I've been using Notepad++ more as my primary code editor. Just a few minutes ago, however, I accidentally pressed some combination of keys (no idea what I pressed) and suddenly my standard shortcut keys no longer work.
When I press Ctrl-S, it doesn't save my document; instead it inserts this funky little "DC3" character (looks like a rounded black rectangle with white text inside). When I press Ctrl-F (the Find key) I get a similar "ACK" symbol.
The only answer I've found on the web has to do with changing your shortcut key mappings; however my shortcut key mappings have NOT CHANGED at all, they are still set as they should be, with Ctrl-S mapping to "Save" and Ctrl-F mapping to "Find..".
I've clearly switched to some bizarre alternate key mode, but I have no idea what that might be or how to get rid of it.
Update: I've played around a bit more to see what other shortcuts are broken. So far, they all seem to be, except for the Windows standard ones like "Ctrl-X" and "Ctrl-V". Here's a sampling:
KEY Should Do: Current Behavior:
Ctrl-Tab Cycle open tabs <does nothing>
Ctrl-W Close current tab [ETB]
Ctrl-N Open New tab [SO]
Ctrl-O File Open window [SI]
Ctrl-A Select All [DC3]
Ctrl-Z Undo <Works as expected>
Ctrl-C Copy selection <Works as expected>
Ctrl-U Make lowercase [NAK]
(By the way, the symbols are abbreviations of the ASCII control codes.)
– Bavi_H – 2010-11-16T05:04:18.837I think it's an notepad++ runtime error. I've met the same pb as yours serveral minutes ago, and it works correctly now. – Jiangong SUN – 2011-08-30T09:43:09.860