< Pandora Hearts

Pandora Hearts/Tear Jerker

  • Retrace LIX. Elliot pulling a Big Damn Heroic Sacrifice by rejecting his Chain, thus causing his death. The other characters' reactions to this in the next few chapters made it more heartbreaking.
    • Then we have this:

Elliot: I'm sorry, Leo.

  • One of the things fans find noteworthy of this series is its Dysfunction Junction World of Woobie nature. And boy is it ever...
  • Elliot falls unconscious in the middle of an encouraging chat with his sister. He wakes up to his sister's headless body falling down some nearby stairs and Break, the person he has idolized since his childhood, accusing him of being the headhunter.
  • Retrace 47, in hindsight, as well as the Drama CD about it, considering someone's recent death and the Face Heel Turns of a few others...
  • Oz trying to reach out to Leo is both this and a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. They even had tears on their eyes when the former succeeded. Then Jack makes the former skewer the latter with B-Rabbit's chain...
    • And before that...

Oz: You're wrong, Leo. You don't want to destroy anything. You just want to destroy yourself.

  • Becoming the host of Glen's soul doesn't seem like a happy fate. On top of having to bring more bad luck to others than usual, you have a chance of making a close relative a Child of Misfortune, as well as having to throw them into the Abyss one day. Poor Oswald...
  • The treatment Oz gets from his father is downright heartless, what with being called "disgusting filth" in a flashback and being referred to by "it".
  • Despite (or because of) the lack of fanfare or dwelling into, Fang's death. the mortified expressions Lily and Lottie displayed really sells it.

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