< Guilty Gear

Guilty Gear/Fridge

Fridge Logic

  • How the hell can I-No remove her top in her winpose? You can see her pulling her choker and then everything, including her sleeves get removed in one pull.
  • May summons dolphins and whales, though the Jellyfish pirates actually travel on air.
    • Again on May, her IK has everyone of her female friends joining her including Dizzy. Setting a mirror match aside, Dizzy can be seen flying along with the crew even if she's you're opponent.
  • Story modes in general. The first stage you're in China, then to London, then to Hell, then to Paris...
  • Sol's bad endingAccent Core. In both endings, he is transported back in time by I-No where he fought his younger self, Ordel Sol. After the fight, I-No kills his younger self. Actually, it makes you wonder in the first place why Sol just fought a lookalike without thinking. In the bad ending, where Sol dies, why would you die if your younger self dies? Then who fought your younger self? Why did you exist in the first place?

Order Sol: I'll crush you!

  • Same people existing at the same time, and fighting each other, in Sol and Axl's story modes. Then your current self magically poofed away from existence because you traveled to the past? What if a future Sol travels back? And faraway future Sol travels back... and Sol from every year travels back to the same time, same place...
  • In Overture, Ky's servants dropped from the sky.

Fridge Brilliance

  • Sol's good in Accent Core where where Sol lives and beats the shit out of I-No. If your younger self dies, then how would you exist in the first place?
    • Because of Rubber Band History where multiple timelines can possibly exist like one big happy family. If I-No changes the past, she doesn't necessarily erase the former timeline, just like what happened in the Drama CD.
  • How do the Mayship stops if May has the anchor?
    • Because the Mayship is an airship, it doesn't need an anchor.
  • After Sol steals the Fireseal, he doesn't even show even a hint of guilt or even an attempt to explain to Ky that he needs it to kill Justice. This is because Sol actually spent decades creating it along with all the Outrage pieces like Ky's Furaiken. Or in simpler terms: he owns them.
  • Gears and their stuff
    • How come Gears are created to grow fast that they become Jail Bait at 3 years old?
      • Well... Gears are treated as objects, specifically, weapons. If they need whole 18 years to mature then it wouldn't be practical to create them at the first place.
    • Command type Gears being female, passing their powers to their daughters and being the mothers of HalfHumanHybrids. In real science, mothers pass mitochondrial DNA to their daughters only. This could explain the reason why Sin is more like his father than his mother. And Gear mothers are more suitable than human mothers in cross-breeding, since human mothers cannot sustain abnormal fetuses that can probably summon a magical fireball inside the placenta.
  • Ky and Dizzy's relationship. Though some thought of this as a Romantic Plot Tumor or an example of Ships That Pass in the Night it seems that it isn't the case.
    • Ky loves smiles faces, as stated by his profile. Dizzy has a beautiful smile that Potemkin describes as something you cannot capture in a painting. Awwww...
    • Ky's favorite word is "hope." That Man calls Dizzy the "hope of the world beyond my expectations."
    • Ky is Kliff's successor. Dizzy is Justice's backup/daughter. Kliff and Justice were rivals.
    • Ky is the favorite uke among yaoi doujinshis, while Dizzy is the favorite in Hentai.
  • Faust randomly appears in different places like when he heals Josephine in the Grove, and he heals Marina in the novel. Just play him and find out. He swims on concrete, travels by a flying umbrella and most importantly, he teleports through a door that opens in midair.
  • Bridget getting recruited by Jam as her waitress/waiter. Jam had always wanted to recruit a blond, beautiful, blue and white clothed boy to serve her, and she has consistently failed to force Ky. Now gets a boy that fits her criteria, who attracts even the male customers.
  • In the Guilty Gear X anime trailer, the captions ask "why do you fight?" Before Sol, the word "Justice" appears and before Dizzy, "Sin" appears. Coincidence or intentional?

Fridge Horror

  • Assassin's Guild recruitment: they take in orphans... from the Holy War.
  • Acquiring the Forbidden Beast. It's stated that it requires you to sacrifice what you treasure most. Zato lost his eyesight and it is unknown what Millia lost. Then what if you love your Biggus Dickus? Then it will probably be cut off.
  • I-No's time trolling. She can go back to the past as many times as she want and change ANYTHING. She practically controlled reality and make things better, making all the characters look like UngratefulBastards whenever they fight her.
    • However, if it weren't for Ky attempting to save I-No while she idly watched him with amusement, he wouldn't have died, and the original timeline wouldn't have fallen into disarray. That arguably makes things more frightening.
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