific.
- You Gotta Have Pink Or Neon Orange Hair: In Billy's case, it's green.
The Andore Family
Originally hailing from West Germany, the Andore Family are a family of hulking brutes that worked under Belger as members of the Mad Gear gang. They consisted of Andore, Andore Jr., Father Andore, Uncle Andore and Grandfather Andore. After the fall of the original Mad Gear gang, Andore tried to pick a fight with Haggar on TV in Final Fight Revenge, to no avail. He, Grandfather Andore and Andore Jr. then worked for Retu's Mad Gear faction in Final Fight 2. Andore was then later recruited by the Skull Cross gang in Final Fight 3 and crime lord Vito Bracca as a pit fighter in Final Fight: Streetwise.
Hugo from Street Fighter III is the same character as the "regular" Andore (the one in lavender clothing).
- Afro Asskicker: The entire family. When you're based on one of the mightiest pro-wrestlers in the world, you tend to do that.
- Ascended Extra: In Street Fighter III as mentioned, but also Street Fighter X Tekken.
- Continuity Drift: Andore and Hugo are stated to be one and the same. However, Hugo's official character profile in Street Fighter III makes no mention of having any brothers (only two unseen sisters) and his father, instead of being a wrestler, is a German farmer.
- Crossover: Hugo (confirmed to be the "regular" lavender-clothed Andore) was featured in the Street Fighter III series and SNK vs. Capcom SVC Chaos.
- Dumb Muscle: Hugo, who is a borderline Manchild, sought to challenge Haggar to a fight and never figured out his message never even hit air.
- Elite Mook: The Handicap, Steel Cage match in the West Side.
- Giant Mook
- Ground Pound: Hugo/Andore has several moves like this in Revenge, Street Fighter III and Street Fighter 4, all of them end up squashing his foes into the pavement.
- Mighty Glacier: The Andores' may be slow (still faster than the fat enemies), but their attacks freaking hurt! In addition to their punch attacks, they have a charging punch, a choke attack, a throw, and can jump on you when you're knocked down. The Andore family have the most health out of all the mooks.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: They are named and modeled after famed wrestler André the Giant (Andore is pronounced "An-do-re," which is also the Japanese pronunciation for Andre).
- Non-Indicative Name: Andore Jr. is Andore's younger brother, not his son. Averted with the rest of the clan, whose respective single initials indicate their relation ("F." is for Father, "U." is for Uncle and "G." is Grandpa).
- Palette Swap: The standard Andore wears lavender clothing, Junior wears red, Father wears gold, Uncle wears black, and Grandpa wears blue. Hugo wears lavender by default, but wears some of the other colors as alternate color schemes.
- Real Men Wear Pink: The regular Andore.
- Transplant: Hugo, of the Andore family, joined the Street Fighter III roster starting with 2nd Impact.
- Unique Enemy: The standard Andore and Andore Jr. are recurring mooks, but the Father, Uncle and Grandpa variants are unique to Round 3, and Uncle only appears if a second player is present.
- Whip It Good: Andore's "Giant Chain".
- Wrestler in All of Us: That wrestler being André the Giant. Still, they will slam the heroes into the street with pile drivers of their own.
- Wrestling Doesn't Pay: So work for a gang instead.
- Wrestling Family: At least five members: you have the standard issue one (Andore/Hugo), his brother (Junior), his father, his uncle and his grandfather.
Axl and Slash
A pair of bikers with powerful attacks and defensive ability.
- Expy: Sarge in Mighty Final Fight.
- Axl and Slash themselves wear an outfit similar to the one wore by Kenshiro during the later chapters of Fist of the North Star.
- Head Swap: Axl has long blond hair with a red bandana, and wears black leather; Slash has a pompadour (curly dark hair in the SNES version), and is decked in reddish-brown leather.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Modeled after the lead singer and former guitarist from Guns N' Roses.
- No Shirt Leather Jacket: Axl and Slash go shirtless, exposing their muscles.
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: Take a guess.
- Stone Wall: Outside of blocking, they only have two attacks: a hammer fist and a kick. Yet despite that, they are known for doing as much damage as most bosses. The exception is Sodom, Edi. E, Abigail and Belger.
G. Oriber, Bill Bull and Wong Who
A trio of heavy-set fat goons that charge at the opponent head first.
- Alliterative Name: Bill Bull and Wong Who. Averted with G. Oriber, whose initial stands from "Graham".
- Badass Beard: G. Oriber and Bill Bull.
- Badass Mustache: Wong Who's mustache is of the Fu Manchu variety.
- Bald of Evil: All three are bald, though Wong Who has a topknot.
- Beard of Evil: G. Oriber and Bill Bull.
- Bullfight Mook: Mainly attack by charging with their heads.
- Fat Bastard: Fat, but part muscle at least, but the Bastard part is spot on. Bill Bull is an angry drunk, Oriber likes to bully people, and Wong smuggles weapons and contraband into Metro City.
- Head Swap: G. Oriber and Wong Who are head-swaps of Bill Bull. Oriber wears blue, Bill Blue wears grey, and Wong Who wears green.
- Mighty Glacier: Sometimes they border on Lightning Bruiser, especially if any of them are charging from off-screen. What doesn't help is that they have a limited ability to change direction in mid-charge, which makes them difficult to avoid safely.
- Nice Shoes: They all sport clog-style shoes.
- Use Your Head: Their charge attack.
A Caribbean born bruiser, Damnd is the lowest ranking of Mad Gear's leaders. He is directly responsible for kidnapping Jessica and sells drugs out of Metro City's slums. When he faces Cody, Guy and Haggar, he constantly call for back-up while he takes rests to conserve his energy. After the fall of Mad Gear, Damnd goes into hiding back to the Caribbean, but returns to Metro City shortly after.
