Tag: google-spreadsheets

1 How to auto-format an Excel cell based on another cell in another column? 2018-09-15T04:41:36.590

1 Have Multiple Selected Elements in a Cell Dropdown 2018-09-15T15:18:08.150

1 How to work Google Sheets? 2018-11-28T23:38:52.783

1 Advanced F&R Regex - Sheets / Excel - If "X" is in cell A1 and add "Y" to cell B1 2019-01-16T09:48:15.210

1 I want to push either a TSV file or JSON up to a Google Sheet 2019-02-07T09:30:11.430

1 How could I create a filter custom formula that returns a match for cells CONTAINING a word/phrase OR another word/phrase? 2019-02-27T22:25:59.380

1 How should competition data be architected for spreadsheets? 2019-03-10T19:53:57.720

1 SUMIFS and EOMONTH formula to calculate monthly spending 2019-03-31T09:42:53.393

1 When a Google Sheet is exported to Excel the line heights of wrapped text are not maintained - any way to change this? 2019-05-30T13:29:04.117

1 What could cause 429 errors in Google Sheets? 2019-06-26T17:28:34.430

1 Google Sheets: Formula not working 2019-09-13T04:41:38.860

1 A tricky Data Merge or Mail merge 2019-09-17T14:31:55.817

1 Google Combo Chart veritcal axis with percentage sign and right axis without percentage sign 2019-09-25T11:59:27.053

1 How can I sort out a list of numbers according to certain characters in the middle of these numbers? 2019-09-25T18:50:28.120

1 How to conditional format a column 2019-10-25T19:31:03.857

1 When I sort by A to Z by Column B (Warhouse), all if function don't work 2019-12-12T14:56:09.293

1 Use scientific notation in log spreadsheet labels 2019-12-26T23:02:59.767

1 Multiple values same line COUNTIF 2020-02-02T15:03:47.040

0 phpmyadmin import database table from google spreadsheet 2009-11-08T18:10:21.457

0 Google Spreadsheet Indirect in a VLookup 2010-01-18T17:20:01.747

0 Spreadsheet formula: lowest 100 values in a range 2010-04-09T12:42:07.263

0 How do I simplify this if statement to just add 1 every time (and possibly go with no limit)? 2010-10-07T21:11:03.240

0 Spreadsheet formula to count consecutive values in a column 2011-05-18T16:30:08.030

0 Spreadsheets: How do I perform functions on a set/array described by a row of (count, value) pairs? 2012-04-19T12:17:05.483

0 How can I replace tab-delimited data with line breaks? 2012-11-23T23:49:17.747

0 How to Analyze the Trend of Data In Google Spreadsheet and Excel 2013-01-15T12:57:29.983

0 How can I do this in spreadsheets? 2014-01-05T19:53:07.433

0 Google Spread sheet-pulling down formulas is returning an error message 2014-01-20T23:48:39.267

0 Formula works in excel and not in Google Spreadsheet 2014-01-22T06:53:04.100

0 Returning row values based on specific variables across multiple sheets 2014-05-29T01:05:46.690

0 How do you do a conditional format for a date range 2014-07-18T15:37:30.360

0 Show image in cell based on cell value 2014-08-24T09:46:07.413

0 How I hide the chat window in Google Drive Spreadsheet? 2014-08-28T01:44:05.420

0 Double column value in a spreadsheet 2014-09-13T14:00:53.953

0 Spreadsheet data checking columns 2014-09-13T20:42:39.577

0 How to make lists of tagged data 2014-09-20T04:15:39.177

0 Export cropped HTML table from google spreadsheet 2014-10-18T16:14:08.517

0 organizing columns in excel into standard format 2014-12-01T01:12:12.637

0 How to combine data set to create unique combinations 2015-01-14T21:22:41.740

0 How to increment cell references by 7 rows for each row dragged in Excel 2015-01-21T10:34:22.237

0 Spreadsheet finding and sorting most frequent appearance of names 2015-01-28T12:40:08.403

0 How to remove rows that match? 2015-02-10T23:18:02.407

0 Combine GoogleSheets functions 2015-02-11T16:39:09.553

0 Excel table: Add only certain values (Oscar predictions ballot) 2015-02-22T22:21:08.150

0 add prefix to a cell in a spreadsheet 2015-03-24T19:02:49.363

0 Google Docs / Excel how to transform redundant row in columns 2015-04-09T09:59:36.650

0 Run formula from different sheet 2015-05-18T20:21:13.773

0 Combining the ISBLANK and Date function 2015-05-27T16:38:02.263

0 Excel - Signs in different columns 2015-06-05T18:02:08.767

0 Microsoft Excel: Merge two sheets and dedup 2015-07-23T17:09:21.933

0 Format as currency within a formula 2015-07-27T15:50:12.413

0 Summing the above 7 rows in same column based on a value 2015-08-11T22:08:42.437

0 Fetch Google Sheets data with Excel Power Query 2015-08-27T12:40:36.400

0 (Google Sheets/Excel) SUMPRODUCT but ignore empty cells 2015-09-10T12:37:40.633

