< Marvel vs. Capcom 3 < Characters

Marvel vs. Capcom 3/Characters/Capcom Characters

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For the characters introduced in Ultimate, go here.


You will feel the power of my fists!
Voiced by: Dave Mallow (English), Taketora (Japanese)

Home Series: Street Fighter

This warrior values strength above all else, going so far as to abandon his own humanity as a means to obtain more. It is said that the Buddhist beads around his neck represent warriors who have fallen before him. He wants Ryu to give in to the Satsui no Hadou so that he may have a Worthy Opponent.

Akuma's fighting style is different from Ryu's. He uses more simplistic combos, and he is meant to be played in a more offensive manner, akin to his Street Fighter IV incarnation. He is a Glass Cannon who can deal huge amounts of damage with and without meter.

(in his victory image) I am no longer mortal!

  • Anime Hair
  • Badass
  • Battle Aura: In his intro. Also in his hypers.
  • Blood Knight: He lives for battle. The only time Akuma may let you live is if he knows that you aren't at your full potential to fight him. He'll kill you if you refuse his challenge to fight him though. He seems to be pissed off anytime he ends up fighting Sentinel though, believing that it is not a Worthy Opponent due to its robotic nature.

(vs. Sentinel) What is this... mockery?


    • Otherwise, he's one of the few characters who averted this trope.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Shun Goku Satsu. This technique is the most damaging Level 3 hyper in the game (was as of Ultimate, as now The Ace Attorney is the most damaging), not to mention it comes even faster than in the old games.

Issun (in Ammy's victory image): That attack that demon did... It was just like when Mrs. Orange makes cherry cakes! That's crazy!
(Intro vs. Ghost Rider) The Shun Goku Satsu will show you true penance!

  • The Dark Side: He's hinted to have this powers (from the Satsui no Hadou).

Phoenix: There's darkness in you. And I know darkness.
Phoenix: You have barely even tapped into the vast powers inside you, and already they control you.
Phoenix: We're more alike than I'd like to admit.
Arthur: You have the air... (sniff) ...of a demon!
Arthur: You are strong, but you must regain your humanity!
(to Ryu) You will feel the pain of the Satsui no Hadou!
Ryu: I will surpass the Satsui no Hadou!
Doom: You will reveal to me the source of your power, or you will die!

    • He also teaches Hulk and Ryu on it:

(victory image, to Hulk) Your anger, rage and resentment is not enough! To defeat a demon you must give in to those urges!
(victory image, to Ryu) You're still a pup, Ryu. Let go of your inhibitions and embrace your dark side!

(to Thor, Amaterasu, or Shuma Gorath) I have killed a god with my fists!

  • Dissonant Laughter: Just as it does in Street Fighter IV, the playful yet haunting laughter of children can be heard when he performs the Shun Goku Satsu.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Ryu.
  • Flash Step: His Ashura Senkuu.
  • Glass Cannon: As usual. He has a big damage output and the only fighter that has infinite set-ups. His health is the same as Zero (at 800,000).
  • Ground Pound: In his victory pose, he does the Kongou Kokuretsu Zan.
  • Hurricane Kick: Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: His Gou Hadoken and Zankuu Hadoken. For his hypers, he has Messatsu Gou Hadou, with 2 versions: Agyo, which works like Tenma Gou Zankuu, and Ungyo (done with holding the Fierce attack button after the hyper's command) which works like regular Messatsu Gou Hadou. Both can either be done on the ground or in midair.
  • Meaningful Names to Run Away From Really Fast: His name in Japan, Gouki, means strong demon. Akuma, his name overseas, is derived from the word for "devil".
  • Mini Boss: One of the characters who can become Galactus' Herald.
  • Nerf: Received a health nerf (from 800,000 to 750K) in Ultimate.
  • The Nicknamer: Akuma doesn't bother with names. When tagging out, he refers to most of the males and females as "Boy"/"Girl". Sentinel and Nemesis are "Junk", Zero and Jill are "Puppet", Rocket Raccoon is "Vermin", while Amaterasu, Trish, all three of the Darkstalkers ladies, Super-Skrull, Dormammu, M.O.D.O.K, and Shuma-Gorath are "Devil". The only exception is Ryu, and that's only in his win quotes.
  • Running Gag: Most characters refer to him as a demon. Not surprising, actually, given his name above.
  • Secret Character: Requires 2000 Players Points to be unlocked.
  • Shoryuken: Gou Shoryuken, along with the hyper variant Messatsu Gou Shoryu.
  • Shotoclone
  • Trash Talk:

(to Thor, Amaterasu, or Shuma-Gorath): It's always fun to kill a god.

(to Wolverine) Apocalypse once deemed you worthy of being his Horseman of Death? I really must beg to differ.

(to Ghost Rider) Your hellfire is laughable!

If this is the best that the world has to offer, then what else is there left for me to prove?

