< Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3/Characters

For the main article, go here.

For the Marvel characters from vanilla MvC3, see Marvel Characters.

For the Capcom characters from vanilla MvC3, see Capcom Characters.

Capcom characters


(I'll take you on.)
Voiced by: N/A

Home Series: Ghosts N Goblins/Gargoyle's Quest

Firebrand is a type of gargoyle known as a Red Arremer. He will stand up to any threat posed to his home, the Demon Village, without any fear. Firebrand is considered to be an elite warrior among the Red Arremers, gaining him hero status among his peers.

In-game he can be best described as "Wolverine...WITH FLIGHT!" His style focuses on overwhelming speed, cross-ups, and all manner of tomfoolery to annoy his opponents.

(One of his winquotes) Ku ku kuuu. ("I love the smell of burning meat in the morning...")

Firebrand: This could be fun.
Arthur: Ah! A tricky devil has arrived!

Amaterasu (w/ Issun): So you spit fire, eh? You are the most unoriginal demon we've ever fought. Ain't that right, Ammy?
Ghost Rider: I have little tolerance for demons... much less inferior ones like you.
Chris: Sorry, but you just don't scare me. I've seen circus clowns scarier than you.

Frank West

What do you mean I don't belong here? I've covered wars y'know!

Voiced by: T. J. Rotolo (English), Rikiya Koyama (Japanese)

Home Series: Dead Rising

Though he's armed only with his strength, if there's a scoop to be had, he's got the courage to take anyone on. His willingness to dive head-first into any dangerous situation has saved his life as many times as it has put him in mortal peril.

While he doesn't have a specific weapon, he can utilize objects in his surroundings, such as golf clubs, benches, bicycles—basically, whatever he can get his hands on. He uses a "level up" system, enhanced by drinking beer and taking photos, that make him more powerful and change the weapons he uses.

He's the only character in the game who has 2 intro animations: one where he kicked a zombie off him, and another (character-specific) where he takes some pictures of his opponent (this indicates that Frank has some special quotes for said opponent).

  • Ascended Meme: The official site for UMvC3 (as well as his bio in the game) references the "I've covered wars, y'know" meme.
    • Frank also uses the phrase for one of his win quotes.

What do you mean, I don't belong here? I've covered wars, y'know!

    • Other characters poke fun at this line.

Captain America: I hear you've covered wars. Too bad you've never fought in one.
Zero: You may have covered wars, but you're still a civilian!

    • Also one of the titles you unlock by using him 30 times.
  • Badass Normal: Lacking Chris Redfield's military equipment, Phoenix Wright's sense of justice, and Haggar's machismo, Frank holds his own against the cast with a camera, a shopping cart's worth of stuff, and his own wrestling moves and wit.
  • Blinding Camera Flash: Used as a stunner.
  • Call Back: His DLC costume is a reference to his many Mega Man-based outfits he can unlock within the Dead Rising series.
  • The Cameo: One of Frank's alternate costumes resembles Chuck Greene.
  • Did I Just Punch Out The Hulk?: Frank's reaction if he defeats the Hulk can be summed up as this.

"Hulk, I... I gotta go."

(winquote vs Nova): Heroes? In the end, the only one I can depend on is myself.

(One of his winquotes) I'll take my victory as a form of consent. When you wake up, it's interview time, buddy!
(One of his winquotes) Someone needs to get the truth to the people. I'll do whatever it takes to survive for that purpose.
(One of his winquotes) A real journalist isn't afraid to go in deep in order to get his story!

  • Oh Crap: In his victory animation, Frank tries to walk to the left of the screen, only to promptly run in the other direction from a horde of zombies.
    • Oh, No, Not Again: And sometimes, he'll protest, "Again? Why do you guys always go for me?"
  • Post Mortem One Liner: Versus Strider Hiryu.

Ninjas are good people in my book -- the book of people's asses I've kicked!

  • Power Glows: When level 5, he gets a blue aura around him.
  • The Rival: Shown most obviously towards Spider-man. However, it's not clear whether or not he's rivals with Spidey himself, or Peter Parker. There's a possibility from his lines that he's not aware Spiderman is the same person.

