Tag: windows-xp

188 How do I know what proxy server I'm using? 2011-10-14T01:12:32.417

127 Is it safe to delete from C:\Windows\Installer? 2009-08-16T21:29:58.353

127 Can I delete the folder "C:\WINDOWS\Installer\$PatchCache$"? 2009-12-13T07:17:03.927

126 Apostrophes and double quotes don't show up until I type the next letter 2010-03-22T06:45:45.760

119 Does an equivalent of Time Machine exist for Windows? 2009-07-17T19:28:58.830

105 How to add command line options to shortcut? 2009-08-25T17:33:35.093

93 How to avoid keyboard layout automatically changing on windows 2008-10-02T13:56:39.623

89 How can I unzip a .tar.gz in one step (using 7-Zip)? 2009-12-07T20:01:59.533

81 How to pick a color from an image 2011-03-10T09:22:44.117

81 How to make a shortcut from CMD? 2012-02-20T18:24:10.937

78 How to split large file on Windows? 2010-01-11T01:01:09.763

73 How do I activate WindowsXP now that support has ended? 2019-11-17T11:50:17.280

71 How to check the exit code of the last command in batch file? 2010-10-01T04:47:03.857

70 How do I reset the Windows XP Administrator password? 2009-07-16T08:22:54.933

70 How do I find the largest files and folders on a drive? 2009-10-19T17:31:02.713

70 How do I do comments at a Windows command prompt? 2009-12-12T07:47:30.120

67 What can I do to retrieve windows that have gone off screen? 2011-07-28T16:16:26.030

65 Is there a way to xcopy just changed or new files? 2011-07-08T18:08:58.417

63 How do I delete a 'locked' file? 2009-07-26T19:49:35.843

60 Buy old Windows version now and still get the upgrade for free? 2016-07-20T08:25:15.840

58 Finding out which app is using the webcam 2011-09-13T16:58:43.330

57 Can I paste plain text by default? 2009-07-23T18:17:19.887

55 Create an alias in Windows XP 2009-09-30T18:45:58.840

54 Saving "Bush hid the facts" in notepad 2009-07-31T00:38:45.993

51 What are the potential security issues when I keep using Windows XP? 2014-04-08T15:19:25.923

50 How do I remove a file named "NUL" on Windows? 2011-05-11T17:15:18.560

48 How can I detect the amount of memory slots I have? 2011-09-02T22:09:20.520

48 With dual monitors, one rotated 90 degrees, how can I get windows to line up correctly? 2011-09-09T15:19:48.263

42 How can I monitor all and any Internet traffic from my home PC? 2009-08-14T00:29:11.210

42 Force Windows XP to output only mono sound 2010-03-08T14:47:19.570

40 USB sticks and multiple partitions 2009-10-27T14:49:53.590

39 Why can I write files into a folder that is read-only? 2017-09-06T10:36:13.963

34 How do I move my current active window from one monitor to another using a keyboard shortcut? 2011-01-18T08:01:29.987

33 How can I log my hard drive activity by program? 2009-11-12T03:45:40.413

33 Straightforward, easy way to create symbolic links on Windows? 2010-10-08T03:11:20.910

33 How do I force single (only) channel audio in youtube/flash videos to play in both (left/right) channels? 2011-10-27T16:46:37.637

32 How do Microsoft Word and Excel run without any installation? 2011-03-04T07:16:16.123

32 How to untoggle Right-to-Left text in Notepad? 2011-08-09T19:08:52.743

31 How can I force an internal hard drive to power on or off when I want? 2011-12-06T18:54:32.330

30 What technical reason did Microsoft give for no Internet Explorer 9 on Windows XP? 2011-03-16T17:24:45.280

30 Determining if a hard disk has been removed and data copied from it? 2011-07-18T07:02:16.733

30 How can I rename a file whose name is in itself a full path (e.g. begins with "g:\")? 2013-05-02T12:39:23.397

30 IE 8 doesn't open certain website, firefox does 2017-08-31T12:46:14.187

29 How to extract a complete list of extension types within a directory? 2012-03-07T14:44:02.843

28 Installing Windows XP from USB pen drive 2009-11-01T16:36:06.123

28 How to delete files and folders that cannot be deleted? 2011-01-05T20:49:15.890

27 How to change the Windows XP console font? 2009-07-16T08:20:53.300

27 How to resize the primary Windows XP partition? 2010-11-27T06:37:19.733

26 What's the best way to completely remove everything from a computer, without re-installing? 2010-10-04T18:30:57.087

24 How to access the system tray using the keyboard? 2010-02-07T04:29:17.983

24 How can I make my screen blank by a shortcut? 2011-02-19T15:55:24.587

24 Ways to check if user is active on remote machine before RDP'ing 2011-07-21T18:14:15.693

24 Still receiving windows XP updates... Is this expected behavior? 2014-05-24T15:53:46.093

24 VirtualBox Windows XP has no local network 2015-03-23T01:43:51.470

23 Deleting files in Windows XP extremely slow 2009-07-16T16:37:47.923

23 change directory command doesn't work in windows command prompt 2010-07-19T16:36:49.200

