List of mammals of Laos
This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Laos. There are 178 mammal species in Laos, of which four are critically endangered, eight are endangered, twenty-three are vulnerable, and two are near threatened. One species has been described since the last IUCN assessment.[1]
The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature:
EX | Extinct | No reasonable doubt that the last individual has died. |
EW | Extinct in the wild | Known only to survive in captivity or as a naturalized populations well outside its previous range. |
CR | Critically endangered | The species is in imminent risk of extinction in the wild. |
EN | Endangered | The species is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. |
VU | Vulnerable | The species is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. |
NT | Near threatened | The species does not meet any of the criteria that would categorise it as risking extinction but it is likely to do so in the future. |
LC | Least concern | There are no current identifiable risks to the species. |
DD | Data deficient | There is inadequate information to make an assessment of the risks to this species. |
Some species were assessed using an earlier set of criteria. Species assessed using this system have the following instead of near threatened and least concern categories:
LR/cd | Lower risk/conservation dependent | Species which were the focus of conservation programmes and may have moved into a higher risk category if that programme was discontinued. |
LR/nt | Lower risk/near threatened | Species which are close to being classified as vulnerable but are not the subject of conservation programmes. |
LR/lc | Lower risk/least concern | Species for which there are no identifiable risks. |
Subclass: Theria
Infraclass: Eutheria
Order: Proboscidea (elephants)
The elephants comprise three living species and are the largest living land animals.
- Family: Elephantidae (elephants)
- Genus: Elephas
- Asian elephant, Elephas maximus EN
- Genus: Elephas
Order: Scandentia (treeshrews)
The treeshrews are small mammals native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Although called treeshrews, they are not true shrews and are not all arboreal.
- Family: Tupaiidae (tree shrews)
- Genus: Tupaia
- Northern treeshrew, Tupaia belangeri LR/lc
- Genus: Tupaia
Order: Primates

The order Primates contains humans and their closest relatives: lemurs, lorisoids, monkeys, and apes.
- Suborder: Strepsirrhini
- Infraorder: Lemuriformes
- Superfamily: Lorisoidea
- Family: Lorisidae
- Genus: Nycticebus
- Bengal slow loris, Nycticebus bengalensis DD
- Sunda loris, Nycticebus coucang LR/lc
- Pygmy slow loris, Nycticebus pygmaeus VU
- Genus: Nycticebus
- Family: Lorisidae
- Superfamily: Lorisoidea
- Infraorder: Lemuriformes
- Suborder: Haplorhini
- Infraorder: Simiiformes
- Parvorder: Catarrhini
- Superfamily: Cercopithecoidea
- Family: Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys)
- Genus: Macaca
- Stump-tailed macaque, Macaca arctoides VU
- Assam macaque, Macaca assamensis VU
- Crab-eating macaque, Macaca fascicularis LR/nt
- Northern pigtail macaque, Macaca leonina VU
- Rhesus macaque, Macaca mulatta LR/nt
- Genus: Macaca
- Subfamily: Colobinae
- Genus: Trachypithecus
- Francois' langur, Trachypithecus francoisi VU
- Laotian langur, Trachypithecus laotum DD
- Germain's langur, Trachypithecus germaini EN
- Annamese langur, Trachypithecus margarita
- Dusky leaf monkey, Trachypithecus obscurus LR/lc
- Genus: Pygathrix
- Red-shanked douc, Pygathrix nemaeus EN
- Genus: Trachypithecus
- Family: Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys)
- Superfamily: Hominoidea
- Family: Hylobatidae (gibbons)
- Genus: Hylobates
- Lar gibbon, Hylobates lar EN
- Pileated gibbon, Hylobates pileatus EN
- Genus: Nomascus
- Northern buffed-cheeked gibbon, Nomascus annamensis
- Black crested gibbon, Nomascus concolor CR
- Yellow-cheeked crested gibbon, Nomascus gabriellae EN
- Northern white-cheeked gibbon, Nomascus leucogenys CR
- Southern white-cheeked gibbon, Nomascus siki EN
- Genus: Hylobates
- Family: Hylobatidae (gibbons)
- Superfamily: Cercopithecoidea
- Parvorder: Catarrhini
- Infraorder: Simiiformes
Order: Rodentia (rodents)

Rodents make up the largest order of mammals, with over 40% of mammalian species. They have two incisors in the upper and lower jaw which grow continually and must be kept short by gnawing. Most rodents are small though the capybara can weigh up to 45 kg (99 lb).
