< Babylon 5 < Recap < S04

Babylon 5/Recap/S04/E06 Into the Fire

This episode contains examples of:

  • Armor-Piercing Question: Sheridan turns the Vorlon and Shadow questions back on the two elder races. He throws into their face the fact that they can't actually answer their own questions anymore.
  • Bilingual Backfire: While Ivanova is out looking for First Ones with Lorien, she attempts to give an order to her Minbari crew, despite not being able to speak the language very well. In frustration, she says "Ah Hell," which in Minbari, apparently means "Continuous Fire..."
  • The Cavalry: When the Vorlons are about to destroy Coriana 6, Sheridan calls in the First Ones to destroy their Planet Killer.
    • Soon after the Vorlons call in all their remaining forces.
  • Dawn of an Era: The Third Age of Mankind (and of all the other younger races). No longer subject to the control, manipulation or guidance of the elder races, they'll make their own decisions and find their own way, for better or worse.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: How they end the war, permanently.
  • Double Meaning Title: Arguably. Besides the Title Drop at the beginning, "Into the Fire" might recall the Minbari rebirth ceremony, the words of which echo throughout the series. "Will you follow me into fire, into storm, into darkness, into death? Then do this in testimony to the one who will follow, the one who will bring death couched in the promise of new life and renewal disguised as defeat. From birth, through death and renewal, you must put aside old things, old fears, old lives. This is your death; the death of pain, the death of flesh, the death of yesterday. Taste of it and be not afraid, for I am with you until the end of time. Taste of it...and so it begins".
  • End of an Age: For the First Ones.
  • Nuke'Em: Sheridan uses this to get the attention of the Shadows and Vorlons.
  • Sadistic Choice: Planet Killers are approaching Coriana 6 and Centauri Prime. With only enough ships for a stand at one of them they decide to save the 6 billion people of Coriana over 3 billion Centauri.
  • Title Drop: "Take us into the fire".
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Sheridan delivers an epic one to both the Vorlons and the Shadows, concluding with the immortal line, "Now get the hell out of our galaxy!"
  • Wham! Episode
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