I'll show that Parker kid who's the better photographer!

(One of his winquotes) Hey, when you've faced the undead, psychopaths, and the military, stuff like this is a walk in the park.

  • Wrestler in All of Us: Just the same as it is in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, one of his hypers involves sticking a Servbot helmet on his opponent, sending them flying with an airplane spin, and crashing them into the ground with a running bulldog. Most of his throws involve performing a suplex and he still retains his judo throwing skills.

Nemesis T-Type

Voiced by: N/A

Home Series: Resident Evil

A tyrant-type B.O.W. (officially T-02) tasked with eliminating S.T.A.R.S. and anyone connected to them. Retaining a fair amount of intelligence due to the Nemesis parasite, he is able to effectively carry around a rocket launcher.

Nemesis is all about overwhelming the opponent with brute force, utilizing super armor in almost all of his moves to punish those who carelessly turtle.

  • Alien Blood: Green ichor-ish... stuff. Ghastly.
  • Ascended Extra: From appearing in Hulk's ending to being a playable character.
  • BFG: He carries his bazooka with him at all times, only ever letting go of it in his win pose and when he loses by time-up.
  • Body Horror: Just look at him. He has stitched-on flesh over his right eye, he has no nose or lips, and it looks like he's wearing his intestines as a scarf. Not to mention the fact that he's covered in tentacles.
    • His level 3 Hyper combo has him transform into his mutated state, taking this trope Up to Eleven.
    • Some of the fighters seem to call him out on this, especially on his face.

Hulk (when tagging in Nemesis): Ugly Face!
X-23: I was gonna carve up your face, but it looks like someone beat me to it.
Hsien-Ko: Whoa... Man, your face is scary!
Rocket Raccoon (winquote vs. Nemesis): Man, you ugly.

Phoenix Wright

I want the truth, and nothing but the truth!
Voiced by: Sam Riegel (English), Kosuke Toriumi (Japanese)

Home Series: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright is a defense attorney who specializes in criminal law at the Wright & Co. Law Offices. Although he has encountered several extremely difficult and mysterious cases, he has overcome overwhelming odds and turned the cases around for every one of his clients.

Nick's fighting style mirrors his home game: in Investigation Mode you gather "good" evidence while throwing away "bad" evidence, and in Trial Mode (aka Courtroom Mode) you throw documents and each "good" evidence turns into a decent projectile. If you have three pieces of good evidence and connect with an "Objection!", Nick enters "Turnabout Mode" where his moves are powered up and he can use his Level 3 Hyper Combo, accusing his opponent of being the real culprit.

  • Adaptational Badass: A given, considering he never physically fought in his home series, and yet is a playable character in a fighting game. He is canonically considered hardier than most average men, however; he's smashed down two iron doors through sheer determination, fallen off a bridge into a rapid river and gotten off with nary but a cold, and, to top it all off, once was hit head-on with a car, sending him flying through the air into a lamppost with enough force to bend it, and walked off with just a sprained ankle.
  • Alertness Blink
  • Amoral Attorney: Played with. Phoenix seems recognize that some of the villains are indeed criminals, though he apparently offers to defend them on a couple occasions. Even in his ending, he goes as far as defending Galactus. Everyone is entitled to a proper defense, sure, but still...

Magneto: You offer to "defend" me? Most offensive, human...

  • Anime Hair
  • Ascended Extra: He made a cameo in She-Hulk's ending in the original Marvel vs. Capcom 3 before joining the roster in Ultimate.
  • Assist Character: Maya Fey, available as a Level 1 Hyper and during Investigate mode. Missile appears in grabs and one of his assists, and The Judge appears as a Level 1 Hyper, available only during Trial Mode and Turnabout Mode.
  • Awesomeness Is Volatile: His Level 3 Hyper Combo ends with an explosion behind whoever is hit by it.
  • Badass Normal: Even more so than some of the others. Phoenix is basically just a very determined lawyer.

Tron: You don't have any mecha, and you don't know how to fight. What are you even doing here?
She-Hulk: If you argue the way you fight, it's a wonder you ever win a case.