- Suborder: Hystricomorpha
- Family: Diatomyidae
- Genus Laonastes
- Laotian rock rat, Laonastes aenigmamus
- Genus Laonastes
- Family: Hystricidae (Old World porcupines)
- Genus: Atherurus
- Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine, Atherurus macrourus LR/lc
- Genus: Hystrix
- Malayan porcupine, Hystrix brachyura VU
- Genus: Atherurus
- Family: Diatomyidae
- Suborder: Sciurognathi
- Family: Sciuridae (squirrels)
- Subfamily: Ratufinae
- Genus: Ratufa
- Black giant squirrel, Ratufa bicolor LR/lc
- Genus: Ratufa
- Subfamily: Sciurinae
- Tribe: Pteromyini
- Genus: Biswamoyopterus
- Laotian giant flying squirrel, Biswamoyopterus laoensis
- Genus: Belomys
- Hairy-footed flying squirrel, Belomys pearsonii LR/nt
- Genus: Hylopetes
- Particolored flying squirrel, Hylopetes alboniger EN
- Indochinese flying squirrel, Hylopetes phayrei LR/lc
- Genus: Petaurista
- Spotted giant flying squirrel, Petaurista elegans LR/lc
- Genus: Biswamoyopterus
- Tribe: Pteromyini
- Subfamily: Callosciurinae
- Genus: Callosciurus
- Finlayson's squirrel, Callosciurus finlaysonii LR/lc
- Inornate squirrel, Callosciurus inornatus LR/lc
- Genus: Dremomys
- Asian red-cheeked squirrel, Dremomys rufigenis LR/lc
- Genus: Menetes
- Berdmore's ground squirrel, Menetes berdmorei LR/lc
- Genus: Tamiops
- Himalayan striped squirrel, Tamiops macclellandi LR/lc
- Maritime striped squirrel, Tamiops maritimus LR/lc
- Cambodian striped squirrel, Tamiops rodolphei LR/lc
- Genus: Callosciurus
- Subfamily: Ratufinae
- Family: Spalacidae
- Subfamily: Rhizomyinae
- Genus: Rhizomys
- Hoary bamboo rat, Rhizomys pruinosus LR/lc
- Large bamboo rat, Rhizomys sumatrensis LR/lc
- Genus: Rhizomys
- Subfamily: Rhizomyinae
- Family: Muridae (mice, rats, voles, gerbils, hamsters, etc.)
