< Pandora Hearts

Pandora Hearts/Characters

WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

Vessalius Household

  • Feuding Families: With the Nightrays. (Though, lately, the heirs of the respective families have agreed to do something about this.)

Oz Vessalius

The 15 year-old protagonist. Easy-going and generally a cheerful kid. Not. Is cast into the Abyss by the red-cloaked Shinigami for a 'sin'--his very existence. His Chain is B-Rabbit (Alice), short for Blood-Stained Black Rabbit. In fact he is B-Rabbit, using Jack's body.

Oz: Alice, don't cry. Whoever makes you sad, whoever hurts you, I will destroy them. All of them... With my own hands!

    • He was already yandere for her from back when he almost tore apart the Abyss in order to get rid of everything that hurts Alice and causes fear within her, including Alice herself. As listed above under Devoted to You, he even calls Alice his sun.

Jack Vessalius

The hero of the Tragedy of Sabliér. Currently resides within Oz's body, while his 'real' body was mutilated and split into 5 pieces which work as a seal to contain Glen Baskerville... or so we thought. Possibly based on Lewis Carroll.

  • Adult Child
  • Always Save the Girl: It's become evidently clear that he values Lacie above everything and everyone.
  • Badass Longcoat
  • Bastard Bastard: He was the son of a concubine from the Vessalius household. And he basically wants to send the world into the Abyss.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: His obsession with Lacie stems from from this.
  • Beneath the Mask
  • Berserk Button: Glen/Oswald's attempt at uncovering his true nature provokes him into throwing his drink in Oswald's face. In a flashback in Retrace LXX, he gets inwardly pushed when Glen tells him that it's impossible to bring Lacie back from the Abyss.
  • Big Bad: Seems to be shaping up as this in recent chapters since it's been revealed that he's the one who caused the Tragedy of Sabliér.
  • Bishounen
  • Blood Spattered Innocents: Gets one courtesy of Lacie and some thugs.
  • Broken Pedestal: To pretty much everyone who believed in him. Including those who trusted him such as Vincent.
  • The Charmer
  • The Chessmaster: A benevolent variant. Except not really.
  • Determinator: He succumbed to murder, theft, and prostitution in order to reunite with Lacie, and he will do whatever it takes to bring Lacie back from the dead. When that doesn't work? He will do whatever it takes to fulfill what he's convinced himself into believing is Lacie's "wish"--which is bringing the world to Lacie in the Abyss because she loves the world so much.
  • Daisuke Ono
  • Devoted to You: To his duty to prevent another great tragedy. To protecting his best friend Glen's reputation and saving his soul. To Alice, whom he refers to as a most-precious person. Which is quite doubtful as of late. His devotion to Lacie, on the other hand...
  • Dogged Nice Guy: To Lacie. Subverted in Retrace LXXII; when given the chance, he never crossed the line in their relationship.
  • The Dulcinea Effect: Towards Lacie. He only briefly meets her before his obsession kicks in, all because she was nice to him.
  • Evil All Along: The "evil" part is debatable, but he was still the true instigator of the Tragedy of Sablier.
  • Face Framed in Shadow: Up until his formal introduction.
  • The Faceless: Up until he formally introduces himself to Pandora and Oz's gang.
  • False Friend: To Glen/Oswald. He acts as Oswald's friend in order to be near Lacie and only sticks around the Baskervilles post-Lacie's death to learn more about the Abyss in hopes of bringing Lacie back from the dead.
  • Faux Affably Evil
  • Grand Theft Me: He can hijack Oz's body if the situation calls for it. Subverted in that Oz's "body" turned out to be Jack's all along.
  • Green Eyes
  • Hair of Gold: Subverted.
  • Hannibal Lecture/"The Reason You Suck" Speech: Cruelly delivers one to Oz in Retrace LXX. Subverted in that all his words are, in a sense, true.

