List of victims of Nazism

This is a list of victims of Nazism who were noted for their achievements. Many on the lists below were of Jewish and Polish origin, although Soviet POWs, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Serbs, Catholics, Roma and dissidents were also murdered. This list includes people from public life who, owing to their origins, their political or religious convictions, or their sexual orientation, lost their lives as victims of the Nazi regime. It includes those whose deaths were part of the Holocaust as well as individuals who died in other ways at the hands of the Nazis during World War II. Those who died in concentration camps are listed alongside those who were murdered by the Nazi Party or those who chose suicide for political motives or to avoid being murdered.

The list is sorted by occupation and by nationality.

Performing arts

NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Hana Brady1931–1944CzechPortrayed in Hana's Suitcase: A True StoryGassed at Auschwitz concentration camp
René Blum1878–1942FrenchFounder of the Ballet de l'Opéra à Monte Carlo?
Arthur Bergen1875-1943AustrianActor, directorAuschwitz concentration camp
Egon Friedell1878–1938AustrianActor, cabaret performerSuicide to avoid arrest by Sturmabteilung
Eugen Burg1871–1944GermanFilm actorDied at an unknown concentration camp
Ernst Arndt1861-1942/3GermanActorgas chamber at Treblinka concentration camp
Maria Bard1900–1944GermanActressSuicide in Berlin for "political reasons"
Lea Deutsch1927–1943CroatianChild actressHeart failure en route to the Auschwitz concentration camp
Max Ehrlich1892–1944GermanActor, screenwriter, director, best-selling authorGassed at Auschwitz concentration camp
Maria Forescu1875–1943Austro-HungarianOpera singer and actressBuchenwald concentration camp
Lisl Frank1911–1944CzechDancer, cabaret singerForced death march from Auschwitz to Christianstadt
Kurt Gerron1897–1944GermanPerformer, actor, film directorGassed at Auschwitz concentration camp
Dora Gerson1899–1943GermanActress, cabaret singerGassed at Auschwitz concentration camp
John Gottowt1881–1942Austro-HungarianActorMurdered by SS in Wieliczka
Joachim Gottschalk1904–1941GermanActorSuicide in Berlin to avoid arrest
Leslie Howard1893–1943BritishActorairplane shot down by Luftwaffe
Georg John1879–1941GermanActorŁódź Ghetto
Salomon Meyer Kannewasser 1916-1945 Dutch Jazz singer. Part of the duo 'Johnny & Jones' Died of exhaustion in Bergen-Belsen
Kurt Lilien1882-1943GermanActor Sobibór extermination camp
Paul Morgan1886-1938AustrianActor, cabaret performerBuchenwald concentration camp
Bernard Natan1886–1942Franco-RomanianFilm director, actor and former head of Pathé Film StudiosAuschwitz concentration camp
Joseph Schmidt1904–1942UkrainianSinger, actorHeart attack in a Swiss refugee camp in Gyrenbad
Fritz Spira1881–1943AustrianFilm and stage actorDied at Ruma concentration camp in Vojvodina
Mathilde Sussin1876-1943AustrianActressTheresienstadt concentration camp
Arnold Siméon van Wesel1918-1945DutchJazz singer. Part of the duo Johnny & JonesDied of exhaustion in Bergen-Belsen
Miklós Vig1898–1944HungarianSinger, actor, comedian, theater secretaryShot in Budapest by members of the Arrow Cross
Karel Hašler1879–1941CzechSongwriter-lyricist, film and theatre director, actor, dramatist and screenwriterMauthausen-Gusen concentration camp
Otto Wallburg1899-1944GermanActor and cabaret performerAuschwitz concentration camp
Witold Zacharewicz1914–1943PolishActorAuschwitz concentration camp
Max Zilzer1868-1943Hungarian-GermanActorDied under interrogation by the Gestapo