- Subfamily: Murinae
- Genus: Bandicota
- Greater bandicoot rat, Bandicota indica LR/lc
- Genus: Berylmys
- Small white-toothed rat, Berylmys berdmorei LR/lc
- Bower's white-toothed rat, Berylmys bowersi LR/lc
- Genus: Chiromyscus
- Fea's tree rat, Chiromyscus chiropus LR/lc
- Genus: Chiropodomys
- Pencil-tailed tree mouse, Chiropodomys gliroides LR/lc
- Genus: Dacnomys
- Millard's rat, Dacnomys millardi LR/lc
- Genus: Hapalomys
- Delacour's marmoset rat, Hapalomys delacouri LR/nt
- Genus: Leopoldamys
- Edwards's long-tailed giant rat, Leopoldamys edwardsi LR/lc
- Long-tailed giant rat, Leopoldamys sabanus LR/lc
- Genus: Maxomys
- Mo's spiny rat, Maxomys moi LR/lc
- Red spiny rat, Maxomys surifer LR/lc
- Genus: Mus
- Ryukyu mouse, Mus caroli LR/lc
- Fawn-colored mouse, Mus cervicolor LR/lc
- Cook's mouse, Mus cookii LR/lc
- Gairdner's shrewmouse, Mus pahari LR/lc
- Genus: Niviventer
- Chestnut white-bellied rat, Niviventer fulvescens LR/lc
- Lang Bian white-bellied rat, Niviventer langbianis LR/lc
- Genus: Saxatilomys
- Pauline's limestone rat, Saxatilomys paulinae
- Genus: Rattus
- Ricefield rat, Rattus argentiventer LC
- Polynesian rat, Rattus exulans LR/lc
- Lesser ricefield rat, Rattus losea LR/lc
- Himalayan field rat, Rattus nitidus LR/lc
- Sikkim rat, Rattus sikkimensis VU
- Tanezumi rat, Rattus tanezumi LR/lc
- Genus: Vandeleuria
- Asiatic long-tailed climbing mouse, Vandeleuria oleracea LR/lc
- Genus: Bandicota
- Subfamily: Murinae
- Family: Sciuridae (squirrels)
Order: Lagomorpha (lagomorphs)
The lagomorphs comprise two families, Leporidae (hares and rabbits), and Ochotonidae (pikas). Though they can resemble rodents, and were classified as a superfamily in that order until the early 20th century, they have since been considered a separate order. They differ from rodents in a number of physical characteristics, such as having four incisors in the upper jaw rather than two.
- Family: Leporidae (rabbits, hares)
- Genus: Nesolagus
- Annamite striped rabbit, Nesolagus timminsi DD
- Genus: Lepus
- Burmese hare, Lepus peguensis LR/lc
- Genus: Nesolagus
Order: Erinaceomorpha (hedgehogs and gymnures)
The order Erinaceomorpha contains a single family, Erinaceidae, which comprise the hedgehogs and gymnures. The hedgehogs are easily recognised by their spines while gymnures look more like large rats.
- Family: Erinaceidae (hedgehogs)
- Subfamily: Galericinae
- Genus: Hylomys
- Short-tailed gymnure, Hylomys suillus LR/lc
- Genus: Hylomys
- Subfamily: Galericinae
Order: Soricomorpha (shrews, moles, and solenodons)
The "shrew-forms" are insectivorous mammals. The shrews and solenodons closely resemble mice while the moles are stout-bodied burrowers.
- Family: Soricidae (shrews)
- Subfamily: Crocidurinae
- Genus: Crocidura
- Southeast Asian shrew, Crocidura fuliginosa LR/lc
- Horsefield's shrew, Crocidura horsfieldii LR/lc
- Genus: Crocidura
- Subfamily: Soricinae
- Tribe: Nectogalini
- Genus: Chimarrogale
- Himalayan water shrew, Chimarrogale himalayica LR/lc
- Genus: Chimarrogale
- Tribe: Nectogalini
- Subfamily: Crocidurinae
- Family: Talpidae (moles)
- Subfamily: Talpinae
- Tribe: Talpini
- Genus: Euroscaptor
- Kloss's mole, Euroscaptor klossi LR/lc
- Himalayan mole, Euroscaptor micrura LR/lc
- Genus: Euroscaptor
- Tribe: Talpini
- Subfamily: Talpinae
Order: Chiroptera (bats)
The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals.
