< Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Marvel vs. Capcom 3/Awesome

See Player Accomplishments for Tournament Play examples.

  • The game itself is a big CMOA for Marvel and Capcom. No one, NO ONE saw this game coming at all, especially since Capcom lost the licenses to Marvel characters a decade ago.
  • Intro Movie 2 as a whole is pretty awesome, but nothing, not even Trish's motorcycle breakdancing, can top Captain America deflecting a FREAKIN' HELICOPTER.
    • As a side note, when Capcom first made that trailer, Tron Bonne hadn't been confirmed yet. And she was in it. For the most part people were happy (thrilled in a surprisingly large amount of cases) to see her back.
  • The Intro Movie 3 can be summed up as "Magneto pwns everyone".
  • Speaking of Captain America, when he's paired up with Iron Man, the two tag each other in using their first names (Steve and Tony, respectively).
  • In the Intro Movie 4, Mike Haggar tears through a billboard with his bare hands before picking up a lead pipe and walking towards a blazing inferno with Felicia on his back. Oh, and he does this after not moving an inch when Thor's hammer touches down nearby. HAGGAR FOR PRESIDENT.
    • And said Inferno is being created by a fight between Thor and Dormammu. That's right, Haggar wants in on a fight between a god and a dimension destroyer. At this rate, Haggar will take on Squirrel Girl AND WIN.

Haggar: Don't worry. I'm more than a challenge for you.
Hulk: You are strong, but Hulk strongest there is!

    • And in his own ending, he finally becomes the President of the United States of America. HAGGAR FOR PRESIDENT, INDEED!
  • Taskmaster can cut through projectiles. If that isn't Badass, we don't know what is.
  • Dante's ending: Dante vs. Ghost Rider.

Dante: C'mon! You mean to tell me that you've never played a video game before? All the good ones get harder and more interesting as you progress. It's kind of a given in good game design. You wanna make sure the player doesn't get bored before the end.
Ghost Rider: And what would I care for this nonsense?
Dante: Don't you get it, dude? I just beat the big boss in the game, but now...

Ghost Rider: ...A stronger opponent has appeared, correct? I will warn you, devil hunter, this is no game you're playing.

Dante: Ha-ha-ha! Are you kidding!? Life IS the ultimate game! You just don't get unlimited continues! But me, I always beat my games on the first try, so you better show me everything you got, sizzle-head!

    • This match-up can finally be realized in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, with Ghost Rider being confirmed to join the brawl.
  • Hulk's ending shows him and Chris storming the Resident Evil 1 mansion.
    • Most of all, Hulk kicks freaking Nemesis' ass.
      • Of course, with Nemesis' inclusion in Ultimate, you can be sure that Nemesis isn't going to take that asskicking lying down.
  • Chun-Li shows that she isn't intimidated by The Kingpin in the slightest in her ending.
  • Morrigan's ending. Where does a succubus go to relax after a hard day saving the world? The mother of all Bad Guy Bars, of course.
  • Iron Man's Level 3 super attack. Drags you across the ground, scooping chunks of land in the process, tosses you in the air, then finishes with a big Unibeam from his chest.
  • One of Zero's lines before fighting an opponent. Bonus points if his opponent really WAS talking up a storm.

Zero: "Stop lecturing and show me what you've got!"

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