- Casanova Wannabe: Hits on Maki in the Caribbean in his ending. Sadly, his tired pick-up lines lead him to get buried deep into the sand.
- Clean Dub Name: Called Thrasher for the SNES and Sega CD ports of Final Fight.
- Cowardly Boss: Fights for a little bit, then, once he realizes he's getting beat, he'll jump back, call for reinforcements and take a breather. Only when the heroes are surrounded will he fight again taking a cheap shot as he does so.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: He's a black man with golden dreads, it is unknown if it's dyed or not.
- The Dark Chick
- Flunky Boss: Disposable minions are just a whistle away.
- Just Whistle: Which he'll do 3-4 times to summon more thugs until he's beaten.
- Scary Black Man
- Spin Attack: His rolling attack.
- Sunglasses at Night: In Revenge.
An American Japanophile decked in a Samurai-like armor and helmet, Sodom was a member of the Mad Gear gang, working as an underground wrestling promoter and undefeated champion in a secret ring within Metro City's subway system. Sodom would use twin katana in his matches that can be knocked out of his hands from the opponent. After the downfall of the gang in Final Fight, he attempts to revive the Mad Gear gang under his leadership, attempting to recruit his former allies, as well as Japanese sumo wrestlers like E. Honda in Street Fighter Alpha.
- The Brute
- Clean Dub Name: Called Katana for the SNES and Sega CD ports of Final Fight.
- Cool Helmet/Cool Mask
- Crossover: Has appeared in the three games of the Street Fighter Alpha series.
- Dual-Wielding: Sodom starts out with two katanas. When one or both of them are knocked out of his hands, he will get up and try to retrieve them as quickly as possible.
- Evil Counterpart: Of Guy.
- Gratuitous Japanese: In-Universe: this every appearance he's made where he has spoken. In Final Fight Revenge, however, Sodom's voice actor is a native English speaker, speaking Japanese which is what Sodom is.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Uses them in his Subway boss battle as well as his X-Ism mode in Street Fighter Alpha 3. Along with his Jitte from his Street Fighter appearances, they are his most iconic weapons.
- McNinja: He's a McSamurai, as he's really American, but speaks entirely in Gratuitous Japanese (and messes up the pronunciation spectacularly) and dual-wields katanas.
- Public Domain Artifact: Both of his katanas are Muramasa. Unlike the Masamune normally found in other stages, they don't disappear if the player is knocked out wielding one.
- Samurai: Tries to get the look down by wearing a samurai kabuto, "armor" (shoulder pads from American Football), tabi and zori. He also uses samurai weaponry, specifically his swords.
- Shout-Out: Named after a Thrash Metal band.
- Unfortunate Names: While his name comes from a rock band, it's not lost on those that Sodom is also the name of a city that was destroyed by God in the Bible.
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss: Once Damnd is dealt with, the real boss battles start with Sodom. Simply punching him normally only took off a sliver of a fraction of his health with each hit, forcing you to rely on throws or to pick up one of his dropped swords to attack him. In terms of offense, his katanas and unpredictable rushing attack can take off anywhere close to one half of a full health bar.
- Wicked Cultured: He is well-versed in many elements of Japan's culture; a point of humor, however, is that his usage of the language is somewhat dubious, as shown with the (incorrect) kanji on his costume and several of his win quotes.
- Worthy Opponent: Sees Guy as this after his defeat.
Edi. E
Far from Metro City's finest, Edi. E is a police officer in on Mad Gear's take. He patrolled the city's West Side district, taking out rival gangs and stifling efforts of fellow officers. When he needs to fight, he fights with his gun and night stick in tow. With Mad Gear defeated, Edi. E was one of the lucky few to escape prosecution and even threw some of his fellow members in jail just to throw everyone off. In Final Fight Revenge, Edi. E grew to hate Cody and helped to get Cody arrested. When Cody broke out of jail in Street Fighter Alpha 3, Edi. E wasn't far behind.
- Ambiguously Brown: In Final Fight games he's this; in any other appearance, he's much lighter.
- The Cameo: Chases Cody in Street Fighter Alpha 3 in one of his win poses after his escape from prison.
- Car Fu: Edi. E uses his squad car to run down enemies as a super in Revenge.
- Carpet of Virility: There is just enough of his police shirt open to see his very hairy chest. Given his forearms, he's seems to be hairy all over.
- Combat Pragmatist: See Car Fu above; also, he's the only boss in the 2D games to use a gun.
- Dirty Cop: A (now former) member of Mad Gear who abused his power to help the the group in gang wars and take out other opposition. He also arrested Cody in Revenge as well revenge for helping to topple Mad Gear.
- Dual Tonfas: His nightstick.
- Expy: Also takes after Sleepy. However, while Sleepy has some standards, Edi.E is corrupt through and through.
- Fat Bastard: He's a corrupt cop, who carelessly shoots at his own thugs if they get in the way, and is implied to have no problems running people over with his car.
- Flunky Boss: After a few good hits on Edi. E, Mad Gear's underling come to gang up on the heroes, and it continues until the corrup cop nears his defeat.
- Hand Cannon/Revolvers Are Just Better: His .44 Magnum.
- Karma Houdini: Unlike the other Mad Gear members, he escapes punishment for his actions and is still allowed to be a cop.
- Nice Hat: Standard issue MCPD peaked cap, it completes his uniform.
- Sixth Ranger Traitor
- Verbal Tic: Saying "Ba-Bang" when he fires is gun in Revenge.
