Big Yes

Whereas the Big No expresses displeasure or despair, the Big Yes can express extreme pleasure (such as charging up a boarding ramp and gaining superpowers), but it can also be used by Large Hams as a way of expressing joy, agreement, or if the ham is extra large, the reply to a harmless yes or no question.
Also can be used as a response to obvious or rhetorical questions in which cases it means, "Geez, you really think so, Sherlock?" or "Just do it already!"
It can be uttered quickly or drawn out, as long as it leaves an impression of some sort. Can be substituted with "yeah" or "yay." Foreign language examples are also welcome.
A Sub-Trope of Big Word Shout. Might overlap with Metal Scream.
The Big Yes is often a major component of The Immodest Orgasm and the Power High trope.
Contrast Big No and Big "Never!".
- "OH YEAH!" is the Catch Phrase of soft-drink spokesthing Kool-Aid Man. He always shouts it just after breaking through a wall.
- One Progressive ad has the customer being so pumped up about saving money that he screams "YES!" when asked about it.
- We get a Big No and a Big Yes in this Snickers ad.
Anime and Manga
- Muruta Azrael belts out a big "YATTAAAA!" in Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (dubbed into a Big Yes).
- In context, this is because he's just found the means to commit mass nuclear genocide.
- In Laputa: Castle in the Sky, one of Dola's boys, Louie, as voiced by Mandy Patinkin, gleefully shouts this after Dola agrees to let Pazu and Sheeta accompany them. He follows this up with a "No more swabbin' the decks! Hooray!"
- Hajime no Ippo: A big "YATTAAAAAA!!" is pulled by Ippo after he wins the japanese title.
- Classic Narmtastic Dragonball Z dub example: "YES! YES! YES! YES!! I CAN WIN! I FEEL GREAT! I! CAN! DO! THIS!" not surprisingly it overlaps with Power High
- In Bakuman。, the typical response of Mashiro and Takagi to getting serialization.
- In Happy Yarou Wedding, Shouta gives several of these combined with a Happy Dance when he thinks Yuuhi's going to become his mama, and again when he learns Yuuhi will move in.
- The famous scene from When Harry Met Sally...: YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Ahh! Ohh! Ohh, yes! YES! YES! Ohhh...! ohh... Oh, God!...
- The newly emotional Lt Commander Data gives a big "Yes!" after destroying Lursa and B'Etor's Bird of Prey in Star Trek Generations.
- Punctuated with a second fist pump.
- Happens twice in the Gregory Hines/Billy Crystal movie, Running Scared.
- Finding Forrester: "YES! YES! YOU'RE THE MAN NOW, DOG!"
- In Young Frankenstein, Fredrick's fiance asks him something to the effect of "Would you really want me, now, so soon before our wedding, so close you can almost taste it?" His response is a Beat, then this. He then proceeds to fling his face into her cleavage.
- The Eddie Cantor movie musical Palmy Days had the song and Busby Berkeley Number "Yes! Yes!"
- The Last Airbender: Zhao talks to Fire Lord Ozai.
"And you think my son might be this person the soldiers are calling the Blue Spirit?"
- Warriors of Virtue: Komodo, being the Large Ham that he is, answers a Big No with a Big Yes.
- Eric Idle gives us a really wonderful one during a song sequence in The Secret of NIMH 2
- Easy A has the "Oh yeah!" version during the fake sex scene.
- Masterminds, toward the end of the movie, when the Big Bad, played by Patrick Stewart, sees a light at the end of the tunnel, he assumes he's escaped, and lets out a series of increasingly larger Big Yes-es. Then he sees what actually lies outside the tunnel, a long drop into a sewage canal, and lets out a Big No.
- In Home Alone and Home Alone 2, Kevin would often drop a gleeful "YES!" after inflicting his latest amusing injury on Harry and/or Marv.
- In The Fifth Element, the David character screams "YES!" when Leelu finally stops Mr. Shadow and saves the universe.
