< Survivor (TV series) < Characters
Survivor (TV series)/Characters/All Stars
Amber Brkich
- The Chick
- Dark Horse Victory: Did anyone expect Amber of all people to win going into the season?
- Fan Service Pack: Amber became very beautiful this time around. She even won "Hottest Female castaway" in America's Tribal Council.
- Moe
- My Greatest Second Chance: But of course!
- The Quiet One
- Romance on the Set: With Boston Rob. One of the more famous showmances in American television.
- Shorttank
- Sole Survivor
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad
- Super Couple: With Boston Rob
- What Measure Is a Non-Badass?: Frequently used as an example of how one can be an undeserving Sole Survivor.
Rob Mariano
- The Ace: He won four out of the seven individual immunity challenges during the merge, two rewards, and was basically the one who carried Chapera in challenges during the pre-merge. Plus he used his construction experience to help build the best shelter of all three tribes.
- Affably Evil
- Anti-Hero
- Badass
- Badass Mustache
- Bittersweet Ending: He lost the game, but won a wife.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Breakout Character: While he is the Ensemble Darkhorse in Marquesas, it's his performance during All-Stars made him a Survivor legend.
- The Chessmaster
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Just ask Lex, Alicia, Tom, and Rob C.
- Crack Defeat
- Deadpan Snarker
- Evil Genius / The Smart Guy
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Rob had one of the two least impressive resumes going in (he's one of the two, the other being Shii Ann, to have been eliminated before the jury stage on their previous season), and he ends up dominating almost everyone.
- Graceful Loser: Given that he married the winner, he probably didn't care that he lost anyway.
- Hard Work Hardly Works
- I Lied: To anyone he made an alliance with and then back-stabbed. Most stinging example of this definitely goes to Lex.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk
- Love Makes You Evil: Kathy accused him of this.
- Magnificent Bastard
- Manipulative Bastard
- Memetic Outfit: His Nice Cap obviously, his black wife beater and the medallion that he always wears around his neck.
- Mr. Fanservice
- My Greatest Second Chance
- Nothing Personal: Breaking his deal with Lex, who took it quite the opposite.
- One Steve Limit: Deals with this once again, this time with Rob Cesternino.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Boston Rob
- Romance on the Set: With Amber
- The Runner Up Takes It All
- Self-Proclaimed Liar
- Smug Snake
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: This season, Boston Rob gave the cameras a lot more to work with, and this is obvious through the fact that he and Amber are without a doubt the stars of this season.
- Super Couple: With Amber
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Took a Level in Badass
- Took a Level in Jerkass
- Trickster Archetype: Rob shows casual disregard for the rules, such as when he wanted to break open the box full of rice even though he was told that he had to wait until his tribe found all the keys first, and even insults the host by calling him a "pretty boy". On the other hand, his willingness to not stick to tried and true strategy is what helped him get to final two, and is a trademark of whatever show he goes on.
- Ungrateful Bastard: Towards Lex.
- Wacky Marriage Proposal
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: To everyone.
- Xanatos Gambit
Jenna Lewis
- Broken Bird: See Took a Level in Jerkass
- Everybody Remembers the Stripper: Due to "events" outside the show...
- Fan Service Pack
- Femme Fatale
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: With Rupert, though she ain't that far behind.
- Ms. Fanservice
- My Greatest Second Chance
- One Steve Limit: With Jenna Morasca.
- Tall Blond And Bishoujo
- The Resenter: Towards past winners.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Returns to the game very, very bitter, mainly due to the fact that she now has to compete against people who already won the million when she's the one with two kids to feed.
- Wall of Blather: One thing that almost everyone who plays with Jenna says is that she never, ever shuts up.
Rupert Boneham
- Badass Beard
- Badass Long Hair
- Base Breaker
- The Big Guy
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Breakout Character
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Gentle Giant
- Graceful Loser
- Happily Married
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: With Jenna L.
- Intergenerational Odd Friendship: With Rudy.
- It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time: His idea for a shelter.
- Large Ham
- Memetic Outfit
- My Greatest Second Chance: Among his three tries, this is where he ranked the highest.
- Red Baron: The Pirate.
