Trish Stratus
A former fitness model, Trish Stratus (real name: Patricia Anne Stratigias) wrestled for World Wrestling Entertainment in the early 2000s, and she was awesome. Much like The Fabulous Moolah in eras past, Stratus exemplified what it meant to be a woman in Professional Wrestling -- not only being beautiful, but kicking more than her share of ass.
R.D. Reynolds may have mentioned it once or twice, but she's one of his favorite personalities.
Her article on That Other Wiki has a full run-down of her career.
Trish Stratus provides examples of the following tropes:
- Action Girl: She even did the occasional hardcore match, and took some sick bumps.
- Alpha Bitch: A rather tiny blemish on Trish's career is that she was the one that started the "Molly Holly has a big ass" angle that led to Molly beginning to go sour on professional wrestling.
- Though she didn't create the cancer scare that made Molly really want to leave the company.
- Amazonian Beauty: She's buff and tough, but no less sexy for it.
- Arch Enemy: Lita, mostly, but also Victoria and Mickie James.
- Badass Longcoat
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: She managed to avert this trope occasionally, particularly in her feuds with Jazz and Victoria.
- Blondes Are Evil: Both of her heel runs.
- Something of a tangent to this, when Mickie James was in her storyline as Trish's stalker, she began dressing like Trish, blond hair and all.
- Canada, Eh?: She's from Toronto, but she doesn't have a hint of an accent.
- Catch Phrase: "100% Stratusfaction guaranteed." She more than lived up to her promise.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: She started as a valet. She ended as one of the most respected and beloved women's wrestlers in WWE history. And all because she worked hard to make it happen.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Apparently, the majority of Trish's fans tend to be women.
- Mickie James, in Kayfabe.
- Given she slowly became of the best female performers in the business through hard work and didn't just coast on her looks, it's no surprise a lot of female (and male) fans respect the hell out of her.
- Foe Yay: Particularly in her feuds with Victoria and Lita.
- Fun with Acronyms: Her first valet job was with Test and Albert which she called T & A. Nevermind that some other promotion later picked up the name.
- Genius Bruiser: She was originally planning to become a kinesiologist. A faculty strike at her university led her down the career path that brought her to the WWE.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Before she settled on Face around the mid 2000s.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: She accompanied The Big Show to the ring on a few occasions. She's five-foot-four, and he's over seven feet tall.
- Kick Chick: Her finishing move was delivering a kick to the temple, known as the "Chick Kick."
- Les Yay: One of the many reasons why Mickie James got so popular.
- Not just with Mickie, either. When Trish was feuding with Lita, she mentioned some moments in Lita's career. She mentioned her Breakup Breakout with Essa Rios, and Lita's appearance on Dark Angel before it was canceled. When Trish tried to put the blame on Lita for both the end of Rios' career and the show's demise, she called Lita "the kiss of death," and only the completely Genre Blind didn't realize the two were eventually going to actually kiss.
- Made of Iron: Every time she got her ass kicked in Kayfabe or she was legitimately injured, she always came back for more. In fact, getting her ass kicked and getting put through tables before she ever had any ability only whetted her hunger to learn and get in the ring.
- The Mentor: Has become one for the new Tough Enough prospects.
- Modesty Towel: A 2004 skit that parodied an NFL Monday Night Football segment (featuring a towel-clad Nicolette Sheridan seducing Philadelphia Eagles wide-receiver Terrell Owens), with Trish taking the Sheridan role to seduce Shelton Benjamin and ... when he brushed her aside, Vince McMahon.
- Ms. Fanservice: Started out as this, but became one of the best female wrestlers of all time (while still being SMOKIN' hot).
- Nice Hat: Her cowboy hat.
- Old Shame: Averted with infamous "bark like a dog" incident with Vince. Some people found it demeaning, but Trish has stated that she had no problem with it because it was just a storyline.
- Played straight with "That Jackie Gayda Match" (with Bradshaw as her partner) on an episode of Raw in 2002. Stratus was visibly angry at the end of the match.
- Playboy: Averted; she turned down offers to pose for the magazine, saying she wanted to be remembered for her wrestling career. Without a doubt, she is.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: As one of the trainers on the revival of WWE Tough Enough.
- Retired Badass: She retired several years ago, and seemed to have become content running a yoga studio in Canada. However, come 2011, she jumped back in the fray like no time passed at all. On top of that, she's teaching the next generation on Tough Enough, and was even able to train Snooki from Jersey Shore well enough to put on a passable match at Wrestlemania.
- She's Back: Wrestlemania 27. It sucks that she had to be involved with the Snooki angle, but seeing Trish in the ring again is almost worth it.
- Stalker with a Crush: The "Trish's Biggest Fan" angle.
- The Rival: Lita, Mickie James.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Her dynamic with Lita, and Molly Holly too.
- Took a Level in Badass: See the Earn Your Happy Ending above. Not only did she work hard to become one of the most respected Divas in the WWE, she also seems to enjoy her battle scars. During a radio show, she mentioned breaking a knuckle during a match, which left her missing that knuckle. She said the doctors wanted to build it back up with screws, but she asked if she could keep it.
- Wearing A Flag On Your Butt: Trish has fought at least one match while wearing a pair of butt-hugging Canadian flag-patterned shorts. It was a truly glorious sight to see.
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