Albert Wesker

A new world order is at hand.
Voiced by: D. C. Douglas (English), Joji Nakata (Japanese)

Home Series: Resident Evil

Wesker was the leader of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team, but was secretly working for the Umbrella Corporation, whom the unit was sent to investigate. He has since betrayed Umbrella and, after a series of encounters with many acquaintances (most of which hate him), works for Tricell. With his constant experimentation of the T, G, Las Plagas, and Uroboros viruses, he has superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and regeneration, making him a force to be reckoned with. His ultimate goal is to release Uroboros into the Earth's atmosphere, and leaving only the chosen few alive for him to rule over as their god.

His fighting style incorporates teleport mixup and show-offy, yet intricate combos involving the gamut of fighting game tech - wallbounces, OTG, you name it. Because of his simplicity, Wesker is considered broken by many, and users will certainly be hated for their efforts.

(to Amaterasu, Thor, or Shuma-Gorath) I will be the only god.
(winning against one of the three) I am the only god.

(victory image after beating Chris) Don't worry, Chris. You can die in peace knowing the world has a new god to watch over it.

(to Rocket Racoon) Now you know... I am a god, over man and beast.

Chris: You're finished, Wesker! You're not a god -- you're a joke.

    • He does come the closest to being an actual Physical God in one scenario of the Galactus final battle, however, where he is revealed to be one of Galactus' heralds.
  • Animal Motifs: The basis for his attack names: Cobra Strike, Ghost Butterfly, Rhino Charge, Tiger Uppercut. Jaguar Kick.
  • Ascended Meme:

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a world to saturate...

Magneto: Your attempts at artificial power both impress and disgust me, Albert Wesker.

M.O.D.O.K.: I must admit, I like some of the work you've done with bioengineering. It has... potential.

Sentinel: Target is not a natural mutant. All enhancements were the result of cellular manipulation.

Do I frighten you?

  • Evil Laugh: On occasion, when he shoots the opponent with his Samurai Edge.
  • Evilutionary Biologist: The Tricell Laboratory stage is full of various experiments, including a Tyrant and several Lickers. In addition, several of his win quotes refer to the defeated as "test subjects." Not to mention what he did to Jill...
  • Flash Step: And he takes it up to Teleport Spam levels in his Level 3.
  • Foil: To Spider-man.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom
  • Hammerspace: The only explanation for where he got the missile (for his Level 3) from.
  • Hell-Bent for Leather
  • Hellish Pupils
  • Insufferable Genius
  • I Shall Taunt You: Rather than announce what he's going to do, he prefers to constantly remind his opponent how weak they are.
  • Lack of Empathy: In one potential ending of the game, Wesker will end up restrained in a straitjacket and on trial, with Matt Murdock prosecuting against him regarding the 1998 Racoon City disaster. Wesker not only displays no remorse, he openly gloats that he "caused a big mess" there before attempting to break out of his restraints, resulting in Chris Redfield threatening to floor him.
  • Large Ham

Mortals are so weak - You're NOTHING TO ME!!![1]
YOU DON'T STAND A CHANCE! Such a waste of life...
Oh please. BACK TO YOU!

  • Last-Name Basis: Almost everyone, except for Spidey, who mockingly calls him "Albert". Then again, he does it to many of the other villains as well.

Spider-Man: Aaaal-bert!

(to Doom) This world can only have one true mastermind!

Trish: What's so fun about taking over the universe?
Magneto: Not all those with power are fit to rule.

  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gets this as a new win quote in Ultimate, and it has the honor of being the longest in the game. We're talking Rufus quality ranting here.

How does it feel to be inferior? To know that you are destined for a life of mediocrity? Hmph. You probably can't even conceive how much better I am than you.

Spider-Man: You have great power, Albert. But you don't use it responsibly.

"You've disappointed me."
"Useless chaff!"


Voiced by: N/A

Home Series: Okami

The Shinto sun goddess in the form of a white wolf. She uses her power to restore peace and beauty to the lands.

Amaterasu is an excellent all-around character who has three weapon styles at her disposal: the reflector, the glaive, and the rosary. While it is possible to win by using just one style, true mastery of Ammy requires utilizing and switching between all three styles, and learning how to use her for both rushdown and keepaway tactics.

Thor: Tis fitting that two Gods meet in battle thusly!
Thor: It honors me to have fought a fellow God of such valor.

Issun (after beating Thor, victory screen): It looks like the Goddess of the Sun has triumphed over the God of Thunder! Good work, Ammy!

Thor: Thou art a courageous god. The inhabitants of Nippon are blessed to have you as their guardian!

Issun: Whoa whoa whoa, Ammy! That person is not a tree! Don't eve--aww, crud. I'm really sorry about that.


I will not forsake my duties!
Voiced by: Dan Woren (English), Tetsu Inada (Japanese)

Home Series: Ghosts N Goblins

Sir Arthur is a brave and valiant knight who goes into hell to save his beloved Princess (Princess Prin-Prin, Princess Guinevere or whichever name your game manual says this time around). He also has a tendency to lose his armor with one attack. (Fortunately, this doesn't happen in this game.)

Arthur is a pure zoning character. His walking speed is slow, he does not possess a dash, and his damage output is not that great. But what he lacks in all of that he makes up for by filling the screen with projectiles, as well as various other ways that he can put distance between him and his enemies.

Great magic! FIRE DRAGON!

  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: He wants to save his princess, but he will stop any villains who comes in his way.

