< Guilty Gear

Guilty Gear/Characters

The various characters of Guilty Gear will be listed here.

Other characters can be found in these sheets:

The Captain Ersatz, Expy, "No Celebrities Were Harmed", Mythology Gags, Continuity Nods and Shout-Out references go here.

Before starting, these are the tropes which apply to almost everyone

  • Author Appeal: Daisuke Ishiwatari loves belts, although not to the ridiculious extremes like Nomura. The only ones to not have them in some way are Anji, Baiken, and Justice.
  • Bounty Hunter: Everyone except Dizzy and Testament in Guilty Gear X.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Everybody except Dizzy calls their attacks.
  • Catch Phrase: Lots of 'em.
  • Impossibly Cool Clothes
  • Improbable Weapon User: As a rule of thumb, everybody has some interesting and distinctly unique weapon. The series has seen people use dull sword-clubs, pool cues, an anchor, a yo-yo and a teddy bear, etc, etc.
  • Musical Theme Naming: With the exception of Baiken, all the characters and some of their attacks are named after rock artists and their music. Read them here.
  • Random Power Ranking: The PWAB's risk ratings. These rankings are more of assessment of possible threat to PWAB than the character's actual fighting power, though said fighting ability is factored into their assessments.
  • Rummage Sale Reject: The PWAB's risk ratings. These rankings are more of assessment of possible threat to PWAB than the character's actual fighting power, though said fighting ability is factored into their assessments.
  • Too Many Belts: The number of belts in Sol's outfit alone can outnumber the belts in the whole cast of BlazBlue.
  • Vague Age: Except for Dizzy,[1] Kliff,[2] Sol[3] and Erica,[4] we're left to guess the ages of the cast.

Sol Badguy/Order-Sol

Voiced by: Daisuke Ishiwatari (Battle Voice), Hikaru Hanada (Drama CD and XX Story Voice), Joji Nakata (Overture and Accent Core Plus Story Voice)/Troy Baker

The main character of the series. A lone bounty hunter who hunts down the Gears. He was formerly a member of the Sacred Knights of the Holy Order, of which his rival Ky Kiske was a part of,[5] but he grew dissatisfied and left the organization, taking the Fireseal sword with him.

He enters the first Sacred Knights tournament held by Testament, who was attempting to revive the Commander Gear Justice to destroy the world. Testament succeeds by taking his own life, but in the end, Sol kills Justice and swears revenge against a person known only as "That Man", the creator of the Gears, and in the process reveals that he is, in fact, the prototype Gear, as well as one of the three original creators of the Gears in the first place. After that, he gets a lead on a new bounty for a recently discovered Commander Gear Dizzy. He fights her and defeats her, but spares her life.

Later, he notices that I-No is causing some trouble amongst the other characters and searches for her, hoping she will lead him to That Man. After a brief fight, That Man appears and punishes I-No for disobeying him. Sol, in a rage, attacks That Man, but he easily counters Sol and escapes. And then, he continues chasing down I-No, only to end up caught in a trap set by her which whisks them both back to the year 2172 wherein Sol is forced to fight his past self due to I-no's meddling.

Five years later, he's still a wanderer, but is now traveling with a young man named Sin, who is actually Ky's son born from a woman known only as The Maiden of the Grove (who has been confirmed to be Dizzy).

  • Abusive Parents: If he's really Dizzy's father. Downplayed a bit as he isn't actually abusive, just incredibly aloof.
  • Anti-Hero: Type III.
  • The Atoner: For creating the Gears in the first place.
  • Author Avatar: Daisuke Ishiwatari voices him in-game, and he created the game in the first place (he has even referred to Sol as being his "alter ego")! Even the BlazBlue voice actors have taken to jokingly using Sol's name as an honorific ("Ishiwatari-badguy") for their music director.
  • Awesome McCoolname: You'd need to be pretty Badass to go around calling yourself "Sol Badguy".
  • Babysitter From Hell: The reason for Sin's low intellect is Sol's upbringing. Sin likes Sol better than his real father though.
    • Note that Sin has a chain around his neck, and Sol drags him along in his bounty hunter trips with lots of dangers. Sin likes it though.
  • Badass:
    • Badass Arm-Fold: His pose before fighting certain opponents like Dizzy, I-No, Justice and Slayer.
    • Badass Abnormal: Sol's Dragon Install ability makes him this. It's powerful even by Gear standards.
    • Badass Army: Has a robotic one.
    • Badass Back: A common pose of his.
    • Badass Baritone: After Joji "George" Nakata took over voicing him from Ishiwatari from Accent Core onward.
    • Badass Long Hair: His ponytail is so manly that it's fireproof.
    • Badass Grandpa: If the speculation regarding Dizzy's parentage is true, then he has a grandson in Sin, making him technically this trope.
    • Battle Couple: With Justice, who was formerly Aria. Though it's quite obvious that they had already severed ties as Sol attempted to kill her more than once, before finally killing her in the first game.
    • One-Man Army: In the Drama CDs, he charges alone into a horde of Gears too rescue Ky. He was too late... but nevertheless he arrived there in one piece.
  • Because Destiny Says So: Subverted because it's determined by That Man.
  • Berserk Button: That Man.
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Brilliant but Lazy: Nearly every bio says he hates hard work.
  • Byronic Hero
  • Calling Your Attacks: A feint version, when he cries GUN!, but doesn't fire anything. He even goes as far as to shout "Tricked you!".
  • Catch Phrase: Absent in Accent Core.


