Tag: notepad++

325 How can I view two files side by side in Notepad++? 2010-11-28T16:47:18.370

287 Assigning custom extensions to a language's syntax highlighting in Notepad++ 2009-09-14T10:09:40.773

241 Sorting lines in Notepad++ without the TextFX plugin 2014-06-01T11:39:15.383

226 How to automatically reload modified files in Notepad++ 2011-04-24T23:33:06.207

226 How can one turn off spell checking in Notepad++? 2013-05-08T23:22:18.613

222 Notepad++ find and replace string with a new-line 2009-09-02T17:57:22.407

221 Delete all lines in Notepad++ except lines containing a word I need? 2011-05-29T15:05:02.560

170 How to use Markdown in Notepad++ 2013-04-22T16:50:55.837

167 Notepad++ is unable to load langs.xml, why? 2009-11-07T12:48:05.240

165 How do I disable links in Notepad++? 2013-02-12T22:10:00.327

158 How do I get Notepad++ to associate a file type with a language? 2012-04-17T16:10:47.987

154 How can the font size be changed in Notepad++? 2009-08-01T16:26:32.633

123 how to turn off Reload alerts 2009-09-02T20:08:45.090

115 How do I remove linebreaks in Notepad++? 2012-12-12T09:06:23.047

108 shortcut to manually Reload file from Disk 2009-09-02T20:20:38.967

99 ShellExecute failed (2) error for Notepad++ on Windows 7 64bit 2010-11-19T21:30:07.120

99 Flip or reverse line order in Notepad++ 2011-09-02T12:19:53.610

98 How do I set Notepad++ as the default editor? 2012-09-14T11:23:29.907

96 How do I start Notepad++ from cmd? 2013-06-13T21:08:26.037

94 How can I tell Notepad++ to always use a particular language with a particular file extension 2010-06-11T21:54:08.517

94 Notepad++ 80 Character Line Marker? 2012-04-19T05:09:26.013

93 Sort text by value in Notepad++ 2014-03-03T22:55:01.573

91 Disable auto-update in Notepad++ 2010-04-18T19:30:03.970

85 Replace \r\n with newline in Notepad++ 2009-09-17T13:59:14.330

84 Notepad++ Find in Files Filters 2009-12-17T14:57:54.587

84 Open two instances of Notepad++ 2012-08-09T20:11:10.643

82 How do I make Notepad++ delete lines like Eclipse does? 2011-03-16T14:28:14.560

80 Vertical line for the the right margin in Notepad++ 2010-09-07T18:20:10.820

77 Can I get split screen in Notepad++ like Emacs? 2011-09-05T17:18:44.670

74 How do I wrap lines in Notepad++ after N symbols? 2011-12-06T15:47:47.527

73 Replace Carriage Return and Line Feed in Notepad++ 2013-02-02T08:39:01.293

73 How do I automatically trim trailing whitespace with Notepad++? 2014-01-09T18:18:41.450

70 How to comment out multiple lines at once in Notepad++? 2014-07-30T19:31:03.350

69 Closing Notepad++ tabs on closing application 2009-07-22T03:14:32.417

66 Notepad++: Ctrl-S does not Save, instead inserts [DC3]; Ctrl-F inserts [ACK] 2010-11-15T17:01:26.877

65 Is it possible to have Notepad++ show two rows of file tabs? 2010-07-03T12:28:58.373

63 Something took control over Notepad++? 2015-01-22T19:19:50.253

60 How would I delete the first 27 characters from every line Notepad++? 2011-09-25T10:15:38.583

59 HTML Tag Auto Complete in Notepad++? 2010-04-16T01:48:20.957

58 Switching to tabs to the right or left of the current tab in Notepad++ 2010-05-03T16:43:47.463

57 How to migrate Notepad++ settings? 2010-05-04T14:11:08.170

56 Where is the tab/indent options in Notepad++ 5.5? 2009-09-28T16:11:53.050

54 What's that Unicode character in my clipboard? 2017-12-15T10:10:47.500

53 Grep-like functionality for Notepad++? 2012-04-11T07:38:58.620

53 Notepad++ says "Check if file is open in another program" - but no other program is open 2012-12-28T04:21:01.117

53 Notepad++ expand/collapse block with keyboard 2013-09-18T15:45:34.880

51 How to open a file for editing in Administrator mode? 2010-12-06T21:54:08.190

49 How to expand/collapse all blocks of ruby code in notepad++? 2012-06-12T23:10:20.633