A German-American mercenary, Rolento F. Schugerg formerly served the American special forces unit the Red Berets before joining Mad Gear as sub-leader, managing the gang's secret drug plant located at Metro City's Industrial Area in the original Final Fight. The stage was left out of both SNES versions, so Rolento returned as a near-endgame boss of Retu's Mad Gear gang in Final Fight 2 in Italy to compensate for it. In Final Fight Revenge and the Street Fighter Alpha series, Rolento's priorities had changed. He now wants to start his own Utopian Nation with the aid of Mad Gear's knife fighters. In all his appearances, Rolento's fighting style involves lots rolling, grenade throwing and baton twirling.
- Bomb-Throwing Anarchists: He uses grenades in close combat, for crying out loud!
- Colonel Badass: Whether he actually is a colonel or not is unknown. What is known is who he's based off of (see Expy below) and what he can do in a fight.
- Cool Plane: His own personal assault helicopter.
- Crossover: Made it into the Street Fighter Alpha series since 2, and he's part of the Capcom vs. SNK 2 roster, as well. In fact, alongside Maki, they're the first Final Fight characters to make appearances on the Capcom's Vs series.
- The Dragon: To Retu in Final Fight 2.
- The Evil Genius
- Expy: One of the many, many characters to crib notes from the Golan Colonel.
- Fingerless Gloves: He wears a brown pair as part of his uniform.
- Fragile Speedster/Glass Cannon: He's a quick and dangerous foe to do battle with, but he can't sponge damage like the others.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: A massive scar going from the top of his head, to the bridge of his nose going under his eye. Totally an evil scar.
- Lightning Bruiser: He's fast and deals out a lot of damage.
- Mad Bomber: Closing in on his defeat, Rolento throws every single last grenade he has at Cody, Haggar and Guy. When he looses, he drops all his remaining grenades around him and goes out in a fireball.
- Mysterious Middle Initial: F.
- Nice Hat: He's showing those dweebs how to rock a beret.
- Simple Staff: Rolento style of fighting, although his is more of a command baton rather than a weapon.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Spelled "Rolent" in Final Fight 2 and in his Street Fighter Alpha 2 ending.
- Tank Goodness: His ending in Revenge.
- Turns Red: In Final Fight and Final Fight 2.
- Unnecessary Combat Roll
- Wall Jumper: In a move that is or inspired his Mekong Delta Escape, Rolento jumps from one end of the elevator to the other to kick the heroes.
The top soldier in Belger's Mad Gear, Abigail controlled the Bay Area. His strength rivaled that of Haggar's and the Andore family, but his power increased two-fold when angered (which was every other second). After Mad Gear's defeat, Abigail disappeared (save for the occasional background cameo in the Street Fighter Alpha series.
- The Berserker
- Bullfight Boss: Charges his opponent to either bum rush his opponents or grab them and slam them hard.
- The Dragon
- Facial Markings: Has a black and white face tattoo similar to that of a pro wrestler.
- Flunky Boss: Like most of the bosses, Mad Gear's lower rung guys get involved when Abigail gets knocked down a couple times.
- Head Swap: Of Andore.
- Mighty Glacier: Mad Gear's most powerful member that's around the size of the Andore family.
- Put on a Bus: Not seen in Revenge with the other Final Fight bosses.
- Shout-Out: To King Diamond.
- Tomgirlish Name: Being named after a rock album doesn't make his name any less girlish.
- Turns Red: Abigail occasionally turns red and charges at the player with a running punch, roaring as he powers it up.
- Unstoppable Rage: When he starts to shout and turn red, run for your life.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Has running powerslam as one of his more deadly moves.
Horace Belger is the mastermind of the Mad Gear Gang, hiding behind the guise of being a businessman. He rides around in a motorized luxurious wheelchair with his weapon of choice being a repeating bolt-action crossbow gun. At first, he uses Jessica as human shield, Haggar, Cody and Guy get her away from him. Belger is finally defeated, but in Final Fight Revenge, Belger attempts to get his revenge on the heroes.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: An Evil Counterpart of Haggar, he's the head of the Mad Gear gang, yet can more than handle himself in a fight.
- Automatic Crossbows: His Weapon of Choice, the man does not even throw a punch or kick.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Dressed like he's going to a formal event of some kind, complete with bow-tie.
- Bald of Evil/Beard of Evil: A jet black beard worthy of stroking and a round dome on top. Add to the fact that he's made lots of money running crime, then the "Evil" part of it is also correct.
- Big Bad: Runs the Mad Gear gang, arranged Jessica's kidnapping and caused most the ills that's inflicted Metro City. He also is the heroes' Final Fight of the game.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Runs a company as a font to cover his illegal activity.
- Cyborg: In Mighty Final Fight.
- Destination Defenestration/Disney Villain Death: With a dose of Tactical Suicide Boss, Belger jumps next to the window to his high-rise tower refuses to leave when his health is low. Naturally, the final hit knocks him out of the window, and he falls to his death.
- Evil Cripple: He's faking it.
- Flunky Boss
- I Have Your Girlfriend: Not a good idea at all in hindsight; not only does kidnapping Jessica press Cody's Berserk Button, but it presses Haggar's as well.
- Killed Off for Real: But became part of The Undead in Revenge.
- Obfuscating Disability
- Spared by the Adaptation: In the Final Fight episode of the American Street Fighter cartoon, he falls off his building like he does in the game, but one of his suspenders is conveniently caught by a flag pole just before his body hits the pavement.