"Shut the hell up... I don't give two shits about your stupid theories. Doesn't matter if it's the present or the past... I'm me."

  • Ship Tease: The official artwork showed him with Ky in... interesting positions, pretty much escalating the whole Sol/Ky pairing.
  • Super Prototype Gear: He became the very first prototype of the Gear project, and is more deadly than pretty much all the mass produced Gears out there. In fact, he's the one who killed quite a lot of them.
  • Sword Plant: His trademark victory pose (where he just tosses it down onto the ground), as well as how he starts up his Instant Kill in Xrd.
  • That Man Is Dead: He despises being called by his real name Frederick.
  • This Is a Drill: One of his servants in Overture. It helps that it's called The Drill.
  • Title Drop: His ending in the first Guilty Gear.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To That Man.
  • Use Your Head: His throw. He grabs his opponent by the throat, taunts them, then headbutts them, sending them flying.
  • Was Once a Man: He was once a Magitek scientist helping to invent the Gears, until he became one.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Not only does Sol suffer from this, it's a song from his favorite band.
  • BFS: His weapon. And it's made of a concrete slab.
  • Custom Uniform: Order-Sol seems to have replaced the standard white Holy Knight undershirt with tight, black sleeves.
  • SNK Boss and Bonus Boss

Ky Kiske

Sol's Rival. A goody-two-shoes former Holy Knight who is now a high ranking officer of the International Police Force. Ky is a firm believer in God and justice at all times. This was bad early in the story since his scale of morality consisted exclusively of black and white without shades of grey. Fortunately, by the end of XX, he dropped this naive view. His weapon is the Fuuraiken, which allows him to manipulate electricity. Throughout the series, he is on orders from the IPF to investigate the Gear phenomena that are occurring around the world. In XX, he finds out about the Post-War Administration Bureau and decides to investigate into their agenda. He discovers that they are creating robot impersonators of himself and have a dastardly agenda regarding the Gears, especially Dizzy.

In Overture, he is the king of a country called Illyria (although it is hinted that he was appointed so that he would be easier to manipulate). He is unofficially married to a woman known only as "The Maiden of the Grove", who was recently confirmed to be Dizzy in the 10th Memorial Book, and is the father of Sin, with whom he has a shaky relationship.