(To all villains minus Akuma & Doctor Doom) I will not forsake my duties!

  • Clothing Damage: A signature element from his own series, and, as in the games, a bad thing. After his Super Mode wears off, his armor breaks off and lowers Arthur's defense. You have to spend a super bar to summon his normal armor back.
  • Cool Sword
  • Counter Attack: One of his specials, with his shield.
  • Double Jump
  • Flechette Storm: Happens to most of his projectiles. Notably, his goddess Bracelet hyper.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Don't ask where he stores all of his weapons or armor when not in use.
  • I See London: If he leaves his Golden Armor on for too long, it will burst out of his body and leave him only in his trademark underwear (it can even be said that it wouldn't be Arthur without it). Each of his palettes has a different print:
    • Standard: white with strawberries
    • Second: Striped blue and white
    • Third: Yellow with black stars
    • Fourth: Pale green with white polka dots
    • Fifth: Blue with white polka dots ( as of Ultimate )
    • Sixth: Pink with white love hearts ( as of Ultimate )
  • Knight in Shining Armor: In his ending, he solos Fin Fang Foom to rescue Princess Guinevere. When you consider the hell he went through, such a feat is probably a walk in the park for him.

Phoenix: Instead of fighting me, you should go and rescue your princess. It's not polite to keep a lady waiting.
(To Chris) You too are looking for something? Let's be quick about this then![2]

I will fight you, fair and square!

  • Little People: He's rendered as shorter than anybody else (except for Joe, Ammy, and Rocket Raccoon). This is also lampshaded.

M.O.D.O.K: Hmm.. A little creature with a surprisingly big head.

M.O.D.O.K: Such a puny creature. M.O.D.O.K. has no pity for you!

Chris Redfield

No one's dying on my watch!
Voiced by: Roger Craig Smith (English), Hiroki Tochi (Japanese)

Home Series: Resident Evil

Part of the S.T.A.R.S Alpha team, Chris was one of the first to see the horrors of the Umbrella Corporation. He's one of the original 11 founders of the B.S.A.A., designed to deal with Umbrella-like threats.

  • Arbitrary Gun Power: He can do more damage with a seven-hit punch combo than with a full barrage from his handgun, shotgun, magnum, and flamethrower.
  • Badass Boast

(One of his winquotes) Compared to fighting zombies and B.O.W.s, this was like a vacation.

(One of his winquotes) I may specialize in bioterrorism, but I won't hesitate to put an end to any wrongdoings that come my way!

...something's come up. Gotta go..

Super-Skrull: Which is more obsolete -- your weapons, or you!?

(One of his winquotes) You know why you guys lost? It's because you lack the teamwork that we have.
(One of his winquotes) I'm not going to lose any more teammates. I will protect them.

    • Even apparent in the first trailer for vanilla: Hulk is tearing up the roof of the building he and Chris are on, and yet Chris makes it his priority to make a grab for Morrigan when he sees her falling from the sky (having taken an attack from Iron Man).
  • Nice Guy: He features in several character endings as an apparent personal friend to Captain America, Haggar, and the Hulk. In his own ending he's resisted the temptation to simply kill Wesker and has brought him to trial.
  • Only Sane Man: As shown in one of his win quotes.

Chris: What's the point of all this fighting?

Storm: Rarely have I met a man with such a strong moral compass. I regret that we had to meet in combat.


You ready for me?
Voiced by: Laura Bailey (English), Fumiko Orikasa (Japanese)

Home Series: Street Fighter

An undercover Interpol detective with lightning fast kicks, Chun-Li seeks to avenge her father's death at the hands of the criminal organization Shadaloo.


C. Viper: It's an Interpol agent. Don't worry, I'll take care of her.
Tron: Oh please. I'm not dumb enough to be caught by the cops.
Tron: Ahahaha! Sorry copper, but you're not taking ME in!

Ryu: Your kicks still need practice.

(In her victory image) Tall, blond, and handsome -- you're my type of guy... But do you have to carry that hammer everywhere?

(to all villains) I won't let evil go unchecked!

(To She-Hulk) Remember the old saying, 'mind over muscle'.

Crimson Viper

Sorry, Mommy is at work. I'll call you back.
Voiced by: Michelle Ruff (English), Mie Sonozaki (Japanese)

Home Series: Street Fighter

Real name: Maya. This worldly 30 year old fighter is an expert CIA agent, going undercover to expose the S.I.N. organization's crimes. She is also a single mother and her daughter, Lauren, is on her mind at all times.

You're... Strider Hiryu...!

(to Iron Man, in her victory image) That was just a taste of what our suit can do. If you want to know more, you know where to find me.

Chun-Li: I don't care who you work for; don't get in Interpol's way!

(to Cap) Talk about your gaudy getups. It's nice to be proud of your country, but get some fashion sense.

It's an Interpol agent. Don't worry, I'll take care of her.

(to Cap) This one could be a problem.


Let's rock, baby!
Voiced by: Reuben Langdon (English), Toshiyuki Morikawa (Japanese)

Home Series: Devil May Cry

Dante is a hunter dedicated to vanquishing demons, which were responsible for killing his mother and corrupting his brother Vergil. He is also half demon himself, the son of the demon knight Sparda.