Mad Gear Gang (Final Fight 2)
The Andore Family
See their entry in Mad Gear Gang (Final Fight)
A wonderful collection of expies from the first game, these are Retu's globetrotting low-ranking minions. Bull, Elijah, Jack and Schot are the generic thugs, Mic and Mark are the quick fighters, Atlas and Jony are the strong guys with defense, and Elick is a heavy fighter with an electric tuning fork. Rounding out the group is Elias and Eliot who are tall skinny chumps with clubs, and Mary and Eliza who wield knives.
- Bare Your Midriff: Mary and Eliza.
- Bowdlerise: Mary and Eliza who were changed in the US and European versions for two affeminate punks called "Leon" and "Robert".
- Distaff Counterpart: Leon and Robert to Mary and Eliza.
- Dual-Wielding: Elick.
- Fat Bastard: Elick.
- Fragile Speedster: Mic and Mark.
- The Goombas: Bull and Elijah.
- Head Swap: Bull and Elijah, Jack and Schot, Mic and Mark, Atlas and Jony, Elias and Eliot, and Mary and Eliza (or Leon and Robert).
- Knife Nuts: Mary and Eliza.
- Mighty Glacier: Elick, Atlas and Jony.
- Mooks
- Nice Hat: Jack, Elick, Elias and Eliot.
- Psycho Electro: Elick.
- She Fu: Mary and Eliza.
- Stripperiffic: Mary and Eliza.
- Sunglasses at Night: Jack, Elick and Elias.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Elick to G. Oriber.
Won Won
An ex-sailor turned Mad Gear member, Won Won controls the seaport section in Hong Kong. Respected by the area's local mafia 108 Dragon, Won Won battles with his signature move, a seismic elbow drop. In the Japanese port of the game, he also had a cleaver, but that was taken out overseas due to censorship issues.
- Bald of Evil/Braids of Barbarism: Won Won's haircut complete with his braid wrapped in an orange bow.
- Bowdlerise: His meat cleaver was taken away in Western versions.
- Ironically, at the same time, his occupation was changed to say he was a former chef. Cue Face Palm.
- Even better, his "shoulder bash" still has a *slash* sound effect when it hits.
- The Brute
- Flunky Boss: The underlings attack as soon as the fight starts.
- Knife Nut: At least in Japan; in the other ports of the game, he's just a nut.
- Wrestler in All of Us: His elbow drop.
A former member of the US Marine Corps, Freddie was dishonorably discharged after he punched out a commanding officer. He became a mercenary hired by Mad Gear to lead their terrorism unit in France. His moves are include charging attack, a head crush move, a jumping attack, done after he knocks the player down, a lunging knee attack and a piledriver.
- Beard of Evil: A black beard that makes him look even scarier.
- The Brute
- Bullfight Boss: In part.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty/Sociopathic Soldier: Freddie can be summed up as a loose cannon Ex-Marine turned terrorist who is teaching Mad Gear underlings how to be as violent as he is.
- Flunky Boss: Thugs will help attack during the battle.
- Scary Black Man
A mentally unstable man with the body of Frankenstien's Monster, but the mindset of a child. He was bribed by Mad Gear with a roomful of toys and is imprisoned in the room when not needed. He has a throw, a flying jumpkick and a dashing punch that does massive damage.
- The Dark Chick
- Dumb Muscle: Dumb enough to be manipulated by Mad Gear, strong enough to break out of his cell to fight the heroes.
- Flunky Boss: Despite his unstable nature, the thugs are brave enough (or dumb enough) to give Bratken a hand.
- Frankenstein's Monster: Clearly designed to bring this image to mind.
- Mighty Glacier: Yet another Goliath that towers over Haggar with enough power to knockdown the heroes in one blow.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Mentally unstable, he is a threat to "friend" or foe alike, unless he gets a lot of toys to play with.
Philippe is a clown working for the R & B Circus, smuggling illegal items for Mad Gear through it. He uses a cane to battle his opponents. He is able to grab his enemy and strike repeatedly with it, which is very damaging. He also has a sliding attack that knocks his opponent down instantly.
- Cane Fu: Phillipe uses his cane to strike enemies from a distance.
- Evil Brit
- The Evil Genius
- Flunky Boss: After the start of the battle, Mad Gear thugs will appear to fight.
- Monster Clown: An evil clown who smuggles items to terrorists using his circus as a front... yep, he qualifies.
- Nice Hat: Wears top hat similar to what magicians wear.
See his entry in Mad Gear Gang (Final Fight)
Retu is the second leader of Mad Gear after it's downfall in the first game. In of retaliation against their defeat, Retu kidnaps Guy's master and fiance and holds them hostage. With a deadly spin-kick and powerful strikes, Retu held his own against a battle with Haggar, Maki and Carlos, but was defeated.
- Anime Hair: Having elements of a kabuki in his wardrobe, Retu's hair (or wig) is ankle-legnth, flowing and very very hot pink.
- Big Bad: The leader of the Mad Gear gang in Final Fight 2 and responsible for kidnapping Rena and Genryusai. According to his Street Fighter V profile, his infuence expands to all of Asia.
- Disney Villain Death: Just like Belger, Retu has an unhealthy obsession with the paper-thin shoji style walls at the top of his high-rise building. Naturally, the final hit knocks him out of the window and he falls to his death.
- Facial Markings: His face is painted in the kumadori style of makeup used by kabuki artists.
- Hurricane Kick: Has the Kaiten Senpukyaku, a jumping spin kick similar to that used by Street Fighter's shoto characters.
- Killed Off for Real
Skull Cross Gang
The Andore Family
They're baaaaaaaaack... See their entry in Mad Gear Gang (Final Fight)
The low-ranked thugs of the Skull Cross gang are generic thugs G and Johnny, quick fighters Ray and Billy, claw-wielding quicksters Dirk and Rick, heavy fighters Fat Jack and Arby, baseball brawler Hunter, molotov cocktail tossing Fritz, small speedster Joe and female kunoichi May.