- Shocking Elimination
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad
- Team Chef
- Technical Pacifist: Rupert never actially voted for ally his on Saboga, Rudy, to leave. He didn't really do anything to protect Rudy from leaving second either.
- What an Idiot!: Underground shelter near the shore?
Tom Buchanan
- Beware the Nice Ones: "Don't be stupid, stupid!"
- The Big Guy
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Cool Old Guy
- Death Glare: After he got voted out, he gave Boston Rob one.
- Farm Boy
- Foe Yay: Early on in Chapera with Sue Hawk.
- Gentle Giant
- Large Ham
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted, he was 4th in his first try, now he's fifth.
- Nice Hat
- Papa Wolf
- The Pawn: Outright says this at one point.
- Team Dad
- The Unintelligible
Shii Ann Huang
- All of the Other Reindeer: Post-merge.
- Ascended Fangirl: Actually uses the term "Pagonged" on-camera to describe what happened to Mogo-Mogo, and early on showed reluctance to vote out Richard Hatch "because he's the king" and it would be no fun to get rid of him early.
- Chinese Girl: The Ur Example for Survivor.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Her immunity win when she was the only original Mogo-Mogo left.
- Dark Chick
- Graceful Loser: One of the only ones on the jury.
- Last of her Kind: The last Mogo-Mogo left.
- Moe
- My Greatest Second Chance: Doesn't win, but has a much stronger season than she did on Thailand and even gets a car out of the whole thing.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Subverted. Only she ever refers to herself by her nickname ("Shii-Devil").
- Plucky Girl
- Surrounded by Idiots: She becomes furious when she discovers that no one left is remotely interested in recruiting her for a Shocking Elimination.
- Tagalong Kid: To the Mogo-Mogo's. Ironically, she's the one who survives the longest.
- Take That: What she literally screamed to the old Chapera tribe after her Crowning Moment of Awesome above.
- Thanatos Gambit: Knowing she was on her way out at her last Tribal Council, she decided to try and stir things up a bit by declaring that her vote would be going to the player she thought was playing the strongest and would win the million if no one did anything about them. It went to Amber.
- The Unfavourite: The woman is treated like dirt the moment she's the only member of Mogo-Mogo left after the merge; while past seasons have had the dominant tribe at least pretend to put up with the tribe that would be gone soon, it's obvious to Shii-Ann that she is absolutely not welcome, which makes her Crowning Moment of Awesome above all the more satisfying (although even after she wins, they still don't even speak to her and act as though celebrating that she's won immunity is a bad thing and treat her as such.)
- What the Hell, Casting Agency?: Mark Burnett once called her "the worst casting mistake of all time" for All-Stars. In universe, this is acknowledge when she's referred to in the F7 Reward challenge as "the least deserving to be an All-Star".
Alicia Calaway
- Badass
- The Big Girl
- Black Dude Dies First: Was the first original Chaperan to be voted off during the merge.
- Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: In her Jury Speech, much to the delight of the DVD Commentary.
- Hot Amazon
- My Greatest Second Chance
- Nice Cap
- The Pawn: To Boston Rob.
- Plucky Girl
- Sassy Black Woman
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: To Rob and Amber.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Does she look like she's having an iota of fun?
Kathy Varvick-Obrien
- Badass
- The Cassandra: Sees exactly how the Chapera alliance is going to play out once she and Shii-Ann were gone and tries to get the people who were inevitably going to get voted out to do something about it. They didn't.
- Crazy Prepared: Before All Stars started, Kathy went to a psychologist to have them analyze some of the personality profiles of people she thought might be picked for this season in order to determine which players would be easiest to manipulate, hardest to trust, best to form an alliance with, etc.
- Cool Old Lady
- Graceful Loser
- Hair of Gold
- The Lancer: To the Mogo-Mogo alliance.
- Lady Macbeth: Lex has repeatedly claimed over the years that getting rid of Jerri over Amber was really Kathy's idea.
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted. She was 3rd place in her original season.
- Never Mess with Granny: Won the first individual immunity challenge again.
- Plucky Girl
- The Reason I'm So Disappointed In You Speech: To Rob.
- Take a Third Option: During a challenge which involves knocking your opponent off a balance beam, Kathy foregoes trying to fight Boston Rob and proceeds to just sit on the plank, thus lowering her center of gravity(though ultimately Rob is still able to push her off).