49 Notepad++ Is there a setting to stop from asking me to save on exit? 2015-08-06T07:46:21.577

48 How to set the default language in Notepad++ 2009-10-22T02:30:28.747

48 notepad++ plugin manager shows no available plugins 2012-01-17T11:06:35.960

47 Auto format document with Notepad++ 2009-10-22T15:04:09.433

47 Remove empty lines and spaces in Notepad++? 2013-07-19T10:37:05.247

46 How to save font settings in Notepad++ 2010-11-25T02:15:36.260

46 How Can I Find Nth Character in Notepad++? 2012-10-14T06:34:25.710

46 Permanently highlight all occurrences of text in Notepad++? 2013-03-18T12:10:51.357

45 Open http:// links from Notepad++ to default web browser 2010-11-10T08:35:14.040

45 EOL in Notepad++ and Notepad 2010-05-22T18:02:51.030

45 Is there any way to recover unsaved notepad++ docs? 2015-09-20T13:15:26.053

44 Does Notepad++ backup pre-edited files anywhere? 2011-05-10T21:59:28.130

41 Converting CSV to fixed-width in Notepad++? 2010-03-16T09:32:06.123

41 In Notepad++, how do I split long lines in several rows? 2012-03-24T17:13:55.533

41 How to remove pending action 2015-03-11T10:00:51.827

40 How do I change Notepad++'s console font? 2010-10-13T07:44:31.943

40 How can I delete everything after the first column in Notepad++? 2014-08-19T18:06:59.457

38 How can I switch tabs in Notepad++ via Ctrl+PgUp/Down? 2010-02-17T06:58:00.380

37 Does Notepad++ have a minimap feature? 2009-09-21T23:31:12.920

37 Is there a way to make notepad++ application itself dark? 2013-07-10T00:08:18.953

37 How do I add a number at the end of every line in Notepad++? 2015-07-19T13:23:23.610

36 CR and LF characters shown at the end of each line in Notepad++ 2012-04-08T08:48:30.233

36 notepad++: How to reset all the setting to default ones? 2013-01-23T04:09:20.647

36 Notepad++ inserting special Unicode characters in UTF-8 2013-04-01T16:28:57.163

35 How to remove shell integration of Notepad++? 2009-10-19T09:44:41.047

35 Notepad++ and sFTP Support 2010-06-04T13:56:25.103

35 Is there a way to manage tabs efficiently in Notepad++ 2010-06-16T07:43:50.520

35 How to open a big file in Notepad++? 2011-05-20T07:47:51.213

34 How can I hide the toolbar in Notepad++? 2011-12-17T12:27:46.937

34 How would I replace a "TAB" in Notepad++? 2012-08-19T05:05:07.043

32 Can Notepad++ mark scrollbar with visual indicators of search results? 2010-11-29T03:37:47.420

31 Why doesn't Ctrl+F4 work in Notepad++? 2009-08-01T21:49:09.503

30 Opening a text file at a certain line (shortcut) 2011-05-30T03:06:34.233

30 Notepad++ - Continue Search from top 2013-07-16T19:17:47.637

29 Converting text to Title case in Notepad++ 2010-03-02T19:41:04.743

29 Export all regular expression matches in Textpad or Notepad++ as a list 2012-09-20T18:17:05.480

29 How to find and replace new line in Notepad ++ 2013-01-28T06:26:30.703

29 Show hexadecimal/ASCII codes on Notepad++ 6.3 2013-02-28T13:31:41.053

29 How To Change Font Size In Notepad++ 2015-06-30T18:42:10.083

29 How to remove every odd line in Notepad++? 2017-09-01T07:56:44.857

28 ANSI to UTF-8 in Notepad++ 2014-06-02T01:54:45.897

27 Notepad++: Rule based line highlighting 2010-12-11T00:20:57.933

26 How can I edit Unicode text in Notepad++? 2009-08-11T13:11:38.390

26 How do I disable Notepad++'s "This file has been modified..." message? 2014-06-01T19:07:07.193

26 When I press the space bar it deletes the letters after it 2019-07-07T13:25:50.833

25 How to make Notepad++ use proxy with username and password? 2010-06-28T14:41:38.310

25 How to make Notepad++ open each file in new window? 2010-10-22T17:54:03.223

25 "Go To File" Feature/Plugin for Notepad++ 2011-07-13T16:26:33.933

24 How can a paragraph be reformatted in Notepad++? 2010-01-24T19:02:56.103

24 Use Windows default icon with Notepad++ 2010-05-22T18:07:28.743

24 Open with Notepad++ as Administrator Context Menu 2010-09-29T23:39:31.527