Dante has the most versatile and complicated movesets of any character in the game, and is able to perform pretty much any strategy you would need, such as mixups, crossups, rushdowns and zoning, making him a threat to any and all characters. He has average stamina and damage output, but high combo potential.

Come here, baby!

Mmm, baby. I love it when a girl gets violent!

    • His quote to the other girls (save Morrigan above, Trish, and Amaterasu):

How come I never meet any nice girls?

    • His quote after defeating a female opponent:

Sleep it off, baby.

Dormammu: I will strike you down, demon hunter.
Dante: I'm not gonna pull my punches.

It's okay, Joe. We cool.

Sometimes you just gotta out-crazy the crazies if you wanna beat 'em.

(against Trish) Don't think I'm gonna go easy on ya!
(against Viewtiful Joe) It's okay, Joe. We cool!

My hair? It's not that I'm getting old, it's always been white. ... Why do you ask?

Man, I'm starving. Where's my pizza?

(to Dormammu) Tch. Get the hell out of my face.
(to Trish) Really, Trish... Is that the best you can do?
(to Vergil) You're the reason why we can't have nice things. Also, the ladies dig my sword skills more.


Wanna dance?
Voiced by: G.K. Bowes (English), Kana Asumi (Japanese)

Home Series: Darkstalkers

A cat woman raised by nuns, Felicia left the convent and is on a quest to become a superstar.

Felicia's rushdown fighting style takes full advantage of her cat-like agility. She works best by pressuring her enemies with a devastating series of super-quick attacks (which have the added benefit of still being fairly strong hit-for-hit in the process).

  • Adult Child: According to her original profile in Darkstalkers, a catgirls' age is supposedly determined to be twice as much as that of a normal human. So, technically, she's 14, even though she's 28 in human age. (Try not to think about it too much).
  • Amusing Injuries: In the intro cinematic, the tip of her tail briefly catches fire.
  • Animal Jingoism: Sometimes when she beats Amaterasu, she apologizes for beating her up because of the whole "Cats and Dogs" thing.
  • Anime Hair
  • Assist Character: Two of her hypers involve help from her fellow catgirls.
    • Kitty Helper summons Alto, who playfully jumps around at the enemy, interrupting their attacks while doing some damage in the process.
    • Please Help Me! summons an entire catgirl clowder of her friends. Grace, Lucy, Nana and Mimi curbstomp her opponent while Alto jumps in for the finish.
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Her win pose, where she's distracted by a butterfly fluttering in the distance.
  • Badass Adorable
  • Big Ball of Violence: This happens during her level 3 hyper, when her companions literally curb stomp her opponent.
  • Buffy-Speak

(One of her winquotes) I'm Felicia, the most dancingest, singingest woman you'll ever meet!

(to Dormammu) Hey, your head's on fire!


  • Catfolk: Belongs to one. Several of them come to her aid in her Level 3.
  • Catgirl: Exactly what Hulk calls her when he tags out with her. And...

Arthur (when he tags out with her): Little kitty!

  • Cheerful Child: She really likes to smile and have fun. Spencer somehow doesn't like it:

Spencer: I'll wipe that smile off your face.
Spencer: Sorry, sweetie. Playtime's over.

(intro quote vs. Amaterasu) Come here, puppy!

(winquote vs. Amaterasu) Let's play together again, puppy!

No, I don't care how much catnip you have, I'm not getting into the car with you! [3]

  • Eagle Land: Flavor 1, just like Cap.
  • Genki Girl
  • Gratuitous Japanese: Felicia was born and raised in America, yet she says "Omatase" for one of her English voice fight intros. Omatase is a shortened version of Omatase shimashita, or "Thanks for waiting." There is no particular reason why she would say this other than the fact that it's Japanese.
  • Hey, That's My Line!: One fight intro that was Dummied Out before the release of vanilla.

Felicia: Showtime!
Spider-Man: Hey, that's my schtick! You start spinning a web and I'll sue!

  • Hair Antennae
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Compared to the likes of say... Morrigan, Felicia isn't intentionally trying to be Fanservicey. She just... is.
  • Lag Cancel: She can cancel her dash with crouching and then dashing again, making it quicker to approach opponents.
  • Nice Girl
  • Rolling Attack: Her Rolling Buckler special, which can be followed up with a clawed Shoryuken.
  • She's Got Legs
  • Stripperific: Aside from her naturally-grown fur, she's actually naked. In fact, Felicia is the reason the ESRB gave this game a "Partial Nudity" warning.
    • Scenery Censor: Due to this, the only screen shots and videos shown during developement of her had her breasts and rear obscured in some way. In the intro video, they got creative with this by making Haggar give her a piggyback ride most of the time and using her long hair to obscure the rest. On the official US website for the game, every character's art is shown in full on their respective pages—except for Felicia's and Morrigan's, whose art is cropped to a mere headshot. She was also hardly ever shown in officially-released gameplay videos due to ESRB guidelines on marketing materials.
    • Her character portrait for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is subtly censored: her chest is blocked from view by her right forearm, and yet, her in-game win pose bears her entire body for all to see.
    • The censorship even makes its way in the game. At one point in her Dancing Flash hyper, she gives a high kick to her opponent with the leg that is closer to the foreground (right leg if facing right.) Her hand just happens to cover up her exposed underside for that brief split second.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: She'd never kill anyway, but she admits to protecting herself in self defense.