- "Hello, Houston. This is Oddysey. It's good to see you again." Cue global trope invocation.
- Max in Yellow Submarine, after the Chief Blue Meanie decides at the end that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em:
Max: Yyyyesss, your Newness!
- In Reaper Man, Azrael answers Death's request for more time with a big "YES." Literally big, that is; it's in an extremely large font size. According to , it was supposed to be near the top of a left page, so that it would surprise the reader when they turn the page, and it is in the earlier UK printings, but not all printings did this.
- Ulysses - "and I said yes I said yes I will Yes."
Live-Action TV
- "Yattaaaaaa!!!", the Catch Phrase of Heroes character Hiro Nakamura.
- Frank Nelson on The Jack Benny Program had a very iconic "EEE-Yeeeeeeeeesssss?" frequently imitated, and reprised on I Love Lucy, and later parodied on The Simpsons.
- Harry Kim in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Timeless" shouts this (here at 9:03 [dead link] ) when he successfully sends the code to collapse the slipstream into the past, preventing Voyager's crash before the Delta Flyer exploded.
- CSI: Miami: Frank, it looks as though Horatio Caine... is on the case. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH!
- In House during the Cuddy-centric episode, she gave a big "YEEESSS!!!" when she got the 12 percent increase from the insurance company.
- In Doctor Who, The 10th Doctor was prone to exclaiming "OH YES!".
- In the 5th series episode The Lodger, Amy actually says "Big yes!" after the Doctor defeats the mysterious threat upstairs.
- In Babylon 5 Captain Sheridan does this, after an episode-long Xanatos Gambit to get the Independents to let his people escort their shipping pays off.
- Absolutely Fabulous:
Patsy: She's blind!
- In the Family Matters episode "A Thought in the Dark", Steve belts out "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" when Laura invites him to come along with her to a Dave Koz concert, thinking that she's finally given in to his romantic overtures after a steady string of rejections. She isn't - it's actually a prelude to a double-date where Laura is trying to set Steve up with Myra, a cousin of one of Laura's Guys of the Week.
- Boy Meets World had several big "Yes!" moments, and in the series finale they had a Fully-Automatic Clip Show of these moments right after Cory gives a big "Yes!" in the present.
- In Top Gear, this is usually Jeremy Clarkson's doing.
- Keith Mars at Veronica's graduation ceremony.
- The first word in Lil Jon's song "What you gon' do?" is a loud "YEAH!"...though that's probably true of several songs by Lil' Jon.
- WHAT?!
- WHAT?!
- The epic "YEEEEEEEEAAAAH!" delivered by Roger Daltrey in The Who song "Won't Get Fooled Again," aka the CSI: Miami theme song. The scream itself underwent Memetic Mutation thanks to the CSI series, as Horatio Caine's one liner during the cold open is always followed by a "YEEEEEEEEAAAAH!" that segues into the opening credits. See YouTube link above.
- "Oh Yeah" by Yello...aka that song from Ferris Buellers Day Off.
- Found repeatedly in the song "Great Big Yes" by power-pop-rocker Jason Falkner.
- Ludicrously vicious "yeahs" are found everywhere in Metal. From Iron Maiden to Metallica, anytime something gets too awesome, some of the energy will be let out with a yell..
- Truly, it is hard to find an upbeat song that doesn't have a Big Yes in it.
- The Beatles' early work includes a lot of "yeah yeah yeah"s and similar phrases.
- Not just their early work; Paul McCartney caps the build-up to the big coda of "Hey Jude" with a number of ecstatic "yeahs", and then spends the next four minutes getting his freak on.
- From the 1942 movie Sweater Girl, "I Said No" involves a woman debating whether she should give in to a man on her doorstep.
Till at last, I confess,
I said "Yes, yes, yes, YES!!!"
That's how I subscribed to Liberty magazine!
- "Yeah!" by Canadian country music singer Paul Brandt. The title says it all.
