< Babylon 5 < Recap < S04

Babylon 5/Recap/S04/E20 Endgame

We are here to place President Clark under arrest, to disband Nightwatch, and return the government to the hands of the people.
Captain John Sheridan

This episode contains examples of:

  • Big Damn Heroes: The Apollo shows up at Earth just in time to destroy the rogue satellite before it can fire, and before the Agamemnon rams it.
  • The Cavalry: The non-human ships, drawn from every other nation associated with Babylon Five, are to hold back and provide support for the humans, so as to emphasise that this is liberation by Earth's own sons and daughters, not conquest. But when Clark turns the planetary defense satellites against the planet, Sheridan calls for Delenn and the other allied ships. Delenn responds simply, "We are there."
  • Friendship Moment: Sheridan wins the war from the bridge of the Agamemnon, just as he'd promised Ivanova.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: The Earth defense satellites seem to consist of a main beam weapon and LOTS and LOTS of missiles.
  • Madness Mantra: Clark sits at his desk, writing a simple phrase over and over: "The Ascension of the Ordinary Man".
  • Ramming Always Works: Averted. Sheridan orders the Agamemnon to ram the weapons sat after their main weapons are shot out, but the Apollo deals with it before they reach it.
  • Taking You with Me: Clark programs the planetary defense grid to fire on Earth then shoots himself in the head.
  • Tears of Joy: The ISN anchor, the real one, has to take a few moments to compose herself on camera.
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