Timeline of the Northern and Southern dynasties

This is a timeline of the Northern and Southern dynasties in China.

China in 460 AD


386Northern Wei: Tuoba Gui revives the Tuoba state[1]
Later Qin: Yao Chang declares himself emperor[1]
387Later Liang: Lü Guang declares himself Duke of Jiuquan[1]


393Wei: Conquered by Later Yan[2]
394Later Qin: Conquers Former Qin[1]
Later Yan: Conquers Western Yan[1]
395Northern Wei: Tuoba Gui defeats Later Yan at Canhepi (east-northeast of Liangcheng, Inner Mongolia)[1]
396Northern Wei: Tuoba Gui takes Bingzhou from Later Yan[1]
Emperor Xiaowu of Jin dies and is succeeded by Sima Dezong (Emperor An of Jin)[1]
397Southern Liang: Tufa Wugu declares himself Prince of Xiping[1]
Northern Liang: Duan Ye declares himself Duke of Jiankang in Zhangye[1]
398Northern Wei: Tuoba Gui moves his capital to Pingcheng[1]
399Northern Wei: Tuoba Gui declares himself emperor[1]
Sun En revolts[1]
Faxian leaves for India[1]


400Western Liang (Sixteen Kingdoms): Li Gao declares himself Duke of Liang in Dunhuang[1]
Western Qin: Submits to Southern Liang and then Later Qin[3]
Southern Yan: Murong De declares himself emperor in Guanggu[4]
401Northern Liang: Juqu Mengxun kills Duan Ye and declares himself Duke of Zhangye[4]
402Huan Xuan sacks Jiankang and Sun En dies, but his lieutenant Lu Xun takes over[4]
403Later Liang: Surrenders to Later Qin[4]
404Huan Xuan declares himself emperor and dies the same year[4]
405Qiao Zong declares himself Prince of Chengdu[4]
407Xia: Helian Bobo declares himself Heavenly King[4]
Northern Yan: Gao Yun is set up as heavenly king and replaces Later Yan[4]
409Western Qin: Revived[3]


410Liu Yu conquers Southern Yan[4]
411Rebel Lu Xun dies[4]
412Faxian returns from India[4]
413Jin recovers Sichuan and Qiao Zong commits suicide[4]
414Western Qin: Conquers Southern Liang[4]
416Jin takes Luoyang from Later Qin[4]
Huiyuan dies[4]
417Jin conquers Later Qin and Liu Yu takes Chang'an[4]
418Jin troops retreat from Chang'an[4]
Xia (Sixteen Kingdoms): Helian Bobo takes Chang'an[4]
419Xia (Sixteen Kingdoms): Helian Bobo leaves Chang'an[4]


420Liu Yu (Emperor Wu of Liu Song) replaces the Jin dynasty with the Song dynasty[5]
421Northern Liang: Juqu Mengxun conquers Western Liang (Sixteen Kingdoms)[6]
422Emperor Wu of Liu Song dies and is succeeded by Liu Yifu, Emperor Shao of Liu Song[5]
423Kou Qianzhi sets up the Celestial Master at Pingcheng[5]
424Emperor Shao of Liu Song is deposed and succeeded by Liu Yilong (Emperor Wen of Liu Song)[5]
426Northern Wei: Attacks Xia[5]
427Northern Wei: Takes Chang'an and sacks the Xia capital, Tongwan[5]
428Xia: Retakes Chang'an[5]


430Northern Wei: Takes Luoyang from Liu Song
Western Qin: Abandons Yuanchuan and Fuhan to the Tuyuhun and relocates to Pingliang and Anding[5]
431Xia: Conquers Western Qin and are in turn conquered by the Tuyuhun[5]
433Xie Lingyun is killed[5]
434Northern Wei: Enters a marriage alliance with the Rouran[5]
Song retakes Hanzhong from Chouchi[5]
435Northern Wei: Attacks Northern Yan[5]
436Northern Wei: Conquers Northern Yan, who's sovereign Feng Hong flees to Goguryeo[5]
439Northern Wei: Conquers Northern Liang; so ends the Sixteen Kingdoms[5]


