I downloaded Wget from here, and got a file named wget-latest.tar.gz
, dated 22-Sep-2009. I saved it into one of the folders on my D:
drive and unzipped it. I read through the READ ME
file, but didn't find any information there on how to install it. Since there was no Install
file, I assumed that unzipping wget.zip
into a previously created folder had installed it.
However, when I opened the command line and typed:
wget -r -A ".jpg,.gif,.png" http://mywebsite
I only got an error message. Since I am using Chinese version of XP at the moment and I don't read Chinese, I don't understand what this message is saying, but I assume it means that Wget didn't install properly.
So, how do I properly install Wget on Windows XP?
Link is dead... See this newer answer: http://superuser.com/a/813046/23133
– Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2015-03-12T15:40:48.567libintl3.dll not found? – Hack-R – 2019-02-21T16:01:56.160
Yay! we might be on the right track (after the third question) – pavium – 2009-12-01T07:44:33.660