- Bare Your Midriff: May.
- Combat Stilettos: May.
- Dirty Coward: Ray, Billy and Joe.
- Dual-Wielding: Dirk and Rick.
- Fat Bastard: Fat Jack and Arby.
- Fragile Speedster: Ray and Billy.
- The Goombas: G and Johnny.
- Head Swap: G and Johnny, Ray and Billy, Dirk and Rick, and Fat Jack and Arby.
- I Know Madden Kombat: Hunter.
- Knife Nut: May.
- Mighty Glacier: Fat Jack and Arby.
- Molotov Cocktail: Fritz.
- Mooks: G and Johnny.
- Nice Hat: Hunter.
- Sensual Spandex: May.
- She Fu: May.
- Wolverine Claws: Dirk and Rick.
A renegade cop who has crossed over to the Skull Cross gang. Wielding a billy club, his deadliest attack is the giant jump.
- Beard of Evil: Has a full beard similar to Zangief's.
- Dirty Cop: Just like Edi E. before him, Dave is a cop who started working for a violent gang.
- Dual Tonfas: His Nightstick.
- Expy: Of Edi. E.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Flunky Boss: Calls in some of the lesser gang members to fight alongside him.
- Ground Pound: His signature attack is the Giant Jump, where he jumps high into the air and attempts to land on the player.
- Nice Hat
- Sixth Ranger Traitor
The head waiter of Creep Eats, a barbecue joint located in the back streets of Metro City. Callman is big but quick and catches opponents off guard with his rush attack.
- Bald of Evil
- Battle Butler: Not literally, but it's hard to not think of him as this sort of thing.
- The Brute
- Bullfight Boss
- Fingerless Gloves: Portrayed with them in-game and in his old artwork, but they're regular gloves in his CFN artwork.
- Flunky Boss: Like many other bosses here, he doesn't fight alone.
- Mighty Glacier
Drake is a sailor and the gang's weapon supplier who is stationed Metro City's shipyard. He fights with an anchor, but he also has a dashing headbutt and aerial butt smash.
- Anchors Away: Said anchor is attached to a chain and used like an:
- Beard of Evil: Has a full beard similar to Zangief's.
- The Brute
- Nice Hat: Wears a ship captain's hat.
- Skippable Boss: If you take the bus to the dumps instead of going to the port route.
- Sociopathic Sailor
The gang's mechanic, Caine attacks the player with a gigantic wrench in an abandoned bus yard, but this large boss is nearsighted and slow-moving.
- The Evil Genius
- Flunky Boss: As usual, he'll have some help during his boss fight.
- Grease Monkey: He's always enjoyed taking apart and tinkering with machines, even when he was a kid.
- Nice Hat: Wears a sideways cap.
- Scary Black Man
- Skippable Boss: If you take the port route, you can skip him.
- Wrench Whack: His signature attack.
Wong is a fallen monk who fights in a restaurant in Metro City's Chinatown. His attacks are a shoulder rush and a rolling attack which he can do as a recovery attack.
- Bald of Evil: Subverted. He has one long hair braid, but the rest of his head is bald.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: Apart from his prayer beads, which he doesn't actually use as a weapon.
- Braids of Barbarism: He has one long martial arts style braid.
- Flunky Boss: Doesn't fight alone.
- Skippable Boss: The same procedure as Caine, but you can going to defeat it in the stage 5, taking the upper way in the sewers.
- Spin Attack: His rolling attack.
Stray is the boss of the Industrial Area. He moves, jumps and strikes with lightning speed. Armed with spiked knuckles, Stray does a rushing punch attack and an aerial strike as his special moves.
- Badass Longcoat: Wears a green trenchcoat.
- The Dragon
- Extremity Extremist: Only punches.
- Flunky Boss: Doesn't fight alone.
- Power Fist: His spiked gauntlets
- Skippable Boss: This involves a little moment of Guide Dang It. To skip him, you have to go to the second room in the third part of the stage 5 (or the second part if you came from the Caine-Wong route). Defeat the enemies there, wait a moment, and you're going to proceed to another hidden room. There, you have to destroy all the machines with a little help from the mooks. If you destroyed all the machines, you can skip him, if you didn't, you'll proceed to the next part of the stage 5 instead. The only downfall of this is that you can't see the cinema display after you finished the stage in that way, or having access to the bonus game.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Black is the leader of the Skull Cross Gang and the final boss of the game. He uses a riding crop as his main weapon, occasionally throws knives, and possesses a spinning attack that is similar to Haggar's lariat and a ki attack similar to Guy's Palm Blast Attack.
- Big Bad: The leader of the Skull Cross Gang, and possibly has some connections to Mad Gear.
- Colonel Badass: He's a former mercenary who leads his own private army of ex-soldiers.
- Cool Plane: His own personal assault helicopter.
- Electric Torture: Like Belger and Retu, Black stands in front of the main power transformer when he's low on health and refuses to budge. When you beat him, he falls into the transformer, is electrocuted, and then the roof explodes. So unlike those two he doesn't fall to his death... probably.
- Expy: Of Rolento, which makes him yet another character to crib notes from the Colonel of God's Army.
- His eyepatch, scar, and uniform also make him a reasonable expy for both M. Bison and Sagat if they did the Fusion Dance.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a scar across his chest and one on his right shoulder.
- Ki Attacks: He can release a burst of blue energy from his palms.
- Killed Off for Real: Gets electrocuted to death.
- Knife Nut: He has throwing knives.