  • Always Save the Girl: In Overture, even if the universe is at stake, he won't let his love die.
  • Badass:
  • Berserk Button: To a certain extent, he pulls off the Reasonable Authority Figure thing in the later parts of the series... just don't EVER bring up Fireseal.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Between Missions 15 and 16 of Overture, Ky shows up with the army he almost singlehandedly beat down (see the page) to bail out Sol's party. The latter is openly thankful, albeit in his own special way.
  • Bishonen: Even more so in Xrd.
  • Blue Eyes: The Blue-Green variety.
  • The Cape (trope)
  • Character Development: From an arrogant Knight Templar to a deconstructed Lawful Good character, and his rivalry with Sol gets better at each installment until they are virtually friends in Overture.
  • Chaste Hero: Played straight in the earlier games and subverted in Overture.
  • Child Prodigy: He wasn't just a Child Soldier, he was a very good one. How good? After Sol first saw him fight as a ruthless, emotionless, brutally efficient engin of slaughter in the crusade then was later later challenged to a duel by him, Sol was scared absolutely shitless thinking he had been found out as a gear and that Ky was there to kill him.
    • Combat Pragmatist: Tying into this via After Story A, it's revealed that Ky unlike Sol, actually learned how to utilize various battle strategies that don't normally involve fair tactics (while Sol most likely just busted his way through everything with his powers). He first demonstrated he could strike at Sol's throat unnoticed; then comes his berserk button getting triggered to the point where he stabs his sword into Sol's foot, uses his lightning to dismantle his weapon, smashes his weapon's pommel into his face until it breaks and he grabs the remaining pieces to toss it into his face before winding up his weapon for a massive lightning strike.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: It's much worse in the drama CDs and produced a tragic result, (his death) when mixed with too much chivalry.
  • Church Militant: A definite good-guy example. You might even say he kicks ass for the Lord.
  • Concepts Are Cheap: Subverted trope. Ky actually took the original Big Bad's words to heart, and much of his character arc surrounds his attempts to find some form of "true" justice, rather than the self-serving concept he originally espoused, and he attempts to acknowledge gray areas.
  • Costume Porn: King Ky Kiske: the nightmare of fan-artists and cosplayers.
  • Creepy Cool Crosses: Seems kinda strange that God-boy would instant-kill people with a freaking electric cross in the first game (his old Guilty Gear 1 instant kill Zwei Voltage). To be sure, it looked WAY cooler than Rising Force, but still...
  • Determinator: Almost to the point of madness: Ky repeatedly challenges Sol despite never winning in canon (and he most likely never will). And if he does win, his winquotes suggest Sol is holding back.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Despite Ky's status as the commander of the Holy Knights and his great contribution in ending a hundred-year war that ravaged humanity, the characters don't seem to know about it and give him the respect he deserves. Instead, he either gets treated like he's a corrupt cop or a Lawful Stupid. Many characters hate him.
  • Fingerless Gloves
  • Fire-Forged Friends: With Sol. Just listen to them quarrel in the Drama CDs and the games, then see them trusting each other afterwards.
  • For Want of a Nail: His death or survival at the Battle of Rome decides the future according to the Drama CDs.
  • Hero Antagonist: To Sol. Also, to the other characters as well, being a police officer. Eventually, it was changed in Overture.
  • Hot Dad: In Overture. So, so much.
  • Improbable Age: He led the Holy Knights when he was just 16 years old, though we still don't know how much power he actually held. Pretty much in the series it's implied that politicians use his charisma to gain support from the public.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Played straight in a good sense if you exclude his love affair. In the series, Ky is the only character who never or will probably never intentionally commit something evil or abandon his ideals.
    • Including the affair, however, deconstructs this quite brutally.
  • Interspecies Romance: Ky and his wife Dizzy, a sinful mix of May–December Romance and Mayfly-December Romance.
  • In the Name of the Moon:

"I am Illyria's king, Ky Kiske! Get ready!"

  • Irony:
    • Ky lost his family and his supposedly worry-free teenage years because of the brutal war with the Gears, yet his greatest friend/rival is one.
    • He also fell in love with a Gear and had a child with her.
    • He was the leader of the Holy Knights, yet his son is named Sin.
  • Jack of All Stats: Ky is arguably the most balanced character, the reason why he's recommended to beginners and why many players find him boring to use.
  • Justice Will Prevail: Ironically subverted by his ending in the first Guilty Gear. After defeating her, Ky almost literally says the trope to Commander Gear Justice (it's really her name), but is silenced afterwards when she justifies her actions that the knight claims to be evil.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: Deconstructed. It may be true that Ky is saving a lot of lives and protecting the innocent, but his devotion to the public also makes him vulnerable to manipulation. The corrupt government is using his charisma to hide the fact that they're doing dirty work in secret. Ky never hesitates to investigate his superiors, but when he did, he's been forcefully made into a Puppet King. What's worse is that only very few of the characters acknowledge his efforts, and Ky is more of a nuisance to them, than an actual helping hand. His chivalrous and authoritative qualities are mocked by the cast. In the end, he has resolved to bring justice to the innocent, but as he experiences different things, he begins to question the idea of "justice" he believed all his life.
  • Knight Templar: Borderline example early on.
  • Law of Conservation of Detail: Ky seems to be the entire international police force, doesn't he?
  • Light Is Good: He's wearing white and blue and uses lightning, and his personality is probably exactly what you expect.
  • Limited Wardrobe: He always wear his Holy Knight uniform... despite the war ending 5 years ago.
  • Love Is a Weakness: Ky's involvement with the Maiden of the Grove a.k.a. Dizzy, who was Valentine's main target in her Gear sublimation. His kingdom suffered a lot of casualties because of this.
  • Magic Knight: He is both proficient in sword fighting and lightning magic in a genius level.
  • Martial Pacifist
  • Odd Friendship: He has plenty of fugitives on speed dial; one would expect Johnny (pirate), Sol (deserter), Dizzy (wanted person), Potemkin (opposing nation) and Dr. Paradigm (Gear leader) to be his targets rather than his strongest allies.
  • Officer and a Gentleman: Ky is very courteous to his opponents, especially if they're women.

