Series Mascot

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    A character, creature, etc which is heavily associated with a fictional universe, to the point of being the (official or unofficial) Mascot. This can be despite the presence of other creatures, characters, etc. In Video Games, this tends to be a popular enemy (or unit) and can overlap with Mascot Mook. In other works the role can often fall to the Team Pet or another Ridiculously Cute Critter or Small Annoying Creature.

    See Mascot for when this is used to advertise a product.

    Examples of Series Mascot include:

    "Cute" Series Mascots

    Anime and Manga

    Comic Books


    • Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy: Oddly enough, the promotional mascot for the Hitchhiker's universe is a little green guy that never appears in the books (or TV show, or movie, or radio show, or computer game...) themselves—though most fans consider Marvin to be the series' real mascot.

    Live-Action TV

    "Ooohhh, I need a hug."

    Puppet Shows

    • Kermit the Frog for The Muppets. He was also the mascot of the Jim Henson Company before Disney bought him out.
      • Sesame Street has Elmo, also the mascot for the show's parent company Sesame Workshop. Big Bird used to fill this role before Elmo proved to be a massive merchandising success.

    Tabletop Games


    Video Games

    Web Comics

    Web Original

    Western Animation

    "Non Cute" Series Mascots


    • Darth Vader for Star Wars, though mascot duty's also been passed around to Yoda, the Stormtroopers and (especially in the franchise's early days) R2-D2 and C3-PO. Even the Death Star is something of an icon for the franchise.
    • Possibly Gollum for the Lord of the Rings movies.
    • The Ugly Cute Slimer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in Ghostbusters. In universe, it's explained that Stay Puft is the mascot for a brand of marshmallows and the star of his own cartoon TV series. The "NO-GHOST" company logo also serves as a mascot.
    • For the Terminator series, Arnold's iconic face has been etched into our collective memories. The metallic skull of the T-800 Terminator would also count as iconic. Also, Cameron is the iconic character for The Sarah Connor Chronicles spin-off. (The last one isn't in the "non-cute" category, but never mind.)

    Tabletop Games

    Video Games

    Web Original

    Western Animation

    Company Mascots

    Anime and Manga

    Comic Books

    Video Games

    • Jack Frost (from the Shin Megami Tensei franchise) is the mascot of Atlus Corpora
      • While the monsters you meet in Shin Megami Tensei are based on mythologies, possibly because of Jack Frost status as a mascot, you will meet original Jack Frosts like King Frost, Black Frost, Ichigo Frost, B Hawaii Frost, Lemon Frost, Melon Frost, Mirukin Frost, Frost Five and Lucifrost.
      • Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army has the dapperest Frost of them all.
    • Until he was displaced by Mega Man and Ryu, Captain Commando was the face of Capcom.
    • As Captain Commando, Ryu and Mega Man are to Capcom, Alex Kidd and Sonic the Hedgehog (respectively) are to Sega.
    • Pac-Man, one of Namco's oldest characters, is essentially the face of his franchise.
    • Mario is essentially the face of Nintendo.
    • Mr. Pants for Rare.
    • Hudson Soft's mascot is a tiny bee. The bee has shown up in several of Hudson's video games, including Adventure Island and Milon's Secret Castle.
    • Neko-Arc (a comedic miniature Catgirl form of Tsukihime's main heroine) is the official mascot of Type Moon and the Nasuverse.
    • Asagi serves as one for Nippon Ichi (along with the Prinnies mentioned above), as she makes a cameo in all of their games.
      • Recently, it seems like they're trying to make Nisa their new one.
    • Unofficially, Max for LucasArts' adventure games.
    • Compile's cute mascot, Randar (or Lander), appeared in several of their games.
    • Toaplan had a similar but more purple and less round mascot named Pipiru, who appeared at the end of Zero Wing and was hidden in Out Zone and Truxton II. Even after Toaplan went defunct, Pipiru briefly appeared in a cutscene in Don Pachi.
    • Terry Bogard for SNK, originally, it was Athena.
    • Konami tried in the late 1980s to establish Konami Man as their mascot. He never really caught on, though Konami Wai Wai World gave him the leading part, along with his Distaff Counterpart Konami Lady. Konami Man still makes occasional cameos in Castlevania games.
      • Solid Snake and Simon Belmont also qualify, due to being the heroes of some of Konami's biggest franchises.

    Western Animation

    • Disney:
      • M-I-C, K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E!
      • To a (much) lesser extent, Tinkerbell; Walt used her has the mascot for some of the series he hosted as well as the original ad campaigns for Disneyland (This was at ABC's insistence - they didn't want the project to take Mickey down with it if it tanked).
    • Warner Bros
      • Bugs Bunny.
    • Pixar: Luxo Jr. the lamp. Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear also qualifies, being the most popular Pixar character.
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