- Family: Pteropodidae (flying foxes, Old World fruit bats)
- Subfamily: Pteropodinae
- Genus: Cynopterus
- Lesser short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus brachyotis LR/lc
- Greater short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx LR/lc
- Genus: Rousettus
- Geoffroy's rousette, Rousettus amplexicaudatus LR/lc
- Leschenault's rousette, Rousettus leschenaulti LR/lc
- Genus: Cynopterus
- Subfamily: Macroglossinae
- Genus: Macroglossus
- Long-tongued fruit bat, Macroglossus sobrinus LR/lc
- Genus: Macroglossus
- Subfamily: Pteropodinae
- Family: Vespertilionidae
- Subfamily: Kerivoulinae
- Genus: Kerivoula
- Hardwicke's woolly bat, Kerivoula hardwickii LR/lc
- Genus: Phoniscus
- Peters's trumpet-eared bat, Phoniscus jagorii LR/lc
- Genus: Kerivoula
- Subfamily: Myotinae
- Genus: Myotis
- Hairy-faced bat, Myotis annectans LR/nt
- Burmese whiskered bat, Myotis montivagus LR/nt
- Whiskered myotis, Myotis muricola LR/lc
- Whiskered bat, Myotis mystacinus LR/lc
- Rickett's big-footed bat, Myotis ricketti LR/nt
- Thick-thumbed myotis, Myotis rosseti LR/nt
- Himalayan whiskered bat, Myotis siligorensis LR/lc
- Genus: Myotis
- Subfamily: Vespertilioninae
- Genus: Arielulus
- Collared pipistrelle, Arielulus aureocollaris DD
- Genus: Eudiscopus
- Disk-footed bat, Eudiscopus denticulus LR/nt
- Genus: Hesperoptenus
- Blanford's bat, Hesperoptenus blanfordi LR/lc
- Genus: Hypsugo
- Cadorna's pipistrelle, Hypsugo cadornae LR/nt
- Chinese pipistrelle, Hypsugo pulveratus LR/nt
- Genus: Ia
- Great evening bat, Ia io LR/nt
- Genus: Pipistrellus
- Least pipistrelle, Pipistrellus tenuis LR/lc
- Genus: Scotomanes
- Harlequin bat, Scotomanes ornatus LR/nt
- Genus: Tylonycteris
- Greater bamboo bat, Tylonycteris robustula LR/lc
- Genus: Arielulus
- Subfamily: Murininae
- Genus: Harpiocephalus
- Greater hairy-winged bat, Harpiocephalus mordax LR/nt
- Genus: Murina
- Little tube-nosed bat, Murina aurata LR/nt
- Round-eared tube-nosed bat, Murina cyclotis LR/lc
- Hutton's tube-nosed bat, Murina huttoni LR/nt
- Scully's tube-nosed bat, Murina tubinaris LR/lc
- Genus: Harpiocephalus
- Subfamily: Miniopterinae
- Genus: Miniopterus
- Western bent-winged bat, Miniopterus magnater LR/lc
- Small bent-winged bat, Miniopterus pusillus LR/lc
- Schreibers' long-fingered bat, Miniopterus schreibersii LC
- Genus: Miniopterus
- Subfamily: Kerivoulinae
- Family: Molossidae
- Genus: Chaerephon
- Wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat, Chaerephon plicata LR/lc
- Genus: Chaerephon
- Family: Emballonuridae
- Genus: Taphozous
- Black-bearded tomb bat, Taphozous melanopogon LR/lc
- Genus: Taphozous
- Family: Megadermatidae
- Genus: Megaderma
- Lesser false vampire bat, Megaderma spasma LR/lc
- Genus: Megaderma
- Family: Rhinolophidae
- Subfamily: Rhinolophinae
- Genus: Rhinolophus
- Acuminate horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus acuminatus LR/lc
- Bornean horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus borneensis LR/lc
- Croslet horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus coelophyllus LR/lc