Literature and publishing

NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Anne Frank1929–1945German/Netherlands/Dutchauthor of a published diarytyphus at Bergen-Belsen
Else Feldmann1884–1942Austrianwriter and journalistgas chamber at Sobibór
Egon Friedell1878–1938Austrianwriter and philosophersuicide to avoid deportation
Peter Hammerschlag1902–1942, AuschwitzAustrianwriter and graphic artistdied in detention, circumstances unclear
Lidia Zamenhof1904–1942Polishwork for Esperanto movement, as well as translations of Bahá'í writingsgas chamber at Treblinka
Jura Soyfer1912–1939Austrianjournalist, writertyphus at Buchenwald
Itzhak Katzenelson1886–1944Belarusianteacher, writergas chamber at Auschwitz
Petr Ginz1928–1944, aged 16Czecheditor of Vedemgas chamber at Auschwitz
Julius Fučík1903–1943Czechresistance leaderhanged at Plötzensee Prison
Milena Jesenská1896–1944, RavensbrückCzechjournalistkidney failure
Paul Kornfeld1889–1942Czechwriterdied in detention, circumstances unclear
Karel Poláček1892–1944Czechwritergas chamber at Auschwitz
Vladislav Vančura1891–1942, PragueCzechwriter, doctorexecution
Etty Hillesum1914–1943, AuschwitzDutchwriter, diary authordied in detention, circumstances unclear
Helga Deen1925–1943Dutchauthor of a published diarygas chamber at Sobibór
Hélène Berr1921–1945Frenchauthor of a published diarydied in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
Jacques Decour1910–1942Frenchwriter, resistance leaderexecuted by firing squad
Robert Desnos1900–1945Frenchpoet, resistance fightertyphoid few weeks after the liberation of Theresienstadt concentration camp
Benjamin Fondane1898–1944Frenchpoet, literary criticgas chamber at Auschwitz
Régis Messac1893–1945Frenchwriterdied at either the Groß-Rosen or Dora concentration camp
Walter Benjamin1892–1940Germanliterary critic and philosophersuicide at Portbou to avoid deportation
Felix Fechenbach1894–1933Germanjournalist and activistexecuted during the deportation to Dachau
Walter Hasenclever1890–1940Germanexpressionist writersuicide to avoid deportation
Jakob van Hoddis1887–1942Germanwritergas chamber at Sobibór
Jochen Klepper1903–1942Germanwritersuicide in Berlin
Erich Knauf1895–1944Germanjournalist, poetbeheaded at Brandenburg-Görden Prison
Clementine Krämer1873–1942Germanauthor, poet, social workerdied at Theresienstadt
Adam Kuckhoff1887–1943Germanwriter, dramatist, Resistance fighterdied in detention, circumstances unclear
Erich Mühsam1878–1934Germanwriter, anarchistexecuted at Plötzensee Prison
Willi Münzenberg1889–1940Germanpublisher, politicianmurdered at Oranienburg concentration camp
Friedrich Münzer1868–1942Germanphilologistenteritis at Theresienstadt
Carl von Ossietzky1889–1938Germanjournalist, Nobel Peace Prize winnertuberculosis
Erich Salomon1886–1944Germanphotojournalistdied in detention, circumstances unclear
Libertas Schulze-Boysen1913–1942Germanfilm critic, resistance fighterexecuted at Plötzensee Prison
Miklós Radnóti1909–1944Hungarianpoetshot into a mass grave near Abda, Hungary
Antal Szerb1901–1945Hungarianwriter, literary scholarbeaten to death in a concentration camp in Balf
Mordechai Gebirtig1877–1942PolishYiddish poet, musician and composershot dead in the Krakow Ghetto
Bruno Schulz1892–1942Polishwritershot dead in the ghetto at Drohobycz
Debora Vogel1902-1942Polishpoet, philosophershot in the Lwów ghetto
Willi Schmidd. 1934Germanmusic criticaccidental victim of the Night of the Long Knives in a case of mistaken identity
Elena Shirman1908-1942Russianpoetbeaten to death in Rostov Oblast, Russia
Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger1924–1942Romanianwritertyphus at the Mikhailovska labor camp in rural Ukraine
David Vogel1891–1944RussianHebrew writertuberculosis at a satellite camp of the Neuengamme concentration camp
Anton de Kom1898–1945, NeuengammeSurinameseauthor, human rights activistdied in detention, circumstances unclear
Irène Némirovsky1903–1942Ukrainian-Frenchwritergas chamber at Auschwitz
Else Ury1877–1943Germanwritergas chamber at Auschwitz
Renia Spiegel 1924–1942 Polish author of a published diary shot dead in Przemyśl

