< Guilty Gear

Guilty Gear/Tear Jerker

  • The Drama CD that shows how Dizzy and Testament met is full of heartwarming moments. But more importantly, we see how Dizzy suffered prior to GGX. One example of a Tear Jerker moment is when Dizzy meets a blind girl named Josephine who was lost in the forest (probably abandoned by her parents since nobody's looking for her.) When Dizzy comforts the girl, her wings are touched accidentally. After being called an angel, Dizzy sobs as she knows that she seen as demon by others and apologized to Josephine as she couldn't help her get her sight back.

Josephine: You must be an angel! After all you helped me! I go to church every day and pray... pray that I'll meet an angel, that one day I'll see again! Finally... God finally answered my prayers!
Dizzy: I'm sorry... I... I can't do anything for your eyes...!

    • Later when Jose's life was endangered Dizzy used her power to save her. Jose, having her sight restored was shocked to see Dizzy's real appearance and yelled at her, "Demon! Go back to the forest!" Later however, Jose felt guilty and wanted to apologize.
  • Testament's profile is enough to help you shed a tear. It is stated that prior to his Gear conversion, he was actually a kind, charitable man who loves children and has taken in several orphans in the past. His hatred of violence even borders on phobia and he believes that people should not be punished, but rather, be reformed. Then you suddenly remember the part where he was converted into a Gear unwillingly and was forced to kill humans as his conscious mind tried to resist.
    • This even becomes more sad when you read the line that says he "is tortured the depth of his sins" in the past but found a new reason to live when he meets Dizzy. Yet eventually, the two separated their ways.
  • Side Red has a very, very tragic end where a very young Ky dies horribly after fighting a horde of Gears alone to save a woman named I-No. Sol similarly hacks his way through but arrives too late. Ky struggles to breathe and talk and begged Sol to take his place as the next leader of the Holy Knights while Sol is beginning to cry. Ky drops dead and we hear Sol screaming his name. Later on, we see Sol honoring Ky's wishes when acts as the order's leader for the following years. *Sniff*
    • This is even sadder when you consider that Sol and Ky outwardly dislike each other and cannot get along. But this is maybe because Ky who's around 13-14 is seen as naive by a lazy, but more experienced Sol.
    • Other fans see this scene as Narm because's of Sol's cry and the choice of BGM. While fangirls, as we expect,sees this differently.
  • As expected of Drama CD's which are considerably darker than the main games' storyline, we have another sad moment with Millia in the Night of Knives where she breaks down crying after learning that Zato agreed to assassinate a 2-year old king to save her life. She is horrified to realize how much she misjudged Zato's true character.

Millia: Are you insane!? This is child abuse, no, INFANTICIDE! This isn't an assassination! This is infamy!

    • That's just the tip of the dysfunctional ice-burg, too. Zato, who obviously does love and care about Millia (albeit in an obsessive, creepy way), already sacrificed too many of the Guild's rules to get her back safely and therefore he won't take back the new mission in fear it'll make things even worse, even if it strains their relationship. Venom had already been told in so many words that Zato wouldn't have bothered saving anyone that wasn't Millia, making the fact that she started turning her back on Zato because of his plans to rescue her (something he never would have done for Venom) and wasn't thankful in the slightest infuriating and completely unreasonable. All three of them have legitimate reasons to be upset, and knowing this is essentially what puts the nail in the coffin of the trio's relationships to one another makes it even more depressing to sit and listen to.
  • The scene where Sol is inside Valentine's fortress. Imagine killing the remnants of your dead girlfriend all the while hearing her voice around you- angry, happy, crying or saying I love you. Once Sol defeats her, they call each other by their real names.

Valentine: Frederick... It's okay... (Valentine fades away)
Sol: Aria...? (Left alone in the dimension)

  • At the end of Xrd, after Sol manages to snap the activated Elphelt out of her programming, but she begins to get whisked away back to the backyard by "Mother" whilst covered in a nigh-impregnable shield. In an attempt to prove how meaningful her time with the group was and as her last act of free will, Elphelt prepares to self-destruct, lamenting the fact she was given emotions just to be ripped away from those she'd grow to care about, as everyone is helpless to stop her, Sol fruitlessly pounding at the shield. Sure, she ultimately is stopped from going through with it, but the sheer anguish in her voice is palpable in that moment. Watch the scene here, with usual warning for spoilers.

Elphelt: If this was how it was going to end...I wish I'd never been given emotions. If this is all they lead to...Why did I have to have feelings anyway?!

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