442Northern Wei: Tuoba Tao takes part in a Daoist ritual to receive talisman registers[7]
445Northern Wei: Ge Wu rebels in Guanzhong[7]
446Northern Wei: Ge Wu dies[7]
Northern Wei: Cui Hao instigates proscription campaigns against Buddhism[7]
449Northern Wei: Defeats the Rouran in battle[7]


450Northern Wei: Cui Hao is killed[7]
Liu Song launches a campaign against Northern Wei[7]
451Northern Wei: Tuoba Tao leads his army south to Guabu (southeast of Luhe, Jiangsu)[7]
Pei Songzhi dies[7]
453Emperor Wen of Liu Song is killed by Liu Shao, who is killed Liu Jun (Emperor Xiaowu of Liu Song)[7]
Northern Wei: Construction of the Yungang Caves begin[7]
458Liu Song launches a campaign against Buddhism[7]


464Emperor Xiaowu of Liu Song dies and is succeeded by Liu Ziye (Emperor Qianfei of Liu Song)[7]
465Northern Wei: Emperor Wencheng of Northern Wei dies and is succeeded by Tuaba Hong (Emperor Xianwen of Northern Wei)[7]
Emperor Qianfei of Liu Song dies[7]
466Liu Yu (Emperor Ming of Liu Song) takes power[7]
Bao Zhao is killed[7]
467Northern Wei: Conquers territory north and west of the Huai River[7]
469Northern Wei: Takes Qingzhou and Jizhou (冀州) (north Jiangsu)[7]


471Northern Wei: Emperor Xianwen of Northern Wei abdicates in favor of Yuan Hong (Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei)[7]
472Emperor Ming of Liu Song dies and is succeeded by Liu Yu (Emperor Houfei of Liu Song)[8]
477Emperor Houfei of Liu Song is killed by Xiao Daocheng and is succeeded by Liu Zhun (Emperor Shun of Liu Song)[8]
479Xiao Daocheng (Emperor Gao of Southern Qi) replaces Liu Song with the Southern Qi[8]


482Emperor Gao of Southern Qi dies and is succeeded by Xiao Ze (Emperor Wu of Southern Qi)[8]
485Northern Wei: The equal-field system is implemented[8]
486Northern Wei: The Three Chiefs system is implemented[8]


493Emperor Wu of Southern Qi dies and is succeeded by Xiao Zhaoye[8]
Northern Wei: Li Chong starts constructions in Luoyang[8]
494Northern Wei: Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei moves to Luoyang[8]
Northern Wei: Construction on the Longmen Caves begin[8]
495Northern Wei: Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei bans Xianbei language in court[8]
498Emperor Ming of Southern Qi dies and is succeeded by Xiao Baojuan[8]
499Northern Wei: Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei dies and is succeeded by Yuan Ke (Emperor Xuanwu of Northern Wei)[8]


500Northern Wei: Conquers territory south of the Huai River[8]
501Emperor He of Southern Qi is enthroned in Jiangling as a rival to Xiao Baojuan[8]
502Xiao Baojuan is killed in Jiankang and Xiao Yan kills Emperor He of Southern Qi, founding his own Liang dynasty[8]
504Northern Wei: Conquers Yiyang[8]
506Northern Wei: Annexes Chouchi[9]
507Northern Wei: Is defeated by Liang dynasty at Zhongli (northeast of Fengyang, Anhui)[8]


512Northern Wei: Loses Qushan (southwest of Lianyungang, Jiangsu) to Liang dynasty[10]
518Northern Wei: Song Yun departs for the Western Regions[10]