(To Jam:) Please don't kick so high... I can see- Ouch!


Voiced by: Satomi Koorogi

The Token Mini-Moe of the series. May is a member of the Jellyfish Pirates, a band of modern-day Robin Hood-types who use the sky as their domain. She enters the first tournament to get funds to bail Johnny out of prison. She loses, but manages to bail him out anyway. Afterward, she and the rest of the crew are introduced to Dizzy by Johnny, and the two become fast friends. When I-no appears, however, and tosses Dizzy off the ship, she goes out to search for her, and through a chance encounter with Anji, learns that she is Japanese. Now, in Guilty Gear, the majority of the Japanese people were wiped out by Justice, so the remaining population are held in safety camps which they are not allowed to leave under penalty of arrest or even death. Being an orphan, May was somehow smuggled out of one of the camps and ended up in Johnny's care.

  • Anchors Away: A four foot something young girl who uses a several hundred pound weight as a weapon.
    • BFA: Her anchors are huge.
  • Badass:
  • Berserk Button:
    • Implied to be anyone who tries to claim Johnny.
    • Bald people. Just being around Faust in Guilty Gear XX gives her the creeps and eventually she incites a fight with him.
  • Bokukko
  • Cute Bruiser: Her shoes even make cute squeaky sounds wherever she walks.
  • Cutting the Knot: Her philosophy, as shown by the Guilty Gear XX drama CD.
  • Dojikko: Her entrance when a fight starts isn't exactly graceful, landing clumsily and flailing her arms for a second or two to keep from falling. But she straightens up quickly.
  • Fingerless Gloves
  • Friendship Moment: May always denies that Johnny is her Parental Substitute and insists that he's her Love Interest. But it's sure that both of them can settle with being pals, especially that May will eventually grow up.
  • Genki Girl
  • Human Cannonball: Her Instant Kill move in Guilty Gear X-Sign is basically this. She grabs her opponent, stuffs him/her inside the Mayship's actual cannon and, with the help of her best friend April, she shoots him/her off from there. It's both awesome and hilarious.
  • Improbable Weapon User: An Anchor bigger than her.
  • Lolicon: Inverted, May prefers to crush on older men. She tells Ky Kiske, who's at least 21 years old, that he's too young and needs to age 5–10 years more.
  • Megaton Punch: Her Forward+ Punch move. It sends the opponent to the other side of the screen and if done round about 2 or 3 times, it dizzies them. It also looks really cute.
  • Open Secret: Her identity: She's one of the last-surviving Japanese.
  • Parental Abandonment
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She's stands about 4-foot-six, but uses her ship's anchor (which is as big as she is) as a weapon. Her pet dolphin may qualify too, as he's about the size of a surfboard and used by May as such, meaning it has to carry May and the anchor.
  • Pirate Girl
  • Ship Tease: Most notably she's after Johnny, and is shown hugging him in her Path 3 Story Mode ending for XX, but her Path 2 Story Mode ending from the same game shows her holding hands with Bridget and looking embarrassed.
  • Skewed Priorities: She and her fellow pirates don't take the idea of a brutal battle to the death as seriously as they should; one version of her intro has April call down from their airship to remind her not to forget the groceries, while another has April call down to ask her to pick up onions on the way back.
  • Spice Up the Subtitles: Accent Core Plus translates "Johnny, you idiot!" as "Johnny, you asshole!" Now, she is a pirate, but...
  • Super Strength
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Her inexplicable fear of bald men. This fear/hate is so powerful that she doesn't even need to actually SEE the baldness. Her meeting Faust ("Dr. Baldhead") results in an instant fight because of this.