Professional Wrestling
- Batista's famous theme music, I Walk Alone by Saliva, begins with it. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
- Matt Hardy's theme music, Live For The Moment by Monster Madness, begins with OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
- Bobby Heenan's "YES! YES! YES! YES! HE DID IT!" after Ric Flair won the Royal Rumble in 1992 appears in the new Botchamania opening.
- Does Paul Bearer qualify for this trope? OHHHHHHHH YEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!
- Randy Savage also demands a place on this list, OOOOH YEEEEEEEAAAAAH!!!
- Hulk Hogan, who had just had Andre the Giant turn on him:
Roddy Piper: "Will you accept his challenge, Yes or No?!"
Hulk Hogan: "YEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!"
- Ever since Daniel Bryan won the World Heavyweight Championship in late 2011, he's been one to celebrate wins, be they non-title or otherwise, by repeatedly screaming, "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!"
- Has taken on a life of its own, especially since Bryan was cheap-shotted out of his title at Wrestlemania by Sheamus. "YES!" chants RAIDED WWE television on the first week of April as a result, even making a presence in a Miami Heat game, and a Daniel Bryan "YES! YES! YES!" T-shirt was released by WWE that same week.
- The chant has hit Yankee home games and went over big time in London. The YES! YES! YES! shirts were placed on back order due to demand. It's becoming an Ascended Meme that WWE has been forced to recognize.
- His finisher is also now referred to as the YES! Lock.
- Has taken on a life of its own, especially since Bryan was cheap-shotted out of his title at Wrestlemania by Sheamus. "YES!" chants RAIDED WWE television on the first week of April as a result, even making a presence in a Miami Heat game, and a Daniel Bryan "YES! YES! YES!" T-shirt was released by WWE that same week.
Video Games
- Raven from Tales of Vesperia does an epic one, when given the prospect of Judith wearing even less.
"Oh yes!! OH GOD, YES!!!"
- At the end of every regular battle in the PSX version of Final Fantasy V. Killing those low-level squirrels must be very exciting.
- One of Aika's Voice Grunts in Skies of Arcadia is a big "Yeeeeaaaaay!"
- Captain Falcon: Among other things, HYES!
- Half Life 2 gives one to Alyx when you destroy the dark fusion reactor.
- Elite Beat Agents has Commander Kahn giving you a thumbs up while screaming "YEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" everytime you got through an entire mission without failing a single section.
- General Skun-ka'pe has at least half a dozen of these in the first episode of the third season of Sam and Max Freelance Police.
- Some characters in Team Fortress 2 let one out as they dominate the other team.
- Some voice clips for the announcer have her performing this trope; needless to say, it doesn't leave that much to the imagination.
- In the Virtua Fighter series, it's one of Jacky Bryant's victory quotes.
- Chun-Li from Street Fighter sometimes cheers "Yatta!" (dubbed as "I did it!" in Street Fighter IV) when she wins a match.
- Terry Bogard's trademark "OKAY!"
Web Comics
- Homestuck has a running gag involving this, in which something happened that the character really wanted to do, usually accompanying a Silliness Switch. "Yes. HELL yes. HELL FUCKING YES."
- The Adventures of Dr. McNinja: Are dinosaurs immune to zombies? YES.
- From Girl Genius: "YEZ! De bell iz RINGING! VE HAS A HETERODYNE AGAIN!"
Web Original
Western Animation
- On Family Guy, Quagmire often follows up his Catch Phrase "Giggity giggity giggity" with "Oh yeah" or "All right".
- "YES!" is essentialy the Catch Phrase of Brain from Pinky and The Brain.
- M. Bison from the American Street Fighter cartoon exclaims "YES! YES!" when the destruction of the Street Fighters seems imminent, and it has become a popular source for YouTube Poop.
- YES!!
- OF COURSE! only slightly more Memetic Mutation.
- Along the same lines, in the Galaxy Rangers episode "Shoot Out", the Queen of the Crown was on her feet cheering when she had three Rangers in chains and the fourth had been shot.
- Megatron of Beast Wars was quite fond of a more refined version of this, yeeesss.