Visual arts and design

NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Friedl Dicker-Brandeis1896–1944Austrianartistgas chamber in Auschwitz
Josef Čapek1887–1945Czechpainter, draughtsman, illustrator, writertyphoid fever at Bergen-Belsen
Abraham Icek Tuschinski1886–1942, AuschwitzDutchdesigner of the Tuschinski Theatergas chamber at Auschwitz
Max Jacob1876–1944Frenchartistpneumonia at Drancy
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner1880–1938 DavosGermanpaintersuicide due to persecution
Julius Klinger1876–1942Austrianartist/designer
Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler1899–1940GermanpainterAktion T4 victim at Sonnenstein Euthanasia Centre
Samuel J. de Mesquita1868–1944Dutchpainter and designergas chamber at Auschwitz
Felix Nussbaum1904–1944Austrianpaintergas chamber at Auschwitz
Karl Pärsimägi1902–1942EstonianpainterAuschwitz
Charlotte Salomon1917–1943Germanpaintergas chamber at Auschwitz
Jan Rubczak1884–1942Polishpainter, graphic artistgas chamber at Auschwitz


NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Pavel Haas1899–1944Czechcomposergas chamber at Auschwitz
Heinz Alt1922–1945GermancomposerDachau
Ernst Bachrich1892–1942AustriancomposerMajdanek/Lublin concentration camp
Al Bowlly1898-1941South African/Britishvocalistkilled by a Luftwaffe parachute mine in London
Žiga Hirschler1894–1941CroatiancomposerJasenovac concentration camp
Rudolf Karel1880–1945Czechcomposerdysentery at Theresienstadt
Gideon Klein1919–1945Czechcomposerkilled during liquidation of Fürstengrube, a sub-camp of Auschwitz
Hans Krása1899–1944,Czech (Bohemian)composergas chamber at Auschwitz
Mario Finzi1913–1945Italianpianistintestinal infection at Auschwitz shortly after liberation
Leon Jessel1871–1942, BerlinGermancomposertorture by Gestapo
Erwin Schulhoff1894–1942Czechcomposer, jazz pianisttuberculosis at Wülzburg concentration camp
Viktor Ullmann1898–1944Czechcomposer, pianistgas chamber at Auschwitz
Karlrobert Kreiten1916–1943Germanpianisthanged at Plötzensee Prison
Alma Rosé1906–1944Austrianviolinist, conductorpossibly poisoning, at Auschwitz
Józef Koffler1896–1944, KrosnoPolishcomposer, teacher, columnistprobably shot by Einsatzgruppen
Leo Smit1900–1943Dutchcomposergas chamber at Sobibór
Marcel Tyberg1893–1944Austriancomposer, pianist, conductorgas chamber at Auschwitz
Leone Sinigaglia1868–1944Italiancomposersuffered a fatal heart attack at the moment of his arrest
Gershon Sirota1874–1943Polishcantor, tenorkilled in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Ilse Weber1903–1944Czechcomposer, playwrightgas chamber at Auschwitz


NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Mildred Harnack1902–1943Americanliterary historian, translator, resistance fighterbeheaded at Plötzensee Prison
Elise Richter1865–1943AustrianRomance philology professor
Simon Dubnow1860–1941Belarusianhistorian, writer, activistkilled at the Riga ghetto during the Rumbula massacre
Norbert Jokl1877–1942, Roßau (?)CzechAlbanologist
Marc Bloch1886–1944Frenchhistorian, resistance leadertortured and shot by Gestapo at Saint-Didier-de-Formans
Valentin Feldman1909–1942Frenchphilosopher, resistance leaderexecuted by firing squad
Jean Gosset1912–1944Frenchjournalist, resistance fighterdied in Neuengamme concentration camp
Georges Politzer1902–1942Frenchphilosopher, resistance leaderexecuted by firing squad
Boris Vildé1908–1942Frenchethnographer, resistance fighterexecuted by firing squad
Avgust Pirjevec1887–1944Slovenianliterary historian
Walter Benjamin1892–1940Germanphilosophersuicide at Portbou to avoid deportation
Friedrich Münzer1868–1942, TheresienstadtGermanclassical scholar


NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Georg Alexander Pick[1]1859–1942AustrianPick's theoremTheresienstadt
Jean Cavaillès1903–1944Frenchphilosopher of science, resistance leaderexecuted by firing squad
Albert Lautman1908–1944Frenchmathematical philosopher, resistance leaderexecuted by firing squad
Otto Blumenthal[2]1876–1944GermanWork in number theory, editor of Mathematische AnnalenTheresienstadt
Felix Hausdorff[3]1868–1942GermanOne of the founders of modern topology and contributed significantly to set theory, descriptive set theory, measure theory, function theory, and functional analysis.suicide, Bonn
Friedrich Hartogs1874–1943GermanFoundational work in several complex variablessuicide, Großhesselohe
Robert Remak1888–1942GermanWork in group theory, number theory, mathematical economicsAuschwitz
Adolf Lindenbaum1904–1941PolishWork in set theoryGhetto Vilnius
Antoni Łomnicki1881–1941PolishPolish mathematicianMassacre of Lwów
Stanisław Ruziewicz1889–1941PolishRuziewicz problemMassacre of Lwów
Stanisław Saks1897–1942PolishWork in measure theorymurdered in prison by the Gestapo, Warsaw
Juliusz Schauder1899–1943PolishSchauder fixed point theorem, Schauder basisexecuted by the Gestapo, Lviv
Włodzimierz Stożek1883–1941PolishPolish mathematicianMassacre of Lwów
Alfred Tauber1866–1942SlovakTauberian theoremsTheresienstadt

Natural sciences

NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Ernst Cohen1869–1944Dutchchemist, work on the allotropy of metalsgas chamber at Auschwitz

Medicine and psychology

NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński1874–1941Polishpaediatrician, poet, translatorMassacre of Lwów
Antoni Cieszyński1882–1941Polishphysician, dentist, surgeon
Władysław Dobrzaniecki1897–1941Polishphysician, surgeon
Gisela Januszewska1867–1943AustrianphysicianTheresienstadt
Janusz Korczak1878–1942Polishpediatrician, educator, child welfareTreblinka
Adolf Reichwein1898–1944Germandoctor, educator, politicianexecuted, Berlin-Plötzensee
Sabina Spielrein1885–1942Russianphysician, psychiatrist, psychoanalystMassacre of Zmievskaya Balka
Elisabeth von Thadden1890–1944,Germaneducatorexecuted, Berlin-Plötzensee
Martha Goldberg1873–1938Germansocial activist, doctor's assistantKristallnacht