Millia Rage

Voiced by: Yuko Sumitomo

Millia is a former member of the Assassins' Guild. She has a special forbidden beast that exists within her hair, allowing her to control it at will, much like Zato who gained the ability to control darkness. She left the Guild after, in her desire to break with the group, she betrayed Zato to the authorities. Naturally, she is marked for death by the Guild for high treason. Venom especially hates her because of this, and the fact that Millia had feelings for Zato. She finally ends Zato's suffering in X by killing him, but in XX, she finds out that his parasite Eddie has taken over his dead body. Wanting to put an end to the creature defiling Zato's corpse, she once again sets out to kill Eddie, and encounters Slayer, who sympathizes with her situation. By Accent Core Plus , she's finally started to mellow out and become less vindictive, simply wanting to go on living for as long as possible for the sakes of those she's killed. This means ending the guild and Eddie just so they'll stop hunting her and be out of her hair at last. Unfortunately, it is also revealed that her parasite is starting to become active and sentient, having been fed by all her fighting and bloodshed, and she starts to Freak-Out, thinking that she will end up just like Zato if she doesn't kill Eddie soon. [6]

  • Action Girl: A former assassin who uses her Prehensile Hair as a weapon in combat.
  • Badass:
  • Blue Eyes: Fits the No. 2 meaning.
  • Broken Bird: Millia is an orphan and was coerced by her father figure/ex-boyfriend to assassinate people. After leaving the organization, she finds it hard to form any relationships.
  • Does Not Like Men: Not because she hates them per se though.
  • Expressive Hair: Millia's hair takes this to an extreme, as it's a living bioweapon.
  • Fingerless Gloves: Part of her outfit before Xrd.
  • Fragile Speedster
  • Hair of Gold: Could have fitted this trope too well if she wasn't trained to kill people and if her hair wasn't taking over her body.
  • Hair Wings: Her hair takes the form of angel wings, during one of her EX drives, where she lifts vertically off the ground and dives at the opponent.
  • Heroic Neutral
  • Humans Are Flawed: Was an assassin.
  • If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him: What she fears of herself if she doesn't kill Eddie soon.
  • I Lost Some Hair: What she hates.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Her hair, powered by the forbidden beast.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Her hobby is playing with cats.
  • Lady of War: Arguably, Millia is the most beautiful among the female characters. Slayer, Testament and Axl complimented her beauty.
  • Magic Hair: And it's alive.
  • Panty Shot: Oh my. Enjoy making her jump.
  • Prehensile Hair: She has this due to infusing her hair with the Sixth Hi-Deigokutsuipou, allowing her to change its shape and size. Its her weapon in combat, and able to turn into a sword, flowers and even a unicorn. Her hair can even allow her to fly by turning into wings.
  • Rapunzel Hair: When her hair is let down or when she launches an attack.
  • The Rival: Zato-ONE, and later Eddie. Subverted with Venom, who she sees as more of a jealous little boy than an actual threat.
  • Ship Tease: All the subtext about her and Zato is quite rife within their stories. It's rumored that she may have lost her virginity to him.
  • Spam Attack: Lust Shaker.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: Despite being raised as assassins, she and Venom both developed strong feelings towards Zato.
  • Straw Feminist: Subverted. Millia does not intentionally insult people, it's just that she has a lot of issues regarding men overall due to her past. She warms up to her Fan Boy in one ending.
  • Sugar and Ice Personality: Type 1. Despite being cold and distant, she does occasionally show there's a nice person underneath it all.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: She's blonde though.
  • Tyke Bomb: Reconstructed. Since childhood, she was trained as an assassin, but her love for children and her determination to find a new life drove her to go against the organization. The information she gave to the police force against the Assassins' Guild proves to be useful.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Subverted. Even if she has all the qualities of a graceful woman, she distances herself from people, and her quotes show that she Does Not Like Men. However, some endings hint that she may actually have a secret longing for affection.

Zato-1 / Eddie

Voiced by: Kaneto Shiozawa (Guilty Gear 1-X), Takehito Koyasu (XX onward)

Zato-1 was a bottom-feeder in the Assassins' Guild. To fulfill his ambitions, he made a contract with a forbidden beast at the cost of his eyesight. With his new powers of shadow manipulation, he quickly rose in the ranks and became the Guild's leader, taking Millia and Venom under his wing. When Millia left him, he sent out assassins to bring her back, but she betrayed him further by turning him in to the authorities.

Unfortunately for him, the forbidden beasts were called forbidden for a good reason. The beast that Zato had, now calling itself Eddie, slowly began to consume his mind, body and soul. The beasts are actually parasites that require a body to live. Zato was eventually driven mad by Eddie, and in X, attacks Millia one final time, but is killed by her.

With Zato now dead, Eddie is now able to fully control his new body, but because Zato is dead, it means that the body will soon rot and decay. Eddie spends XX and Accent Core desperately trying to find a new host body, all the while pondering the meaning of his existence.

Tropes Associated with Zato-1

Tropes Associated with Eddie


Voiced by: Hideyuki Anbe (Guilty Gear 1), Takashi Kondo (X onward)

Potemkin was once a slave of Zepp, a floating totalitarian country. He enters the first Sacred Knight Tournament by the orders of his superior Gabriel. When he returned from the tournament, he joined Gabriel and La Résistance in overthrowing the corrupt political regime and ended the slavery of their fellow countrymen. He is now working as a special agent for Gabriel, who became President.

