Amazonian Beauty
"She's a brick... house!
ain't holding nothing back."
She's mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out
She's a brick... house!
The lady's stacked and that's a fact,—The Commodores
A lot of the time, they say No Guy Wants an Amazon. No guy wants a woman physically stronger than he is. Unless she is one of these women.
Basically, the Amazonian Beauty is what happens when Ms. Fanservice hulks out.
The Amazonian Beauty frequently crosses over unsurprisingly with Hot Amazon. The difference is while a Hot Amazon is fawned over at least partially because of her Action Girl status and this is done in-story, the Amazonian Beauty is beautiful because of her muscles. Additionally, this trope is not necessarily just in-universe.
Often times, such as in fighting video games like Street Fighter, a lot of beautiful women are jacked but no one comments on it, since to the characters it is the norm for them to see characters like that, despite the fact that they are still Ms. Fanservices who go above and beyond the call of duty in some cases.
A quick litmus test for this trope is:
- Is the female character in question muscular?
- Is her muscularity emphasized (pointed out in-universe or by flexing) or noticeably large?
- Is her muscle the integral and dominant physical trait of her bare skin (due to their large mass or detailed definition)? (Example: Most of the skin is sculpted or bulky, rather than smooth—Fairchild at right is an excellent example of both "sculpted" skin and muscle mass.) Of course, this can be Depending on the Artist.
- Finally, is she accompanied by Fan Service tropes? (Examples: Stripperific, Male Gaze, etc.)
If the answer to all four above is "yes", the character qualifies for this trope.
This character can take her muscularity to Heroic Build levels. Sometimes starts out as a Super Strong Child, and usually (if not almost always) is an Action Girl. Almost always has large breasts. And as mentioned above, is pretty much always a Hot Amazon. Her smaller (and equally dangerous) cousin is the Cute Bruiser. Given that these girls are often tall to further enhance their presentation of strength, romances with them are likely to result in Tiny Guy, Huge Girl and Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy.
Compare Hot Amazon and contrast Brawn Hilda, Big Beautiful Woman. Some of these characters also double as Statuesque Stunners. When the female in question worries about the slippery slope between this trope and Brawn Hilda, it usually results in Muscle Angst.
Anime and Manga
- Tania from Yu-Gi-Oh GX, a literal Amazon. She is truly gigantic, towering over nearly every character in the show. Naturally, she completely blows Bastion's mind and he becomes hopelessly smitten with her (even staying with her in her home dimension later).
- Houmei from Aiki. As the series progresses, however, it turns out that her efforts to keep up with her opponents by pumping up actually hampers her fighting ability, so Houmei slims down a bit to remain competitive.
- Reiko Ando, a Hopeless Suitor of Fred Luo's in Outlaw Star, had won the title of "Strongest Woman in the Universe" four times in a row (and was aiming to win the contest for a fifth so she could marry him) and had the musculature to match.
- Cattleya from Queen's Blade, who has muscular arms and legs, which is in stark contrast to her softer features. Likewise, there is Risty who, while not quite as bulky as Cattleya, is extremely toned.
- In comparison to later depictions, Major Motoko Kusanagi in the 1995 animated film adaption is shown to have some muscle on her bones (such as when trying to rip open the hatch of a tank late in the movie, although she pushes her cyborg body past its limits, literally pulling herself apart). The extremely tight thermoptic camouflage bodysuit doesn't exactly leave much to the imagination either. This sticks pretty close to the manga as author Shirow Masamune is extremely fond of drawing statuesque women with an exquisitely detailed musculature.
- Sandra Guts from the Dirty Pair episode "Revenge of the Muscle Lady". At one point, she's seen muscling up even more due to an injection of Hard Muscle—or "Hustle" for short--(a performance-enhancing drug), which causes her Leotard of Power to rip to shreds (the viewer only gets to see her back, obviously). She gets a Brawn Hilda/Viewer Gender Confusion reaction from most of the cast, though.
- Most Claymores begin to qualify for this trope when they tap into their Yoma power, as they start Hulking Out with their Super-Powered Evil Side (at the cost of some of their beauty). This creates a slippery slope between their "Amazon-ness" and "Sexiness", except for one Claymore in particular: Undine, who plays this trope straight. Until it's revealed that she's using her Youma power to fake having such huge muscles and they're part of a bluff she puts on to psyche herself up and overcome her own fear.