Law, business

NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Klaus Bonhoeffer1901–1945Germanjurist, resistance fighterexecuted, Berlin
Betsie ten Boom1885–1944 RavensbrückDutchbook keeperPernicious anemia
Casper ten Boom1859–1944 Scheveningen PrisonDutchwatchmakertuberculosis, mistreatment
Hans von Dohnányi1902–1945Germanjurist, resistance fighterexecuted, Sachsenhausen
Reinhold Frank1896–1945 Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanlawyer, member of July 20 Plotexecuted
Martin Gauger1905–1941, NS-Tötungsanstalt SonnensteinGermanjurist, pacifist, member of the Kreisau Circle
Maurice Halbwachs1877–1945Frenchsociologist, economist, philosopher, developer of collective memoryBuchenwald
Franz Kaufmann1886–1944GermanjuristSachsenhausen
Wilhelm Mautner1889–1944AustrianeconomistAuschwitz concentration camp
Helmuth James Graf von Moltke1907–1945Germanjurist, founder of the Kreisau Circleexecuted, Berlin-Plötzensee
Alfred Müller1888 – 1945, DachauCroatianentrepreneur
Leo Müller1894 – 1941, JasenovacCroatianentrepreneur
Karl Sack1896–1945Germanjurist, member of the July 20 plotexecuted, Flossenbürg
Rüdiger Schleicher1895–1945Germanresistance fighterexecuted, Berlin
Armin Schreiner1874–1941CroatianindustrialistJasenovac
Kazimierz Prószyński1875–1945PolishinventorMauthausen
Elisabeth de Rothschild1902–1945Frenchwife of Baron Philippe de RothschildRavensbrück
Ludwik Maurycy Landau1902–1944Polisheconomistexecuted, Warsaw

Theology, spirituality, religion

NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Kaj Munk1898–1944Danishtheologian, playwrightmurdered by an SS-Sonderkommando, Hørbylunde/Denmark
Dietrich Bonhoeffer1906–1945, FlossenbürgGermanLutheran pastor, theologianHanged with thin wire
Regina Jonas1902–1944, AuschwitzGermanwoman Rabbi
Jochen Klepper1903–1942Germantheologian, journalistsuicide shortly before deportation, Berlin
Friedrich Lorenz1897–1944Germanpriest, member of Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculateexecuted, Halle an der Saale (beheaded)
Paul Schneider1897–1939, BuchenwaldGermanclergymanlethal injection
Edith Stein1891–1942, AuschwitzGermanCarmelite nun, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Catholic saint (born Jewish)gas chamber
Sándor Büchler1869–1944, AuschwitzHungarianrabbi, historian
Giovanni Fornasini1915-1944, MarzabottoItalianparish priest, MOVM, Servant of Godshot by a member of the Waffen SS
Avraham Yitzchak Bloch1891–1941LithuanianChief Rabbi, rosh yeshiva of the Telz Yeshivamurdered in a massacre of the male population of Telz
Elchonon Wasserman1875–1941, KovnoLithuanianrabbi, rosh yeshiva
Riccardo Pacifici1904-1943Italianrabbigas chamber at Auschwitz
Azriel Rabinowitz1905–1941Lithuanianrabbi, rosh yeshiva at the Telz Yeshivamurdered in a massacre of the male population of Telz
Maximilian Kolbe1894–1941, AuschwitzPolishfriar, Catholic saintlethal injection after voluntarily taking place of another prisoner
Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski1913–1945, DachauPolishpriest
Karl Ernst Krafft1900–1945, during transport to BuchenwaldSwissastrologer, occultist
Kalonymus Kalman Shapira1889–1943, Aktion ErntefestPolishRabbi
Menachem Ziemba1883–1943, The Warsaw Ghetto UprisingPolishRabbi
Maria Skobtsova1891–1945, Ravensbrück concentration campRussianRussian Orthodox nun, saintgas chamber


NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Eddy Hamel1902–1943, AuschwitzAmericanfootball player, AFC Ajax
Otto Herschmann1877–1942, Izbica concentration campAustrianfencer & swimmer; 2-time Olympic silver medalist
Heinrich Wolf1875–1943, ViennaAustrianchess player
Vera Menchik1906–1944British-Czechchess player; world championkilled in a V-1 rocket bombing raid in South London
Karel Treybal1885–1941Czechchess player; chess Olympianexecuted, Prague
Estella Agsteribbe1909–1943, AuschwitzDutchgymnast (team); Olympic gold medalist
Gerrit Kleerekoper1897–1943, SobibórDutchcoach Dutch gymnastics team 1928 Amsterdam Olympic Games
Salo Landau1903–1944, Gräditz concentration campDutchchess player
Helena Nordheim1903–1943, SobibórDutchgymnast (team); Olympic gold medalist
Ans Polak1906–1943, SobibórDutchgymnast (team); Olympic gold medalist
Jud Simons1904–1943, SobibórDutchgymnast (team); Olympic gold medalist
Alfred Flatow1869–1942, TheresienstadtGermangymnast; 3-time Olympic gold medalist & 1-time silver medalist
Gustav Flatow1875–1945, TheresienstadtGermangymnast; 2-time Olympic gold medalist
Lilli Henoch1899–1942, Riga GhettoGerman4 world records (discus, shot put, and 4x100-m relay), 10 German national championships
Werner Seelenbinder1904–1944Germanwrestler; Olympianexecuted, Brandenburg an der Havel
Johann Trollmann1907–1943, NeuengammeGermanboxer; German national champion
János Garay (fencer)1889–1945, MauthausenHungarianfencer; Olympic gold, silver, and bronze medalist
Oszkár Gerde1883–1944, MauthausenHungarianfencer; 2-time Olympic gold medalist
Attila Petschauer1904–1943, Davidovka concentration campHungarianfencer; 2-time Olympic gold medalist & 1-time silver medalist
András Székely1909–1943,Hungarianswimmer, Olympic silver (200-m breaststroke) and bronze (4x200-m freestyle relay)
Bronisław Czech1908–1944, AuschwitzPolishskier: Olympian
Roman Kantor1912–1943, Majdanek concentration campPolishfencer; Olympian
Józef Klotz1900–1941PolishPolish national soccer team
Janusz Kusociński1907–1940Polishathlete;1932 Los Angeles men's athletics gold medalistexecuted in Palmiry
Dawid Przepiórka1880–1940Polishchess player; chess Olympianexecuted, Warsaw
Leon Sperling1900–1941, Lemberg GhettoPolishleft wing on national soccer team
Ilja Szrajbman1907–1943, Majdanek concentration campPolishswimmer, Olympic 4×200-m freestyle relay
Victor Perez1911–1945, AuschwitzTunisianboxer; world flyweight champion
Ernest Toussaint 1908–1942, Hinzert concentration camp Luxembourgian boxer