I didn't want to fight, but you're the one who made me get all scratchy.

  • Took a Level In Dumbass: People who don't know her from the first Darkstalkers games will get surprised to see how she sounded more intelligent and fiestier than her current incarnation.
  • Wolverine Claws: Apparently, Felicia likes them.

(to X-23) Wow! I love your claws.


Lets do this, sis!
Voiced by: Hunter MacKenzie Austin (English), Saori Hayami (Japanese)

Home Series: Darkstalkers

In a Darkstalker attack on their village, Hsien-Ko’s mother gave her life to save her family. After these events, Hsien-Ko and her sister Mei-Ling have turned themselves into jiang-shi in order to fight for the return of their mother’s soul.

You're gonna get hurt! TENRAIHA!

(win screen against Chris) Stop shooting! I'm not a zombie! I'm a jiang shi! I don't even eat people OR their brains!
(win screen against Jill) Hey! What do you have against the living dead anyway? We're not all bad!

Eww, now my clothes are all sticky with slime...

  • Cute Monster Girl: Especially when she smiles at the camera after a win. D'aaawwwwwwwwww!

(winquote against Nemesis) Don't laugh, Mei. Not all jiang shi can be as beautiful as us!

Kono toko da ne. Right? (That's how it's done, right?)
Gomen ne! Just kidding! (Sorry! Just kidding!)

(to herself) Huh, didn't know we were quadruplets.
(to herself) I've got to watch out for these fakes!

  • Not Quite Flight: She literally walks on air for her air dash.
  • Otaku: From the look of it, she's a weapons otaku, just like Tasky.

(to Arthur, win screen) I can't believe I got to meet THE Arthur! You're the best demon hunter in the biz! I love all your weapons!

(to Taskmaster, pre-fight quote) I can tell this one likes weapons, too.

This isn't magic, it's Senjutsu... What's the difference? Man, there is no way I could hope to explain that here and now.

(To Deadpool) I am NOT talking to myself. I'm talking to my sister. What's your excuse?

  • Wolverine Claws
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: In her Vanilla ending, Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling go to meet Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, so that he can put their mother's soul to rest and return them back to normal humans. He does so without any reluctance... And then the dialogue reveals that the ending isn't real, but is a comic book the sisters drew together to deal with their troubles.
    • In Ultimate, they actually meet the character in question, who seems genuinely concerned about their condition and wonders if he could help.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: With shades of purple.

Jill Valentine

My orders are to capture you.
Voiced by: Kari Wahlgren (English), Atsuko Yuya (Japanese)

Home Series: Resident Evil

Jill was a member of the S.T.A.R.S Alpha Team, along with Chris Redfield. Surviving the Raccoon City Incident and an attempt on her life by the Nemesis monster, she joined the B.S.A.A. and worked with Chris once more on a mission to find Ozwell E. Spencer, the founder of Umbrella. Encountering Wesker, who had already killed Spencer, she tackled him out of a window to their supposed deaths. Both survived, but Wesker used her as a test subject for Uroboros, and she was brainwashed into becoming his puppet bodyguard.

(To Chris) All enemies will be destroyed.


This has been a long time coming, Wesker.

(to Chris) You're expendable, Chris Redfield.

(to the X-Men, Magneto, & Deadpool) Ready to seize mutant target.
(to the X-Men, Magneto, & Deadpool) Mutant taken into custody.
(to various others, including Galactus) My orders are to capture you.
(win screen text against Chris) You are beaten, Chris Redfield. Now you too will serve Wesker.

Jill: Ready for training.
Wesker: Let's see how good you really are.
later on
Jill (when she wins): My training's complete.

Mike Haggar

You're gonna regret this in the morning...
Voiced by: Matt Riedy (English), Kiyoyuki Yanada (Japanese)

Home Series: Final Fight

Mike Haggar is a former wrestler and the mayor of Metro City. He often takes to the streets to deal with Metro City's gang problems, especially if it involves his daughter.

Haggar is a slow, grappling character who will floor you if he can manage to get in close, making his approach predictable if his opponent is aware of it. He is the only character in the game with an invincible assist, with the trade off being that it costs him a bit of health to use.

Body... PRESS!!!

(win screen text): Just be lucky you didn't touch my daughter, or else you would have seen me when I'm really angry!

(before the fight) Don't worry. I'm more than a challenge for you.
(if Haggar wins) You'd make a great wrestler yourself.

(to Ryu) I haven't had a fight like that ever since I became mayor. Thanks, kid, that hit the spot.

(to She-Hulk) You have the speed, power, and smarts to take down anyone, but me. Why? It's all about experience.

Morrigan Aensland

I want you... body and soul.
Voiced by: Siobhan Flynn (English), Rie Tanaka (Japanese)

Home Series: Darkstalkers

A hedonistic succubus, Morrigan is very powerful and prefers to neglect her duties and instead spend time in the human world.