  • Badass:
  • Blank White Eyes
  • Fingerless Gloves: His gauntlets up until Xrd.
  • Genius Bruiser
  • Gentle Giant
  • Hidden Depths: He likes to paint, but he needs the extra-durable painting tools so that he can paint without crushing them.
  • Husky Russkie: Zepp has many parallels with Ruritania.
  • Mighty Glacier: He cannot dash, even in the air. However, he doesn't need to. The man can punch you from across the screen!
  • One-Man Army: With the collar on, the big guy can take on battalions of enemy soldiers alone. In the one instance he removes the collar in the original Guilty Gear, he can kill battalions of Large-class Gears just by shockwaves he makes by punching the ground.
  • Power Limiter: The slave collar around his neck. It had a bomb inside of it which was later taken out after his freedom, but he still chooses to wear it as both a keepsake and the trope.
    • There's also the weights on his hands. His Instant Kill involves him removing them and delivering a single punch.
  • Scary Black Man: Looks the part—in fact, his appearance is practically the Platonic Ideal of the Scary Black Man. His personality, on the other hand, is mentioned above.
  • Stout Strength

Chipp Zanuff

Voiced by: Takuya Morito (Guilty Gear 1), Gaku Miura (X onward, credited in X and XX as Takeshi Miura)

A former Mafia drug-dealer turned Japanese-Wannabe ninja. He was taken in and then trained under a man named Tsuyoshi, who was killed by a member of the Assassins' Guild named Volf. Chipp eventually found this out, and began tracking the Assassins. In X, he meets Venom, and accosts him for the murdering of his master, but fails to defeat him. In XX, he is brainwashed by Robo-Ky and eventually freed. Afterwards, he meets Slayer, who reveals that he was the original founder of the Guild. Chipp demands to know why he would allow the existence of a group of murderers. Slayer knows the answer, but fights Chipp instead and loses on purpose, telling him that vengeance begets nothing but more vengeance. Slayer then vanishes, telling Chipp that if he's still feeling bitter about it, to come back and try to fight him in another 100 years.

In Accent Core Plus, he decides to run for President to atone for his past sins, apparently taking what Slayer had previously said to heart. He spends the storyline telling people to vote for him, which leads to one of 2 endings.

In one of the supplemental materials (novel The Butterfly and her Gale), he is enlisted as a bodyguard for Erica Bartholomew, the teenage president of "A Country" (formerly the United States of America), and foils the assassination attempt on her by none other than Volf, indirectly avenging his master, since Volf is killed by Venom for failing.

[After fighting Jam] You thought temptation would work on a ninja? You're an eyesore, go away!

Faust/Dr. Baldhead

Voiced by: Kaneto Shiozawa (Dr. Baldhead, Guilty Gear 1), Takashi Kondo (Faust, X onward)

Dr. Baldhead was a very famous life-saver, until one day, he failed an operation that cost a young girl her life. He went insane and began murdering people using the very techniques he had once used to save them. After the first game, he sees a vision of the girl who he failed to cure. She reveals that Baldhead did not kill her, but someone else targeted her for an assassination. Baldhead has a Freak-Out, and disappears from existence.

Some time afterward, a strange man with a bag over his head makes his claim to fame as a healer. This strange doctor, known as Faust, is said to have powerful occult magic. In reality, he is a reformed Dr. Baldhead, hiding his identity because of his already 0% Approval Rating. He atones for the murders he committed by returning to his occupation as a healer.

In XX, he encounters a man named Zappa who claims that he has strange blackouts that leave him with various injuries, believing that Faust may know the cause of his ailment. In truth, Zappa is possessed by various spirits, but Faust does not come to this conclusion until Accent Core Plus. He also encounters Venom in XX, who knows much about Dr. Baldhead Faust. Faust has resented his previous identity and wishes to uphold his credibility. Faust defeats Venom, who reveals that the Assassins' Guild was indeed behind the girl's death, but before he can answer who did it, both are surrounded by Robo-Ky units. Venom agrees to tell Faust more about that fateful day if they escape their pursuers.

