< Pandora Hearts
Pandora Hearts/YMMV
- Non Sequitur Scene: The demonic doll that attacks Oz when he falls into the Abyss (anime only) contributes nothing to the plot besides burning episode time and freaking us out.
- Cargo Ship: As revealed in Chapter 71 Oz was originally a pair of stuffed rabbit dolls. Do the math. Especially since Alice owned one of his bodies.
- Complete Monster: Isla Yura. Is messed up in the head, manipulates people for kicks, plans on re-enacting the Tragedy Of Sablier for further kicks, and unlike other baddies, lacks a Freudian Excuse.
- Crowning Music of Awesome:
- The anime has some seriously awesome music, particularly the version of "Lacie" with Surprisingly Good English vocals.
- What were you expecting? It's composed by Yuki Kajiura after all.
- Don't forget Bloody Rabbit. When that song comes on, you know something awesome is gonna happen.
- Even the preview music manages to impress viewers.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Don't deny it, we all love Reim. Even though some may think differently.
- Elliot's a pretty popular character as well, and his death scene made him moreso.
- Evil Is Sexy: Lottie. And the author is aware of that.
- Glen Baskerville also has his fangirls. Specifically, all the Glens have his own fangirls.
- Foe Yay: Vincent and Lotti. So much.
- And now there's also Break and Lotti.
- There's also a little bit of Vincent and Break at some parts.
- Adding to the list, Reim and Lily.
- Ho Yay: Has its own page.
- HSQ: The fans thought the rather high quotient the manga has been keeping since the start of the year would only have subtle changes, then we get...
- Retrace 65, from page 51 on. Whoa nelly, make sure your grandmother's not in the room when you read this one. It's the Plot Twist to end all plot twists.
- As of Retrace 70, Oz is apparently B-Rabbit, and his body is actually Jack's body. Raise your hand if you saw that coming.
- Inherently Funny Words: How Jack pronounces his name in the original Japanase voicing. Like "Ja-CQKKK".
- Jerkass Woobie: Vincent, Break.
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Oz and Gil. Mainly Gil.
- Les Yay:
- Sharon likes to dress Alice up and even got her to call her big sister.
- And in the anime, there's also Lottie, Ada, and the poison. Not that I'm complaining, Heavens no!
- Magnificent Bastard: Xerxes Break, Vincent Nightray and Rufus Barma count.
- Memetic Molester: Break will appear under your bed without warning! The fact that he's fond of giving younger characters candy doesn't help.
- Vincent and Lotti, the king and queen of badtouch.
- Glen/Revis became this ever since it turned out that he impregnated Lacie.
- Moe: Little Gilbert. And then Oz puts him in situations that only increase his moe-ness. Also, Oz in a maid dress.
- There's Lily, too. That is, whenever she's not busy being a Creepy Child.
- Nightmare Fuel:
- "No matter how insecure... no matter how terrifying... if it is destroyed... I will... be able to laugh."
- Will of the Abyss's Creepy Doll form, a rabbit in a dress with black, bleeding pits for eyes.
- The Will of the Abyss ripped out Break's left eye.
- The demonic doll that attacks Oz when he falls into the Abyss (anime only).
- The Trump Card that attacked him was frightening, as well. Consider the fact that it's one of the weakest chains in the Abyss...
- This is the real me... ♥
- Also doubles as a twisted Crowning Moment of Funny. Vincent's face is priceless.
- Yura. Oh God, Yura.
- Chains.
- The aforementioned Body Horror example.
- Many of the Slasher Smiles coupled with insanity.
- Chapter 3: Sharon here.
- Break getting his eye torn out and that scene in chapter 13 where we see his empty eye socket uncovered by his bangs.
- Rewatch Bonus: The manga's complicated plot is enough to drive people to look for these.
- Ugly Cute: Rufus Barma. Specifically, the first form Oz and the gang meet him with.
- The Woobie:
- Elliot.
- Oz, his father has ignored him his whole life and was the very person who sent him into the abyss.
- Gilbert and Vince too. Say what you will, but those two have gone to hell and back.
- Leo too. His best friend is now dead, and he feels like everything is all his fault.
- Alice, Break, Echo... it's actually easier to count who isn't a Woobie.
- Elliot deserves repeating. It's pretty clear the author loves to torture her characters, but Elliot gets the brunt of it by far.
- World of Woobie
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