Jack: This body does not belong... to Oz Vessalius. Nothing can belong to someone like you. You can't achieve anything. You can't become anything. You can't! You just can't! Because you are nothing... You are nothingness... Because you destroy everything!

  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: Up until he reveals himself after the Cheshire arc.
  • Heroic BSOD: When he learns that Lacie has died and after he sees Lacie's last memory.
  • Heroic Spirit: Subverted. It's become doubtful as of late on whether he's really heroic.
  • Hidden Depths: Turns out he isn't just the princely hero everyone makes him out to be.
  • I Love You Because I Can't Control You: In spite of finding out that Lacie initially doesn't remember him, he doesn't particularly mind because he admires Lacie all the more for how free-spirited she is and how she can't be tied down by anything.
  • I Owe You My Life: Feels this way about Lacie to the point where Lacie's mere existence is the only thing that ties him to the world.
  • I Will Find You: He spends eight years searching for Lacie. He eventually finds her... and then she dies.
  • Insistent Terminology:
    • He prefers not to be called the Hero of Sabliér. Because he isn't.
    • He refers to Oswald by his given name up until Oswald refuses to allow him to bring Lacie back from the dead. From that point on, he mentally disassociates Oswald as Lacie's older brother and refers to him as "Glen" from then on.
  • Light Is Not Good
  • Like Father, Like Son: Like his mother, he developed an obsession with the person he loves.
  • Living Lie Detector: He learned how to tell when people were lying in order to survive. He knew Lacie was lying when she told him to meet in a week in Retrace LXVIII, but he didn't realize that it was because of impending death until later.
  • Lolicon: Kind of, just as with Oz. Alice was thirteen when she met Jack. He refers to her as a "gorgeously cute, sweet little girl" and calls her a "most-precious person." However, this sort of age difference wasn't uncommon during the times that Pandora Hearts is based upon. Retrace LXXI hints that his closeness with Alice might just be due to the fact that Alice represents what is left of Lacie in the world, and Retrace LXXII reveals that he used the Will of the Abyss in order to create B-Rabbit and cause the Tragedy of Sabliér.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Love Makes You Crazy
  • Love Makes You Evil
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Memento MacGuffin: The earring that he receives from Lacie after she leaves him to return to the Baskervilles. The earring is what tips Lacie off on who Jack is when they reunite eight years later, and he later receives Lacie's other earring from Glen/Oswald after her death.
  • The Messiah: Subverted.
  • Mysterious Protector: To everyone in general. Specifically, towards Oz and Alice.
  • Powers Via Possession: He takes over Oz when the situation calls for him to step in and/or speak.
  • Put Them All Out of My Misery: If he can't bring Lacie back into the world, then he'll just bring the world to Lacie. In the Abyss.
  • Rapunzel Hair: His braid.
  • The Reveal: It was Jack and not Glen who caused the Tragedy of Sabliér and was obsessed with Lacie.
  • Snow Means Love: Snow is often associated with Jack's and Lacie's relationship. It was snowing when he met Lacie, and it was snowing when he finally reunited with her eight years later.
  • Spirit Advisor: To Oz.
  • Stalker with a Crush: For Lacie, who he spends eight years searching for after they first met. See Yandere.
  • Start of Darkness: Though he wasn't completely "good" to begin with, losing Lacie--and subsequently seeing her remaining feelings/memories through Oz--is what puts him on the deep end and convinces him that if Lacie can't be brought back to the world that she loves, then he'll just have to bring the world to her in the Abyss.
  • Stepford Smiler: Type C. He puts up the friendly, smiling act and asks little questions so the Baskervilles won't keep him away from Lacie, and following Lacie's death, he continues this routine with Glen/Oswald so he can lower the latter's guard and learn more about the Abyss in order to bring Lacie back.

His sudden smile concealed a violent passion

Jack: To me... this world is like a dark night that swallows everything. But since you came into my life... and you were so kind, to find me. I don't need friends or status anymore. I only need... to have you by my side! Lacie!
Jack: [after Glen says that Lacie can't be brought back] Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable!