  • Badass Pacifist: Phoenix fights without fighting. For example, his standing light attack has him showing the opponent some documents, while his crouching light attack has Nick looking for clues on the floor.

(One of his winquotes) I'm not really into this fighting stuff unless it's in a courtroom. ...Oh, and with words!

  • Blue with Shock: Phoenix if he misuses evidence. He can also put his opponent in a similarly stunned state.
  • Confetti Drop: Courtesy of Maya, in his win animation.
  • Courtroom Antics/Courtroom Drama: The gist of both the theme of his fighting style, as well as his Level 3 Hyper Combo.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl/Genki Girl: Maya. She runs onto the screen, trips, and knocks Phoenix's opponent off his feet in one of his specials, flails her arms in a tantrum at them for Phoenix's level 1 hyper, and bounces around Phoenix in complete admiration when he wins.
  • Deflector Shields: Maya can project these.
  • Determinator: Coming in as the last character, this shows in one of his quotes.

"Phoenix Wright: I won't give up now!

  • Difficult but Awesome: Essentially, he's normally weak and has relatively low mobility. However, that said, when he's put in his Super Mode, he becomes one of the best characters in the game, much like the other Phoenix.
  • Drop the Gavel: Courtesy of the Judge himself.
  • Easter Egg: Wright's normal attack still works like a basic normal attack; however, if you don't move (nor attack) right after your attacks, Wright will continue the attack animation, showing different things like presenting paper, freaking out, or cleaning his snot.
  • Evil Lawyer Joke: The target of a few.

Ghost Rider: Do you have any idea how many lawyers are in hell?
Magneto: I sacrifice for mutantkind. Lawyers only sacrifice their dignity.
Phoenix: We're both called Phoenix, but I'm a destroyer of worlds and you're a lawyer. I wonder which one of us is more hated.

  • Precious Puppies: Get'em, Missile!
  • Fighting Clown: His fighting style describes him as a bumbling fool, playing keep-away with his attacks, and generally being as much of a Fish Out of Water in this game as everyone expects a Muggle lawyer to be among superheroes and gods.
    • One particular example: In one of his hypers (Based off of a nightmare he had in the second game), the Judge appears behind him while bellowing "OBJECTION OVERRULED!!", smashing both his opponent and Phoenix Wright himself with his gavel. Both Phoenix and his opponent will be knocked down, but he won't take any damage.
  • Finger-Poke of Doom: Available in Turnabout mode.
  • Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: He utilizes this many times, ranging from his official art, his general taunt, and even one of his attacks!
  • Hand Behind Head: His win pose.
  • Heal Thyself: One of the things Mr. Wright can pick up with his evidence hunting special is a piece of meat which heals him instantly, helpfully not taking up an evidence slot.
  • Hong Kong Dub: Intentionally invoked to mirror his home series, where lip-sync is completely off with the scrolling text.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: While some of Phoenix's projectiles and other attacks require him to pick up evidence off the ground first, he seems to have an endless supply of paper sheets to throw out of nowhere at his opponents.
  • Improvised Weapon: Various evidence he can pick up and throw, such as a flower vase, a cell phone, watch, plunger, a Servbot doll, bonsai, etc.
    • More pronounced at "Trial Mode", where each piece of "useful" evidence can throw projectiles. Flower vase is an arc; knife is a 3-directional projectile; cellphone is a time-delayed projectile; pictures is a 3-hit beam; envelope is a bomb; watch is a big projectile.
  • Knife Nut: One of the pieces of evidence Phoenix can pick up is a knife, though he uses it to throw projectiles instead of stabbing the opponent with it.
  • Large Ham: The Judge.

Order in the court! OBJECTION OVERRULED!

  • Last-Name Basis: Everybody in the game (except Akuma, Nemesis, Amaterasu, Firebrand, and Hulk) refers to him as "Mr. Wright", mainly out of necessity due to the other Phoenix (Jean Grey).
    • Full-Name Basis: Some of the characters address Phoenix by his full name instead.
  • Made of Iron: Phoenix Wright is known for surviving what would normally be lethal due to his extreme luck, in and outside of court.

