Capcom Fighting Evolution
Capcom Fighting Evolution (a.k.a. Capcom Fighting Jam), released in 2004, is a Massively Multiplayer Crossover between some of Capcom's popular fighting game series, including Street Fighter II, Street Fighter III, Street Fighter Alpha and Darkstalkers. Of special note is that this game represents the second chance North American players have had to play as characters from the arcade-only Red Earth (Tessa the Witch was playable in Pocket Fighter/Super Gem Fighter Mini-Mix).
Evolution is a standard one-on-one fighting game, with four characters each from their respective games, along with newcomer Ingrid (who was to appear in a 3D fighting game called Capcom Fighting All-Stars, which was eventually cancelled) and Final Boss Pyron from Darkstalkers. All characters fight using the rules from the games they came from - the Street Fighter II characters use the single Super Move meter from Super Street Fighter II, the Darkstalkers characters have the stacking Super Move meters, etc. Like most Capcom crossover games, there is no overarching storyline (although each character does have their own ending cutscene) - fight several opponents, then the final boss, and then watch the end credits.
- Representing Street Fighter II: Ryu, Guile, Zangief and M. Bison
- Representing Street Fighter III: Alex, Chun-Li, Urien, and Yun
- Representing Street Fighter Alpha: Rose, Sakura, Karin, and Guy
- Representing Darkstalkers: Demitri, Felicia, Anakaris, and Jedah
- Representing Red Earth: Leo, Hauzer, Hydron (Nool) and Kenji (Mukuro)
- Original character: Ingrid
- Bosses: Pyron and Shin Akuma
- All Just a Dream: Zangief's ending.
- The Cameo: Many Capcom classic characters appear in the game, in both the backgrounds and endings, such as:
- Jon Talbain in Ryu's ending.
- Mike Haggar in Alex's ending.
- Gill (who gets beaten down) Sagat, Vega, Balrog and the Bison dolls in M. Bison's ending.
- Morrigan in Demitri's ending.
- A lot of Capcom's girls in Felicia's ending.
- *breath* Ken, Dhalsim, Charlie, Dudley, Sean, Mai Ling, LeiLei, B.B.Hood, Rikuo and Victor in Pyron's ending.
- Dan (who gets beaten down) and Kei in Sakura's ending.
- Tessa, Blade and Mai Ling in Leo's ending.
- Dante in Jedah's ending.
- Yang in Yun's ending.
- Makoto in one of the backgrounds.
- Lazy Artist: The Darkstalkers characters, sans Demitri, are STILL using their 1994 sprites.
- Not to mention the low-res backgrounds with very little animation.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover
- No Plot, No Problem
- Shout-Out: Rose's ending has her imprisoning Pyron in a card, pretty much like Sakura.
- The Worf Effect: Gill gets beaten down in M. Bison's ending.