- Genie, the resident swordswoman of Rune Soldier Louie, is shown to be pretty built in both the arms and chest department and is quite tall. She also strides into battle with little clothing other than what appears to be a midriff-barring bikini with a loincloth and cowl worn over that.
- Not to mention she carries the exact same amount of bulk and and muscle mass and the titular character Louie, who himself is one of the biggest characters in the series.
- In a few of Go Nagai's works (Iron Muscle and Mazinger Angels), there's a recurring character named Sakurako Honou (see here). Very muscular (especially in the arms and abs) and very fanservicey (up to and including a few naked shots in volume 3 of Iron Muscle).
- And speaking of Nagai, there's the titular heroine of Iron Virgin Jun, a word that flies past Fan Service and straight into Explicit Content.
- Casca from Berserk is quite well-toned from her career as a mercenary and even admitted that she was embarrassed to wear a shoulder-revealing ball gown because of her muscles (of course this did not stop love interest Guts from totally gawking at her). After the trauma she suffered from the Eclipse, however, Casca loses a considerable amount of muscle.
Card Games
- The majority of the Amazoness series of cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! are a clan of attractive women who are at least athletically built/toned. Their revealing attire doesn't exactly hurt in this regard either.
Comic Books
- She Hulk is definitely this in a lot of depictions.
- Heck, the current images for Hot Amazon and Shulkie's own page give you a good look at a well-muscled yet gorgeous She-Hulk.
- There's also Red She-Hulk and the Ultimate Universe version of Shulkie, who are both Betty Ross.
- Power Girl has always been desirable and has the Most Common Superpower IN SPADES. But she also often has the muscle to actually hold them up.
- Even moreso as Power Woman in Alex Ross' Kingdom Come. Ross' bio for Power Woman even notes, "It is my contention that she has aged, but not terribly so, and that her physical stature has swelled to impressive bodybuilder-like proportions so that she represents the most aggressive superhuman attitudes from the female side."
- Wonder Woman. She's usually tall and lithe, but some depictions are quite buff as well. For bonus points, she's a literal Amazon.
- Grace Choi from Batman and the Outsiders, despite being more Vasquez-esque than most superheroines, can't exactly be called "unattractive" either.
- Power Princess from Squadron Supreme, who is essentially a more muscular Wonder Woman.
- As pictured atop the page, Caitlin Fairchild (formerly of the now-defunct Gen 13 and now a supporting character of Superboy) wouldn't quite fit at first glance, but when her powers kick in, Caitlin tends to gain a good deal of muscle (in addition to other perks). The Movie (yes, one existed), provides a pretty good example starting at the 2:10 mark. On top of that, she grows all the way up to 6'4".
- Lyman Dally tends to like drawing muscular physiques for women seeing as he was a former bodybuilder himself. In one series of his, Max Rep, there's Quadra-Blu, the most successful female bodybuilder in the galaxy and an on-again, off-again lover of the titular character (himself a bodybuilder). However, at one point [dead link]
she does consider slimming down and going into fitness because she finds herself to be a bit too bulky. Max does not enjoy this news.
- Recently, Dally launched a prequel webcomic (somewhat NSFW at times), Steroids 'n' Asteroids with Quadra-Blu, chronicling Quadra (who is drawn with softer facial features due to Art Evolution) before she met Max. A prominent supporting character of Quadra's is Bumbl-Bee, her physique trainer.
- Lady Roider, another one of Dally's creations (as seen here), fits the bill.
- Giganta, a member of Wonder Woman's Rogues Gallery and the second Secret Six, is quite the Statuesque Stunner (6'6" by default, and she can grow to several hundred feet tall), but is commonly drawn with a muscular build. This is accentuated by her usual attire of a leopard print skirt and matching bra, giving Giganta a very convincing Nubile Savage vibe. Unfortunately for fans of this trope, ever since DC's One Year Later storyline, Giganta dons a leather catsuit and appears to be much slimmer.
- Supergirl is drawn with a considerably more Heroic Build than normal in Elseworld's Finest: Supergirl and Batgirl.
- Big Barda, a former member of Darkseid's Female Furies, is a bruiser who makes Supes look like a midget in comparison. She's considered extremely beautiful in-universe, despite her humongous size and muscle tone.
- Frank Cho seems to like employing this trope with most women he draws. Most women have some sort of exposed musculature while still maintaining feminine proportions such as large breasts and rears. He also tends to employ Male Gaze to highlight these points.
