Street Fighter/Characters

Here is a total list of fighters from the Street Fighter games. All fighters below are listed by the saga in which they first appeared.
Debuting in Street Fighter
Ryu - Japan

"The answer lies... in the heart of battle."
Voiced by: Katashi Ishizuka, (Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom Clash of the Superheroes, Marvel vs. Capcom 2)
Toshiyuki Morikawa, (Street Fighter Alpha 3, Capcom vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000, Capcom vs. SNK 2 Mark of the Millennium, Namco X Capcom)
Wataru Takagi, (Street Fighter III, Street Fighter III: 2nd. Impact)
Tohru Ookawa, (Street Fighter III: 3rd. Strike)
Skip Stellrecht, (Street Fighter II the Animated Movie, Street Fighter Alpha: The Animation, Street Fighter IIV, english)
Kouji Tsujitani, (Street Fighter II V, japanese)
Kyle Hebert, (Street Fighter IV, Super Street Fighter IV, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, all english)
Hiroki Takahashi, (Street Fighter IV, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Super Street Fighter IV, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, all japanese)
Richard Cansino, (Street Fighter Alpha: Generations, english)
Yasuyuki Kase, (Street Fighter Alpha: Generations, japanese)
Soichiro Hoshi. (Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Pocket Fighter)
The lead character of the franchise and the Fighting Game character, Ryu is a stoic Japanese martial artist who wanders the globe seeking the meaning of being a "true warrior". He can be recognized by his sleeveless white karate gi and a red or white hachimaki depending on the game. He trained alongside his friendly rival Ken under their mutual master Gouken and was the victor of the first Street Fighter tournament. His encounter with his master's nemesis Akuma during the Street Fighter Alpha sub-series awoke the untapped Satsui no Hadou or "murderous intent" within him, although this power was eventually removed by Gouken in IV. In III, he continues to travel the world in search of strong opponents.
His Evil Ryu version has been present in the Alpha and EX series, and has made a reappearance in the arcade edition of Super IV.
- A Protagonist Is Ryu
- Author Avatar: The programmers see themselves as Ryu. You can see where this is headed.
- Badass
- Badass Arm-Fold: The other half of his trademark Victory Pose (see below).
- Badass Back: Both Ryu and Evil Ryu.
- Berserk Button - Beware the Quiet Ones: While he isn't exactly a social person, he does have close friends and allies, who are not to be harmed in front of him. Bison was the living proof of this in Alpha 3, whereas Crimson Viper found this out the hard way in The Ties That Bind.
- Blood Knight: Fighting is everything for Ryu, though he does not share Akuma's love of carnage. In other words, he's a Lighter and Softer Akuma.
(in his rival match against Ken) "Neither of us have reached our full potential."
- Blue Oni: To Ken's Red.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: In the Street Fighter II V anime series.
- Also his story arc for Alpha 2/Alpha 3.
- This is also more or less the genesis of Evil Ryu as a player character, though he is enslaved to his own bloodlust rather than an outside will.
- Calling Your Attacks: "Hadoken!", "Shoryuken!" and "Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku", which is rendered unintellible.
- Catch Phrase: "Hadoken!"
- Casting a Shadow: In IV and its respective pseudo-sequel, Ryu gains the Metsu Hadouken and Metsu Shoryuken. The former originally appeared as a super for Evil Ryu in Capcom vs. SNK (there, it functioned akin to an evil version of the Denjin Hadouken). The latter was the very same move he used to scar Sagat.
- Celibate Hero: In an earlier story he recognizes that Gouken's daughter has feelings for him but is unable to return them.
- Moreover, while he would like to start a family someday, he believes he's not ready to consider doing so.
- If you see Sakura's thoughts on Ryu as a full-blown romantic crush, then it's likely that he views her in a similar light: he cares for her and looks forward to her development, but can't return her romantic feelings.
- The Comically Serious: Comes across this way, particularly in supplemental media. He's not even trying to be overly-serious (he's open to trying new things as best he can), it's just who he is.
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique: The "Satsui no Hadou" state, literally "Surge of Murderous Intent". Used by his alter-ego in the Alpha series, Evil Ryu.
- Divergent Character Evolution
- Does Not Like Shoes: His constant barefootedness throughout the series is Lampshaded in Street Fighter IV:
"Shoes? No, I can certainly afford them; I go barefoot for comfort."
- And in an Omake where he isn't allowed in a fancy restaraunt because of the "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service" policy.
- Oddly enough, Ryu wore slippers in the very FIRST Street Fighter (whereas Ken was barefooted).
- Dramatic Wind: His classic Victory Pose.
- Energy Ball: Hadouken!
- Fireballs: His normal Hadouken is often mistakenly called a fireball, but he can turn them into the Shakunetsu Hadouken, which is imbued with thermal energy.
- Hair Colors: Red in the original Street Fighter, reddish-brown in the Alpha series, brown in Street Fighter II, black in IV, and black with what appears to be blue highlights in Street Fighter III. To put it simply, it gets darker with age.
