Aflame Inferno
Other works written by Dalyoung Im:
- Freezing
- Koimoku
- Kurokami
- The Legend of Maian
- Onihime VS
- The Phantom King
- Re:Birth - The Lunatic Taker
- Unbalance x Unbalance
- Zero: The Beginning of the Coffin
Other works drawn by Kwanghyun Kim:
Aflame Inferno (불꽃의 인페르노) is a Manhwa written by IM Dal Young and drawn by KIM Kwang Hyun. This title is published in Booking in South Korea. This also has a Japanese language version published by Comic Valkyrie.
Aflame Inferno is about a self absorbed high schooler and the Nation's top model named Shichan Kang, that gets caught in the middle of a battle between demons. Injured severely and near death, the demon Inferno merges with the student to save his life. Together they win the battle to discover that they are inescapably joined. The only hope of ever becoming separate beings again is to collect 1,000 Invento Hells and find the right spell of Resurrection. Can Shichan Kang balance hunting down demons with his school work?
- Aborted Arc: With the introduction of the remaining Kings, the original idea of getting 1,000 Invento Hell has apparently been abandoned, as Inferno and Kang have both been ignoring the Invento Hells recently.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: This is due to South Korean censorship.
- Big Bad: Pandemonium is shaping up to be this.
- Big Damn Heroes: Several times during the raid on the TBI building, all times subverted as the Big Damn Heroes get their asses rather brutily kicked. Even Inferno. Except for Gehanna.
- Becoming the Mask: It's implied this happens when a tedlar stays in a human body for too long.
- Bishonen: Shichan, so much so, that he models on the side.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Gehenna
- The Charmer: Shichan
- Christmas Cake: Do Jiyun
- Likes Older Women: Shichan
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Gehenna, it's possible that this may be because of Chaehee's emotions.
- Creepy Child: Pandemonium's current body.
- Demonic Possession: This is how tedlars get a physical form.
- Demon Slaying: the T.B.I. are humans who do this.
- Dub Name Change: Apparently Japan does this practice as well, as their translation replaces all the Korean names and changes the setting from Seoul to Tokyo.
- Fantastic Racism: Tedlars don't see humans as much other than fodder for Demonic Possession.
- Feminine Women Can Cook: Chaehee, Gehenna goes to sleep and let's Chaehee cook food.
- First-Episode Resurrection: Shichan is mortally wounded instead of killed, but the overall effect is the same. Chaehee/Gehenna is a similar case.
- Girlish Pigtails: Oreilly
- Half-Human Hybrid: Shichan and Inferno.
- Hearing Voices: Shichan is the only one that can hear Inferno. Until recently.
- Hellish Pupils: When this happens, on a person, expect some asswhooping to happen.
- Historical Domain Character: Joan of Arc.
- Hot for Teacher: Shichan
- Hot Mom: Shichan's stepmom.
- Hot Teacher
- I Just Want to Be Normal: He can be normal. It's just he needs 1000 invento hells to do it. Which isn't going to be easy since Inferno was pretty low on invento hells to begin with.
- Invisible to Normals: Tedlars that have human body are often unnoticed by normal people and low level tedlars.
- Jerkass: Pandemonium
- Lady of War: Gehenna
- Lethal Chef: Gehenna the Queen of Destruction cooks food that lives up to her moniker if by accident.
- Meaningful Names: Inferno is the Italian name for Hell. Gehenna, is the hebrew name for the place where the souls for the wicked dead go to. Thanatos is the Greek personification of Death. Pandemonium (all demons) is a name invented by John Milton for the capital city of demons in Paradise Lost.
- Mismatched Eyes: Thanatos
- Missing Mom: Shichan's is dead prior to the start of the manhwa.
- The Mole
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Gehenna's rep is such that even high level tedlars are scared of her.
- New Transfer Student: Gehenna/Chaehee
- Ordinary High School Student: Shichan Kang
- Our Demons Are Different: Tedlars are invisible to people and need freshly dead human bodies to interact in the living world.
- Panty Shot
- Parental Abandonment: Chaehee's parents are apparently dead and her grandma died in a battle between Shichan and Gehenna
- Parental Substitute: Chaehee's grandma was this to her and Gihuun, her brother.
- People Puppets: The Tedlars take the bodies of recently dead people and use them to get around in the living world.
- Playing with Fire: This is one of Inferno's speciaties.
- Prehensile Hair: Gehenna when she's in control of Chaehee's body. It's also slices flesh.
- Rapunzel Hair: Gehenna when using Chaehee's body.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Thanatos after Eliza's death
- Also implied in Inferno's backstory.
- Sharing a Body: Shichan and Inferno.
- Shrinking Violet: Chaehee Shin
- Supreme Chef: Chaehee
- Sweet on Polly Oliver: Reader variation, as Inferno isn't quite up to the title of King...
- Taking the Bullet: Eliza does this for Thanatos.
- This Is a Drill: Shichan gets at the business of this in one of the early chapters.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Gehenna, when she's in control of Chaehee's body.
- Yandere - Gehenna