Politics, resistance

NameLifespanNationalityPolitical Ideology/OccupationCause of death
Käthe Leichter1895–1942, Bernburg Euthanasia CentreAustrianPolitician, economistexecuted
Richard Schmitz1885–1954, survived DachauAustrianMayor of Viennasurvived
Rosa Manus1891-1942, BernburgDutchFeminist and peace activistmurdered by gassing
Victor Basch1877–1945FrenchAesthetician, politicianassassinated by the Vichy French Milice
Pierre Brossolette1903–1944Frenchhigh resistance leadercommitted suicide (so as not to break under Gestapo torture)
Georges Mandel1885–1944FrenchPolitician, resistance leadermurdered in the Forest of Fontainebleau
Jean Moulin1899–1943Frenchhigh resistance leadertortured to death by the Gestapo
Jean Zay1904–1944Frenchpolitician, former minister of French Governmentassassinated by the Vichy French Milice
Edgar André1894–1936, HamburgGermanCommunistexecuted
Friedrich Aue1896–1944, BrandenburgGermanCommunistexecuted
Judith Auer1905–1944, BerlinGermanCommunist resistance fighterexecuted
Bernhard Bästlein1894–1944, BrandenburgGermanCommunistexecuted
Olga Benário Prestes1908–1942, RavensbrückGerman-BrazilianCommunistexecuted
Albrecht Graf von Bernstorff1890–1945GermanDiplomatmurdered in custody, Berlin
Cato Bontjes van Beek1920–1944, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanRed Orchestra (communist) resistance fighterexecuted
Rudolf Breitscheid1874–1944, BuchenwaldGermanSocial Democratexecuted
Marianne Cohn1922–1944GermanMaquis Resistance fighterBeaten to death by Gestapo
Hans Coppi1916–1942, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanCommunist resistance fighterexecuted
Hilde Coppi1909–1943, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanCommunist resistance fighterexecuted
Otto Eggerstedtd. 1933, EsterwegenGermanSocial democratexecuted
Fritz Elsasd. 1945, SachsenhausenGermanPoliticianexecuted
Georg Elser1903–1945, DachauGermanManual laborer, Rotfront-Kämpferexecuted
Carl Friedrich Goerdeler1884–1945, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanMayor of Leipzig, Putschistexecuted
Willi Graf1918–1943, MunichStadelheim PrisonGermanWhite Rose resistance fighter; studentGuillotined
Max Habermannd. 1944, prison in GifhornGermanTrade unionistexecuted
Albrecht Haushofer1903–1945, Berlin-MoabitGermanDiplomat, writerexecuted
Rudolf Henningd. 1944, SachsenhausenGermanexecuted
Rudolf Hilferding1877–1941, in Gestapo custody, ParisGermanSocial Democratexecuted
Otto Hirsch1885–1941, Mauthausen concentration campGermanRepresentative of German Jewsexecuted
Camill Hoffmann1878–1944, AuschwitzGermanDiplomat, writerexecuted
Martin Hoop1892–1933, ZwickauGermanCommunist, District leader of KPD in Saxonyexecuted
Kurt Huber1893–1943, MunichStadelheim PrisonGermanWhite Rose resistance fighter, professorGuillotined
Franz Jacob1906–1944, BrandenburgGermanCommunistexecuted
Walter Krämerd. 1941, KZ GoslarGermanCommunist"shot while trying to escape"
Marian Kuderad. 1944, DachauGermanResistance fighterexecuted
Albert Kuntzd. 1945, NordhausenGermanCommunistafter being tortured
Ludwig Landmann1868-5 March 1945GermanDDP politician, Mayor of Frankfurtstarved to death in hiding place
Julius Leber1891–1944, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanSocialistexecuted
Wilhelm Leuschner1890–1944, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanPoliticianexecuted
August Lütgensd. 1933, Amtsgericht AltonaGermanCommunistexecuted
Walter Möllerd. 1933, Amtsgericht AltonaGermanCommunistexecuted
Ottilie Pohld. 1942, TheresienstadtGermanResistance fighterexecuted
Fritz Pröll1915–1944, NordhausenGermanResistance fighterSuicide due to threatened torture
Christoph Probst1918–1943, MunichStadelheim PrisonGermanWhite Rose resistance fighter, studentGuillotined
Joseph Roth1896–1945GermanTeacher and politicianmurdered by a poison injection after being imprisoned in Buchenwald
Anton Saefkow1903–1944, Zuchthaus BrandenburgGermanCommunist, resistance fighterexecuted
Werner Scharff1912–1945, SachsenhausenGermanResistance fighter, electricianexecuted
Rudolf von Scheliha1897–1942, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanRed Orchestra (communist) resistance fighter, diplomatGuillotined
Alexander Schmorell1917–1943, MunichStadelheim PrisonGermanWhite Rose resistance fighter, studentGuillotined
Ernst Schneller1890–1944, SachsenhausenGermanKPD politicianexecuted
Werner Scholem1895–1940, BuchenwaldGermanCommunistexecuted
Hans Scholl1918–1943, MunichStadelheim PrisonGermanWhite Rose resistance fighter, medical studentGuillotined
Sophie Scholl1921–1943, MunichStadelheim PrisonGermanWhite Rose resistance fighter, studentGuillotined
Ilse Stöbe1911–1942, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanRed Orchestra (communist) resistance fighterGuillotined
Bruno Tesch1913–1933, Amtsgericht AltonaGermanCommunistexecuted
Ernst Thälmann1886–1944, BuchenwaldGermanLeader of KPDexecuted
Mathias Thesend. 1944, SachsenhausenGermanKPD politician, trade unionistexecuted
Adam von Trott zu Solz1909–1944, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanDiplomatexecuted
Karl Wolffd. 1933, Amtsgericht AltonaGermanCommunistexecuted
Jenő Deutsch  (Eugen Deutsch)1879–1944HungarianSocial democrat politicianexecuted[4]
Hannah Szenes1921–1944HungarianJewish partisanexecuted
Kazimierz Bartel1882–1941PolishPrime Minister of Poland 1926–1930executed
Paweł Frenkiel1920–1943PolishJewish Military Union leaderexecuted
Yitzhak Gitterman1889–1943PolishPolitician, Director of American Jewish Joint Distribution Committeefighting in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Herschel Grynszpan1921–1943/1945, location and date of death not known, possibly Gestapo-Prison Berlin-MoabitPolishRadicalexecuted
Stefan Rowecki1895–1944, WarsawPolishGeneral, leader of the Armia Krajowa, journalistexecuted
Stefan Starzyński1893–1943PolishPolitician, economist, writerfate unknown, possibly died in Dachau
Szmul Zygielbojm1895–1943PolishBund leadersuicide in protest of Nazism
Tone Čufar1905–1942SlovenianResistance fightershot during an escape attempt
Slavko Šlander1909–1941SlovenianResistance fighterexecuted