- The III example is a case of Hair Color Dissonance. Artwork from that series has his hair as black.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Ken. Not convinced, just look at the background of the main menu for Super Street Fighter IV.
- He Who Fights Monsters: Evil Ryu.
- Hurricane Kick
- Iconic Item: Ryu's red headband, given to him by Ken to help rouse Ryu in Ken's ending in Alpha 2. The scene is a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, thanks to the music. Before this, he wore a white headband to match his gi, apparently given to him by Gokuen's daughter.
- In the SF II Movie said headband also appears; the circumstances in which he got it were different, but still heartwarming. When they were in their training, a young Ryu was injured protecting Ken from a mudslide, so Ken ripped a part of his own red gi to bandage Ryu's bleeding forehead. Ryu kept the makeshift headband to honor Ken.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: It takes Sagat's urging and Sakura's injuries from her fight with Bison (plus the memories of all his friends and rivals) to snap Ryu out of his brainwashing in Alpha 3.
- Jack of All Stats: Though he's a bit of a Mighty Glacier/Stone Wall compared to Ken.
- Kamehame Hadoken: The most well-known user of the second co-Trope Namer.
- Limited Wardrobe: He's only ever seen wearing a dogi and being barefoot.
- This is taken to the extreme in one piece of artwork where Ryu is doing his laundry in his underwear at a laundromat (assumingly because Ryu's gi is the only article of clothing he travels with)..
- Load-Bearing Hero: Especially in the Alpha series.
- Hachimaki
- Mascot: He's the face of the fighting game department of Capcom. He might be a co-Mascot of the entire company alongside Mega Man.
- Series Mascot: Likewise, Ryu is the Street Fighter.
- Meaningful Name: Ryu's name was originally spelled with the kanji for 'prosperity', although it is actually a reference to the first game's co-designer Takashi Nishiyama, whose given name (Takashi) is spelled with the same kanji.
- Mind Control Eyes: A rare case of the sclera changing color to show this trope. Instead of the sclera being white it turns pink—most likely as a result of Bison's Psycho Power which helped brainwash him.
- Mr. Fanservice: Tall, Dark and Handsome? Check. Heroic Build? Check. Badass inside the battlefield and a Nice Guy outside? Check. Walks barefoot? Check. Friends of both genders that he can be ship teaseed with once in a while? Check...
- Nice Guy: While a complete social recluse, he is still a sensitive and kind man.
- Perma-Stubble: In III.
- Playing with Fire: Not to the extent of Ken, but he does possess the Shakunetsu Hadouken, and in Alpha and Alpha 2, the fifth and final hit of his Lv3 Shinkuu Hadouken actually sets his opponent on fire.
- The Rival: Ken, Sagat, Akuma and Gouken.
- Friendly Rivalry: With Ken, and later with Sagat.
- Ryu and Ken: 1/2 Trope Namer.
- Ryu Is Going To Hadoken You: In the intro to Super Street Fighter 2, Puzzle Fighter and Street Fighter Alpha 2.
- Shirtless Scene: He has a battle-damaged costume in IV which gives him slightly torn pants and shredded shirts.
- Ship Tease: With Chun-Li. The fact that the two have good chemistry and that, normally, Ryu never appeared in a crossover without Chun-Li and viceversa, only serves to fuel speculation.
- The only time they were ever shown getting romantic was in the Malibu comic.
- Shock and Awe: Denjin Hadouken. For bonus points: it's unblockable and charging it up to the maximum fully dizzies his foe.
- Shoryuken
- Shotoclone: Ryu is the original from which all Ryu/Ken-types spring.
- Socially Awkward Hero
- Spirited Competitor: A heroic version. If taken too far he becomes Evil Ryu, though.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Evil Ryu, otherwise known as Satsui no Hadou ni Mezameta Ryu (Ryu of the Awakened Killing Intent).
- Supporting Protagonist: Despite being the main character of the series, Ryu doesn't really do that much to contribute towards the plot. His role only matters in the original and in Street Fighter Alpha. In most of the other games, he's pretty much a Living MacGuffin.
- To Be a Master: He continually searches the world for strong opponents to fight.
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Toned down these days, but in the early games he would be severely overpowered, always Dragon Punching a jumping opponent, always getting through their block, his damage being increased...
- Theme Naming: Is the "Ryu" in Shouryuken, with his best friend being the "Ken"
- The Stoic: He's nearly always stoic. Except in these situations:
- He cracks a joke or two in the UDON comics.
- Hugo's ending in 3rd Strike: Hugo recruits him (and several other street fighters) to be pro wrestlers. Ryu thinks he can learn a lot from wrestling. Ken's completely mortified that Ryu's actually enjoying this.
- He also has one of the funniest lines in SNK vs. Capcom SVC Chaos where he points out Mai's odd choice of a ninja outfit.
"Ninja style? People could see you from a block away!"
- Urban Legend of Zelda: "You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance!"
- Walking the Earth: Is always traveling in search of new opponents and challenges, although he allegedly returns to Suzaku Castle (the burial ground of his Not Quite Dead sensei Gouken) once a year.
- Why Did It Have To be Spiders: Ryu hates spiders, stemming from an incident in which one had crawled into his open mouth while he was sleeping.
- X-Ray Sparks: His Denjin-Hadouken Super Art from 3rd Strike has this effect on the opponent.
Ken - USA

