< Babylon 5 < Recap < S01

Babylon 5/Recap/S01/E00 The Gathering

Season 1, Pilot:

The Gathering

I was there at the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind. It began in the Earth year 2257, with the founding of the last of the Babylon stations, located deep in neutral space. It was a port of call for refugees, smugglers, businessmen, diplomats and travelers from a hundred worlds. It could be a dangerous place, but we accepted the risk because Babylon 5 was our last, best hope for peace. Babylon 5 was a dream given form, a dream of a galaxy without war where species from different worlds could live side by side in mutual respect. Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations. This is its story.
Londo Mollari

Babylon 5 is online and ambassadors are arriving from all the major races: the Minbari, the Narn, the Centauri and even the reclusive Vorlons. However, the Vorlon ambassador Kosh is attacked on arrival, and when the station's commercial telepath, Lyta Alexander, reads Kosh's mind to learn who attacked him, she identifies the assassin as Jeffrey Sinclair, the EarthForce Commander in charge of B5. As Sinclair navigates the political minefield of the station, all the while protesting his innocence, it's up to Security Chief Michael Garibaldi to find the real culprit before Babylon 5's mission is scuppered before it even begins.

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