- Nice Hat: Wears a red beret with a gold skull on it.
- Spin Attack: His super version of the Double Lariat.
- Whip It Good: His riding crop.
- X-Ray Sparks
Bella's Gang
Nicholas "Nicky" Wissell aka the Weasel is a porn dealer in Cody and Kyle's neighborhood and leader of the Blue Ballers gang. Kyle has gone to him to force him to tell him on information about Cody whereabouts. Weasel would usually say no, then Kyle would slam his head into a blunt object until he talked. It is later revealed that he and his gang trafficked the addictive Psycho Serum GLOW throughout Metro City. The Weasel would face Kyle three times.
- Bald of Evil
- Butt Monkey
- Combat Pragmatist: The worst offender ever in Final Fight.
- Dark Chick
- Dirty Coward
- Flunky Boss
- Forklift Fu: First battle with Weasel.
- Jerkass
- Not in the Face: Both his Berserk Button and Catch Phrase.
- Tennis Boss: In the second battle they have, Weasel throws grenades at Kyle who can literally throw them back in Weasel's face.
- Throw Down the Bomblet
- Torture Always Works: As Kyle demonstrates when squeezing info from Weasel.
Devin Aranoc a.k.a. the Stiff is The Dragon to Father Bella. He kidnaps Cody after his thugs fight him and Kyle in Vanessa's bar. Kyle finds Stiff and fights him in a hotel. Stiff first fights by firing his gun with some assorted kicks if Kyle gets close. If he drops his gun, Kyle can pick it up, but the Stiff just pulls out another one. The second fight takes place on the roof of the hotel, where Stiff is unarmed. Stiff is defeated by Kyle and is knocked off the roof. Kyle does manage to save him, but when Stiff pulls out one more gun, Kyle lets him drop to his death.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Blood Knight
- The Dragon
- The Gunslinger
- Hey, You: Calling Kyle "Kung Fu".
- Hyperspace Arsenal: He looses a gun, he'll get another one.
- Killed Off for Real: Revealed later to be Not Quite Dead.
- The Stoic
Dino a.k.a. Blades was an assassin and enforcer for Vito Bracca, who worked for Father Bella in secret. Kyle and Blades fight in the church cemetery. Blades fights with his twin knifes and acrobatic skill. He can use his knives to shield himself from gunfire. Kyle defeats Blades, but he later returns.
- Ax Crazy
- Blood Lust
- The Brute
- Dual-Wielding: His twin knives.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Glass Cannon
- Knife Nut
- Made of Indestructium: The blades on his knives that can deflect bullets.
- Psycho for Hire
- Serial Killer
Dr. Chang
Dr. Chang is responsible for the creation of GLOW, though she only did so because threatened to kill her. She meets Kyle in a Fish Packing Plant. Kyle rescues her, and she reveals that the effects of the GLOW will ware off once the drug has run it's course. She leaves to help people in the city, but is once again kidnapped and force to work for Bella. He makes her make his version of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse using the glow. When Kyle sees her again, she is distraught for what Bella has made her do, lamenting that she could have helped people.
War is the first of Father Bella's Four Horsemen Kyle will face in Little Italy. War fights with a gating gun and grenades and is invulnerable to physical attacks. War can only be hurt by gunfire, grenades and molotov cocktails.
Famine is the second of Father Bella's Four Horsemen Kyle will face in Little Italy. He can stretch his arms and uses knife attacks.
- Ax Crazy
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: He has the most unimpressive death in all of Final Fight.
- Dual-Wielding: His twin knives.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Glass Cannon
- Killed Off for Real: Couldn't have happend to a nicer psycho.
- Knife Nut
- Rubber Man
- Serial Killer
Pestilence is the third of Father Bella's Four Horsemen Kyle will face in Little Italy. Unlike the other horsemen, Pestilence does not seem to have been originally human. Instead, its body seems to be comprised of the corpses of GLOW victims. Initially, Pestilence fights very slowly by spilling acidic GLOW in the nearby area, throwing one of its many limbs and firing out explosive GLOW bubbles at Kyle. Kyle defeated Pestilence a first time, but the creature changed its form into a slimmer, more humanlike form. In this form, Pestilence used fighting combos, energy blasts and grabbing church pews to use as weapons against Kyle.
- Bishonen Line: Its second form is not much of an improvement, but it is an improvement.
- Detachment Combat: Its first form, has plenty of ammo.
- Ki Attacks
- Killed Off for Real: Via melting into a mass of goo.
- Mighty Glacier
- Mutants
- Slime Blowing Up
- The Unintelligible
Death is the final member of Father Bella's Four Horsemen Kyle will face in Little Italy, but before that, he was the first Horseman Kyle faced. In reality, there were two versions of Death: the first one was discovered in the Fish Packing Plant at the Pier District. In addition to his physical attacks, Death uses his mutated bones from his body as weapons and can generate electricity from his body, to protect himself or harm Kyle. He can also eat GLOW-induced rats to regain life.
Kyle faces the second Death on the roof of Father Bella's church. Death's attacks are all unblockable with his Hurricane Punch, Earth Splitter and Power Storm attacks generating green energy from his body. Later, Father Bella helps Death in the fight by injecting more GLOW into his body when he is defeated.
Death 1 aka Stiff Death
- Back from the Dead: But it came at a price.
- Flechette Storm
- Hyperactive Metabolism: From eating drugged-up rats.
- Killed Off for Real: The unstable nature of the GLOW made his body disintegrate.
- Psycho Electro
- Shock and Awe
Death 2 a.k.a. Cody Death
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Death's unblockable special moves.
- Dual Boss: With Father Bella.