"I'm ready for ya. Bring it on!"
Voiced by: Kenji Haga (Super Street Fighter II, Street Fighter II the Animated Movie, Street Fighter IIV) Tetsuya Iwanaga, (Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter EX, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom Clash of the Superheroes, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Namco X Capcom) Go Yamane (Street Fighter EX2 Plus) Reuben Langdon, (Street Fighter IV, Super Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken, all english) Koji Tobe (Street Fighter III, Street Fighter III: 2nd. Impact) Yuji Kishi, (Street Fighter III: 3rd. Strike, Street Fighter IV, Capcom vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000, Capcom vs. SNK 2 Mark of the Millennium, Super Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken, all english) Atsushi Maezuka (SNK vs. Capcom SVC Chaos) Scott McNeil, (American cartoon) Steven Blum. (Street Fighter Alpha: The Animated Movie)
Full name Ken Masters, son of the wealthy Masters family, Ken is the former training partner and friendly rival of Ryu, who uses the same special techniques (specializing in the Shoryuken or "Dragon Punch"). He is characterized by his red karate gi and his medium-length/long blond hair. After completing his martial art training from Gouken, Ken moved back to his native America and won the U.S. Martial Arts Tournament, where he met his girlfriend Eliza. He eventually marries her by the end of Street Fighter II. In IV he hesitates joining the new tournament, but Eliza encourages him to do so, stating that he'll be back before their baby's birth. After the events of IV his son Mel is born, and in Street Fighter III Ken takes Sean as his apprentice and begins training his son Mel in his style of martial arts.
- Adaptation Dye Job: He's inexplicably a redhead in the animated cartoon.
- Anti-Hero: Type II.
- Badass: Definitely
- Big Fancy House: As seen in the Alpha series.
- In Street Fighter II V, you also get to see it, and it is glorious.
- Bishonen: In some incarnations.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: In the first animated movie.
- Bring It: A frequent in his taunts. It would appear to be the byproduct of Ken's confidence in his abilities, but given that he's actually a capable fighter, it could be a part of his game.
- But Not Too Foreign: He has a 3/4 Japanese heritage, but he lives in America.
- Calling Your Attacks: "Hadoken!", "Shoryuken!" and "Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku", which is rendered unintellible.
- The Cameo: His stage in Alpha 2, which are most likely just some very convincing cosplayers. It features appearances from Pure the Mage (Capcom World 2), Morrigan, Felicia, Hsien-ko, Mei-Ling, and Lord Raptor, Biff Slamkovich and Jumbo Flapjack, Unknown Soldiers 1P & 2P, Linn Kurosawa, Captain Commando and Ginzu, Strider Hiryu, Michelle Heart and Capcom CEO Kenzo Tsujimoto as a butler.
- Catch Phrase: "Hadoken!"
- Char Clone: Except the mask.
- Cowboy: As a downloadable alternate outfit in IV.
- Divergent Character Evolution: Started differentiating from Ryu since Champion Edition.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Explicitly stated in his bio.
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Gets his ass handed to him by his wife in his Super Pocket Fighter ending, and later, his son in his Street Fighter III ending.
- Eagle Land: Type 1.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Expository Hairstyle Change: He was a Badass Long Haired Pretty Boy in Alpha. After bequeathing his hairband to Ryu (hence Ryu's trademark red headband from II onwards), he cuts his hair sometime between Alpha 3 and II. This hairstyle change also marks some Character Development for Ken; he goes from an overly egotiscal, cocky, devil-may-care fighter to a confident, if not well-meaning guy.
- Family Feud: His wife and Guile's wife are sisters, making Ken and Guile brothers-in-law. Suffice to say, they don't get along, though this has more to do with their disrespect of each others' personalities.
- In The Ties That Bind, Ken and Guile seem to have resolved their issues and at least talk to each other on normal terms. That or, the fact that S.I.N. wants Ryu's power coupled with Eliza's disappearance forces them to bury the hatchet very much on the fly.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: From Alpha 3:
"I need a better workout than this! Where's Eliza?"
- Groin Attack: In the games, his own son Mel does this to him in his Street Fighter III ending, to the shock of Eliza.
- Handsome Lech
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Ryu. Just ask his wife, she'll tell you who comes first.
- Look at the background of the main menu for Super Street Fighter IV.
- Ryu's rival battle in the game (which is against Ken; Ken's is against Rufus) is a better example:
(during Ryu vs. Ken's rival match)
Ryu: I always learn something new when we step into the ring together.
Ken: You see Ryu, this is why I enjoy fighting you.
- Hot Dad: Canonically, starts with Super Street Fighter IV and goes on in the Street Fighter III games. His X-Men vs. Street Fighter ending is this as well.
- Hot Mom: His wife, Eliza.
- Hurricane Kick: While he is most associated with the Shoryuken, his Senpuukyaku-based attacks are more impressive than most other Shotoclones.
- Jack of All Stats: Though he's a bit of a Gradual Grinder/Lightning Bruiser compared to Ryu.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Though exaggerated in the various adaptations.
- Lame Comeback: When Fei-Long calls him out in the cartoon for neglecting his training, Ken's retort is this less-than-stellar quip:
Ken: "And you! (* panting* ) YOU'RE A LOSER!"
- The Lancer
- Lonely Rich Kid: Until his father sent him to Japan to train with Gouken.
- Duty First, Love Second: The fact that he's a champion street fighter hasn't stopped him from building a happy romantic relationship with Eliza.
- Meaningful Name: Before his nationality and homeland was retconned to American, Ken had his name spelled with the kanji for "fist".
- Mind Control Eyes: Again moreso a case of the sclera changing color to pink again as a result of Bison's Psycho Power but it isn't as prominent as in the Street Fighter II V cases.
- New York City: His home stage in 3rd Strike
- Obvious Pregnancy: His wife Eliza in IV. At least she gives birth to Mel in SSFIV.
- One-Shot Character: Violent Ken, the Super-Powered Evil Side that didn't stick.
- Playing with Fire
- Red Baron: Due to his flaming variants of the Shoryuken, Ken is occasionally known as The Flaming Dragon by the time of III.
- Red Oni: to Ryu's Blue.
- Retcon: The flyer for the first Street Fighter implied that Ken was Japanese like Ryu. He was changed into a native-born American (with Japanese descent) from Street Fighter II and onward.
- The Rival: Ryu.
- Ryu and Ken: 1/2 Trope Namer.
- Shoryuken: And a firey variant no less!
- His most powerful version, the Shinryuken, adds spinning to the mix.
- Shotoclone: The very first, created because there were no Mirror Matches in the original Street Fighter.
- Spirited Competitor: An heroic version.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Violent Ken from SNK vs. Capcom: Chaos, who was based on the Brainwashed Ken from the animated movie.
- Take That: One of Ken's winquotes in Super Street Fighter IV:
"See? The strongest fighter always wins! As easy to understand as a flowchart!"
- Theme Naming: Read Ryu
- Uncle Pennybags: Most notably in the Street Fighter II V anime.
- Unknown Rival: Rufus in IV, and played with beyond that: not only he has no idea that Rufus is gunning for him, Rufus has no idea who Ken actually is, and continually mistakes other fighters for him. Including Cammy, who, as noted, is a girl.
(rival match vs. Rufus)
Rufus: So Ken Masters! At last we meet! This going is going to hurt like nobody’s business!
Ken: Hm... This could be interesting. Bring it on, meatball!
(Rufus rival match vs. Ken)
Rufus: Ha! Looks like I finally caught up to you, blondie! You gave me quite the run around! The fat ladie’s about to sing, ain’t she?
Ken: Wha-? Who the heck are you?
- "V" Sign: His signature Victory Pose.
Retsu - Japan