(One of his winquotes) All this flying around and getting slammed into the ground... I'm lucky I'm so well-prepared for such abuse!

  • Magikarp Power: Phoenix starts in Investigation mode, which has a limited special move set, two of which take a while to recover (Maya can't be summoned if she is still on-screen already) but if he manages to play keep-away long enough to collect the right evidence, he can enter Courtroom Mode and get a variety of special projectile attacks. From which he can move to...
    • Super Mode: His Turnabout Mode, where he gets a golden glow, a Theme Music Power-Up, his level 3 Hyper and a finger pointing attack that covers the whole screen, as well as powered-up specials.
  • Muggle: Fighting skills-wise, pretty much the only character here that's even more of a regular human than Haggar or even Frank West.
  • Name's the Same: As Jean Grey/Phoenix. The lampshades fly thick and fast.

Hulk: Puny man not Phoenix! Phoenix a bird lady. Hulk confused.
Phoenix (victory pose): Only one Phoenix was meant to prevail today.
Phoenix (victory screen): We're both called Phoenix, but I'm a destroyer of worlds and you're a lawyer. I wonder which one of us is more hated.

    • Also, there's already a Maya[1] in the game.
  • Noodle Incident: We don't know what all the characters are guilty of, but Phoenix can convict all of them. Even the good guys.
  • Paper Master: Some of his attacks involve paper, whether he holds or throws them.
  • The Pollyanna

As my mentor told me once, a lawyer is someone who keeps on smiling, no matter how bad it gets.

Nick: Ms. Walters, your witness!
She-Hulk: Soon the defense will rest... her fist upon your face.

    • Winquotes:

Nick: It takes more than brute strength to make your case in court!
She-Hulk: How's that for a little courtroom drama?

  • Rule of Three: Three pieces of evidence at a time. Three stances and if an opponent is hit by the Objection! or Hold It! moves three times they become dizzy. Rule of Three used three times. Wow.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man/Badass in a Nice Suit: While the rest of the cast prefers to wear their spandex super-suits, Powered Armor, or combat gear, Phoenix Wright comes to the fight dressed for court.
    • He trades in the suit for his younger self's college outfit from the third game's first case consisting of pink sweater with the letter P/the name "Ryu" on it and scarf for his DLC costume.
  • Sneeze of Doom: His launcher attack, as well as his j.S. His sneeze is so powerful that it lifts him off the ground... and his opponent he bumps into.
  • Stance System: He can switch between three, Investigation (where he searches for evidence), Trial (possibly a zoning style), and Turnabout (super mode, and he can only do his Level 3 in this mode).
  • Talking the Monster to Death: His Level 3 Hyper Combo.

The one who actually committed the crime... is you! No alibi, no justice, no dream, no hope! It's time to pay for your crimes... TAKE THAT!

    • He has a special attack called "Pressing the Witness" where he walks toward his opponent, while mentally (and possibly physically) pressuring them with banters.[2]
  • Theme Music Power-Up: "Pursuit ~ Cornered" starts playing after he gathers enough evidence and lands a successful "Objection!" Start running.
    • Background Music Override: While in Turnabout mode, "Pursuit ~ Cornered" will continue playing until either the mode ends, or Wright is knocked out.[4]
  • Villainous Breakdown: Anyone on the receiving end of his Level 3 Special.
  • Weapons Grade Vocabulary: Phoenix Wright is able to physically knock down universe-shattering entities using cross-examination.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: He seems to think he's in one of his Ace Attorney games instead of a Fighting Game. He must wonder why the defendant keeps shooting fireballs at him.

Strider Hiryu

All are equal in the face of Death.
Voiced by: T.J. Storm (English), Yuji Ueda (Japanese)

Home Series: Strider

He is a member of the Striders, a secret organization specializing in kidnapping, assassination, demolition, etc., that has worked behind the scenes throughout history. Having obtained Special A-Class status at a young age, he is the organization's best assassin.

Hiryu's style has not changed much since his last outing. He is a speed-oriented, balanced fighter who specializes in mixing his opponent up and gaining meter to use his Ouroboros, which allows him to pelt the enemy with fireballs as he attacks.