- Elemental Powers:
- Fighting Your Family
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: With Kyle.
Father Bella (Father Belger)
Father Bella is the mastermind of the GLOW outbreak in Metro City. He forced Dr. Chang to make GLOW in an attempt to take over the city and become its "savior", cleansing it of all sinners. He also held a personal vendetta against Cody. With the services of Stiff, Blades and Weasel, Bella spread GLOW throughout the city and planned to have mob boss Vito Bracca take the blame.
When Kyle faces Death, Bella first stands on the sidelines, but after he's defeated once, Bella becomes more daring in the second round. As Death attacks, Bella stands a safe distance away, using a bazooka, grenades and a machine gun against Kyle while Death also attacks Kyle. When Death is defeated, Bella will inject more GLOW in his body to heal him, holding Kyle off with a sword. Only when both Death and Bella are defeated does Kyle win the fight.
- BFG: The Bazooka.
- Big Bad
- The Chessmaster
- Cycle of Revenge: Goes the whole "eye for an eye" route with his revenge; Cody killed his brother, so now he's going to kill Cody (Kyle's brother).
- Dual Boss: With Death.
- Evil Plan
- Gatling Good
- Grenades
- Killed Off for Real
- The Medic: To Death.
- Sinister Minister
- You Killed My Brother: Cody killed his brother Belger from Final Fight.
Underground Fighters
Minor Fighters
Three of the pit fighters Kyle fights in Final Fight: Streetwise are Handsome Bob, the Locksmith and the Ghost. Handsome Bob, whose not really that handsome, is Kyle's first opponent who, when knocked down, gets up with a rising hook punch. The Locksmith is a black guy who is only slightly quicker than Handsome Bob and has a Flash Kick that can combo into an unblockable forward kick. The Ghost may just well be Joe from Street Fighter, but they really don't say in the game. He is a Muay Thai fighter under Vito Bracca who is a very quick fighter.
- Extremity Extremist: Ghost, who has one elbow strike and kicks for the rest of the attacks.
- Fragile Speedster: Ghost.
- Jack of All Stats: Handsome Bob and the Locksmith.
- Shout-Out: Ghost looks like Joe from the first Street Fighter while Locksmith uses Guile's Flash Kick.
- Warmup Boss: Handsome Bob.
Hey it's this guy again, as always see the "The Andore Family entry in Mad Gear Gang (Final Fight)
Lou "The Skin"
Lou is a tattoo artist in Metro City who has a number of tattoos and piercings on himself. He's a member of Guy's crew who uses capoeira as his fighting style. While Kyle was searching for his brother Cody, he finds a picture of Cody's with a mob's man with a tattoo. He asks the Skin about it in his parlor and unexpectelly clocks Kyle over the head with a cash register. The tattoo is revealed to belong to Guy. After some misunderstandings, Lou fights Kyle using his acrobatic fighting style and loads of kicks. Kyle defeats him, and Lou becomes a pit fighter, Kyle can face in Japantown.
Kyle: "There's a fine line between genius and insanity. Lou just happens to re-ink that line from time to time."
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Dance Battler
- Extremity Extremist: As the Capoeira master that he is, he's limited to kicking in his fighting style.
- Freaky Is Cool
- Hot-Blooded
- Odd Friendship: With Guy.
- Shout-Out: His handstand taunt and maybe his fighting style in general are this to Elena in Street Fighter III.
- Sir Swearsalot: In the game he's in, that's saying something.
- Tattooed Crook
The final pit fighter in the game, Cammy takes a break from working for Delta Red to kick some ass in Metro City's Japantown district. Why is never explained, but it's not that important. Cammy uses many of her command and special moves from her Street Fighter appearances. Probably one of the more frustrating characters to fight in the entire series.
- Action Girl
- Body Paint
- British Accents
- The Cameo
- Cute Bruiser
- Fragile Speedster
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Kick Chick
- Lightning Bruiser
- Murderous Thighs
- Nice Hat
- Rapunzel Hair Pigtails
- She's Got Legs
- Tyke Bomb
- Wrestler in All of Us
Jessica is Mike Haggar's daughter and Cody's ex-girlfriend who must have a Damsel in Distress sign taped to her back. She is carried off by Damnd in the beginning of Final Fight and taken to Mad Gear's hideout. When the heroes finally do find her, she is held tightly by Belger in his lap, but escapes after his wheelchair is broken. Ultimately, she is saved by Cody and the rest in the game's ending. In Final Fight Revenge, she disappears which plays a central role in that game's storyline. It is never resolved in any of the characters' endings, but Haggar does rescue her from danger. Eventually, Cody and Jessica break up after Cody couldn't give up his destructive behavior, and she travels to Europe shortly after. She occasionally makes cameos in games involving Final Fight characters.
- Blue Eyes
- Daddy's Girl: Loves her father dearly, to the point where she is in her father's win poses in Saturday Night Slam Masters.
- Damsel in Distress/Save the Princess: The objective of the first Final Fight was to rescue her from the Mad Gear Gang.
- Fingerless Gloves: In the first game's ending.
- Hair of Gold
- Lady in Red
- Put on a Bus: After breaking up with Cody around the time of Street Fighter Alpha 3, Jessica had decided to head to Europe via a study abroad.
- Sexy Backless Outfit: Her red cocktail dress.
- Shameful Strip: When Damnd contacts her father, we see Jessica on the monitor tied up and wearing nothing but her underwear. That scene was cut from the English version of the arcade game though and the SNES version redrew the scene to depict her in her traditional red cocktail dress.
- She's Got Legs: With sexy heels to boot.