- Woolly horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus luctus LR/lc
- Big-eared horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus macrotis LR/lc
- Malayan horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus malayanus LR/lc
- Marshall's horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus marshalli LR/nt
- Bourret's horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus paradoxolophus VU
- Pearson's horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus pearsoni LR/lc
- Least horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus pusillus LR/lc
- Shamel's horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus shameli LR/nt
- Lesser brown horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus stheno LR/lc
- Little Nepalese horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus subbadius DD
- Thomas's horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus thomasi LR/nt
- Genus: Rhinolophus
- Subfamily: Hipposiderinae
- Genus: Aselliscus
- Stoliczka's trident bat, Aselliscus stoliczkanus LR/lc
- Genus: Coelops
- East Asian tailless leaf-nosed bat, Coelops frithii LR/lc
- Malayan tailless leaf-nosed bat, Coelops robinsoni LR/nt
- Genus: Hipposideros
- Great roundleaf bat, Hipposideros armiger LR/lc
- Ashy roundleaf bat, Hipposideros cineraceus LR/lc
- Fulvus roundleaf bat, Hipposideros fulvus LR/lc
- Intermediate roundleaf bat, Hipposideros larvatus LR/lc
- Shield-faced roundleaf bat, Hipposideros lylei LR/nt
- Genus: Aselliscus
- Subfamily: Rhinolophinae
Order: Pholidota (pangolins)
The order Pholidota comprises the eight species of pangolin. Pangolins are anteaters and have the powerful claws, elongated snout and long tongue seen in the other unrelated anteater species.
- Family: Manidae
- Genus: Manis
- Sunda pangolin, Manis javanica LR/nt
- Chinese pangolin, Manis pentadactyla LR/nt
- Genus: Manis
Order: Cetacea (whales)
The order Cetacea includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater.
- Suborder: Odontoceti
- Superfamily: Platanistoidea
- Family: Delphinidae (marine dolphins)
- Genus: Orcaella
- Irrawaddy dolphin, Orcaella brevirostris DD
- Genus: Orcaella
- Family: Delphinidae (marine dolphins)
- Superfamily: Platanistoidea
Order: Carnivora (carnivorans)
There are over 260 species of carnivorans, the majority of which feed primarily on meat. They have a characteristic skull shape and dentition.
- Suborder: Feliformia
- Family: Felidae (cats)
- Subfamily: Felinae
- Genus: Catopuma
- Asian golden cat, Catopuma temminckii VU
- Genus: Felis
- Jungle cat, Felis chaus LC
- Genus: Pardofelis
- Marbled cat, Pardofelis marmorata VU
- Genus: Prionailurus
- Leopard cat, Prionailurus bengalensis LC
- Fishing cat, Prionailurus viverrinus VU
- Genus: Catopuma
- Subfamily: Pantherinae
- Genus: Neofelis
- Clouded leopard, Neofelis nebulosa VU
- Genus: Panthera
- Indochinese leopard, Panthera pardus delacouri NT
- Indochinese tiger, Panthera tigris corbetti EN
- Genus: Neofelis
- Subfamily: Felinae
- Family: Viverridae (civets, mongooses, etc.)