Banished monk and master of Shorinji Kempo who was notably the first guy you fought in the original Street Fighter. Although he never actually appeared as a fighter in subsequent games, he appears in concept art for the first Street Fighter Alpha, where he is shown beating the crap out of Dan and has a role in Udon's Street Fighter comics as an old friend of Gouken.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Meaningful Name: Retsu (?) means "violent" in Japanese and the reason why he was expelled from his monastery. It also goes along with the Theme Naming between him and Geki, who are named for the intensity of Japanese earthquakes.
- Out of Focus: He hasn't appeared at all since his first appearance.
Geki - Japan

A claw-wielding ninja who fought in the first tournament. It's been said that he was the one who a) trained Vega; and b) is related to Ibuki (possibly an uncle). He also uses shuriken and teleportation techniques.
- Ascended Extra: In the UDON comic series, the Geki are an entire clan of ninja assassins, but the one of them implied to be the guy from the game is the villain of Street Fighter Legends: Ibuki.
- Before this, in a bonus comic centering around Gen, an assassin is summoned to kill Gen (forcing him to react and kill his assailant in front of a young Chun-Li). This individual has the exact same garb and weapon as Geki, further reinforcing there are many of these warriors who practice the same style of combat.
- Meaningful Name: Geki means "intense" in Japanese. It goes along with the Theme Naming between him and Retsu.
- Ninja
- Out of Focus: He hasn't appeared at all since his first appearance.
- Smoke Out
- Teleport Spam
- Wolverine Claws
Gen - China

"You cannot keep my fists in your sight, for they move with the fury of Hell!"
Voiced by: Wataru Takagi, (Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3) Michael Sorich, (Street Fighter IV, Super Street Fighter IV, english) Yohei Tadano (Street Fighter IV, Super Street Fighter IV, japanese)
Former assassin and mentor to Chun-Li. A kung-fu master versed in an assassination style he created based on Chinese martial arts. In Street Fighter Alpha he is dying of a terminal illness and seeks one last good fight before he passes on to the next world. This brings him to Akuma's attention and the two fight, but Akuma stops the fight, noticing Gen's illness and leaving, due to his principle of never fighting anybody who isn't at the top of their game. An insulted Gen goes after him, seeking to finish the fight. In IV it is heavily implied that Gen knows that Chun-Li's father is alive, and when he is abducted by S.I.N, Gen heads out to take him back.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Grandpa: He was born in 1911. Wow.
- Consummate Professional: He was once known as the world's greatest assassin. Please do not question this fact.
- Blood Knight: In his SSFIV intro, "I live to fight. Death's embrace is my ultimate destiny. As long as blood courses through my veins, I shall not succumb to the likes of you!"
- Death Seeker: He's dying of cancer. He seeks someone to give him a deathmatch so that he won't die in his bed.
- Determinator: He will not die until gets his perfect opponent to actually fight him.
- Difficult but Awesome: With two completely distinctive moveset that he switch between on the fly, Gen is obviously not a pick-up-and-play type of character. Expert Gen players are rare to happen upon, but you'll notice that they can pull ridiculous strings of attacks on your ass within seconds and soar across the screen like flying squirrel, able to break your guard at a moment's whim.
- Evil Mentor: To Chun-Li. Possibly to Yun and Yang as well (see above).
- Finger-Poke of Doom: Quite a few of his moves apply, like the Hyakurenko, but his Sou/Mantis Style Ultras in Super Street Fighter IV, Zetsui and Shi'tengetsu, are prime examples.
- Gratuitous English: "You are big fool!"
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Morality Pet: Gen is a ruthless killer, but he ALWAYS shows a spot of tenderness to Chun-Li, who's probably his favorite (and greatest) student.
- The UDON comic series also uses this to set up a My God, What Have I Done? moment that gives him his characterization. After having to defend himself in mortal combat against an assassin in plain view of the young Chun-Li, he decides that he has crossed a line in his choice of work and must give up his lifestyle before he imbues any negative values in his pupil.
- Not Quite Dead: Though thought to have died after the Alpha series, he returns alive and well in Street Fighter IV. His intro in IV also hints that Chun-Li's father might still be alive too.
- Old Master: Gen is considered the most dangerous assassin in the Street Fighter mythos. Even Akuma acknowledges that Gen in his prime would have probably wiped the floor with him.
- And he's able to stand toe-to-toe with Akuma at his current age, even surviving the Shun Goku Satsu while suffering from cancer. Old master, indeed.
- Pressure Point: The Shi-ten-shu, which works as a Damage-Over-Time type of attack that culminates with a free stun—complete with a countdown, both of which can be stopped if the opponent manages to hit Gen. Several other attacks fit this as well.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs/Spam Attack: The Hyakurenko.
- His trademark Zan'ei deals many blows from what seems to be a single hit.
- Shirtless Scene: He has a shirtless alternate outfit in Super Street Fighter IV.
- Social Darwinist: One of his round win quotes in SFIV is, "The weak deserve death."
- Stance System: Gen has the unique ability among the characters in the series to switch between two stances, Sou/Mourning/"Mantis" and Ki/Hateful/"Crane", while fighting. When he changes from one style to another, his fighting stance, basic techniques, Special Moves and even Super Combos are changed.
- Stroke the Beard: In his opening animation, and one of his possible taunts in IV.
- Wall Jumper: The Oga.
- Weak but Skilled: Old and ill and all, he can still pack quite a punch against younger, healthier and physically stronger fighters than himself. If Akuma is to be believed (and why shouldn't he be?), Gen's age and illness are the only things that make it remotely fair (in-story) for him to fight any of the other characters.
Lee - China