Tropes Associated with Dr. Baldhead

  • Ass Kicks You: His throw involves latching onto the opponent, licking their face, then turning around and knocking them over with his butt. Yes, it's as disturbing as it sounds.
  • Ass Shove: One of his super moves involve impaling through the rear end, with colors distorted.
  • Ax Crazy: Embodied.
  • Badass:
  • Bald of Evil
  • Batter Up: His Dust attack has him utilizing a baseball bat to knock the enemy into the air.
  • Cartoon Bomb: Can turn his head into this and throw it at you.
  • Confusion Fu: While nowhere near the level of his Faust persona, Baldhead can still use his scalpel as a stilt, impale opponents from near full-screen distance and spin around like a top.
  • The Faceless: His real face is never seen, and always obscured with his bag, or framed in shadow during certain moves......
  • Improbable Weapon User: Has an overlarge scalpel.
  • Lean and Mean: Baldhead is 282 cm, or 9'3", but fights in an awkward crouching position which actually makes him more difficult to hit than the average character.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast
  • Parasol Parachute: Except sometimes he goes upwards like Mary Poppins.
  • Teleport Spam: Many of his special moves are this.

Tropes Associated with Faust

Many of the tropes applied to Baldhead apply here as well.

Axl Low

Voiced by: Keiichi Nanba

An involuntary British time-traveler from the 20th century. Has a connection with Sol from his time-slips (subverted in his intro with Order-Sol in Accent Core). He searches for some way to get himself back home, where his girlfriend Megumi is waiting. In XX, it is revealed that he is a parallel existence of Raven, one of That Man's servants. Because each one cancels the other out, there needs to be a balance to the equation, so Axl slips through time, while Raven slips through dimensions (of his own accord, not random). In Accent Core Plus, his time slips start getting continuously worse and so he seeks out That Man once again.


Voiced by: Satomi Koorogi (Guilty Gear 1), Sudo Miho (X-XX), Chizu Yonemoto (Accent Core)

A young Japanese woman with a traumatic past who wants revenge against That Man. During the Crusades, her entire village was razed to the ground by Gears, and she lost one of her arms and eyes. She did witness the presence of That Man though, and swore to kill him one day. She is a childhood friend of Anji Mito, who she views as getting in the way of her revenge since he also wants to meet That Man out of curiosity. She is one of the relentless pursuers of I-No in XX, who would lead her to That Man. In Accent Core Plus, she starts getting an addiction to killing things, and Anji becomes worried that her newfound passion will consume her.


Voiced by: Takami Akkun (Guilty Gear 1), Katsuragi Kobayashi (X onward, credited as Akira Kobayashi in X and XX)

The series' traditional mid-boss. Once a normal human (Kliff's adopted son), he was turned into a Gear by the PWAB. In the first game, he organizes the first Sacred Knights tournament to lure worthy sacrifices for Justice's revival, but ended up becoming one himself. In X, he is revived due to Dizzy's influence as a commander Gear, and becomes her guardian until Johnny takes her in. After that, he's pretty much Walking the Earth pondering if Humans Are Bastards or not, a part of himself that didn't fade after Justice's death.

  • The Atoner: He does this by protecting Dizzy and the forest they lived in, calling it a "sanctuary" in the Guilty Gear X' anime trailer.
  • Badass:
  • Bare Your Midriff: A rare male example.
  • Bishonen
  • Bloody Murder: He took a blood pact, possibly through a bloody ritual, his scythe's blade is made of blood, he turns into blood, his overdrive is a giant blood skull, sucks the opponent's blood during his grab move, and he traps you in a sticky blood web.
  • Character Development: Turned from Psycho Goth into atoner after meeting Dizzy.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Post Missing Link, he attacks with a scythe made of blood, has a Succubus that helps him, uses demonic seals... to protect Dizzy from hunters.
  • Death Seeker: Averted. Despite the guilt of killing a lot of people during the Crusades because of Justice's control, and he being the indirect cause of his own father's death, Testament does not wish to die but to find atonement and redemption for what he had done by living.
  • The Dragon: To Justice. Later, a nicer one to Dizzy.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: It didn't help that in the first game, he had a female voice actor. Afterwards, he is voiced by a man.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: In the first game, but he's now considered as a rare male Raven Hair, Ivory Skin.
  • Extreme Doormat: The way he fights is awesome, but canonically, after X, he does very little but sit in the Devil's Grove thinking about Dizzy and whether Humans Are Bastards or not.
  • Fingerless Gloves
  • Friendship Moment: With Dizzy counts as well if we discount their physical age. Testament, during the war, wandered as a Gear for at least 40 years and learned to hate humanity. Dizzy has a three year existence and was born after the war and has lived most of her life secluded in a forest.
  • Friend to All Children: Though he hates the human race, human children seem to be exempt from this view, as evidenced by his dialogues with Josephine in the drama CDs.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Subverted: it's his similarity to Dizzy; however, unlike her, he has some violent measures to protect his forest.
  • Goth: The Lone Psycho Type in The Missing Link, Gloomy Type afterwards.
  • The Grim Reaper: Not exactly, but he looks like one.
  • Horny Devils: The Succubus familiar.
  • I Will Protect Her: His oath to Dizzy, has gone to extreme lengths.
  • Kill All Humans: In different degrees throughout the story. Played straight when he was being bent to Justice's will, averted post The Missing Link after meeting Dizzy, but became his mantra when she got killed in one ending of Guilty Gear XX.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: It was stated that Testament was once a kind, young knight. But after being converted into a Gear against his will, he begin to see the flaws of humans and hated them.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Morality Pet/Morality Chain: Dizzy. In one ending of Guilty Gear XX, Dizzy is slain, so he gives up on the human race and begins a genocidal rampage against them.
  • Sinister Scythe: His weapon of choice.
  • Trap Master: ...Possibly in more ways than one.
  • The Trickster: Prevalent in several of his special moves, such as conjuring bloody spider webs and summoning trees from the ground should the opponent step where he set the trap.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He doesn't exactly think that Gears are gods per se, he just thinks that humanity is the root of all evil.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Towards his adoptive father Kliff.
  • Xanatos Gambit: His plan to free Justice using the first tournament, which included a contingency plan for his own defeat.