Zai Vessalius

Ada Vessalius

Oz's little sister. As a child she usually tagged along with whatever mischief Oz is up to with Gilbert. Has a cat named Dinah and later Snowdrop.

Nightray Household

  • Big Screwed-Up Family: By the present time.
  • Cassandra Truth: The Nightray from 100 years ago had a feeling something bad would happen if they didn't keep the Barmas and Vessalius away from the Baskervilles. He was right.
  • Feuding Families: With the Vessalius household. Thanks to what happened 100 years ago.
  • Kill'Em All: Not counting the servants, only the adoptive children survive.
  • Off with His Head: The only Nightray by blood who doesn't leave this way is Elliot Nightray, who unknowingly contributed to the headcount.

Raven/Gilbert Nightray

The mysterious man who shows up along with Sharon and Break after Oz escapes from the Abyss. Turns out Raven is in fact the name of his Chain and is really what everyone calls him with in Pandora. Based on Bill the Lizard from Alice in Wonderland. His Chain is based on the Monstrous Crow.

Vincent Nightray

The younger brother of Gilbert Nightray. Probably is the most screwed up character in the series. His Chain is Dormouse/Yamane, which induces sleep.


The usually silent servant of Vincent. She's obedient towards her Master, and even regards herself as nothing but a tool for Vincent. Her Chain is Doldum, derived from Alice in Wonderland's Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

Elliot Nightray

The youngest child of the Nightray household. Thanks to the influence of his family, he hates the Vessalius household with a passion for painting them as responsible for the Tragedy of Sabliér. However, he and Oz have overcome this boundary and are aiming to repair the broken relationship between the households. He was later revealed to be the unknowing core Contractor of Humpty Dumpty.


Elliot's valet. He may not take his master's side all the time, but the two are still good friends. He is later revealed to be the current vessel for the soul of Glen Baskerville, and has recently made a contract with Jabberwock.

  • Adorkable: Until he lost his glasses and got his haircut.
  • Akeno Watanabe
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Lashes out on Elliot in Retrace 50, surprising even Oz and Gilbert. It was mentioned in the same chapter that he is actually a hot-head himself; it's just that Elliot tends to lose his temper before Leo even gets the chance to.
    • Vincent, of all people, lampshades this in Retrace 63.

Vincent: Despite his mild-mannered appearance, he can be pretty brutal...

Rainsworth Household

Sharon Rainsworth

Grand-daughter of Duchess Rainsworth. Her Chain is Eques, a black unicorn, based on the Unicorn from Through the Looking-Glass.

Xerxes Break/Kevin Regnard

Sharon's servant. Has a habit of slipping into the room without warning (and appears to enjoy scaring the occupants, especially if it's Reim). His Chain is Mad Hatter.

Sheryl Rainsworth

Sharon's crippled grandmother and the mother of Shelly Rainsworth. Her chain is the Owl. Is the childhood friend of Rufus Barma.

Barma Household

Rufus Barma

The longest-living duke out of all four dukes. Claims to be the most knowledgeable man ever, all thanks to his endless craving for more information. The master of facade and illusion with the help of his Chain Dodo.

Reim Lunettes

Rufus Barma's personal servant. Doesn't stand out in crowds. His Chain is March Hare.

Miranda Barma

Arthur Barma

Baskerville Household

Glen Baskerville/Oswald Baskerville

The enigmatic leader of the Baskervilles and the one who caused the Tragedy of Sabliér. Or so we thought.