A Chinese kenpo master who enters the first tournament to test his skills. Lee is the uncle of Yun and Yang from Street Fighter III. Other than the original Street Fighter, he makes an appearance in the Sakura Ganbaru!! manga as one of Sakura's opponents, and in the UDON comic as a challenger of Fei Long.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Ascended Extra: He gets an expanded role in the UDON comic series - in the sense that he appears at all, that is.
- Blood Knight
- Gratuitous English: "I have great fortune!"
- Out of Focus: He hasn't appeared at all since his first appearance.
- Satellite Character: Partially due to him not being in any other game but the forgotten original. All we know about him is that he's friends with Gen and is the uncle of Yun and Yang.
Birdie - England

"I am Birdie! The most rotten villain in the world... I hope!"
Voiced by: Wataru Takagi (Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3)
A British bar bouncer who enters the first tournament looking for cash. He returns in the Alpha series, seeking to join Shadaloo. He succeeds and tries to steal Bison's Psycho Drive, but fails and escapes the destruction of the Shadaloo base. In the first Street Fighter he was tall but slender light skinned mohawked punk, but was changed into a brutish black (but still British) thug in the Alpha series.
- All There in the Manual: Some background details; For instance, he was once a professional wrestler and formed a fearsome tag team with fellow British goliath Titanic Tim from the Saturday Night Slam Masters games.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: One pallete is green.
- Anime Hair: Check out that circle mohawk! It has a hole in it.
- Ascended Extra: He gets an expanded role in the UDON comic series.
- In the Street Fighter Alpha animated movie, he's the only "new" character to get any real depth, even fighting the Big Bad with the heroes, and saving Chun-Li.
- Chained by Fashion: Wears a chain around one wrist and forearm and uses it in his throws.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Easter Egg: his stage in the first game has posters depicting the Velvet Underground's debut "banana album" artwork.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Genius Bruiser: In most other adaptations. In any case, it's incredibly surprising that Birdie is smart enough to be constantly plotting on Shadaloo.
- Hand Wave: "I looked pale because I was sick!"
- Hotblooded Sideburns: Incorporated to his Alpha redesign, and very outrageously done - they almost look like a sideburns/mustache combo!
- Lightning Bruiser: He's basically Zangief mixed with Balrog/Boxer.
- London Gangster
- Meaningful Name: A golf term, shares this theme with Eagle.
- Out of Focus: He seems to be out of action following Alpha 3.
- Scary Black Man: Except in the original game, (where it may have been a simple mistake) where he was white. He jokes in Alpha 3 that he was really sick back then, and it made him look pale and flushed.
- Theme Naming: Birdie and Eagle are two terms used in Golf.
- Unskilled but Strong: UDON's World Warrior Encyclopedia sums up Birdie's fighting style as "an unrefined, sloppy combination of barroom brawling and crushing professional wrestling maneuvers." He's never had any actual training as a fighter, but he's powerful and he has a lot of experience.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- With My Hands Tied: He incorporates his handcuffs into his devastating throws.
Eagle - England