- Like Big Barda above, Knockout, a supporting character of both Superboy and the Secret Six, fits this trope quite well. Her main characterization is as a Blood Knight who enjoys an Interplay of Sex and Violence and once attempted put Superboy through a long sequence of Corrupt the Cutie to be her perfect lover.
- Orca, a member of Batman's Rogues Gallery, counts, with Beastess, Animorphism, and Petting Zoo People thrown into the mix. Thanks to a chemical formula devised from an Orca whale she studied at the Gotham Aquarium, Dr. Grace Balin transforms into a large and muscular Orca-human hybrid.
- Stunner is a now mostly-forgotten member of Spider-Man's Rogues Gallery. This, however, is not her true form and is actually some sort of solid virtual reality construct. Her actual appearance is that of an immobile, morbidly obese woman.
Fan Work
- A lot of online work such as Doujinshi and Fan Art (see sites like Deviant ART, Danbooru, and Pixiv) tend to produce bulked-up version of women (whether original or not), usually flaunting their heavily-muscled physiques and/or performing Herculean-feats of might.
- In Aces Iron Eagle III, this trope accurately describes the female co-lead, Anna Morales: the beautiful, muscular woman who showed herself as also a Determinator and a Badass in her first scene by, while chained, pulling herself up by grabbing those chains, cutting through her wrists, then pulling herself between the ceiling and the rafter, to break them before climbing up to choke a prison guard with it on the way down. She was played by another Real Life Amazonian Beauty Rachel McLish, who now also doubles as Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!.
- In the movie Skin Deep, John Ritter, a guy who basically hasn't met a woman he hasn't wanted (or in many cases tried) to bang, picks up a hot looking babe and goes home with her. When they get naked, he discovers she's a really dedicated bodybuilder, muscles and all. When she asks him what he thinks of her, he says, "I feel like Mrs. Arnold Schwarzenegger." Said woman was played by Real Life female bodybuilder Raye Hollitt, better known to fans of American Gladiators as Zap.
- In the film, My Lucky Stars featuring Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung, the Japanese model who turned out to be a muscular martial artist when she took off her robe, during her Designated Girl Fight. Said woman was played by Real Life Amazonian Beauty/Hot Mom Michiko Nishiwaki, who's also a stuntwoman.
- Rosario Dawson gets a dose of this for one scene in The Adventures of Pluto Nash.
- Spice Williams, an actress and stunt woman, often played roles like this when she was younger. Nowadays she's almost 60 and while still an arguable case of Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!, is more often a stunt choreographer. She actually was responsible for choreographing the infamous Miller Lite "Tastes Great/Less Filling" catfight commercial.
- There's a whole genre of films based on this trope. Most of them feature some girl or other flexing, beating up men, and sometimes wrestling with another girl. They generally run from about PG-13 to softcore porn (there are a few who do hardcore porn, however), depending on the girls participating and what their limits were. Some notable examples are Yvette Bova, Renita Harris, Denise Masino, and Autumn Raby.
- Beth Halpern from the Michael Crichton novel The Sphere, was a very attractive weightlifter. One of the other characters described her as "Mother Nature with muscles".
- Occasionally, an ad on this wiki will appear showcasing Jillian Michaels, a woman with some impressive guns and some impressive... er, guns.
- Spoofed mercilessly by Soda Stereo's song "Mi novia tiene biceps" ("My girlfriend's got biceps"), in which the narrator is rather cynical in regards to his girlfriend's obsession with becoming one of these.
- The video for "Manchmal haben Frauen" ("Sometimes women have") by German punk band Die Arzte hilariously features this trope, mixed with a lot of Fan Disservice. See for yourself, although it might not be safe for work.
Professional Wrestling
- Beth Phoenix embodies this trope. She's nicknamed "The Glamazon".
- Although Chyna started out as a masculine Brawn Hilda, she gradually drifted into this trope after several plastic surgeries (most notably, a set of breast implants and having her jawbone shaved) and as D Generation X turned Face. At the height of her popularity she posed for Playboy; that issue set records, both for sales and in use of airbrush..
- Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson were both rather famous fitness models before getting involved in pro wrestling.
