< Babylon 5 < Recap < S03

Babylon 5/Recap/S03/E17 War Without End, Part 2

Zathras has studied the great machine, knows things even Draal does not know yet. And I know you [Sinclair]. And I know you [Delenn]. And I know you [Sheridan]. All Minbari belief is around three. Three castes, worker, warrior, religious. Three languages, Light, Dark, Grey. The Nine of the Grey Council, three times three. All is three. As you are three. As you are one. As you are the One. You [Sinclair] are the one who was . You [Delenn] are the one who is . You [Sheridan] are the one who will be . You are the beginning of the story, and the middle of the story, and the end of the story. That creates the next great story. Ah, in your heart, you know what Zathras says is true. Go now, Zathras' place is with the one who was. We have a destiny.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Bad Future: The fate of Centauri Prime.
  • Because Destiny Says So: Sinclair must take Babylon 4 back in time because he always has and always will.
  • Call Back: Vir picking up the Seal of the Centauri Republic and thus assuming the throne fulfills Lady Morella's prophecy.
  • The Emperor: Londo, then Vir.
  • Eyepatch After Time Skip: G'Kar.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Zathras mentions Delenn and Sheridan as "The One Who Is" and "The One Who Will Be" respectively. Shortly after, Delenn becomes the new Ranger One, a position Sheridan is shown to have at the time of his death twenty years from now.
    • Delenn also has a vision of herself watching Sheridan sleep when the door opens and a woman's voice says, "Hello."
  • Stable Time Loop: Sinclair goes back in time aboard Babylon 4 and becomes the Minbari leader Valen. At the end of his life, writes letters to himself and Delenn telling them what needs to happen.
  • Transformation Trinket: The Triluminary Sinclair uses to enter a chrysalis similar to the one that changed Delenn.
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