CR and LF characters shown at the end of each line in Notepad++



I use Notepad++ as a text editor. Whenever I open any text file, Notepad++ shows two virtual characters CR and LF at the end of each line. These characters are annoying in some cases, e.g. when reading application logs.

How do I remove or configure the display of these characters?


Posted 2012-04-08T08:48:30.233

Reputation: 952



Toggle the setting View > Show Symbol > Show End of Line

As Xenorose notes, Show All Characters should also be unchecked.

Screenshot of setting
Click for full size


Posted 2012-04-08T08:48:30.233

Reputation: 51 526

1i dont have that option checked, but LF is still showing. If i toggle the option, i get LF and CR, if i turn it off again, im back to just LF at the end of the lines. is this a bug? – mack nordstrum – 2014-08-29T21:35:36.500

8hmmm, i saved the document and closed notepad++ then re-opened it, and the LFs went away, must have been a temporary glitch – mack nordstrum – 2014-08-29T21:46:21.040

I also had this what you call temporary glitch. – René Nyffenegger – 2016-09-13T06:43:04.580

2You got there a few seconds before me. :) it should be noted that it might be the "all characters" that's marked. – Eran – 2012-04-08T09:00:38.487


In the menu go to :
view > Show Symbols
You probably have one of these checked: "Show end of line" or "show all characters" . Uncheck them (only one can be selected, deselect the one you have checked).


Posted 2012-04-08T08:48:30.233

Reputation: 3 201


If you are seeing something like this (Block carriage return (CR) and linefeed (LF) characters after pressing 'Return' or 'Enter' key on the keyboard):

enter image description here

You can fix it by clicking the ¶ icon on the toolbar.

enter image description here

Atta H.

Posted 2012-04-08T08:48:30.233

Reputation: 151

1This duplicates another answer and adds no new content. Please don't post an answer unless you actually have something new to contribute. – DavidPostill – 2016-11-16T23:49:21.280


Just to add to the answer, there is also an Icon on Main Notepad++ interface to disable/enable these special characters.


Notepad++ show characters


Notepad++ show characters - enabled

It saves about two mouse clicks!


Posted 2012-04-08T08:48:30.233

Reputation: 826