Video Games
- Street Fighter gives us Chun-Li, mainly due to her famous legs that fluctuate from simply well-toned to two massive pillars of muscle in most Capcom games. While her clothing tends to be fairly modest, the official art gets around that by putting her legs front and center. However, it should be noted that she was depicted with muscular arms and abs in Alpha.
- Other characters like Cammy (somewhat hard to notice at times, considering that the camera tends to focus on her other side) and Juri (mainly her midriff, although her arms are pretty well-built as well) also fit this trope as they're both extremely toned.
- As of Street Fighter IV, the likes of Ibuki and especially Makoto show off significant muscle definition along with dangerously short skirts in their schoolgirl uniforms.
- In Street Fighter X Tekken, Chun-Li and Cammy (again) fit this trope. However, some of the Tekken ladies seem to have worked out a lot as well in this game. Nina Williams has been nicknamed Blonde-Li due to her legs becoming a lot thicker and Julia Chang, who is usually slender, is now suddenly noticeably more muscular. This may or may not be due to the Street Fighter character designer working on the designs for the game. Additionally, Poison from Final Fight seems to now have abs and muscular legs.
- While her appearance these days varies Depending on the Artist, Felicia, in her original appearances in Darkstalkers, was one of these.
- Captain Commando has Carol and Brenda. There's also the dubious example of Mardia. This official artwork is somewhat Ambiguous Gender (as it obscures her face), but the enemy is shown to have a feminine figure, not to mention the dress and high heels. Capcom must have been addicted to this trope!
- Sheeva from Mortal Kombat. She's a member of the Shokan race and was created as a Distaff Counterpart to Goro and Kintaro, from 3. She was quite muscled in her debut, [dead link] but her design in Armageddon made her even more ripped (and less clothed). The 2011 reboot reverts Sheeva back to her 3 design, toning down her muscularity a bit.
- Vanessa from Virtua Fighter. Especially in Virtua Fighter 4.
- Sarah also had a bit of this going on in 4, too, in the form of biceps. Like Vanessa, she was slimmed down in 5, and muscle tone and definition vanished.
- From SNK, we have Blue Mary, who is a borderline example thanks to defined biceps (this applies almost exclusively to her appearances in The King of Fighters).
- Shina from Bloody Roar tends to be buffer than her fellow ladies but still quite attractive.
- In F-Zero X, a grand total of 26 characters were added to the original four to bump the roster number up to a grand total of 30. One of the three females introduced in this game, Mrs. Arrow, had a noticeably muscular build. GX shows that she's an ardent bodybuilder through her Idle Animations at the Settings screen, her post-race interviews, and her ending, but she's also quite curvy. Characters like Jody and Kate are of an athletic body type, but it's nowhere close to that of Mrs. Arrow's.
- Retroactively, Black Widow from Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II (a game in the same universe as Street Fighter and Final Fight). At first, she's thought to be an androgynous male with great flexibility. Upon beating her storyline, she reveals herself to be a tall, muscular, full-figured woman (in nothing more than a Leotard of Power cut to resemble a training bra and thong, by the way) who is undeniably feminine looking and sounding. In fact, she's the largest woman in all of SF mythos at 6'6", 209 lbs. She's German, and by virtue of being the only female on the roster, the aforementioned scene makes her Ms. Fanservice by default.
Black Widow: "My web has snared them all, none can hope to escape it, or me!"
- Breakers (a Fighting Game with a cult following by Visco for the Neo Geo in 1996) features Rila Estansia, a Redheaded Hero, bubbly, Brazilian bombshell best described as the lovechild of Blanka and Felicia. Rila only fights in a Leotard of Power and greaves, which shows off her buff physique and Boobs of Steel.
- In Japanese Mythology, Thunder God Raijin is shown to be an oni with Stout Strength. In Muramasa the Demon Blade, Raijin is instead presented as a woman. She loses the "Stout", keeps the muscle size and tone (if said aspects aren't increased), and is a Hot Oni Woman. She also has the complimentary bust size, a huge rear, thunder thighs that would make Chun-Li's look like a twig, and little clothing to help showcase it. By comparison, her romantic partner Fujin is a cute and adorable little imp.
- Akiko Daimon. She appeared in Taisen Hot Gimmick Forever, an obscure game about mahjong. Despite this, she has many followers of her muscular physique.
- Meryl Silverburgh, as of Metal Gear Solid 4. Her wedding dress, in particular, shows off quite a bit of back.