23 How do I force Excel (and other Microsoft Office products) to stop opening files in the same application? 2012-05-31T15:30:47.113

22 Why must I install drivers BEFORE plugging in a new peripheral? 2012-09-19T17:50:07.670

22 Is ReactOS or WINE the more stable replacement for Windows XP? 2014-04-22T00:34:44.610

21 How to tell what MTU is being used in Windows XP 2009-09-08T11:24:00.637

21 Windows XP equivalent of "tail -f"? 2009-11-10T22:16:23.663

21 Powering down the display in XP with a command 2010-04-05T16:26:56.887

21 Sysinternal's Process Explorer v14 doesn't show network activity 2010-11-19T14:43:15.007

21 Opening Explorer shell with admin privileges on XP (with IE7 installed) 2008-08-17T18:26:37.333

21 How do I recursively list filenames (only) in DOS/Windows? 2011-10-07T20:07:35.553

21 How can I set the compatibility mode for an executable from the command line? 2012-01-13T02:11:16.587

21 What are "Debug/Checked" versions of a Windows OS? 2012-03-05T13:00:59.843

21 How to create an NTFS junction? 2010-05-28T09:34:15.560

21 Get official Windows XP virtual machine for Hyper-V 2017-07-17T15:58:35.307

20 Change Windows sound volume via the command line 2009-09-16T10:59:48.090

20 How to determine logged on user in Windows XP? 2009-10-13T19:33:01.980

20 Windows Disk Cleanup: "Compress old files" option 2009-10-28T11:27:01.363

20 Keyboard shortcut for moving a window to another screen 2009-10-29T15:23:17.377

20 How do I get ftype & assoc to match Windows Explorer? 2010-10-28T14:31:25.220

20 Where in the registry does Windows store with which program to open certain file types? 2011-04-04T04:34:05.567

20 Does changing Windows XP theme to classic enhance performance? 2011-05-27T02:03:37.810

20 How to boot from a USB device using an ISO image 2009-06-12T14:25:12.920

20 Virtual audio driver for Windows? 2011-11-12T00:00:20.223

20 Is there a way to get file metadata from the command line? 2011-12-01T03:40:20.060

19 Should I choose 'Format' or 'Format (Quick)' when installing Windows XP? 2009-07-15T13:29:52.970

19 Run MSI files as administrator from a user account 2009-08-13T08:53:25.670

19 How do I make an external hard drive keep the same drive letter permanently? 2010-01-21T20:50:00.507

19 Restoring Windows XP PATH variable 2010-02-26T03:45:26.920

19 How to set Title of CMD to current working Directory in Windows XP 2010-05-20T13:01:56.210

19 Using the "net user" command in Windows XP to list all group memberships for a specific Active Directory user 2011-03-21T14:06:14.880

19 Installing legal older versions of Windows XP 2011-05-17T00:28:43.837

19 Disable the Security Essentials End-of-Life Warning on Windows XP 2014-04-05T17:19:00.743

18 How do I install Wget for Windows? 2009-12-01T07:41:29.313

18 Formatting a 5.25" floppy disk 2011-05-14T21:13:57.433

18 Open file with default application from command line 2013-02-12T17:19:27.840

17 Any game kills my sound 2010-02-18T00:35:50.660

17 How to delete a folder containing trailing spaces 2010-10-11T14:48:14.343

17 How to get the Date in a batch file in a predictable format? 2011-07-27T22:38:53.980

17 How can I add a program to the context menu of all files? 2012-02-21T04:01:21.357

17 Where do I enter "domain" in remote desktop from windows xp? 2013-10-14T19:19:00.120

17 How to clear screen artifacts without rebooting Windows (multiple versions) 2014-12-13T20:31:45.947

17 svchost.exe eating CPU: which of these services can be the cause? 2018-06-11T09:39:05.397

16 How can I Map a Network Drive with Password so it stays mapped after a reboot? 2009-08-17T10:03:55.170

16 How to verify my current user has admin rights or not? 2009-08-21T15:40:30.023