< Babylon 5 < Recap < S02

Babylon 5/Recap/S02/E09 The Coming of Shadows

The Coming of Shadows

Emperor Turhan: How will this end?
Kosh: In fire.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Berserker Tears: G'Kar breaks down after Sheridan puts a stop to his rampage.
  • Dream Sequence: Londo has one that shows him a number of things that will happen to him later.
  • The Good King: Emperor Turhan.
  • Hugo Award: the first Babylon5 episode to win one, but not the last.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Londo has this moment when G'Kar, who has just received the Emperor's apology, buys him a drink, saying he finally found decency in a Centauri, and that it's a start. Londo shakily accepts the drink, knowing he's shot down perhaps the only real chance for reconciliation between their peoples before it even took off.
  • Start of Darkness: This the first point when Londo seeks out Mr. Morden for his services. In addition the attack was his idea and he picked the target himself, without any prompting other than Lord Refa saying they need something to gain influence.
  • The Chains of Commanding: Turhan never chose to be Emperor; he was born into the role. By virtue of his position, Turhan caught heat for atrocities that were set in motion by his family. Near the end of his life, Turhan confides the irony that despite his vast power, he never really had a "choice" in much of anything.
  • Unstoppable Rage: When G'Kar learns of the attack on Quadrant 14, he storms toward Londo's quarters leaving battered security guards in his wake.
  • Wham! Episode
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