NameLifespanNationalityAchievementsCause of death
Charles Delestraint1879–1945Frenchgeneral, resistance leaderassassinated in Dachau concentration camp
Ludwig Beck1880–1944, BerlinGermanGeneral, Putschistexecuted
Wilhelm Canaris1887–1945, FlossenbürgGermanmilitary information serviceexecuted
Erich Fellgiebel1886–1944, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanofficer and resistance fighter in the Third Reichexecuted
Werner von Haeften1908–1944, BerlinGermanjurist, adjutant of Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenbergexecuted
Erich Hoepner1886–1944, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermandemoted Colonel General, member of Military opposition
about Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg
Albrecht Mertz von Quirnheim1905–1944, BerlinGermanColonel, Putschistexecuted
Friedrich Olbricht1888–1944, BerlinGermanGeneral, Putschistexecuted
Hans Oster1887–1945, FlossenbürgGermanChief of staffexecuted
Erwin Rommel1891–1944GermanArmy(Wehrmacht), Field Marshalforced suicide
Harro Schulze-Boysen1909–1942, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanofficer, publicistexecuted
Claus von Stauffenberg1907–1944, BerlinGermanChief of staff of General Army Office, Putschistexecuted
Carl-Heinrich von Stülpnagel1886–1944, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanmilitary commander in occupied Franceexecuted
Henning von Tresckow1901–1944, near Ostrov, RussiaGermanMajor General, Putschistsuicide
Erwin von Witzleben1881–1944, Berlin-PlötzenseeGermanretired Field Marshalexecuted
Dimitri Zouralisd. 1941GreekArmy(Greek), Commanderexecuted
Maurizio Giglio1920-1944, RomeItaliansoldier, policeman, secret agent, MOVMshot, one of the victims of the Ardeatine massacre
Dmitry Karbyshev1880–1945, MauthausenRussianArmy(RKKA), engineer commanderexecuted
Rudolf Viest1890–1945, FlossenbürgSlovakDivision General, commander of the Slovak National Uprisingexecuted
Ján Golian1906–1945, FlossenbürgSlovakBrigadier General, commander of the Slovak National Uprisingexecuted
gollark: * custom programs
gollark: And you can't put programs on them without Apple hardware.
gollark: They have proprietary cables and stuff.
gollark: I would rather have "bugs" than Apple's software and sort of hardware lock in.
gollark: Some are worse than others. I think Apple tends to glue their phones together a lot. Samsung too.

See also


  1. "Pick biography". Retrieved 2016-04-15.
  2. "Blumenthal biography". Retrieved 2016-04-15.
  3. "HCM: About Felix Hausdorff". Retrieved 2016-04-15.
  4. "Deutsch Jenő". Magyar Életrajzi Lexikon 1000-1990 (in Hungarian). Retrieved 2019-02-03.
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