- Also from Metal Gear Solid: Fortune, who doubles as a Statuesque Stunner.
- Rachel from Battle Arena Toshinden 3. She's Tracy's long lost twin sister but aside from skin color both fighters look radically different. Tracy is lanky and petite while Rachel is very bulky (least her upper body), and sports a pair of breasts that are on the verge of spilling out of her one-size-too-small bustier.
- The female Barbarian from Diablo 3 who, at least in concept art, looks like a more beefed up version of Red Sonja; she even wears the trademark Chainmail Bikini.
- Almost every MMORPG or High Fantasy Role-Playing Game that features female orcs as a playable characters will usually depict them in the concept art as extremely muscular, usually busty, and wearing more or less (usually less) clothing than their human counterparts. The downside being that they usually have faces that may detract some people. The prominent examples come from World of Warcraft (see here) and Lineage 2 (see here).
- To a lesser degree, female night elves also qualify for this trope. Given that the night elven Sentinel armies are mostly comprised of women.
- Angela Belti from Power Instinct. She was originally meant to be a Brawn Hilda in the first game, as she was extremely muscular, drawn with a very manly face, and even voiced by a male employee of Atlus. This changed in the sequel and games onward were she was drawn with more feminine features while still retaining her muscular physique.
- Concept art of Dragon Age II depicts females of the Qunari (a group of mainly Kossith who follow the Qun, or a strict code of honor and stoicism) as this. In story, there are two main groups of them, and the mainstream group uses the Qun to prevent women from being warriors and have something of a Stay in the Kitchen dogma where females are not considered warriors, while the other faction may allow female warriors. Bioware fans are naturally rather curious to see if they'll include a female qunari warrior from the latter faction in the party at some point during the franchise.
- There's also Aveline Vallen, who fills the role nicely. Unfortunately, you only get to see her feminine figure during the prologue.
- This is a common interpretation of Yuugi Hoshiguma, one of Touhou's two prominent onis, in fanwork.
- Memetic Mutation has also produced Cho-Marisa, a highly muscular version of Touhou's resident Cute Witch created by Wi-Z GARAGE (see here). Wi-Z kept her quite feminine despite her muscular frame (and a Viewer Gender Confusion/Brawn Hilda reaction from Reimu), but other fan depictions try to up the manly and/or GAR factors (and usually cross over into Testosterone Poisoning) by decking her out in stuff like a full beard-mustache combo.
- Dragon's Crown features the Amazon, a class of Red Sonja-esque fighters with good speed and attack power (but low defenses and sluggish attack speed). Accordingly, they're depicted as buff, blond-haired beauties with Boobs of Steel who are clad in Chainmail Bikinis that seem to be one size too small. Seeing as this title was developed by Vanillaware (the same group responsible for Odin Sphere and the aforementioned Muramasa), it seems that this trope, large breasts, and big butts are the personal fetishes of lead designer George Kamitani.
- Several games that allow for a Create-A-Character feature usually provide players with the option to create Amazonian Beauties of their own.
- For example, Rumble Roses XX has a character editor that allows the player to determine parameters such as weight by performing certain actions in a match. One of these sliders allowed you to muscle up the girls.
- Zona from The Challenges of Zona. Boobs of Steel, indeed.
- Polymer City Chronicles has a ton of buff and beautiful women. Andrah,is a blue, busty, and buff beauty and stands at over 7 feet tall. Lindy is basically Tomb Raider's Lara Croft after working out for a decade or so. Lady of War Artias is also very buff and even turns the Moe Sheeri into a very muscular woman via Grand Theft Me and a lot of weights.
- In The Magnificent Milkmaid, Martina, Serafina, and Chastity are all able to Hulk Out. While the former two (respectively as Sweater Puppy and The Incredible Cunt) play this trope straight, Chas (or should we say, Prixen) becomes a futanari, so it either adds more fuel to the fire or completely snuffs out the flame.
- Lampshaded and somewhat Subverted Trope in this strip of Spinnerette. The main character, Heather, wants to show her Super Physique, among other mutations she got from a Freak Lab Accident, but that idea is shutdown by her roommate, who makes her wear a fat suit so not to raise suspicion.
- Fang Lin in How I Killed Your Master, as emphasized by her bicep flex in one of her first handful of panels.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl Baalah from Pawn, most prominently in her giantess form.
- From Grrl Power, we have Maxima and Anvil.
