< Babylon 5 < Recap < S04

Babylon 5/Recap/S04/E01 The Hour of the Wolf

The Shadows have paused in their pursuit of war and everywhere there is a sense of imminent change. Whether it is a change for good or ill, no one can tell, as no one has yet answered two very important questions: where is Mr. Garibaldi and what happened to Captain Sheridan at Z'ha'dum?

This episode contains examples of:

Londo: Vir, there is a terrible truth: As one accumulates power, one loses friends. One only has those who wish to use you, and those you wish to use. And yet, in all of this, you have somehow managed to walk through the corridors of power and not be touched. I can only assume you have not been paying attention.

  • Heroic BSOD: The Army of Light is in one as the episode begins, especially Ivanova, who's lost her best friend, captain, and comrade-in-arms, and Delenn, who's lost the love of her life. Or so they think.
  • It's All My Fault: G'Kar's opening monologue mentions that Ivanova blames herself for what happened, and his opinion that it is foolish, destructive...and human.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Lyta is beginning to suspect the Vorlon ambassador is hiding something from her.
  • Stealth Insult: Londo describes the last few times he's seen Cartagia in less than flattering terms ("twice when he was an infant, he drooled a lot, I wonder if he has continued the habit, and again when he was 15 trrying to peek up the skirts of some young women"), and when he meets the Emperor in person he says, "I could swear you have not changed since the last few times I saw you."
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