"Shall we dance?"
Voiced by: Jin Yamanoi (Capcom vs. SNK 2 Mark of the Millennium, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max and Upper)
British bodyguard who enters the first tournament to test his skill. He did not make another playable appearance until Capcom vs. SNK 2, and was added to the portable editions of Street Fighter Alpha 3 after he gained more recognition.
- Ascended Extra
- Attack Reflector: St. Andrew's Green
- Badass Mustache
- Cultured Badass: Second only to Dudley.
- Dual-Wielding
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Of his special moves, only St. Andrews Green doesn't involve spinning in some fashion or another. He even twirls his batons around like a drummer when he taunts.
- I Know Madden Kombat: An extremely muted example, but it's there; one of his moves, the above mentioned St. Andrews Green, is just Eagle swinging his sticks like a golf club.
- Manly Gay: He's openly gay, his character is apparently inspired by Freddie Mercury (note the Queen references in his victory quotes).
- Meaningful Name: A golf term, shares this theme with Birdie. Supplementary material suggests he's quite skilled at golf, even.
- Out of Focus: He was thought to have disappeared with the other original Street Fighter characters, but appeared in Capcom Vs. SNK 2 and the handheld versions of Alpha 3. Even so, he's easily the least represented character from the Alpha series in other media.
- Quintessential British Gentleman: Certainly in appearance.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Simple Staff: Escrima sticks, really. They still hurt, of course, but as weapons go you don't get much less complicated.
- Surprisingly Good English: He has a Japanese voice actor, but at least speaks English well.
- Invisible to Gaydar
- Theme Naming: His attacks are named after various locations in England plus colors; Manchester Black, for example. Additionally, both Birdie and Eagle are two terms used in Golf.
Joe - USA

An underground American martial artist who entered the tournament to test his skills. One of the first opponents in the original game and about as generic as they come.
- All There in the Manual: He didn't appear in another Street Fighter game outside the 1st as a playable character, but he appeared as the white guy whom punched the black guy in the Street Fighter II intro. However, the two characters seen in the SFII intro simply resemble the former characters: they could be completely different persons from what Word of God has let us know.
- Out of Focus: He hasn't appeared at all since his first appearance.
- Ridiculously Average Guy
- Meaningful Name: Look at the above trope. Then look at the character's name.
- Urban Legend of Zelda: Rumour has it that he was going to appear in Street Fighter Alpha 3 but was replaced by Cody at the last minute.
Mike - USA

Former boxing champion, whose career was ruined when he accidentally killed one of his opponents.
- Extremity Extremist
- Out of Focus: He hasn't appeared at all since his first appearance.
- Scary Black Man
- Urban Legend of Zelda: Some fans believe he is really Balrog, or M. Bison as he is called in Japan, since the "M." in M. Bison originally stood for Mike.
Adon - Thailand

Voiced by: Wataru Takagi (Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3) Taliesin Jaffe, (Street Fighter IV, Super Street Fighter IV, english), Atsushi Imaruoka (Street Fighter IV, Super Street Fighter IV, japanese)
A hotheaded, arrogant Muay Thai master. He used to be Sagat`s apprentice until Sagat's loss against Ryu in the first game. During the first two Alpha games, Adon challenged Sagat for the title of Emperor of Muay Thai and won, although barely. In Alpha 3, he went to find Akuma, but failed in his search. He cameos in Street Fighter IV, where he returned to Thailand only to be defeated by Saga, and then makes a full comeback to the playing cast in Super Street Fighter IV.
- A God Am I: "I will see them worship me as a god!" said to Sagat in Super Street Fighter IV before their rival match.
- Animal Motifs: Jaguars.
- Anti-Villain: He's motivated by frustration and rage at being abandoned by Sagat after the loss to Ryu, rather than his more familiar "I WILL BEAT UP EVERYONE EVER" deal. He eventually grows to hate Sagat for having smeared the name of Muay Thai by losing to Ryu, and decides to beat him down to take the crown as the reigning king of Muay Thai.
- Arrogant Muay Thai Guy: He has nothing but contempt for anyone else, he shows absolutely no friendliness or respect to ANYONE. If you try to fight him, he will do everything to give you a savage beatdown.
- Blood Knight: Unlike Sagat, Adon doesn't really fight for an expressed purpose. He just wants to play.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: The only way to wipe that smug grin off his face is to beat it off. No easy task, that...
- Curb Stomp Battle: Prior to the events of IV, he challenges Sagat, who had come to see one of his matches. One Tiger Destruction later, Adon is down for the count.
- The Dragon: In the first Street Fighter, towards Sagat.
- Evil Redhead: More unruly and arrogant than 100% Complete Monster, but he IS very mean.
- Gratuitous English:
"Jaguar Kick!"
"Jaguar Tooth!"
- Hot-Blooded
- Hypocritical Humor: His win quote if you beat Abel in Super Street Fighter IV ("Obsession with the past is a sign of weakness, worm!") sounds a bit odd once you consider what his characterization is after the 1st game.
- Insufferable Genius: He has one mean bite to back up all his barking.
- Jerkass
- Kneel Before Zod: He wants the world (and especially Sagat) to bow down before him and worship him as a god.
(before Adon's rival match against Sagat)
Sagat: The power you’re after is twisted.
Adon: Just save it! Everyone will bow before me. I will see them worship me as a God!
(during said rival match)
Adon: Grovel before me!
- Laughing Mad
- Lightning Bruiser: He has average defense, so he doesn't get beat up easily, and he's REALLY fast.
- Hachimaki: Although if you want to be technical, it's called a Mong kon.
- Meaningful Name: That guy in the Bible who tried to take rule away from David? Adonija
- Red Baron: Subverted. The "God of Muay Thai" is nothing more than a self-pronounced title, showing his arrogance.
- Slasher Smile: His permanent expression. Subverted in that while he's arrogant, he's not insane or evil like the trope requires - just very, very full of himself.
- The Starscream: To the point where he even sounds like Starscream.
- Theme Naming: Adon is the Jaguar to Sagat's Tiger.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Wall Jumper: His Jaguar Tooth.
Sagat - Thailand