Trish: I don't care if you're a queen, princess, or court jester: you still lost, and that's gotta hurt!

Storm: If you truly are the queen of your realm, then you should behave in the manner befitting one.

  • Battle Aura: Her body is surrounded by faint greenish-white wisps of fire. When she floats across the ground, it forms a circular ring of fire around her feet. She also releases a full-body pinkish aura during her Astral Vision hyper, while her clone doesn't have an aura.
  • Bullet Hell: A natural result of using her un-fly combos to fire off an inordinate number of Soul Fists in a relatively short period of time. Adding Astral Vision and/or X-Factor to the mix only serves to exacerbate this.
  • Calling Your Attacks:


Such a pure and chaste spirit. Oh, the ways in which I could corrupt you...

    • Also, Phoenix, given her intro quote.

You need to strip off those prosaic morals.

(to Phoenix) Show me your true form. Let it out.

Arthur: You truly are a temptress of the dark! Begone, for I have a princess to save!

(one of her winquotes) Trust me, I'm not as delicate as I might look. I might be the one who ends up breaking you in half.

(One of her winquotes) They say I get around. But it's so boring staying around the house all day, don't you think?

(to Dante [see also his quote above]): Well now, aren't you a handsome devil.

(during win pose) You're so serious... it's kind of cute.
(win quote) I see you like to run your mouth. I wonder if you can use it for anything else.

(before the match) Allow me to release your hate.
(win pose) You need to learn to think happy thoughts.

Nathan "Radd" Spencer

Alright, who wants some of this?
Voiced by: Dameon Clarke (English), Takaya Kuroda (Japanese)

Home Series: Bionic Commando

Spencer was a spec-ops soldier working for the government. He became notorious for stopping the resurrection of Adolf Hitler and ending the Bionic Wars. However, the government betrayed him by enacting the Bionic Purge, and he was sentenced to imprisonment. When a new threat arrived, Spencer was released, being the only man for the job.

  • Ambidextrous Sprite: Despite using 3D models for the game, his bionic arm. As with Ryu and other characters, the character animations are meant to be viewed from one angle, and model flipping preserves that appearance.
  • Anti-Hero (Type III)
  • Artificial Arm

C. Viper: So that was the power of the Bionic Arm, was it? Suspicious indeed, I better report to the higher-ups.
(To Arthur) There's no way medieval weaponary like that will be able to beat this arm!

(to Cap) You used to be one of my childhood heroes. I guess the legend was bigger than the man.

Bionic... AAAAAARM!!!

(when he beats Cap) I'm on a mission. Nothing personal.

  • Not Quite Flight: He uses his bionic arm to move along the stages. He also can aim his arm upwards and then swing forward.
  • Perma-Stubble
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: His bionic arm is powered by his dead wife's soul.
  • Redheaded Hero: With his DLC alternate look (his Rearmed appearance).
  • Ship Tease: His ending shows him going on a date with She-Hulk. Although it's implied that he just brought her to beat up BioReign soldiers with him rather than anything romantic. Despite that, she apparently calls him out for it and gets him to agree to a second one.
  • Trash Talk:

(to Iron Man) How much of that suit is bionic?

(to Spider-Man) You don't know nothing about swinging!

(to Chris) Is that it? You're seriously outgunned.

(to Felicia) I'll wipe that smile off your face.

  • Unnecessary Combat Roll: Instead of dashing like everyone else.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer: He doesn't have much moves and he only got 2 hypers, but they can be used in various ways.
  • Worthy Opponent: He appears to view Rocket Raccoon as this. To put this in perspective, he openly shows respect for Rocket Raccoon as a soldier while trash talking Chris Redfield and Captain America.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: His standard use of his grappling hook arm is to pull enemies closer to him.


Show me your strength!
Voiced by: Kyle Hebert (English), Hiroki Takahashi (Japanese)

Home Series: Street Fighter

Ryu lives only for the fight and seeks opponents stronger than himself. He fights using the art of Ansatsuken as taught to him by his master, Gouken.

Ryu has a solid, balanced style that is good for beginners, with his potential brought out by players with a firm grip on the core mechanics of the game.

Shinkuu... HADOOOOKEN!!!

(To Phoenix) I see you are battling your inner demon. You must prove that you are stronger than they are.

(One of his winquotes) Dedicate yourself, and anything is possible! Human potential is truly limitless...

(to Wolverine) And I thought facing someone with one claw was bad enough. You really put me to the test. Thank you.

    • Some characters call him out on this:

Chun-Li: You never stop fighting, do you?
Iron Man: There´s more to life than just fighting. Fast cars and women, for example.

Wolverine: You're a good kid. Lotsa spirit. But you gotta find somethin' to fight for. Trust me on this one.
Wolverine: I thought you'd have more fight in you, kid.
  • The Stoic
  • Super Mode: In Ultimate, he gains a buff hyper (Hado Kakusei) that enhances his special moves:
    • Charged Attack: His S Hadoken (aka Baku Hadoken) and Shoryuken (aka Hado Shoryuken) can be charged for higher damage. If charged long enough, his Hadoukens can become invisible.
    • Reflecting Laser: His Shin Hadoken (evolved from Shinkuu Hadoken) can reflect off walls in Ultimate.
  • Supernatural Martial Arts: His Ansatsuken (or, as some sources put it, "Shotokan") fighting technique.