There's no escape. LEGION!
Time to end this. RAGNAROK! It's over.
Formation. OUROBOROS!

... Don't worry. I'll punish the Guilty.

Wolverine: Ya put up a good fight, bub. If the Hand had some ninjas like you, I might be in some trouble.


No one will stand in my way.
Voiced by: Daniel Southworth (English), Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese)

Home Series: Devil May Cry

Son of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda, and Dante's twin brother. Vergil blames himself for not having been able to protect his mother at a young age, and believes that power is everything. Unlike Dante, he has embraced his demonic heritage, and is willing to do whatever it takes to gain absolute power.

Gameplay-wise, Vergil can be best described as "Dante + Wesker". He combines long reach sword attacks with fast combos, potent teleport mixup, and moves that, in terms of utility, are excellent. To compensate, his health is slightly below average.

Thor (intro quote): I sympathize with Dante. I, too, know what it's like to have a wicked brother.

Guns are so... distasteful. A crude instrument for an unrefined weakling.

Sorry I was late for the party.

Now... I'm motivated!

Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness.

  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner/Prepare to Die: Like in his own games, he has many variations of this ("Resigned to your fate, I see.").
    • During his Level 3, he does this while sheathing Yamato as Sword Storm collapses upon the enemy.

Rest in peace...

(after an assist) How boring...

Ghost Rider: Best control your demonic half, boy. Or I'll do it for you.

Might... controls... everything.

(winquote vs Ghost Rider) The Flames of Revenge? Couldn't even melt a marshmallow.

Marvel characters

Doctor Strange

One does not require the Eye of Agamotto to see this outcome.
Voiced by: Rick Pasqualone

Once an ordinary surgeon, Dr. Stephen Strange studied under the Ancient One of Tibet and became the Earth's greatest sorcerer and hero. Having gained superior insight and knowledge through his studies, as well as obtaining valuable knowledge and consultation from other heroes, Strange acts as a consultant for all things related to the paranormal.

Strange is a master of filling the screen with projectiles, limiting the opponent's mobility with all manner of traps. He is also good up-close, having a normal move that instantly stuns the opponent and makes them crumple to the floor. His defense is weak, however.

I've battled Mephisto and Nightmare. You don't even rate.

  • Chivalrous Pervert: Despite being the Sorcerer Supreme, he is still a male in the end. This is what his intro says to most of the female cast:

I'm starting an all-female Defenders. What do you say?

(One of his winquotes) Over already? Why, it was hardly worth leaving my Sanctum Sanctorum for this.
(One of his winquotes) By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth! What a poor showing on your part.
(One of his winquotes) Perhaps I accidentally transported myself to an alternate reality where nobody but me can fight.
(One of his winquotes) The world must never know the full mystic power of Doctor Strange.
(win vs. Dormammu) Considering how many times I've defeated you, the name DREADFUL Dormammu would be more apropos.

(to Morrigan): You remind me of someone... Morgan Le Fay? Is it possible?

Ghost Rider

The day of judgement is upon you, scum.
Voiced by: Richard Grieco

Bonded to the demon Zarathos through Mephisto's manipulations, motorbike stuntman Johnny Blaze acquired the power to become the Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance, who can project and control Hellfire. He manipulates mystical chains that can transform into other weapons.

Ghost Rider can use his chains to attack his opponents from roughly the distance of the entire screen. He is a defensive tank who, despite his great range, is absolutely horrendous when it comes to up-close-and-personal situations.


(winquote vs. Trish): Your bike could use a nice dose of Hellfire, Trish...

Curse it all!

    • Averted if defeated with a light attack.

Mephisto... be damned.

You are guilty!

  • Large Ham: He's bonded with the friggin' Spirit of Vengeance; it kinda comes with the territory.
  • Mighty Glacier: Not unlike Dormammu, he's a ranged variation on this. Ghost Rider moves very slowly and many of his attacks aren't exactly fast, but his attacks do very high damage. Some of his moves, such as the Penance Stare (which is the fastest Level 3 Hyper Combo in the game) are very fast however.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy

(intro vs. Morrigan) Your wiles won't work on me, succubus.