"You are not a warrior. You're a beginner!"
Voiced by: Shinichiro Miki, (Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Capcom vs. SNK, Capcom vs. SNK 2) Sakai Albright, (Street Fighter EX) Koji Suizu (SNK vs. Capcom SVC Chaos) Daisuke Endo, (Street Fighter IV, Super Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken, japanese) Isaac C. Singleton Jr. (Street Fighter IV, Super Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken, english)
The King of Muay Thai and former Dragon to M. Bison. He is considered a national hero in Thailand thanks to his dedication to his craft and hosted the first Street Fighter tournament to prove his superiority as a fighter. After his loss to Ryu, he became angry and confused, joining Shadaloo in an effort to find Ryu for a rematch. After battling a revenge-filled Dan Hibiki (Sagat had killed Dan's father Go in retaliation for the loss of Sagat's eye), Sagat began to realize the fruitlessness of his need for revenge against Ryu; this was sealed at the sight of a Brainwashed and Crazy Ryu so he left Shadaloo, seeking to fight Ryu instead as a true warrior. Believing himself to have lost his fighting spirit, he is challenged by Adon and defeats him, promptly reigniting it, and shortly afterward enters the Street Fighter IV tournament.
- Achey Scars: Given to him in his first big battle against Ryu. This lasts until the climax of the Alpha series. He could even draw on his hatred as a super (or as an EX Move in IV) to briefly buff his next Tiger
UppercutBlow. - Anti-Villain: Sagat was in the first SF tournament merely to test his skills against the best fighters in the world. He might have been a ruthless fighter, but he wasn't an evil one. His defeat at Ryu's hands did instill hatred in him and motivated him to join Shadoloo, but he realized that Shadoloo was not the right way, and his rivalry with Ryu has cooled down with time. Now he's just basically a fighter who will not settle with being second place, and despite their rivalry, he and Ryu are friends now, according to his ending in Super Street Fighter IV.T
- Asskicking Equals Authority:
"They call me the king for a reason."
- Badass
- Handicapped Badass: Screw depth perception and peripheral vision! Sagat only needs one eye!
- Bald of Evil: Before his Retcon.
- Bald of Awesome: After his Retcon. But remember: he's not technically evil.
- It should be noticed, though, that he actually used to be a Badass Long Hair.
- Big Bad: In the first game.
- Calling Your Attacks: "Tiger Uppercut!"
- Defeating the Undefeatable: In the first game.
- Defector From Decadence: Decides during the Alpha series that Shadaloo was merely there as a vessel for his revenge against Ryu, which he no longer values, and leaves the organization, realizing that what he was associating with was not an honorable way for a warrior to live.
- The Dragon: To M. Bison in Alpha.
- The Emperor: In a figurative sense.
- Evil Laugh: In the Alpha (and by proxy Capcom vs. SNK) and EX series. After Alpha, it's more of a condescending laugh.
- Eyepatch of Power: He lost his eye in a fight with Dan's father.
- Face Palm of Doom: His standard grab works like this.
- Friend to All Children: He's revered as a national hero in Thailand. In his ending from Super Street Fighter IV, you actually see him in a tender moment with some of the local Thai children. (Adon's SSF IV ending has him watching over this same scene, howver, and he very cynically concludes that Sagat has lost his bite.)
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Evil, until his Heel Face Turn. To wit:
- He has a missing eye thanks to Go Hibiki, Dan's father. This prompted Sagat to undergo a Turns Red moment and kill him in response. Hence the whole You Killed My Father thing that drives Dan during Alpha.
- As for the scar, after getting beat down by Sagat, Ryu's will to win at all costs opened him to the Satsui no Hadou, and in what is perhaps Evil Ryu's only canonical appearance, Ryu blasted Sagat with the Metsu Shoryuken. The rest, is history...
- Sagat eventually got retconned in Alpha 3 to merely being consumed with despair and rage over his loss and willingly joining Shadoloo simply to get another shot at Ryu. His first mid-boss fight was with a rage-filled Dan, and upon seeing him get up and keep on struggling after having lost, Sagat saw his own anger reflected in Dan's and so he started to question himself and his revenge. Later he learned of Bison and Shadaloo's true nature when Bison presented him with a fight with a Psycho-drive brainwashed Ryu; he quickly underwent a Heel Face Turn, stalled out, and broke Ryu's mind control. In Street Fighter IV, Ryu and Sagat are rival matches in Arcade Mode and speak to each other as honored opponents.
- Gratuitous English:
"Tiger Uppercut"
- Heel Face Turn
- Heel Realization: It takes a lot for this to take place, and only really kicks in when Bison fulfills Sagat's wish of a rematch with Ryu, but by presenting him with a brainwashed Ryu without any true fighting spirit. In that moment, Sagat realizes how far he's fallen, and that the man he has been aiding in order to further his own petty need for vengeance, is certifiably evil. It comes to no surprise that he is the only one of the original Devas not to rejoin Bison in IV.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: In Alpha 3, Sagat fights the brainwashed Ryu while Ken and Sakura challenge Bison. It takes Sagat's urging, plus Sakura's injury at the hands of Bison to rouse Ryu out of his trance.
- Karma Houdini: Suffers no repercussions with assisting the criminal efforts of Shadaloo. At least he wisened up and is making an effort to wash away the sins of his past.
- Ki Attacks: Sagat can throw fiery projectiles at his opponent; since he's quite tall, he was given the ability to shoot the opponent both high or low from the ground.
- Monochromatic Eyes: In every appearance sans I.
- Noble Demon: When at his worst.
- Pet the Dog: During Alpha 3, Sagat is challenged by Dan, who's seeking vengeance for the death of his father. Seeing far more of himself, and his own vengeful behavior towards Ryu, in Dan than he's comfortable with, he lets Dan win, thus preventing Dan from going down his path.
- His ending in Super Street Fighter IV is this and then some more.
- Playing with Fire: The Lv3 versions of Tiger Cannon and Tiger Raid in Alpha.
- Also, his Tiger Destruction in IV,
- Red Baron: The Emperor of Muay Thai.
- Retcon: His loss against Ryu has been retconned so that he was scarred by Evil Ryu, and he has been retconned to undergo a Heel Face Turn post Alpha 3.
- Revenge: What he wants from Ryu. However, upon seeing that Dan has the same look in his eyes that he has for Ryu, he gives it up, realizing that the pursuit of such things is an empty virtue.
- The Rival: Ryu and Adon.
- Scary Black Man: Only in some of the official artwork and some Anime adaptations. In-game, his skin tone is a lot lighter. Lampshaded when he gets a scary black voice in IV.
- Self-Made Man: It's hinted that the Thai village Sagat visits in Street Fighter IV is actually his hometown, with the elder being one of his relatives. If it's true, it'd means that Sagat once was a Country Mouse who started from scratch and then worked his way to the top of the Muay Thai world.
- Shoryuken: After being defeated by Ryu's Shoryuken in the past tournament, Sagat in response developed his own version of the move, the Tiger Uppercut.
- Shotoclone: After the original game, his ability to use Tiger Shot and Tiger Uppercut make his fighting style eerily similar to Ryu and Ken's. He lacks a Hurricane Kick, but that isn't as iconic a move anyway.
- Surprisingly Good English: Sakai Albright's rendition of Tiger Shot, Tiger Genocide, and Tiger Storm come out in perfectly clear English. Then again, like most of Sagat's seiyuu, he's plagued with stuff like "Tiger Rape!", "Tiger Bro!", and "Tiger Chow!" (respectively, that'd be Tiger Raid, Tiger Blow, and Tiger Cannon).
- Theme Naming: As hinted above, most of his Special, Super, and Ultra attacks have the word "tiger" in them.
- Ryu's name can be read as "dragon", and "the tiger and the dragon" has always been an idiomatic expression in Asian culture for two powerful, opposite forces.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Warrior Poet
- Worthy Opponent: The first "Anti-Ryu". Most players consider him some kind of Ryu/Ken-type in the way he plays anyway.
Debuting in other games or other media
The first film and Street Fighter the Movie
See the film's Characters page.
Blade, Arkane, F7 and Khyber (the Bison Troopers) - Shadaloo