Lex van den Berghe
- Anti-Hero: As part of the original Mogo-Mogo alliance.
- Badass
- The Chessmaster: On Mogo-Mogo at least.
- Deal with the Devil: Boy, did it end badly.
- Death Glare: His basic expression while he was on the jury.
- Digging Himself Deeper: During the Reunion when he tried to justify why he can get away with playing ruthlessly but Rob can't, especially after Richard called him out on his hypocrisy.
- Evil Genius / The Smart Guy
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Shaved his hair to a Mowhawk once he became part of the jury.
- Hypocrite: His statement to Rob during the final tribal council. Even before that, there was his remark as he cast the fatal vote for Colby:
You and I both know that this game has nothing to do with friendship.
- It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time: And suffice to say, it wasn't.
- It's Personal: This best sums up why he's angry with Rob for breaking their deal.
- Jerk Justifications
- Karmic Death
- Laser-Guided Karma
- Manipulative Bastard
- Moral Myopia
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted. Same as Kathy.
- Never Live It Down: Before All Stars, Lex's reputation was that of a highly competent strategist and very good physical player, albeit a slightly paranoid and emotional one. After his attempt at making a risky deal with Rob to improve his game failed, and having denied Rob the win just to spite him, he is now thought of in a much less flattering light. Let's just leave it at that.
- Never My Fault: His elaborate explanations for why he can do the things he does (backstabbing Colby, Ethan, and Jerri for instance) but crucifying Boston Rob for doing the same thing comes across as this.
- Nothing Personal: When voting out Colby, Ethan, and Jerri.
- Oh Crap: Lex has an EPIC Oh Crap face after Kathy refuses to give him her immunity necklace. The scene was actually just Manipulative Editing because Lex said post-show they he didn't really want the necklace, but the transition from Kathy saying "Nope, I'm keeping it" to Lex's look of utter terror is just too priceless.
- The Resenter: And how.
- Smug Snake
- Spiky Hair
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Tattooed Crook
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Kicked off a Final Jury full of them.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Or at the very least, had much more to be a jerk about this time than in Africa.
- Villainous Breakdown: After he realizes that Boston Rob double-crossed him.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: At the reunion.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
Jerri Manthey
- Arch Enemy: Colby's.
- The Baroness
- Dark Chick
- Death by Irony
- Designated Villain: Oh so much. She was famously booed off the stage in tears at the reunion show, even though she was clearly trying to sound much more reasonable in interviews.
- Feisty Girl
- Femme Fatale
- Fiery Redhead
- Foe Yay: With Colby, Oh so much more.
- It Has Been an Honor: Her Elimination Statement.
- Jerkass
- Meganekko: Occasionally.
- Ms. Fanservice
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted, though she did achieve one of her goals in the game by screwing Colby over.
- Nice Hat
- Red Baron: The Black Widow.
- Revenge: Towards Colby and Tina. Ironically, she then gets voted out because of Amber, the one member of her tribe who didn't blindside her in Outback.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Tall Redheaded And Bishoujo
- The Cassandra: She points out that voting her out in order to save Amber for Rob isn't exactly great strategy.
- The Smart Girl: To the Mogo-Mogo alliance after Saboga is absorbed.
- The Tease
Ethan Zohn
- Deadpan Snarker: A contrast to his Africa self. The DVD Commentary Lampshades it by calling him "Ethan 2.0" whenever he makes a snarky remark.
- Determinator: The guy is determined to keep on going in spite of being a winner in a season where the theme was basically "the winners go first".
- Ho Yay: With Colby.
- Jade-Colored Glasses
- Knight in Sour Armor: Becomes this more and more as the season goes on.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Nice Guy
- The Quiet One
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Colby Donaldson
- The Ace
- Arch Enemy: Jerri's. The look on his face when he realizes that she's in the game too is a sight to see.
- Badass: Though challenge-wise he actually comes nowhere close to his performances in Outback, nobody wants to deal with him post-merge in individual challenges anyway.
- Being Good Sucks
- Chick Magnet
- Foe Yay: With Jerri, even more this time.