Wolverine: Let's see some of those karate moves, kid.
Joe: Wait, wait. You throw fireballs and stuff...without the superhero getup? Dude, you got gyped badly!

Spiders. I hate spiders.


Be a lamb... go gentle on me.
Voiced by: Danielle Burgio (English), Atsuko Tanaka (Japanese)

Home Series: Devil May Cry

A woman created by the demon Mundus to seduce and destroy Dante. However, she ends up aiding Dante on his quest to vanquish demons.

(One of her winquotes) Maybe I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with light. Just kidding. Who would say something that lame?

Yes, I'm actually a demon spawn from Hell, but I'm really a sweet girl once you get to know me.

X-23: You too were created for a purpose you did not wish to fulfill. You have my sympathy.

    • She also tells this to Akuma:

As a former demon myself, I gotta ask you. Is this really the life you want for yourself?

So you're the God of Thunder. Really?
We may have similar powers, but you don't know me.

Tron Bonne

I would give up now if I were you.
Voiced by: Tara Platt (English), Mayumi Iizuka (Japanese)

Home Series: Mega Man Legends

A pirate and mechanical genius, Tron Bonne uses her Servbots to do her bidding. She has a love-hate relationship with MegaMan Volnutt. She seeks all the world's riches, but usually ends up getting in debt because of her mishaps.

  • Alertness Blink: In her Level 3 hyper, as her mecha goes down before her when she with her mecha jumps into the air.
  • Anime Hair
  • Anti-Villain (Type I): In the opening movies. Remember, Tron Bonne was a main antagonist in the Mega Man Legends series, but in the cutscenes, she's shown fighting against the Marvel villains with the rest of the heroes.
  • Aside Glance: If you've selected Tron as your 3rd character, watch her eyes during your point character's banter. She'll look at the camera, and once more before "FIGHT!" is announced.
  • Assist Character: Gustaff does all of her attacks, and she's also assisted by Servbots.
  • Awesomeness Is Volatile: In her Level 3 hyper, she grabs her opponent and grind him/her against the earth until it creates fire. Also, when she slammed the opponent down afterward, it creates an explosion.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: With Trish in the opening movie.
  • Badass Normal
  • Bandit Mook: Her Beacon Bomb attacks. Those servebots aren't merely stunning the enemy, they're also stealing a refractor shard (a small portion of their hyper meter) and returning it to Tron so she can line her pockets with more zenny.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: After her assist, Tron waves to the screen and says, "Thanks for playing!"
  • Calling Your Attacks:


"Yeah, that's right, I'm bad!"

If it's not nailed down, it's MINE!
(to Doom) Let's see... I got this, and this, and... Ooh! I'll take this throne, too! I look better on it anyway!
(to Doom, Iron Man, Sentinel, or Zero) I found me some new robot parts!
(To Iron Man, Sentinel, or Zero) I can't wait to start building new robots with your parts.
Felicia: You should know that stealing is wrong! If my mother were here, she'd really punish you and good!

(to Ryu or Akuma) Ugh, I smell the stink of poverty on you.
(to Ryu or Akuma) Sorry, I don't have time for poor people!
Deadpool: I noticed you're filthy rich. Luckily for you, my services are available at a very high price.

  • Ship Tease: As of Ultimate, Tron oddly enough has an attraction to Nova.

That uniform, that style... It's so dreamy. Oh! Never mind what I said! You're weak and deserved to lose!

Tron: You don't have any mecha, and you don't know how to fight. What are you even doing here?

(to Zero) Now tell me where MegaMan [Volnutt/Trigger] is! I have some more heroic deeds to thwart!

Viewtiful Joe

You will stop your evil ways! Did I say that right?
Voiced by: Darrel Guilbeau (English), Tomokazu Seki (Japanese)

Home Series: Viewtiful Joe

Sucked into MovieLand, Viewtiful Joe fights for truth and justice using the time altering powers of his V-watch, which is activated by the magical phrase "Henshin."

(against any Marvel hero and Deadpool) Whoa! You're a real hero? For real?

(winning against any Marvel hero) Well now, guess we know who's the REAL hero.

(against Nova) Whoa! Nova! Can I have your autograph?

(against any Marvel villain) You will stop your evil ways! ... did I say that right?

(winning against any Marvel villain) Good always triumphs... as they say!

(to Wolverine) Duuuude! You're the REAL Wolverine! Can I get a picture? An autograph? Also, let's hear that SNIKT!

Come on, Six Machine! SIX CANNON!

Hulk (when tagging in Joe): Funny Helmet Man!

  • Double Jump: And triple jump!
  • Fragile Speedster: The "Fragile" part is up to debate. (Joe's is about average in terms of health, tied with Iron Man, Morrigan, and M.O.D.O.K. at 950,000.) Aside of it, he has great mobility in the air (much like Chun-Li) and his attacks are fast, but he has poor reach and damage output. Even worse, he doesn't have a Level 3 hyper.
  • Fun Personified: He's so ridiculously energetic and so obviously thrilled to be mixing it up with "real" heroes and villains.

