< Babylon 5 < Recap < S04

Babylon 5/Recap/S04/E19 Between the Darkness and the Light

This episode contains examples of:

G'Kar: We wanted to send a message, that the Council speaks as one for the right reasons, not out of any personal agenda. Sheridan is not alone, and you are not alone. The League stands with you. We all stand with you.

  • Black Eyes of Evil: When Lyta uses her powers to break the Psi Cop blocks, and when she projects the memories she retrieved into Number One's mind, she gets the same eyes she had when she was in contact with the Shadows.
  • Brainwash Residue: Lyta finds P12 blocks in Garibaldi's mind. Beyond them she finds all the memories of Bester's meddling.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Sheridan is having trouble remembering things by now:

Michael, I was going to kick your butt for something...but I can't remember what it was.

  • Like Brother and Sister: This episode brings home more than any other just how much John Sheridan and Susan Ivanova love each other.
  • Mind Rape: Sheridan's interrogators have resorted to drugs and virtual reality to try and get Sheridan to say he's been corrupted by aliens, but he's still resisting thanks to being Touched by Vorlons.
    • Lyta also disables a guard by projecting pain into his mind.
  • Reunion Kiss: Sheridan and Delenn, reunited for the first time since "Lines of Communication."
  • Welcome Back, Traitor: Garibaldi tries to get in touch with the Mars resistance with predictable results, and he has to beg Lyta to scan him before they'll give him a chance.
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