520Northern Wei: Yujiulü Anagui takes shelter[10]
522Northern Wei: Song Yun returns from India with 170 Buddhist sutras[10]
523Northern Wei: The Six Frontier Towns rebel under Poliuhan Baling[10]
525Northern Wei: Yujiulü Anagui defeats Poliuhan Baling[10]
Northern Wei: Du Luozhou rebels in north Hebei[10]
526Northern Wei: Ge Rong rebels in north Hebei[10]
527Northern Wei: Xiao Baoyin rebels in Guanzhong and kills Li Daoyuan[10]
528Northern Wei: Erzhu Rong kills Yuan Zhao and enthrones Yuan Ziyou (Emperor Xiaozhuang of Northern Wei)[10]
Northern Wei: Ge Rong is defeated[10]
529Emperor Wu of Liang enters the Tongtai Monastery[10]


530Northern Wei: Emperor Xiaozhuang of Northern Wei kills Erzhu Rong but is killed by Erzhu Zhao[10]
532Northern Wei: Gao Huan enthrones Yuan Xiu (Emperor Xiaowu of Northern Wei)[10]
533Northern Wei: Erzhu Zhao kills himself[10]
534Northern Wei: Emperor Xiaowu of Northern Wei escapes to Chang'an[10]
Eastern Wei: Gao Huan sets up Yuan Shanjian as Emperor Xiaojing of Eastern Wei[10]
535Western Wei: Yuwen Tai kills Emperor Xiaowu of Northern Wei and enthrones Yuan Baoju (Emperor Wen of Western Wei)[11]
536Tao Hongjing dies[11]
Eastern Wei: Chan Buddhism founder Bodhidharma dies[11]
537Battle of Shayuan: Yuwen Tai defeats Gao Huan[11]


541Lý Bôn rebels and attacks Liang officials[12]
543Eastern Wei: Gao Huan defeats Yuwen Tai at Luoyang[11]
544Lý Bôn establishes the Early Lý dynasty and becomes Lý Nam Đế (Southern Emperor)[12]
545Chen Baxian drives Lý Nam Đế into the mountains, where he is eventually killed, but resistance continues under Lý Thiên Bảo[12]
547Eastern Wei: Gao Huan dies and Hou Jing defects to Liang dynasty[11]
548Hou Jing rebels in Shouyang and lays siege to Jiankang[11]
549Hou Jing seizes Taicheng[11]
Emperor Wu of Liang dies and is succeeded by Xiao Gang (Emperor Jianwen of Liang)[11]
Xiao Cha defects to Western Wei[11]
Eastern Wei: Conquers area south of the Huai River[11]


550Western Wei: Conquers area east of the Han River (Hubei)[11]
Northern Qi: Gao Yang (Emperor Wenxuan of Northern Qi) replaces Eastern Wei with Northern Qi and conquers areas east of Luoyang[11]
The fubing system is introduced[11]
551Hou Jing kills Emperor Jianwen of Liang and declares himself emperor[11]
552Wang Sengbian and Chen Baxian take Jiankang[13]
Hou Jing is killed[13]
Xiao Ji declares himself emperor in Jiangling[13]
553Xiao Ji is killed by Emperor Yuan of Liang's generals[13]
Western Wei: Conquers Sichuan[13]
Northern Qi: Rouran submit after behind being defeated by Turks[13]
554Emperor Yuan of Liang is captured by Western Wei and killed[13]
555Western Liang: Xiao Cha declares himself emperor in Jiangling[13]
Wang Sengbian sets up Xiao Yuanming but Chen Baxian kills Sengbian and sets up Xiao Fangzhi (Emperor Jing of Liang)[13]
556Northern Qi: Attack on Jiankang fails[13]
Western Wei: Yuwen Tai dies[13]
557Northern Zhou: Yuwen Hu replaces Western Wei with Northern Zhou[13]
Chen Baxian replaces the Liang dynasty with the Chen dynasty[13]
558Western Liang: Takes Changsha and Wuling[13]
559Chen Baxian dies and is succeeded by Chen Qian (Emperor Wen of Chen)[13]


