< Babylon 5 < Recap < S04

Babylon 5/Recap/S04/E10 Racing Mars

As of now I'm relieving you of command...you haven't taken any personal time in over nine months. And in that time we have broken away from Earth, fought a war, you have been declared dead at least once, and you know how tiring that can be.
Commander Ivanova to Sheridan

This episode contains examples of:

  • A Man Is Always Eager: Sheridan goes straight from depressed over Garibaldi and exasperated at yet another Minbari courtship ritual (out of up to fifty) to excited eagerness when Delenn tells him this one involves them "discovering each other's centers of pleasure."
  • Brick Joke: The Resistance gets Franklin and Marcus fake identicards portraying them as a young married couple. Not much is made of it for a while, then at the end Number One mentions the hotel gave them the honeymoon suite.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The leader of the Resistance is known only as Number One.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: Garibaldi knocks Sheridan to the floor with one punch. Sheridan calls off security before they can do anything, saying he'll let Garibaldi have that one because of everything they've been through.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: A more lighthearted example. When Ivanova summarily relieves Sheridan of command to give him a couple days' vacation - and bullies him into surrender - he asks her who taught her to negotiate like that. She sweetly replies that "You did."
  • Interspecies Romance: Sheridan and Delenn take another step in their relationship... one that Sheridan evidently enjoys. While members of her caste observe in the other room and pray for a good night.

The next morning in the elevator with Sheridan and Lennier.
Lennier aside glance: "Woo-hoo"?

Capt. Jack: Lyta had a little Vorlon, it's fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Lyta went, her Vorlon was sure to go.

  • Stealth Hi Bye: Marcus pulls one on Franklin, who gets quite annoyed about it.

Franklin: And I really hate it when you do that!

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