Spider-Man: Being a carefree, fun-loving hero is all good, but you wouldn't even qualify for the Pet Avengers.

(to Spider-Man) I can see the headline for the next Bugle: "Mystery Hero Saves The Day! Not Your Average Joe"!


I'm realizing I like really tall women. Also, I'm totally cool with the green thing.

(to Dante) It's Stylish vs. Viewtiful. Okay, then!

    • Amusingly, in the first Viewtiful Joe game, "Stylish" was the epithet given to Joe's rival Alastor as a playable character. And Alastor is a walking Devil May Cry reference, so...
  • Scarf of Asskicking: A pink scarf.

(to Strider): Whoooo-wee! I just rocked your world, ninja-boy! And I got the cooler scarf to boot!


This'll be over in a nanosecond.
Voiced by: Johnny Yong Bosch (English), Ryotaro Okiayu (Japanese)

Home Series: Mega Man X

The last creation of Dr. Wily, Zero was awakened by Sigma to fight as a Maverick Hunter. Sigma, however, ended up infected with the Maverick virus, and betrayed his comrades. Zero has on more than one occasion teamed up with Mega Man X to stop Sigma's schemes. He always gets the job done in a cool and confident manner.

It's over... SOUGENMU!
Ittouryuudan! GENMU ZERO!

  • Char Clone
  • Critical Existence Failure: Explodes into orbs of light when KO'd.
  • Death From Above: Rekkoha.
  • Doppelganger Attack: Sougenmu.
  • Flash Step: Hienkyaku, his command dashing special.
  • Glass Cannon: As elaborated here, his stamina is only 3 out of 7. However, his fighting ability is rated 7 (even more than the over-than-40-specials Dante, who's rated 6), possibly corresponding to his comboablility. Zero technically is:[6] Once Zero hits you, you can only wait until his endless combo kills you. From the other side, once you hit him, he will go down easily (especially if you use a strong character). This makes sense, given the nature of his games, where his health and defenses are quite low (or at least, compared to what he's up against); Zero must rely on his speed, agility, wit, and swordplay to defeat foes several times more durable than him.
  • Gradual Grinder: In general, Zero fights by using his speed and priority to stuff opponents' attacks and get his combos started. These combos tend to last a long frickin' time but, very few (without X-Factor) are capable of killing a character with average-or-above health. In short, if you let Zero touch you, you might as well go and make a sandwich.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: A staple of his character since X8. His specials don't need to be shouted in Japanese, but it probably wouldn't be as cool. (He's actually been naming his techniques in Japanese since X4.)
  • Ground Pound: Again, Rekkoha.
  • Hair of Gold
  • The Hunter: A Maverick Hunter. Somewhat logical, given that Maverick is a term for a robot that aims to harm humans. Sentinel is made to combat (mutant) humans. And that's if you don't factor Sentinels' occasional Zeroth Law Rebellion.

(to Sentinel) Found a Maverick. I'll take care of it!
(to Sentinel) I'll hunt down all Mavericks, no matter where you hide. That is my duty as a Maverick Hunter!

  • Jerkass Facade: He may seem a bit abrasive and bluntly outspoken, but anyone with deeper understanding of his backstory knows that this is a mask used to cover up a chasm of emotional tragedies he's suffered through.
  • Laser Blade: His Z-Saber, natch. He's so confident on it.

(to Arthur) You call that a sword?

    • Sword Beam: Both as his special and his Level 3 hyper.
  • Mirror Match: Lampshaded in his quote against himself, which possibly refers to him easily destroying the black copy of him in Mega Man X2.

Another souless copy.

(one of his win text) If X were here, he would have tried to talk things out first. Unfortunately, X isn't here.

  • My Hero Zero: The clue is in the name.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: He beams out of the battlefield when he wins a fight. Thus, his win picture is a shot of the beginning of the cinematic, unlike the other characters whose winpics usually pick the last shot of the character's face.
  • Shoryuken: His Ryuenjin is essentially this trope, done with a Flaming Sword.
  • Shock and Awe: His new special, Raikousen, a quick airborne stab attack which is aimable at 3 ways depending on the button used.
  • Shotoclone: Technically.
  • Shut UP, Hannibal: He delivers one to Captain America (see Cap's "My Hero Zero" entry). A rare example of a Shut UP, Hannibal being done between heroes.

Stop lecturing me and show me what you got!

    • And after he beats Cap:

I don't listen to lectures or losers.

How boring...

(to Super-Skrull) I enjoy battling worthy opponents such as you. It keeps me on my toes and makes me that more efficient.

(Victory screen vs. Hawkeye) You're very cunning. You have that in common with X. You also lost to me, so you share that too.

  1. Note: The "weak" part is quickly skipped in the game.
  2. Hint: Chris is finding Jill.
  3. Replace "catnip" with "candy" and you'll get the idea.
  4. One of his specials is Violent Axe.
  5. It's stated that if a succubus can't find the "pleasure" she needs in 2 days, she'll die.
  6. Reference to Magneto's seemingly endless air combo in MvC2; "once you pop (get launched), you can't stop (being comboed)".
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