0 Spreadsheet styling every X rows 2015-09-13T22:28:24.870

0 Reference a cell with input from another cell 2015-09-29T08:06:43.033

0 copying bank account information into excel / google sheets, lists all info in 1 column instead of grid formation 2015-10-15T02:05:41.913

0 How to keep a columns formula applied to a newly added row? 2015-10-20T21:03:52.513

0 Total Unique items in col B for user ID x 2015-11-03T20:23:12.280

0 Excel - Decision-Tree Budget / Shopping List 2016-02-11T23:49:59.247

0 Google Spreadsheets: how to generate a report for the most commonly used words 2016-02-18T22:41:31.010

0 I have a list of names, and tags per row (each tag is in a new column), how do I get a pivot of names per tag 2016-03-01T18:24:37.443

0 Aggregation of overlapping groupings in pivot table 2016-04-13T11:05:28.653

0 Date stamp when editing rows in spreadsheet 2016-04-13T17:35:20.283

0 Using ARRAYFORMULA to auto populate a column for rows that contain data 2016-04-20T20:30:18.360

0 Excel: Method for Calculating Averages 2016-06-07T17:30:56.147

0 Comparing date in google spreadsheet 2016-06-17T19:47:53.343

0 How can I sum with partial parts of cells? 2016-06-29T05:46:19.807

0 List of Subfolder names and file links in google sheets - script 2016-07-01T00:19:13.717

0 Create a student contact directory using google sheets? 2016-07-20T16:55:17.097

0 Is there a way to make a single bar chart that tracks color based on date in Google Sheets or Excel? 2016-07-27T17:11:46.363

0 Excel : long calculus vs lot of tables ? 2016-07-30T02:15:17.610

0 EXCEL: use SUMPRODUCT or COUNTIF? 2016-07-30T17:39:28.893

0 How to create an automatically updating alphabetical list of unique occurrences in a range of cells? 2016-08-06T19:03:45.990

0 How to mark a row if any of the cells in that row is not empty 2016-08-18T15:51:13.473

0 Why is this sumproduct formula not working? 2016-08-24T14:59:33.970

0 VLOOKUP Compare two sheets 2016-08-30T20:44:21.853

0 Count specific months encountred between two days 2016-09-15T10:52:03.130

0 Google Sheets - need formula for three cells of 5 that match 2016-10-04T15:23:15.747

0 Email Script running on Google Form Responses - I cannot turn it off? 2016-10-10T07:51:46.907

0 Data Entry Beginner Asks: How do I 'section' out rows of a spreadsheet to belong to a product/item/object? 2016-11-25T02:59:29.600

0 google sheets formula for calculating difference between values 2016-12-11T15:33:46.393

0 Need a formula to make Google Sheets choose between two formulas 2016-12-26T14:45:46.043

0 How to list all "A" column values if "D" column equals a specific value 2017-01-11T12:37:01.297

0 Convert date to number based on a range 2017-01-17T02:10:33.727

0 Google Spreadsheets just showing big white block 2017-01-19T03:05:15.160

0 Google Spreadsheet Formula 2017-03-02T07:08:18.147

0 Pulling Info from one tab to another in Google Sheet 2017-03-02T08:05:22.580

0 Construct dynamic HLOOKUP VLOOKUP for a matrix of values? 2017-04-24T19:54:33.330

0 Pull timestamps from duplicate rows in excel 2017-04-25T21:56:50.760

0 Referencing an adjacent cell from a different sheet based on a minimum formula? 2017-05-07T00:48:12.270

0 can't format cells that have vlookup values 2017-06-07T03:36:00.923

0 Generate a document form google form and keep it sync upon each submission 2017-06-17T19:28:35.490

0 Conditional Formatting Columns only By Values in Column 2017-06-26T23:15:05.240

0 Separate content of a cell by spaces 2017-07-31T13:09:27.437

0 sum all cells having a not empty cell on the right 2017-08-31T11:22:25.417

0 How do I copy a value rather than a cell reference in a formula? 2017-09-15T14:31:20.917

0 How to get information from a range based on selection 2017-10-13T14:16:44.407

0 Count number of unique weekdays in a range 2017-10-30T16:06:31.010