< Babylon 5 < Recap < S03

Babylon 5/Recap/S03/E21 Shadow Dancing

We should expect something to be coming our way sooner or later. The way our luck works, it will probably be sooner.
Captain Sheridan


Hello. You must be Delenn. I'm Anna Sheridan, John's wife.
Anna Sheridan

This episode contains examples of:

  • The Alliance: For the first time, a majority of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds joins with Babylon Five's forces and the Minbari (and the G'Tok) to fight in combination against the Shadows.
  • Beautiful Dreamer: Delenn tells Sheridan after they return from the battle they will spend the night together, he will sleep and she will watch until his true face is revealed.
  • Call Back: Sheridan tells Delenn and Ivanova about the dream Kosh made him have and they discuss possible meanings.
  • Drop What You Are Doing: Delenn is playing with a snow globe in Sheridan's quarters when Anna's entrance causes her to lose her grip on it. It falls to the floor and shatters.
  • Flying Saucer: The Vree Xill-class saucer reveals its antimatter weapon in the battle against the Shadows. The Vree will contribute their ships to every major engagement the Army of Light participates in from now on.
  • Longing Look: Delenn seems to be in the middle of one when Anna shows up.
  • Near-Death Experience: Franklin's experience after being stabbed.
  • Oh Crap: Ivanova and Marcus' faces scream this, when they realize that they're going to be exposed to the Shadow scout.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: The allied races manage to defend the sector, but they still lose two ships for each one they destroy.
  • Talking to Themself: Franklin has this happen after he's been stabbed and is bleeding to death. He gives himself a Reason You Suck Speech.
  • You Bastard / What the Hell, Hero?: Other!Franklin really doesn't pull any punches while outlining his personality flaws.
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