Grrl Power
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Grrl Power is a webcomic about a super heroine who works in a comic shop.
Or, to put it their own words:
"A comic about super heroines. Well there are guys too but mostly it’s about the girls. Doing the things that super powered girls do. Fighting crime, saving the world, dating, dieting, shopping, etc. There’ll be explosions, cheesecake, beefcake, heroes and villains, angels and demons, cyborgs, ninjas, probably pirates."
Might be Not Safe For Work, depending on the workplace.
Updates Mondays and Thursdays.
- Adorkable: Sydney of course, with her round glasses and superhero shirt.
- Amazonian Beauty: Almost all the females that have appeared so far are surprisingly toned but the two that stand out are Maxima and Anvil
- Ancient Artifact: Sydney has seven of them. They're floating orbs in the colors of the spectrum, and each one gives her a different superpower:
- The orange one is a Wave Motion Gun.
- The yellow one makes an illusion of her that she can see and hear through.
- The blue one lets her fly.
- The indigo one lets her make force fields.
- The violet one gives her a telekinetically operated psuedopod.
- She hasn't yet figured out what the red and green ones do.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Higher powered character often have higher ranks. At some point in the comic Sydney goes from private to corporal [1]
- Bad Liar: Sydney cannot tell a convincing lie, which could cause problems if she needs a secret identity.
- It doesn't help her being believed that she really was trying to get away from a group of nuns...
- Badass Normal: Peggy
- Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce: At Ms. B's diner, one Sydney's favourites. Also Sydney Scoville
- Bullet Catch: Maxima's first demonstrated superpower (if you don't count a pretty hard face).
- Cassandra Truth: See Bad Liar link above.
- Censor Steam: In strip #738 (might be NSFW), blue-but-otherwise-Human Alien Cora ends up wearing "censor steam" thanks to a hacked holoemitter.
- The Chessmaster: Arianna is seen playing Maxima like a fiddle for her amusement and the advancement of her organization as a bonus. Further events may eventually upgrade this status to Magnificent Bastard.
- Cleavage Window: Stealth subversion. The cleavage window shirt Sydney wears is a Power Girl t-shirt with a fake cleavage design. The same design can be seen in the comic store window during the exterior shot.
- Clingy MacGuffin: Sydney and the tube (or more specifically, the Ancient Artifacts inside) cannot be separated by more than a certain distance. Even someone who can lift a truck with one hand still can't pull them apart.
- Closet Geek: Maxima
- Cloudcuckoolander: Sydney.
- Cluster F-Bomb: While not containing solely F-words, Sydney's cursing did manage to make a sailor blush... though that might be because of the nuns behind her.
- Colonel Badass: Maxima
- Companion Cube: Sydney's Ancient Artifacts. Sydney treats them as if they were sentient... which they may very well be, for all we know. She is physically incapable of being more than 10 feet apart from them, and if she tries will seem to hit an invisible wall. Most of her Blatant Lies in the earlier strips were attempts at not revealing the existence of the Ancient Artifacts; she was carrying them in an artwork-carrier tube.
- This link goes both ways. Maxima tried pulling on Sydney's tube to drag her from her hiding spot under an ambulance, but the tube resisted her superpowered pull. Surprised, Maxima fell on her butt while Sydney gave her a mocking victory laugh. The Ancient Artifacts can defy Newton's Laws big time.
- Fan Service: Harem's seen wearing sweat-pants that literally say "Gratuitous Fan Service" on the rear.
- Fantastic Measurement System: "Ferret Balls: New standard unit for measuring surprise".
- Funny Background Event: PLEASE MAKE THIS GIRL STOP CURSING. I feel like I'm playing Diablo with the censor button.
- Gwen's mystical scan power includes twitting capabilities.
- Flat What: Maxima's reaction to the reveal of...whatever those things are.
- Flying Brick: Maxima. She can fly on her own power and reach supersonic speeds faster than Sydney can say "[bleep FERRET BALLS!"]
- Genki Girl: Sydney
- Glasses Pull: For especially dramatic moments
- Groin Attack: In Sydney's first (and so far only) fight.
- Heinz Hybrid: Dabbler, part succubus, part doppelgänger and part something else.
- He's not my boyfriend Yeah, but you wish he was
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Invoked by Sydney in her television interview after the bank holdup:
(Sydney screams and takes Kung Faux pose)
Sydney: You're not a ninja.
Reporter: You're expecting ninjas?
Sydney: Always expect ninjas.
- Karma Houdini: Thanks to Harem's prank grabbing Maxima's attention, Sydney seems to have gotten away with snagging her hat.
- Kicking Ass and Taking Names: Sydney minors in ass-kicking, but she has "THE LIST". When interviewed by the leaders of ArcLIGHT/ArcSWAT the first thing she does is dramatically take out a pen and "THE LIST".
- Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: Does this scientist remind you of any world famous, poor dad, scientists?
- Literal-Minded:
Reporter: There are people who have accused you of turning the entire country into your own personal sweatshop.
Deus: Oh no, there's air-conditioning.
- Made Of Gold/Chrome Champion: Maxima. She looks like she's made of gold, but in reality it's a much, much stronger classified component.
- Marshmallow Hell: strip #427. "...Our height differential is making this hug extremely awkward."
- Me's a Crowd: Harem. When she teleports, she leaves behind a functional copy of herself. She can create up to five at once, each with different clothing and hair style.
- Most Common Superpower / Heroic Build: Present in a good deal of empowered, but not the main character, Sydney Scoville, Jr.
- Non-Standard Character Design: Sydney is very often drawn in cartoony poses while the rest of the cast is drawn more realistically.
- Pass the Popcorn: After Leon gets a copy of the robbery footage, Peggy, Dabbler, Anvil and Harem do exactly this.
- Pettanko: Sydney
- Pop-Cultured Badass: Sydney. She obviously has a detailed knowledge of internet memes, enjoys My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic enough to have its opening theme for a ringtone, and when Maxima is testing the strength of her forcefield, Sydney starts dancing while singing "Can't Touch This".
- Rules Lawyer: Sydney, in her superhero RPG game. She knows all the tropes concerning superpowers and how to bend them to her will. This is likely to translate into Genre Savvy later on.
- Sir Swearsalot: Sydney swears in a stream-of-conscious manner.
- Statuesque Stunner: Maxima and most of the other female superheroes. Not Sydney, which is lampshaded in a way that has to be a future plot point.
- Superheroes Wear Capes / Superheroes Wear Tights: Averted, so far. These superheroes wear military uniforms or street clothes.
- Superpower Lottery: Sydney. See Ancient Artifact above.
- Tangled Family Tree: Tony's dad got lucky with twins (college party or something), meaning that his half-sister is also his cousin.
- They Would Cut You Up: Sydney's (Probably unfounded) fear if her powers are discovered. here
- Tongue Trauma: Narrowly averted when Sydney pulled a robber by the tongue and slammed him on the floor.
- Waif Fu: Even without superpowers, Sydney has taken on men much larger than her. Word of God is that adrenaline-powered fear rage allowed her to beat foes she normally wouldn't have a chance with.
- Webcomic Time: The first 295 strips took place in one day. The passage of time has picked up somewhat since then.
- The Wonka: The General is shaping up to be this.[context?]
- ↑ The comic shows her as 'corporal' the cast page say 'Private'