- Shout-Out: The character resembles Ellen Aim (Diane Lane), the Love Interest in the film Streets of Fire (1984). The film has Ellen abducted by a motorcycle gang. Her former boyfriend Tom Cody (Michael Pare) has to face the gang to rescue her.
Rena is Guy's fiancée and Genryusai's eldest daughter. Like Genryusai, she is taken captive by Retu during the events of Final Fight 2. Unlike Jessica and her sister Maki, she and her father haven't appeared since.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: No mention of Rena is made after this game... despite the fact that by Guy's most recent appearances (namely, Super Street Fighter IV and Streetwise), they should be Happily Married, perhaps with kids of their own. It's one of the many reasons (besides Guy's possibly unintentional Ship Tease with Rose in Super Street Fighter IV) that fans believe that only the first installment of this series is canon to Street Fighter lore.
- Damsel in Distress/Save the Princess: The objective of the Final Fight 2 was to rescue her and her father from the Mad Gear Gang.
- Girly Girl: To Maki's Tomboy.
- Satellite Character/Shallow Love Interest: We only know that she's a Nice Girl and likely a Yamato Nadeshiko, has long dark hair, and is Guy's fiancee/Maki's older sister.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Unwilling Suspension: How Retu restrained her and her father during the game's final battle.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Likely. Not only she has the looks, but she also possesses rather polite speech patterns and wears a dark-colored kimono.
Genryusai is Guy's master and the father of Maki and Rena. He is taken captive by Retu and the revived Mad Gear during the events of Final Fight 2. Like Rena, he is never seen again after they were rescued. Note that in the later Street Fighter Alpha series, it is established that instead of Genryusai, a man named Zeku is the 38th Bushin-style master and Guy's master. As such, it is assumed that Genryusai was Zeku's teacher instead
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome
- Dude in Distress/Save Maki's Father: The objective of the Final Fight 2 was to rescue him and his daughter from the Mad Gear Gang.
- Old Master: To Guy.
- Satellite Character: Like Rena, there isn't much to him other that he's important to Maki and Guy and was taken by the Mad Gear gang, so the heroes must rescue him.
- Unwilling Suspension: How Retu restrained him and Rena during the game's final battle.
Vanessa Sims is the girlfriend of Kyle Travers and owner and bartender of the "Barfly" lounge in Final Fight: Streetwise. When Kyle’s brother Cody is taken captive by the Stiff in her bar, Vanessa does her best to provide information and ideas to Kyle to find Cody. She also has her brother on the MCPD in aiding Kyle in his search. During the Glow induced riots on Metro City, Kyle and former Mad Gear member 2-ill saved her life.
- Assist Character: To Kyle, sort of.
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Bartender
- Blue Eyes
- But Not Too Black
- Faux Action Girl: She sure looks like the genuine article, but whenever she's around Kyle during a fight, she just gets hurt.
- Shallow Love Interest
Sgt. Sims
Sergeant Sims is a deep cover cop for the MCPD (Metro City Police Department) in Final Fight: Streetwise. By the request of his sister Vanessa, Sims assisted her boyfriend Kyle into looking for his missing brother Cody. He wanted Kyle not to get not to be involved due to the danger Cody was in and sought to arrest Cody for using GLOW. When Sims traced the source of the GLOW to a church in Little Italy during the city riots, Sims along with Kyle and whatever officers he had left attempted to storm the church.
- Badass
- Big Brother Mentor: To a degree, to Kyle.
- By-The-Book Cop
- Deep-Cover Agent
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: To Vanessa, but he sorta looks after Kyle too.
- Killed Off for Real: Off with His Head.
- Scary Black Man
Vito Bracca is the boss of a gang in Little Italy during Final Fight: Streetwise. Despite being a crime boss, Vito is a pious man who hates what GLOW's effect on the city. Kyle interrogates Vito about Cody's whereabouts after his kidnapping. Vito feeling disrespected has Blades take Kyle out of his sight. After Haggar tells Kyle to respect Vito, he competes in pit-fights for Vito for free, in exchange for info on Cody. Kyle wins the fights against the Ghost and Andore and gets the info he seeks and he lets Kyle keep his winnings as well. After an attack on Japantown, Vito sees Father Bella asking for guidance about the GLOW dilemma. Unaware of Bella's true intentions, Vito begins to pray at his suggestion.
Madame Celeste is a fortune teller in Kyle's neighborhood in Final Fight: Streetwise. Vanessa sends Kyle to her psychic parlor to get information on Cody's whereabouts. The mystic asks him to play a magic card matching game, before she tells him the future. Once Kyle is successful, Madame Celeste tells Kyle some information and gives him Cody’s house key. It is insinuated that she and Cody had been intimate. Afterwards, she appears in various parts of the city with Kyle having the option to play the matching game again, in which she’ll allude to what Kyle will have to deal with in the near future.
- Betting Minigame
- Foreshadowing: Her bread and butter.
- Fortune Teller
- Shallow Love Interest
- Tarot Troubles
Paco is a tattoo artist that lives in the same building as Kyle, and is trained as a boxer in Final Fight: Streetwise. If paid $100, he'll help Kyle save 2-Ill at the beginning of the game. He also helps Kyle by telling him about Lou "The Skin" designing the tattoo on the mysterious person in Cody's picture. He also trains people for money in Tiger's gym. At one point in the game, he asks Kyle to get rid of the cockroaches in his infested apartment to keep the health inspector away. Apparently, he "smells as bad as a bum at the Barfly, but at least looks like he can throw a punch."
- Assist Character: To Kyle.
- Badass Beard
- Flat Character
- He Who Must Not Be Heard: He speaks in text scenes like everyone else, but you never hear his voice throughout the game.
- Nice Hat