< Babylon 5 < Recap < S05

Babylon 5/Recap/S05/E16 And All My Dreams Torn Asunder

There comes a moment in everyone's life when you have to do something you would rather not do. When you know something you would rather not know. This is one such moment.
President John Sheridan

This episode contains examples of:

  • Drinking on Duty: Garibaldi is passed out drunk when a crucial message comes from a White Star monitoring a potential confrontation with the Centauri and losing what might have been the last chance to prevent fighting.
  • Gilligan Cut: When the war between the Centauri and the Alliance begins, the Centauri minister comes to escort G'Kar to a prison cell. Londo protests and refuses to allow them to be separated.

Londo: Don't worry, even one as arrogant as this one would not take it upon himself to imprison his own Prime Minister.
(prison door slams shut)
Londo: Shut up!
G'Kar: I didn't say anything...

Sheridan: (listening to arguing) That's enough. (arguing continues) I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH! We gave you a promise, and we are bound by that promise. And damn you for asking for it! And damn me for agreeing to it! And damn us all to hell, because that is exactly where we are going! We talked about peace. You didn't want peace! We talked about cooperation. You didn't want cooperation! You want war! Is that it? You want a war? Well, you have a war!"

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