- Subfamily: Paradoxurinae
- Genus: Arctictis
- Binturong, Arctictis binturong LR/lc
- Genus: Arctogalidia
- Small-toothed palm civet, Arctogalidia trivirgata LR/lc
- Genus: Paguma
- Masked palm civet, Paguma larvata LR/lc
- Genus: Paradoxurus
- Asian palm civet, Paradoxurus hermaphroditus LR/lc
- Genus: Arctictis
- Subfamily: Hemigalinae
- Genus: Chrotogale
- Owston's palm civet, Chrotogale owstoni VU
- Genus: Chrotogale
- Subfamily: Prionodontinae
- Genus: Prionodon
- Spotted linsang, Prionodon pardicolor LR/lc
- Genus: Prionodon
- Subfamily: Viverrinae
- Genus: Viverra
- Large-spotted civet, Viverra megaspila LR/lc
- Large Indian civet, Viverra zibetha LR/lc
- Genus: Viverricula
- Small Indian civet, Viverricula indica LR/lc
- Genus: Viverra
- Subfamily: Paradoxurinae
- Family: Herpestidae (mongooses)
- Genus: Herpestes
- Crab-eating mongoose, Herpestes urva LR/lc
- Genus: Herpestes
- Family: Felidae (cats)
- Suborder: Caniformia
- Family: Ailuridae (lesser panda)
- Family: Canidae (dogs, foxes)
- Family: Ursidae (bears)
- Family: Mustelidae (mustelids)
- Genus: Mustela
- Yellow-bellied weasel, Mustela kathiah LR/lc
- Siberian weasel, Mustela sibirica LR/lc
- Back-striped weasel, Mustela strigidorsa VU
- Genus: Martes
- Yellow-throated marten, Martes flavigula LR/lc
- Genus: Arctonyx
- Hog badger, Arctonyx collaris LR/lc
- Genus: Melogale
- Chinese ferret badger, Melogale moschata LR/lc
- Burmese ferret badger, Melogale personata LR/lc
- Genus: Lutra
- European otter, Lutra lutra NT
- Hairy-nosed otter, Lutra sumatrana DD
- Genus: Lutrogale
- Smooth-coated otter, Lutrogale perspicillata VU
- Genus: Aonyx
- Oriental small-clawed otter, Aonyx cinereus NT
- Genus: Mustela
Order: Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates)
The odd-toed ungulates are browsing and grazing mammals. They are usually large to very large, and have relatively simple stomachs and a large middle toe.
- Family: Tapiridae (tapirs)
- Genus: Tapirus
- Malayan tapir, Tapirus indicus VU
- Genus: Tapirus
- Family: Rhinocerotidae
- Genus: Rhinoceros
- Vietnamese Javan rhinoceros, Rhinoceros sondaicus annamiticus EX
- Genus: Dicerorhinus
- Northern Sumatran rhinoceros, Dicerorhinus sumatrensis lasiotis EX
- Genus: Rhinoceros
Order: Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
The even-toed ungulates are ungulates whose weight is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as in perissodactyls. There are about 220 artiodactyl species, including many that are of great economic importance to humans.
- Family: Suidae (pigs)
- Family: Tragulidae
- Genus: Tragulus
- Lesser mouse deer, Tragulus javanicus LR/lc
- Genus: Tragulus
- Family: Moschidae
- Genus: Moschus
- Dwarf musk deer, Moschus berezovskii LR/nt
- Genus: Moschus
- Family: Cervidae (deer)
- Subfamily: Cervinae
- Genus: Cervus
- Eld's deer, Cervus eldii VU
- Sambar deer, Cervus unicolor LR/lc
- Genus: Cervus
- Subfamily: Muntiacinae
- Genus: Muntiacus
- Fea's muntjac, Muntiacus feae DD
- Indian muntjac, Muntiacus muntjak LR/lc
- Truong Son muntjac, Muntiacus truongsonensis DD
- Giant muntjac, Muntiacus vuquangensis DD
- Genus: Muntiacus
- Subfamily: Cervinae
- Family: Bovidae (cattle, antelope, sheep, goats)
- Subfamily: Bovinae
- Subfamily: Caprinae
- Genus: Nemorhaedus
- Mainland serow, Nemorhaedus sumatraensis VU
- Long-tailed goral, Nemorhaedus caudatus VU
- Genus: Nemorhaedus
See also
- This list is derived from the IUCN Red List which lists species of mammals and includes those mammals that have recently been classified as extinct (since 1500 AD). The taxonomy and naming of the individual species is based on those used in existing Wikipedia articles as of 21 May 2007 and supplemented by the common names and taxonomy from the IUCN, Smithsonian Institution, or University of Michigan where no Wikipedia article was available.
- "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Mammals of Laos". IUCN. 2001. Retrieved 22 May 2007.
- "Mammal Species of the World". Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. 2005. Archived from the original on 27 April 2007. Retrieved 22 May 2007.
- "Animal Diversity Web". University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. 1995–2006. Retrieved 22 May 2007.