Run formula from different sheet


Can you run formulas from different sheets? (not simply showing the formula as a string/static text)

Say I type


where in that cell I have a formula


Here's what I want to see as a result


But instead of this, I get the same =concatenate(ice&cream) function as a text string.

In my particular case the concatenate function creates an IMPORTXML formula from these 3 columns:

Column 1 (B5):


Column 2 (C5):


Column 3 (D5):


Column 4 (E5):

=CONCATENATE("=", B5, C5, D5)

And returns as a result:

=IMPORTXML(url,"//*/div[2]/div[1]/div/div/div[ 1 ]/div/div/div[1]/h4/a/@href")

which extracts a piece of data from I need the IMPORTXML formula to run and give me the piece of data, not return the same formula as static text.

NOTE: I use Google Sheets so the simpler the answer the better (i.e. no macros or other tools if possible) Thank you


Posted 2015-05-18T20:21:13.773

Reputation: 17

post the exact formula that you are using to construct IMPORTXML. – teylyn – 2015-05-18T20:41:16.940

Column 1 (B5): IMPORTXML(Members!C2,"//*/div[2]/div[1]/div/div/div[ Column 2 (C5): 1 Column 3 (D5): ]/div/div/div[1]/h4/a/@href") Column 4 (E5): =CONCATENATE("=", B5, C5, D5) – Duraid – 2015-05-18T20:50:49.623

Please don't use a comment for that. Update your question. – teylyn – 2015-05-18T21:08:07.867

I did. Check again – Duraid – 2015-05-18T21:11:50.200

1What you're looking for seems to be the equivalent to excel's Eval(), but Google sheets have no equivalent. Lots of history behind it according to a few Google hits and SO questions – panhandel – 2015-05-18T21:35:57.037



The syntax for the Google Spreadsheet function IMPORTXML is

IMPORTXML(URL, xpath_query)

If you want to keep these parameters dynamic and feed them into the formula from other cells, then you will need something like


i.e. the string parameters are in the cells, but not the function name. Concatenate will always return a string, never a function. Concatenate is also always more to type than the simple & operator that does the same thing.


Posted 2015-05-18T20:21:13.773

Reputation: 19 551

Nice one, haven't thought of formulating it this way. However, I still can't get the desired result because as you said in your answer, concatenate will always return a string and not a function. And the issue here is that the A1 cell in =Importxml(A1,A2&A3), in my case, has a function in it. Do you know of any way around this? (and still keep the function) – Duraid – 2015-05-18T21:23:05.267

Read my last paragraph again. You can't put the function name inside a concatenate. And you don't need to. It will never work. Use the cell references to the *parameters* inside the function. – teylyn – 2015-05-18T21:55:07.280