- Genius Bruiser
- The Hero Dies
- Honor Before Reason
- Mr. Fanservice
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted BIG TIME.
- Nice Guy
- Nice Hat
- Perma-Stubble
- Shocking Elimination
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Susan Hawk
- Cool Old Lady
- Defrosting Ice Queen: But in the worst way possible.
- Despair Event Horizon
- Foe Yay: With Big Tom on Chapera
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Ladette
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted in a truly awful fashion.
- Non Gameplay Elimination
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Sue
- Team Mom: To Chapera.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: She had one with Richard up until that...incident in Episode 5. Then she drops the friendship and turns simply vitriolic.
Richard Hatch
- Affably Evil
- Badass: He bit a shark in the face.
- The Chessmaster: Subverted in this season, where his strategy was basically to have no strategy.
- The Chew Toy: To the Mogo Mogos, but especially Lex and Colby.
- Cool Old Guy
- Evil Genius / The Smart Guy
- Evil Is Cool
- Flanderization: His nudism is shown on camera/brought by others far more than what was shown during Borneo, to the point where someone who only saw him during All Stars might think that he was just attention whoring. Also, his arrogance, all but completely justified in Borneo, reaches cartoonish levels this season. This is justified due to the fact that, without a doubt, he knew he had no chance of winning this season and was just along for the ride.
- Go Out with a Smile: In spades!
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Let's Get Dangerous: Boderline. He did virtually no strategizing for the first four episodes, but when Mogo Mogo lost the immunity challenge he knew they'd all be targeting him, so he started to go back to the strategizing game he played in Borneo.
- Love to Hate
- Magnificent Bastard
- Manipulative Bastard
- Naked People Are Funny
- Name's the Same: With the Battlestar Galactica actor.
- Shocking Elimination: Just look at the man's reaction at the Large Ham section above!
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Surprisingly enough, he did this to Lex and Kathy at the reunion, pointing out in no uncertain terms the hypocrisy in Lex's argument.
- Smug Snake
- Invisible to Gaydar
- The Strategist
- Ted Baxter
- Vitriolic Best Buds: He has a playful bickering relationship with Sue until something unfortunate happens between them in Episode 5.
Rob Cesternino
- Adorkable
- Ascended Fanboy
- Badass Decay: This was not a very good season for Rob C. and he'd be the first to admit it.
- Death by Genre Savviness: Boston Rob remembers how smart he was in Amazon, and absolutely didn't want to deal with a guy like that past the merge.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Evil Genius / The Smart Guy
- Genre Savvy
- Hollywood Homely
- I Coulda Been a Contender
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted BIG TIME.
- Oh Crap: When he realizes that he's been blindsided by Boston Rob he basically looks like the world is crumbling around him.
- One of Us
- One Steve Limit: With Boston Rob.
- Sacrificial Lion
- Shocking Elimination
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
Jenna Morasca
- Beauty Mark
- Femme Fatale
- I Coulda Been a Contender
- Missing Mom: A massive Tear Jerker.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Morality Pet: To the Mogo-Mogo's. Once she leaves, they start playing dirty.
- Non Gameplay Elimination
- One Steve Limit: With Jenna Lewis
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Took a Level In Kindness
- The Woobie: AND HOW!
Rudy Boesch
- Badass
- The Big Guy
- Cool Old Guy
- Determinator: He was and remains to this day the oldest contestant to appear on Survivor, with no-one eclipsing either of his appearances.
- Grumpy Old Man
- Happily Married
- Intergenerational Odd Friendship: With Rupert
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted.
- Shoot the Dog: His elimination is basically this.
Tina Wesson
- Character Filibuster: Apparently, she debated for hours(which we only got to see a very small fraction of) at Tribal Council on why Jenna should leave first and why her and Ethan shouldn't be discriminated against for being previous winners. Needless to say, this fell on deaf ears.
- Cool Old Lady
- Determinator: See Character Filibuster.
- Gag Boobs: Courtesy of Amber.
- Guile Heroine
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Mom
- The Pollyanna
- The Strategist
- Sudden Sequel Elimination Syndrome: Made it all the way to the end in Australia only to be the first one out this time.
- Team Mom: Lampshaded by Ethan.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
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