Kliff Undersn

Voiced by: Hatsuaki Tatami (Guilty Gear 1), Shigeru Sakano (XX-current)

The former leader of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. When he was 7 years old, the Crusades were already in full swing, and he would've been just another unfortunate victim of the Gear attacks... if he wasn't saved by a mysterious man named Frederick. Some time later, he joined the Sacred Order, eventually becoming it's leader. More than half a century later, he invites Sol Badguy to join the Order, and encounters Ky Kiske who wanted to join the Order. Kliff refuses him, telling him to train and meet him in five years. Five years later, he met Ky again, now a powerful warrior and genius tactician, and recruits him without regrets.

During the First Holy War, he encounters Justice, who defeats him in their 17th duel. Ky attempts to attack Justice upon seeing his master injured, but fails. Kliff bore witness to Sol's failure to fully defeat Justice, which fueled his dissension from the Order. Knowing that Sol is destined for something greater than where he is now, he assists Sol in taking the Fuuenken with him, which Ky finds out about and which sparks his hatred for Sol.

Eventually, he retires and passes the leadership of the Order to Ky. He entered the First Sacred Knights Tournament in order to stop the revival of Justice, but is shocked that his adopted son Testament, now a Gear, is behind the curtains. He is killed by a resurrected Justice in their final, 18th duel. After his death, the Sacred Knights of the Holy Order are disbanded. He was notable for ability to use Ki, something that was considered exclusive to Asians.


Voiced by: Takuya Morito (Guilty Gear 1), Yumiko Ozawa (XX, Accent Core Plus Battle Voice), Wakana Sakuraba (Accent Core Plus Story Voice)

The first fully complete Gear ever created. Justice was a Commander Gear, able to bend the will of all other Gears created after herself to her own will. Justice realized that she was created as a mere tool for the world to use and later dispose of. Needless to say, she was PISSED. She decided to revolt against humanity and instigated the first Holy War. She then fought Sol Badguy, and discovered that he bore the mark of a Gear, but when she tried to control him, it failed. Shocked by this, she was stunned long enough to be sealed away into a dimensional prison by Ky and the other Holy Knights. It seemed as though the war was over.

...But it wasn't.

Five years later, her faithful servant Testament held a fake tournament to lure sacrifices to revive Justice. Sol entered and defeated Testament, who then sacrificed himself to release Justice from her prison. She resumed the battle she started with the world, and instigated the Second Holy War. She killed the former head of the Holy Knights, Kliff Undersn, and defeated Ky Kiske in battle. Sol appeared before her once again, and she flew into a complete rage. It seemed as though victory was certain for her, but in the end, Sol dealt her one final blow, and she fell. Justice, realizing that death was certain for her, asked why Sol didn't obey her mind control. Sol reveals that he was the prototype Gear, meaning Justice was actually the 2nd Gear ever made. She wishes that "the 3 of them could have chatted one last time", and dies from her wounds.

  1. 3.
  2. 87 at his death.
  3. 170+.
  4. 17.
  5. As of Slash, this version of Sol, called Order-Sol, is a playable character and boss.
  6. This attitude features most prominently in her bad ending.
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