Blade, Arkane, F7 and Khyber are based off the Bison Troopers in the live action movie. These four are high-tech shock troops who are skilled in using deadly weapons as well as hand to hand combat.
- All Your Powers Combined: F7 has all the other Troopers' attacks.
- Canon Foreigners
- Crossover: Blade's true identity is supposed to be Gunloc from Saturday Night Slam Masters.
- Elite Mooks
- Evil Minions
- Faceless Goons
- Knife Nut: Blade and F7 and how!
- Palette Swap
- Playing with Fire: Khyber and F7.
- Psycho Electro: Arkane and F7.
- Rubber Man: Khyber and F7.
- Stun Guns: Blade and F7.
- Super Soldier
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Khyber's and Arkane's specialties are fire and electrocution attacks, just like Dhalsim and Blanka respectively.
- Teleport Spam: Arkane and F7.
Street Fighter II the Animated Movie: The Game
Cyborg - Shadaloo

The sole playable character in the Street Fighter II (Animated) Movie game released in Japan only, the Cyborg in the game is a heavily modified Monitor Cyborg constructed specifically for combat, capable of analyzing his target's moves and use them after learning them. This cyborg tracked Ryu and in the game defeated him in battle. Depending on the ending, he gets inspired by Ryu and turns against Bison or he sticks to his programming and ends up replacing the fallen Vega as one of the Four Devas.
- Canon Foreigner
- Cyborg
- Heel Face Turn: Something that could happen after he beats Ryu.
- Hurricane Kick
- Kamehame Hadoken
- Shoryuken
- Shotoclone: He has Ken's special moves from Super Turbo with a new sprite.
Street Fighter Online: The Mouse Generation
Shin - South Korea

The sole new character of Street Fighter: Online Mouse Generation, a Japanese-Korean Taekwondo master whose father is a former Japanese Karate master, while his maternal grandfather is a Taekwondo master from South Korea. Though, he doesn't like fighting and would rather become a musician.
- Bishonen
- Canon Foreigner: Unconfirmed, but since Juri from Super SFIV uses TKD, it's pretty likely.
- Extremity Extremist
- I Know Karate
- Martial Pacifist
- Original Generation
UDON Comics
Mike Haggar
Ported from Final Fight to the UDON Comics. For many of his entries, check the Final Fight character sheet.
Ported from Final Fight to the UDON Comics. For many of her entries, check the Final Fight character sheet.
- Ascended Extra: She gets an expanded role in the UDON comic series and becomes playable in Street Fighter X Tekken.
The Animated Series
Satin/Saturn Hammer
From the TV Series, essentially a supervillain.
- Canon Foreigner
- Straw Feminist: It's a defining character trait, in a few ways.
The employer of the Street Fighters. Gives Guile and the others their missions.