Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom

"'I Declare'... Eteru Magia! I won't say 'please'! And I won't let you say it has nothing to do with you! See for yourself if I'm a whipped dog or not!!"
"... huh. Interesting. Show me, then. 'I Approve.'"

Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom is a Shounen manga that debuted in Weekly Shonen Jump in April 2004. Published in North America under Viz Media's Shonen Jump Advanced label, the entire nine-volume series has been released in English. The anime and sequel manga Nora the Second have yet to be licensed.

Nora is a Cerberus, a rare and powerful breed of Hell Hound, in the service of the Dark Liege Army. On the battlefield he's a force to be reckoned with. Off it, however, his attitude is... less than stellar. Tired of his rudeness and impulsiveness, the Dark Liege herself seals him in semi-human form and sends him to the human world, both to counter La Résistance and to get some obedience training.

The designated Kid with the Leash of this tale is Magari Kazuma, a phlegmatic boy who claims to live his life by 'a strict Cost-Benefit analysis'. Initially he only agrees to fight and ratifies his 'familiar spirit' contract with Nora out of boredom, but when he discovers that one of the main bones of contention between the Dark Liege Army and the rebels is the "right" of demons to hunt and devour humans for fun, it's on.

Tropes used in Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom include:
  • Action Girl: Melfina
  • Anime Hair: Nora's head looks like it was patterned after a dog's body, with 'inumimi'-shaped forelocks and a long, wild pony doggytail in the back. This is excusable in that he's a demon, but how Kazuma can be a model Student Council President and have dyed-blond streaks in his bangs is up for debate.
  • Badass Army: The Dark Liege Army
  • Badass Boast: Kazuma gets one of these in the very first chapter; it becomes something of his mission statement:

Kazuma: You said you've only seen humans on TV. So allow me to explain. Humans are at the top of the food chain because we can think and use tools. We're not powerless. Remember that, you good-for-nothing lower class animal.

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