How can I sum with partial parts of cells?


Let's say I have a spreadsheet look like this.

A |B
1 |1.0 2016-05-07
2 |0.5 2016-04-12
3 |x.y yyyy-MM-dd

How can I sum those first values(1.0, 0.5)?

Jin Kwon

Posted 2016-06-29T05:46:19.807

Reputation: 264

Are the numbers all formatted as #.# followed by space? Are you trying to get the sum in a cell value with a formula or use VBA macro? – dbmitch – 2016-06-29T05:53:38.007

@dbmitch Yes all values are #.#. And I want to know how to =SUM(...). – Jin Kwon – 2016-06-29T05:54:58.437

I assume you can't spilt them into different cells? – Dave – 2016-06-29T05:56:19.680

@Dave I wish I can. – Jin Kwon – 2016-06-29T05:57:47.203

In that case use left and sum...

– Dave – 2016-06-29T05:59:27.977

@Dave You're right. And how can I sum of all cells which each is LEFTed? – Jin Kwon – 2016-06-29T06:03:03.813



You can use array formula like the following:

=SUMPRODUCT(1*LEFT(A1:A3,FIND(" ",A1,1)-1))
where A1:A3 is the column of your data, and you have always a space between numbers and date, the formula finds the first space and read the number on the left and use Ctrl + Shift + Enter instead of 'Enter' for array formula, sumproduct will add the numbers.
In case your Data does not start always with numbers you can use:
=SUMPRODUCT(IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(LEFT(A1:A3,FIND(" ",A1,1)-1))),1*LEFT(A1:A3,FIND(" ",A1,1)-1),0))


Posted 2016-06-29T05:46:19.807

Reputation: 888


EDIT - MY MISTAKE - YOU CAN DO IT WITH a basic Excel functions - see answer!

Here's another way using a VBA module, and custom public function

Insert this in VBA Code

Public Function SumLeftData(rgeData As Range) As Double

    Dim celVal  As Object

    For Each celVal In rgeData.Cells
        SumLeftData = SumLeftData + Left(celVal, 3)

End Function

For your example, you would then insert formula in cell C3 (or wherever) that =SumLeftData(B1:B3)


Make sure it's in Module1 - not in Workbook code

How do I add VBA in MS Office?


Posted 2016-06-29T05:46:19.807

Reputation: 134