  • Aloof Big Brother: To Lacie.
  • The Atoner: He attempts to atone for killing Lacie by taking care of her daughter, Alice.
  • Badass Long Robe
  • Berserk Button: He does not react well when Jack suggests bringing Lacie back from the dead.
  • Big Bad: It was assumed he was the one behind the Tragedy of Sabliér until it was revealed Jack was the one who did it, and Glen wasn't all that bad.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He knocks Jack out seconds after the latter reunites with and embraces Lacie.
  • Bishounen
  • Devoted to You: To Lacie, which essentially fuels the plot. Or does it?
  • "Failure to Save" Murder: He blames himself for Lacie being a Child of Misfortune.
  • Feather Motif: Black feathers, like the Five Black-Feathered Chains he controls.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He was the one who had to be physically separated in order to seal Jack away, not the other way around.
  • Immortality: A hybrid of various types, including the aforementioned Type IV shared by all Baskervilles.
    • Body Surf: Not being human, Glen needs to take over one person after another in order to continue his reign on the Baskervilles. The transfer is usually in the form of a ceremony (which may take a decade or so to complete) in which the next vessel must drink the blood of the Five Black-Feathered Chains, and eventually, of the current Glen instead. It seems that failure to hold the ceremony forces Glen to go through the same reincarnation cycle as the others. Either way, the next vessel will inherit Glen's name, duty, soul, and memories.
  • Love Makes You Evil: He caused the Tragedy of Sabliér when he lost his love Lacie to the Abyss. Subverted as it turns out that everything that happened to "him" happened to Jack instead.
  • Meaningful Name: Think of how it's pronounced: Ozwald. It turns out Oz was named after him.
  • Posthumous Character
  • Purple Eyes
  • Shoot the Dog: Upon becoming the next Glen Baskerville, he was forced to send his sister Lacie into the Abyss.
  • Spirit Advisor: Along with the previous Glens, he was this towards Leo, though, the former didn't really appreciate the help, considering how the voices established his status as "the weird one", and eventually was able to get them blocked out. At least for the time being.
  • The Stoic
    • Not So Stoic: He reacts badly when Jack suggests bringing Lacie back from the dead and for causing the Tragedy of Sabliér and stabbing Gil. Also, in Retrace LXXII, he confesses to Lacie (prior to her death) that he'll be lonely without her.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome

Glen Baskerville/Revis Baskerville

The former Glen Baskerville, preceding Oswald. He impregnated Lacie as part of an experiment and is the father of both Alice and the Will of the Abyss. When he died, he became the chain Humpty Dumpty.

  • Bishounen
  • Dissonant Serenity
    • He frequently does this, such as when warning Jack Vessalius that he could have him killed and nobody would notice.
    • Another example is when he explains to a young Lacie about her fate without having the smile on his face waver.
  • Immortality: A hybrid of various types, including the aforementioned Type IV shared by all Baskervilles.
    • Body Surf: Not being human, Glen needs to take over one person after another in order to continue his reign on the Baskervilles. The transfer is usually in the form of a ceremony (which may take a decade or so to complete) in which the next vessel must drink the blood of the Five Black-Feathered Chains, and eventually, of the current Glen instead. It seems that failure to hold the ceremony forces Glen to go through the same reincarnation cycle as the others. Either way, the next vessel will inherit Glen's name, duty, soul, and memories.
  • For Science!: He impregnated Lacie as part of an experiment: to see if her child could become a host for the Core of the Abyss and how this factor would affect the immortal Baskervilles.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Purple Eyes: Naturally, Alice and Will of the Abyss inherited their eye color from him.
  • Spirit Advisor: See Oswald above.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy



  • Affably Evil: The most polite and level-headed of the group.
  • Anti-Villain: On top of being the most polite and level-headed, he's the least inclined to kill, considering how he questioned Glen for the order to kill. Then again, killings aside, it has already been established that the Baskervilles aren't really villains, to begin with.
  • Eyes Always Shut
  • Killed Off for Real
  • Terrible Artist: According to a recap.




The Abyss


The B-Rabbit, a Chain whom Oz meets in the Abyss. She is the daughter of Lacie and her twin became the Will of The Abyss.

Will of The Abyss



Philippe West

  • Brainwashed: By Humpty Dumpty, along with the other orphans in the House of Fiona.
  • Heartwarming Orphan: After his father was dragged into the Abyss.
  • Missing Mom: She died a long time ago.

Isla Yura

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