< Babylon 5 < Recap < S04

Babylon 5/Recap/S04/E14 Moments of Transition

Valen said, "Will you follow me into fire?" Will you?

This episode contains examples of:

  • Berserk Button: In this episode we see exactly what it takes to make John Sheridan and Susan Ivanova start a civil war. (Answer: Firing on unarmed civilian liners carrying wounded refugees with no provocation.)
  • Cosmic Plaything: Poor Lyta. She just can't get a break.
  • Deal with the Devil: Lyta clearly regards Bester's offer as this.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Neroon sacrifices himself to prevent Delenn sacrificing herself. It's all very noble.
  • Incendiary Exponent: The Minbari decided caste dominance in olden times by having the caste leaders step into the Starfire Wheel. This literally burns them to death if they remain inside for too long - which they're suposed to do, to prove their willingness to face danger themselves, not just force others into it. They who burn longest, win.
  • The Laws and Customs of War: Sheridan correctly points out that any military vessel who fires on a civilian transport without due cause is guilty of war crimes (massive ones, actually). This pisses him off enough to make him declare that the waiting is done and they fight now.
  • No Points for Neutrality: Averted. The Worker Caste doesn't seem to have taken part in the fighting and Delenn gives them the majority on the new Grey Council.
  • You're Insane!: Lyta's reaction when Bester says he wants her body: "Are you out of your mind?"
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