Chibisan Date

Seiji, on the cover of the 1st volume
On the crescent-shaped island of Nantucket lives Seiji, a young Japanese artist. This heartwarming story is about his daily life and interactions with the people there.
Seiji's friends include Suehiro-san, a potter and Seiji's mentor, Fischer, his good friend, the Baker sisters, Candy and Margaret.
As for the plot: Nothing much happens.
This manga is currently serialized in seinen magazine Comic Birz. It is written by Hidekaz Himaruya.
Tropes used in Chibisan Date include:
- All There in the Manual: Sujanta and Rocket have only appeared on the author's blog.
- Bishonen: Every male character.
- The Blank: The girl in chapter three is drawn without a face for the most of it, except till the end.
- Hair Decorations: Chibisan, Margaret, Candy, and Sujanta. Basically every single girl.
- Hollywood New England: The setting is mainly on Nantucket Island, just off the coast from Massachusetts. Which some might also recognize as America's ahoge.
- Genki Girl: Margaret. Of course, Candy has her moments.
- Girlish Pigtails: Chibisan has them, which just bumps up the cuteness factor a couple more notches.
- Moe: Seiji. Chibisan too.
- So are Margaret, Candy, Sujanta, and just about any young person in the series. Himaruya's style tends to do that.
- Most Artists Are Artists: The main character, Seiji, is an artist, and so is everyone else. (Suehiro makes pottery, Maragret likes to write, etc.)
- Those Two Guys: Darwit and Artan
- Token Mini-Moe: The series' mascot, Chibisan.
- Tomboy: Word of God states that Margaret is one of these.
- Series Mascot: Chibisan
- Spell My Name with an "S": Minor. Chibi-san Date or Chibisan-Date or Chibisan Date? Even the official spellings are inconsistent.
- The Stoic: Suehiro-san doesn't have many facial expressions.
- True Art Is Incomprehensible: Margaret is said to have such an extraordinary writing style that no one except her understands it.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Yuriko.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Crumb.
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