Black Bird
Black Bird is a Shoujo manga by Kanoko Sakuraouji. It tells the story of Misao Harada, an ordinary girl who can see ghosts, spirits and demons, and her relationship with Kyo, the head of a Tengu (bird demon) clan, who she befriended as a little child. Thanks to her Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday, if a demon makes Misao his bride (which is implied to have more to do with sex than it does with nuptials), their clan would become prosperous; on the other hand, if a demon eats her flesh, it will gain immortality. Poor Misao is therefore caught between Kyo, who wants to marry her (against her will, if necessary), and various other badnasties who want to eat her. Romance, uh, ensues.
Not to Be Confused With the Beatles song of the same name from the White Album.
- All Men Are Perverts: especially including Kyo, who thinks erotic ukiyo-e artwork, a book of 48 hot sex tips, and a laid-out futon is the best way to celebrate.
- All of the Other Reindeer: "I, Misao Harada, can see spirits. When I was younger, people hated me because of it."
- Adorably Precocious Child: Taro. He tries, poor thing.
- Attempted Rape[context?]
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Misao and Kyo can bicker and fight no end, but nobody is fooled by it.
- Ax Crazy: Sojo
- Barrier Maiden: Misao
- Bastard Boyfriend: Kyo, whose 'love' is expressed by constant sexual harassment - up to taking secret photos of his, uh... beloved.
- There's also the time he lifted her up several stories and threatened to drop her, all so he could train her body to become dependent upon him.
- Berserk Button: Don't touch Misao in front of Kyo. And only try to hurt her if you have a pretty sincere death wish which includes some fairly painful methods of dying.
- Bishonen: Pretty much every male character, but especially Kyo, whom Misao mistakes for a pretty girl upon seeing him as an adult.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Shuuhei and Shojo seem like really nice people at first... of course, they're both complete and utter bastards. Inverted with Kyo who can act like a real Jerkass, but is in fact incredibly caring and gentle (... not that this makes up for some of the things he does).
- Black Magic[context?]
- Bound and Gagged: Misao, when captured by Sojo.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Averted. In the same instance that he claimed Sagami and Hoki were Yaoi Guys and Bozen had an STD, Kyo claimed Zenki was in love with his sister. This is untrue.
- Butt Monkey: Misao comes up as this, and it's NOT Played for Laughs. She can see spirits, which is already scary enough, and used to be harrassed or hated because of that. Then, she gets caught in the wars of the Tengu and is under attack many times. And while some Tengus are sympathetic to her plight, the most powerful ally she has among them is... a Bastard Boyfriend.
- Childhood Friend Romance[context?]
- Childhood Marriage Promise: Which Kyo is determined to collect on.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: While discussing what would be a proper punishment if Sojo rebelled again, Misao suggested keeping him away from women so he wouldn't have a family. The men expressed horror at this, as it would also deprive him of other carnal pleasures]], something men in this series value.
- In some translations she suggests to castrate him - which would be way OOC, but would explain utter horror on their faces better.
- The Chew Toy: the entire supernatural realm is gunning for Misao's flesh and blood, and they're not shy about it.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Kyo can slip into this at times.
- Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday: Misao becomes the 'bride of prophecy' on this date. Poor girl.
- Dojikko: Subverted: Misao's classmates think she's one, but in reality she's always being tripped or bruised by invisible demons
- Duel to the Death - Kyo and Sho
- Erotic Eating: When Kyo buys an ice-cream cone for Misao he ends up getting some on his finger, and holds it up for her to lick. Ironically, the ladies watching the pair seem more interested.
- Eyes Always Shut: Downplayed. It's not always a threat when Hoki opens his eyes, as was typical of this trope, since he opens them more casually than some examples, but his eyes are usually closed in his resting expression.
- Forced to Watch: Kyo is threatened with this more than once.
- Friend to All Children: Kyou, surprisingly. There's a reason why he and Tarou get along really well.
- Generic Cuteness: Going by In-Universe reactions to Misao's appearance, she's no raving beauty. With her design though, it would be an easy mistake.
- Good Is Not Nice: Kyo can be an incredible Jerkass but he's the only thing standing between Misao and a messy death.
- Hair Reboot: Justified in this case, as Misao explicitly gets hair extensions after her close shave with Sojo. Although she doesn't tell him so, she does it because she notices Kyo looks sad everytime he sees her short hair.
- Ill Girl: Ayame
- Interspecies Romance: Demons and humans in love!
- Intimate Healing: Poor Misao keeps getting attacked by other demons, and Kyo heals her wounds by licking them erotically. She's not wild about this.
- On the other hand, Misao can recharge the energies of the person she kisses, so she also gives this to Kyo more than once.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: Misao is tied up and encased behind a magic barrier while an evil Tengu gloats about being able to ravish her.
- Hot for Student: Kyo gets a job as a teacher at Misao's school, the better to
harassprotect her - Perpetual Molt: Lampshaded: "Kyo's secret problem... He worries about losing his feathers..."
- Jerkass: Pretty much every male character in the series.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kyo can be a complete and utter Jerkass.... However, he does love Misao, is willing to die for her and do anything to make her happy, and can be incredibly sweet and gentle to anyone smaller or weaker than himself (particularly children, which is why Tarou is so devoted to him).
- Kick the Dog: A literal example: in his youth Sho beats a puppy to near death.
- Sho does a lot of Kicking The Dog. First off, Misao when she was a little girl, then Tarou and his brothers, then Misao again...
- Malicious Slander: Downplayed. The lies don't last long or spread far, but in Chapter 9, Kyo claims Sagami and Hoki are Yaoi Guys, Zenki is in love with his sister, and Bozen fooled around so much he caught an STD -- all to dissuade Misao's attraction to his Bishonen retinue.
- Nice Guy: Dojouji Kensuke. Despite being a snake demon, Kensuke is quite possibly the only gentleman in a cast full of misogynist assholes in that he never lets his physical attraction to Misao override his concern for her feelings. Ironically, this is the very reason why he has no chance in hell of becoming her primary suitor.
- Nice Guys Finish Last: Alas, poor Kensuke.
- Purely Aesthetic Glasses: Kyo wears glasses when in disguise as a teacher.
- Real Men Hate Sugar: Kyo hates sweets to the point that he almost becomes nauseous from a taste of ice cream, but he still forces himself to eat the cake that Misao made.
- Sibling Triangle - Kyo, Misao and Sho. Kyo and Sho are brothers.
- Schmuck Bait: Misao, they might as well be holding up a sign saying "THIS IS A TRAP" and you still fall for it!
- Shrinking Violet: Misao. Not without reason.
- Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious: Misao's blood and flesh, to demons.
- Too Dumb to Live: Misao, you're the target of an entire realm of supernatural monsters and deities. So stop blindly following powerful demons into isolated places just because you think they'll tell you something more about Kyo!
- Winged Humanoid: Kyo and the rest of his Tengu entourage.
- Yaoi Guys: Subverted. In Chapter 9, Misao noticed that Sagami and Hoki seemed particularly close (they didn't address each other with honorifics), and Kyo claimed they were "batting for the other team", but he was lying. They are actually brothers.
- You Taste Delicious: Several times, when Kyo kisses Misao or drinks her Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious blood. Also implied but not said when he licks a bit of ice cream from her mouth.
- Youkai: Demon clans featured so far include Tengu (crow), Kitsune (fox), and Shirohebi (snake). Naturally, they're all packed to the gills with Bishonen.