(vs. Doctor Strange) You seek to challenge my hell-spawned power... but instead, you will only find death!
(vs. Vergil) Long have you played with fire, boy... but now, you're playing with hellfire!
(vs. Trish) I eat demons like Mundus for breakfast.

(vs. Dante) Fighting demons won't prepare you for what you face now.

(vs. Thor) Forget Ragnarok, I'M your destruction.

(vs. any villain) There is but one fate for the guilty.
(vs. Doctor Strange) Too often do you invoke demons in your spells, mage. It stops NOW.
(vs. Wesker) Hell is calling, Albert.
(vs. Amaterasu) The sun doesn't rise in Hell, goddess.

(intro vs Dormammu) One of our flames will be extinguished this day. Won't be mine.

(One of his winquotes) You cannot destroy one already beyond death.
(One of his winquotes) You will have more than just bruises once you recover. My hellfire burned your very soul.
(One of his winquotes) I am fury itself. Now, taste the fires of Hell.

I'll be back.

Hell is exactly where your mother belongs. You'll follow her there soon enough.

  • You Will Not Evade Me: One of his specials involves him pulling the opponent onto the ground in front of him.


Trained to be a master archer by a traveling circus at an early age, Clint Barton joined the Avengers in order to protect the world from evil. While a bit overconfident and rash to act, on the battlefield he is often the catalyst that raises everyone's spirits.

His quote above holds water, as Hawkeye can effectively work on any team in the game. He is a good all-around character who is easy to use, but due to his simplicity one must have an excellent grasp of fundamentals, similarly to Ryu.

(One of his winquotes) Guns are for wussies.


(To female opponents) "Sorry, I'm married. Can't blame you for wanting me, though."

(One of his winquotes) Not too bad for a guy who got himself killed more than a few times, ya know?
(to Zero in his intro) An angry space midget with a sword? Yeah, I've been at this too long.
(to Zero in his victory pose) Less than Zero. Ha! See what I did there?
(to She-Hulk in his victory pose) Guess your cousin is the one with the brains in your family.

(One of his winquotes) Now that was a performance worthy of my circus days. Think I'll take a bow now...

Iron Fist

Fair warning: I'm registered as a lethal weapon.
Voiced by: Loren Lester

Having studied martial arts in the mystic city of K'un L'un for 10 years, Daniel Rand was their strongest student. Defeating the dragon known as Shou-Lao the Undying, he gained the title of Iron Fist. He is good friends with fellow martial artist hero Luke Cage.

He uses a very up-close fighting style involving intricate combinations with Rekka movements,[6] involving a number of moves which only work in sequence. While powerful, Iron Fist needs to rely on assists a lot in order to actually reach his goal. His mobility is poor, however.

(to Vergil) A dragon will always beat a demon-spawn, boy.

I've forgotten more about fighting than you will ever know.


Haggar (in his victory screen against Iron Fist): How I love fighting a luchadore! You all have such a flair for theatrics in the ring!

(One of his winquotes) I may have an Iron Fist, but I'd rather not have to use it, if possible.

(vs. Arthur) My dragon fists will shred that armor off painfully.

(One of his winquotes) There have actually been sixty six Iron Fists, though right now I'm guessing you think one is enough.
(One of his winquotes) I'm now going to use my power to create a mind meld. Because, really, I have to know... Did you really think you could beat me?
(One of his winquotes) They sometimes call me the Living Weapon, though I don't think I need to explain to you why right now.

Iron Fist: (winquote vs Ryu) You are a worthy opponent, Ryu. In fact, in time you might even be a worthy successor of the Iron Fist. But not today.
Ryu: (winquote vs Iron Fist) It was my pleasure to meet a warrior who fights with honor. I hope that our paths will cross again.

    • Below trope aside he gains respect for Chun-Li as well. Fittingly in his ending he forms a new Heroes for Hire with them and others.
  • X Called. They Want Their Y Back.:

(to Chun-Li): Daughters of the Dragon called. They want their everything back.


