< Babylon 5 < Recap < S03

Babylon 5/Recap/S03/E12 Sic Transit Vir

Sic Transit Vir

Centauri Minister: Oh, I heard a new joke. Hehahaahhh. What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns?
Vir: Heh, I don't know. What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns?
Centuari Minister: One angry Narn with the key!
(Vir laughs hesitantly then goes to his room, which is full of Narns)

This episode contains examples of:

  • Adorkable: John Sheridan may be in charge of a space station five miles long and a quarter of a million people, but put him in front of the girl he likes so he can ask her out to dinner, and he turns into a bashful schoolboy.
  • Almost Kiss: Sheridan and Delenn (damn you, Ivanova!)
  • Arranged Marriage: Vir has become important enough for noble families to start trying to match him up with their daughters.
  • Breather Episode
  • Bug War: Londo finds himself having to deal with the insects that have invaded his quarters since he can't get an exterminator in.
  • Continuity Nod:
  • Daddy's Little Villain: Lyndisty.
  • First Kiss: Vir's as far as we know. "If kisses could kill, that one would have flattened several small towns."
  • The Hunter Becomes the Hunted: Lyndisty manages to capture the Narn that was stalking her.
  • Longing Look: Sheridan directs one of the wistful, "I can't believe I'm that lucky" type toward Delenn after she accepts his dinner invitation, in a lighter example of the trope. That man is besotted and it is adorable.
  • "Not Wearing Pants" Dream: Ivanova has the fully naked kind in the beginning.
    • Claudia Christian apparently had the option of doing it naked or in her nightgown. She opted for naked because it was funnier that way.
  • Take Up My Sword: The Narn Shon'Kar is basically an oath for anyone in the family to take revenge on a particular target when the opportunity presents itself, whether or not the original oath maker has failed. In this case he has, and his brother picks up the hunt.
  • The Talk: Once Vir realizes he's been shafted into an arranged marriage, he makes a beeline for Ivanova, asking her advice about courting women.
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