560Northern Zhou: Yuwen Hu kills Emperor Ming of Northern Zhou and sets up Yuwen Yong (Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou)[13]
Northern Qi: Gao Yan (Emperor Xiaozhao of Northern Qi) ousts Emperor Fei of Northern Qi and sets himself up as emperor[13]
561Northern Zhou: North Hubei is lost to the Chen dynasty[13]
Northern Qi: Emperor Xiaozhao of Northern Qi dies and is succeeded by Gao Zhan (Emperor Wucheng of Northern Qi)[13]
565Northern Qi: An attack by Northern Zhou is repulsed[14]
Northern Qi: Emperor Wucheng of Northern Qi abdicates to Gao Wei[14]
566Emperor Wen of Chen dies and is succeeded by Chen Bozong (Emperor Fei of Chen)[14]
568Emperor Fei of Chen is deposed[14]
569Chen Xu (Emperor Xuan of Chen) takes power[14]


570Chen dynasty establishes trade relations with the Early Lý dynasty[12]
572Northern Zhou: Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou kills Yuwen Hu[14]
573Northern Qi: Loses areas north of the Changjiang to the Chen dynasty, including the Huai River valley[14]
574Northern Zhou: Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou launches proscription against Buddhism[14]
575Northern Qi: Forces are defeated by Chen dynasty at Lüliang[14]
Northern Zhou: Attacks Northern Qi[14]
576Northern Zhou: Takes Jinyang[14]
577Northern Zhou: Annexes Northern Qi[14]
578Northern Zhou: Repulses a Chen attack on Pengcheng and captures Wu Mingche[14]
Northern Zhou: Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou dies and is succeeded by Yuwen Yun (Emperor Xuan of Northern Zhou)[14]
579Northern Zhou: Emperor Xuan of Northern Zhou abdicates to Yuwen Chan (Emperor Jing of Northern Zhou)[14]


580Northern Zhou: Seizes area north of the Changjiang[14]
Northern Zhou: Yang Jian becomes de facto holder of power[14]
Northern Zhou: Yuchi Jiong and Wang Qian rebel but fail[14]
581Sui dynasty: Yang Jian (Emperor Wen of Sui) replaces the Northern Zhou with the Sui dynasty[15]
582Emperor Xuan of Chen dies and is succeeded by Chen Shubao[15]
583Sui dynasty: Emperor Wen of Sui moves into Daxingcheng (Xi'an, Shaanxi) and abolishes the commanderies while promulgating the Kaihuang Code[15]
584Sui dynasty: Digs the Guangtong Canal[14]
587Sui dynasty: Annexes Western Liang[15]
588Sui dynasty: Launches expedition against the Chen dynasty[15]
589Sui dynasty: Takes Jiankang and annexes the Chen dynasty; so ends the Northern and Southern dynasties[15]
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gollark: And/or SNI, for TLS.
gollark: The Host header.


  1. Xiong 2009, p. xcvii.
  2. Xiong 2009, p. 123.
  3. Xiong 2009, p. 547.
  4. Xiong 2009, p. xcviii.
  5. Xiong 2009, p. xcix.
  6. Xiong 2009, p. 273.
  7. Xiong 2009, p. c.
  8. Xiong 2009, p. ci.
  9. Xiong 2009, p. 414.
  10. Xiong 2009, p. cii.
  11. Xiong 2009, p. ciii.
  12. Taylor 2013.
  13. Xiong 2009, p. civ.
  14. Xiong 2009, p. cv.
  15. Xiong 2009, p. cvi.


  • Crespigny, Rafe (2007), A Biographical Dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (23-220 AD), Brill
  • Taylor, K.W. (2013), A History of the Vietnamese, Cambridge University Press
  • Xiong, Victor Cunrui (2009), Historical Dictionary of Medieval China, United States of America: Scarecrow Press, Inc., ISBN 0810860538
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