I'm the only guardian the galaxy needs.
Voiced by: Troy Baker

Chosen by the dying alien Rhomann Dey to receive his Nova Corps powers, Richard Rider began his new life as a super hero. His battles take him all throughout the universe, fighting evil wherever he is needed. In addition to superhuman strength and durability, he can fly through space at supersonic speeds. He can also absorb and reflect energy attacks.

Nova is a basic character who is akin to a fusion of Magneto and Hulk. He has excellent speed and power, even coming with a flight mode, but average health.

That was for Nova Corps!

I'm the only guardian the galaxy needs.


Iron Man (victory screen): In Spanish, your name means "it doesn't go". You're aptly named, amigo.

(vs. Strider Hiryu) Cute little ninja tricks versus Nova Corps? Come on now.

Rocket Raccoon

My version of a coonskin cap is basically me chewing on your skull.
Voiced by: Greg Ellis

Rocket Raccoon is a raccoon from the planet Halfworld that has received several enhancements, upping his intelligence and battle awareness. He used to protect the colony as a ranger before getting involved in Phalanx invasion of the Kree Empire. He later became part of the 616 version of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He possesses the same heightened senses and speed as a raccoon on our world, but can also handle various weapons freely and possesses high intelligence that helps on the battlefield.

Because of his small size, he is quick and can avoid many attacks while utilizing a variety of traps to punish and confuse the opponent. Rocket Raccoon's health and defenses, however, are quite poor.

That's for letting them mess up Raccoon City, ya wanker!

    • He also calls out Wesker for the events of the first Resident Evil game:

So what's this I hear about a place called "Raccoon City"?

    • Against Deadpool

And that's for saying you just saw my mother at the Bronx Zoo.

  • Animal Superhero
  • Badass Adorable: He's a cute little raccoon. A raccoon that is a master of numerous weapons, a brilliant tactician, and an expert engineer. He's also one of the VERY few beings in the Marvel universe to single-handedly defeat Thanos.
    • Badass Normal: Physically, he's just a normal raccoon. Mentally, that's another story.
  • Badass Boast

The Guardians of the Galaxy are nothing without me.
The raccoon's the king of the beasts. Screw the lion.



Let's see how cute I am after I strangle you with your own intestines.

(to Deadpool): So... what did you mean when you said I was a rejected prop from the Bambi set? What the hell's a Bambi?

  • Jet Pack: He has a small one on the soles of his rocket skates, but he's still required to twirl his tail like a helicopter to maintain lift.
  • Knife Nut
  • The Napoleon: Is smaller than Arthur, enabling him to avoid many attacks. He's also not somebody you want to piss off, especially when this is his default mood.
  • Only Sane Man: The only one out of the fighters who actually commented how wacky the whole series is.

(Intro vs. Shuma Gorath) Space Raccoon vs Demon Squid, yeah, this isn't weird or anything.

This weighs more than ME!

(Winquote against Ammy) So... you doing anything after this, cutie? Rowwwr!


(One of his winquotes) You didn't need a raccoon's eyesight to see how that fight was turning out.
(vs. Nathan Spencer) "Military tactical genius meets military screw up. You do the math."

(intro against Chris) You've fought zombies, mutants, tyrants... But nothing's prepared you for -- a RACCOON.

(One of his winquotes) I may come from Halfworld, but you're the one who didn't stand half a chance of winning this thing.
(One of his winquotes) Used to have a starship called the Rack 'n' Ruin, and I sure 'racked and ruined' the hell outta you!

  • Your Mom: Apparently, Deadpool told Rocket that his mother was on display at the Bronx zoo.
  1. Crimson Viper
  2. The move itself seemed decent as it starts and/or continues combo strings with negligible recovery after the move, but the animation is so long and only hyper-cancellable, expect punishment if you whiffed.
  3. The move is also available as an assist and it gets powered up in Turnabout Mode, originally being fully invincible to anything as well as causing a Wall Bounce on hit. A later patch coinciding with the release of Heroes and Heralds recently removed the invincibility on the assist version, however.
  4. Normally, the background theme will change once a character is knocked out, save for when the theme matches the character coming in.
  5. Although, in the main continuity, not anymore.
  6. chaining one special to another, creating a variable combo
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