- Quain'tana of Drowtales in the past was a definite Amazonian Beauty with both the height and muscle, but by the time of the main story she's become more of a Brawn Hilda to the point of Viewer Gender Confusion.
- Ariel, Quain's granddaughter becomes this after the timeskip, as one look at her bicep in a shower scene shows.
- The Tiger girls from Draconia Chronicles Especially the "Big Cats" who are noticeably larger and more muscular than other Tigers.
Web Original
- David C. Matthews has quite a few of 'em. For starters, check out Tetsuko, Satin Steele, and Dyna the Damsel Dynamo.
- This trope is actually Deconstructed Trope in the case of Tetsuko and Satin Steele. Despite being the titular characters and Ms. Fanservice of their respective comics, not everyone finds either protagonist very attractive, especially their love interests. Tetsuko's boyfriend threatens to leave her because she's more muscular than him, while Satin's boyfriend likens having sex with her to "fucking a man with tits". Though, it's common in the genre to cast the first boyfriend as a Straw Critic who doesn't find women with muscles appealing.
- Zuzana Spears aka "The Bodyrock Chick". While her clothing style isn't outside the realm of athletic gear, you'd be hard pressed to find her wearing anything that doesn't show off her abs and sizable cleavage and that isn't extremely snug from the waist down. Couple that with the provactive angles all of her videos are shot in.
- Hippolyta of the Whateley Universe wears tight, skimpy outfits even though she doesn't like guys ogling her. (She does, however like girls ogling her. That's why she is in Poe cottage.)
Western Animation
- While the Black Cat is usually traditionally femininely shaped, Spider-Man: The Animated Series's version made her simultaneously this and a Badass Abnormal. Thanks to Super Serum similar to the one used in the creation of Captain America (comics), Felicia Hardy gains the ability to morph into a taller, buffer, uninhibited White-Haired Pretty Girl Femme Fatale with increased human reflexes and strength clad in a skin-tight Spy Catsuit (and of course, there was chemistry between her and Spider-Man). It didn't help that Jennifer Hale gave her an extremely seductive voice while in Black Cat form.
- Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths features Mary Marvel's Evil Counterpart from an Alternate Universe, Superwoman, who is shown with a muscular yet curvaceous build. Between this, her outfit, the dominatrix-like attitude, her unrepentant insanity, UST-oozing scenes with Batman, the Designated Girl Fight with Wonder Woman, and Gina Torres well-known for playing two other warrior women, she's a bona-fide Amazonian Beauty.
- Plucky Duck was pretty overjoyed to be the judge of a beauty pageant... nefore getting pummeled by everyone in the body-building round.
- Given the lusty look on his face, Kru'll the Eternal seemed to enjoy transforming his girlfriend into a hulking cavewoman.
- The episode "Beef" from Dave the Barbarian has Princess Candy trying to woo away a potential suitor from the tall and muscular Bicepia the Warrior Woman by eating magic broccoli to gain a similar figure. However, this begins to go out the window as Candy digests more and more broccoli; she grows more and more buff, but her beauty and brains quickly get thrown onto the backburner.
- "Worth Her Weight In Gold" from the Police Academy cartoon gives us the the aptly-named Phoenix Amazona, The World's Strongest Woman. Also pulls quadruple-duty as a Genius Bruiser, Hot Amazon, and Statuesque Stunner. Oh, and she's a criminal.
- Futurama features the planet of Amazonian women, all muscular and giant.
- Remember the famed Venus de Milo sculpture? The one that's missing arms? According to Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventures, the real Venus de Milo was apparently giving out free tickets to the gun show.
- In The Simpsons, Homer buys a valuable weight-lifting set from a garage sale, and Marge develops anxiety problems due to an encounter with a mugger. Marge eventually starts using the weight-lifting set and gains not only her confidence back, but also a nice muscular body. Homer approves of it at first ("It's like I'm married to Shaft!"), but then Marge gets hooked on steroids and grows obsessed with getting stronger, turning her into a violent Brawn Hilda.
- In Eek! The Cat, Sharky has a crush on a female "Patriotic Warrior" named "Platinum".
- Alex from Totally Spies! becomes one, but then gets more muscle and becomes to much of a good thing by the end.
- Then the muscle guy she liked and even saved in said episode dumps her because he doesn't date girls who are stronger than him. If only her friends didn't stop Alex's rage at this time.