- And while we are on the subject of Transformers, we probably should include Optimus Prime from Transformers Animated as he does this while testing out a jetpack for Ratchet towards the end of season 3.
- Itself a Shout-Out, as Animated!Optimus was voiced by David "Beast Megatron" Kaye.
- And while we are on the subject of Transformers, we probably should include Optimus Prime from Transformers Animated as he does this while testing out a jetpack for Ratchet towards the end of season 3.
- Duff Man from The Simpsons usually shouts "OH YEAH!" whenever he appears.
- In another episode, Homer broke Lisa's heart by betting on her loss in a crossword contest. He does give an appropriate Big No when she says she'd no longer be his little girl, but gives an equally appropriate Big Yes when asked if he wants to buy band chocolates 3 seconds later.
- A Big Yes turns into a Big No very quickly for Jafar in Aladdin when he thinks he has the lamp but then checks his pockets and realizes Abu stole it.And Aladdin himself, after his first kiss.
- Teen Titans: In the episode "Birthmark" Slade gives a Big Yes in response to Raven's Little No when she sees a vision of The End of the World as We Know It.
- The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy has Fredfredburger who shouts "YES!" as a Verbal Tic
- In an episode of Total Drama World Tour, Tyler gets one of these when Lindsay finally recognizes him and remembers his name. Of course, being that they're in the Alps at that time, he causes an avalanche.
- Transformers: The Movie and later in the G1 cartoon: "You got the touch! You got the powaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... Yeaaah!"
- Futurama: Fry at the end of "The why of Fry"
- In Garfield and Friends, this is Binky the Clown's response to being offered his show back after briefly being canceled. Of course, he is Binky the Clown.
- Parodied on MAD with the X Meets Y parody CSiCarly (a crossver between CSI: Miami and, of course, iCarly). It turns out that the YEEEEEAAAAAH!!! is actually coming from Horatio standing on Freddie's foot.
- In the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic episode "The Cutie Mark Chronicles", Twilight Sparkle does this during her flashback when Princess Celestia offers to personally tutor her in magic, excitedly shouting "Yesyesyesyes!" over and over again as she jumps for joy. After the cut back to present day, we see Twilight has apparently gotten a little too caught up in her story and is doing this in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
- Rarity does it in "The Ticket Master", when talking about what she would do if her Prince Charming proposed to her: "Of course, I would say... YES!!!"
- Discord gives one after realizing he's completely broken Twilight Sparkle and driven her over the Despair Event Horizon. Due to what he's saying it about, it's less funny and more of a Moral Event Horizon.
- Inverted in "Sonic Rainboom", in which Rainbow Dash tries to teach Fluttershy the "elements of a good cheer". She's hoping that she'll cheer her on at the Young Flyers Competition, but since Fluttershy is a Shrinking Violet...*BIG INHALE* Yay. Later played straight when Rainbow Dash actually does manage to pull off the Sonic Rainboom, causing her to scream "A SONIC RAINBOOM! SHE DID IT! SHE DID IT!"
- "Hurricane Fluttershy" introduces a pegasus stallion who is notable for his ridiculous musculature and tiny wings and his Catch Phrase -- "YEAH!!!"
Real Life
- A Big Yes might be uttered during an Immodest Orgasm.
- As well as that moment when you finally take down That One Boss or That One Level after hours of dying over and over again.
- Howard Dean's memed scream, anyone?
- Very much done among fandoms once something is done and/or announced that makes the fandom rejoice.
- Some tropers will use this at times, and Pothole it to this page. It tends to be a sign of Natter, though, so you should probably delete it if you see it.
- Sports. 'Nuff said.
- Announcer Marv Albert in particular has a distinctive "Yes!" He even guest spotted on Pinky and The Brain so they could trade "YES!"es.
- And then we have The YES Dance.
- This Russian guy upon receiving an imaginary blowjob in Garry's Mod. (NSFW for language, but the video itself is tame.)
All The Tropes Has Enhanced My Life? YEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!