
In the Hindu History of Mahabharata, Yudhishthira (Sanskrit: युधिष्ठिर, IAST: Yudhiṣṭhira) is the eldest son of King Pandu and Queen Kunti and the king of Indraprastha and later of Hastinapura (Kuru). He was the leader of the successful Pandava side in the Kurukshetra War. At the end of the epic, he was the only one among his brothers to ascend to heaven with his mortal body. Later, he had to experience a hell for his half-lie spoken during the 15th day of the war. He was also blessed with the spiritual vision of second sight by a celestial Rishi as a boon.

Mahabharata character
Emperor Yudhishthira and Empress Draupadi seated on the throne surrounded by other Pandavas
In-universe information
FamilyPandu (father)
Dharmaraj (spiritual father)
Kunti (mother)
Bhima, Arjuna (brothers)
Karna, Nakula, Sahadeva (half -brother)
Devika [1]
ChildrenPrativindhya, Suthanu (from Draupadi)
Yaudheya (son from Devika)
RelativesKauravas (paternal cousins);
Balarama; (maternal cousins)


Statue of Yudhishthira

The word Yudhishthira means "the one who is steady in the war", from the words, yuddha (युद्ध) meaning 'war', and sthira (स्थिर) meaning 'steady'. His other names are-

  • Bharata Vanshi (भारत वंशी) – descendant of Bharata[2]
  • Ajatashatru (अजातशत्रु) – one who is born without enemies[3]
  • Dharmanandana (धर्म नंदन) or Dharmaputra - The son of Dharma (Righteousness) or Yamraj
  • Dharmaraja or Dharmaraya or Dharmaja (धर्मराज) - Lord of Dharma.
  • Panduputra (पांडुपुत्र) - Son of Pandu.
  • Pandavagrajah - Eldest of Pandavas.
  • Jyesthakaunteya - Eldest son of Kunti.
  • Sarvabhouma/Samrat Chakravarthi - Emperor of the complete planet Earth.

Birth and Upbringing

Pandu Shoots the Ascetic Kindama

Once a Brahmin rishi, Kindama and his wife were enjoying nature in the forest when Yudhishthira's father Pandu accidentally shot at them, mistaking them for deer. Before dying, Kindama cursed the king to die when he engages in intercourse with any woman. Due to this curse, Pandu was unable to become father. As an additional penance for the murder, Pandu abdicated the throne of Hastinapura, and his blind brother Dhritarashtra took over the reins of the kingdom.[4]

After knowing the curse of Pandu, Kunti told him that he could be the father of the child and told her boon of sage Durvasa. Then Pandu requested Kunti to apply her boon and suggested to call Dharma to get a truthful, knowledgeable and justice knowing son who can rule Hastinapur. On the full moon of May (Sanskrit: Jyeshth mah) first and eldest Pandavas Yudhishthira born.

Yudhishthira's four younger brothers were Bhima, (born by invoking Vayu); Arjuna, (born by invoking Indra); and the twins Nakula and Sahadeva (born by invoking Aśvins). If Karna, the son of Kunti born before her marriage by invoking Surya is counted, Yudhishthira would be the second-eldest of Kunti's children.

Yudhishthira was trained in religion, science, administration and military arts by the Kuru preceptors, Kripa and Drona. Specifically, he became a master in using the spear and war chariot. It is said that his spear was so strong that it could penetrate a stone wall as though it were a piece of paper. His chariot always flew at a 4 finger distance above the ground due to his piety.[5]

Marriage and children

Yudhishthira had two wives, Draupadi and Devika.[6] Draupadi was the common wife of all the Pandavas, and she bore children for each of the 5. Draupadi bore Yudhishthira a son, Prativindhya and a daughter, Suthanu.[7] Yudhishthira married Devika in a self-choice marriage ceremony, arranged by her father Govasena, who was the king of Sivi Kingdom. They had a son, Yaudheya. Yaudheya was also the name of the son of Prativindhya.[8] Suthanu was married to the son of Lord Krishna and Satyabhama, Bhanu. The Bhagavata Purana, as well as Vishnu Purana, also mention Pauravi as one of the wives of Yudhishthira. A son named Devaka was born to this couple.[9]


King Yudhishthira Performs the Rajasuya Sacrifice

After the coronation at Indraprastha, Yudhishthira set out to perform the Rajasuya yagna.

Arjuna, Bhima, Nakula, and Sahadeva led armies across the four corners of the world to obtain tributes from all kingdoms for Yudhishthira's sacrifice. The non-compliant Magadha king, Jarasandha was defeated by Bhima and Krishna. At his sacrifice, Yudhishthira chose Krishna as his honoured guest.

Losing Kingdom and Exile

Yudhishthira succumbed to Shakuni's challenge in the Pachisi (game of dice). He lost his kingdom, his brothers and Draupadi. While playing for the second time, he lost all his kingdom in the game and was forced into exile for 13 years, which included one year in anonymity. Yudhishthira was challenged to play that game because his wife Draupadi insulted his cousin brothers the Kauravas, Shakuni used the dice made from the bones of his father, which always ensured that he got the number he wanted and Yudhisthira was allowed to bet whatever he had he was proud of and had right over. After losing his brothers and his empire he bet himself and also his wife which lead to the Vastrapaharan.

Yaksha Prashna

Yudhisthira answering the questions of Yaksha

During their exile, the 4 other Pandavas happened upon a lake, which was haunted by a Yaksha. The Yaksha challenged the brothers to answer his moral questions before drinking the water; the four Pandavas laughed and drank the water anyway. As a result, they choked on the water and died. Yudhishthira went in last, answered many questions put forth to him by the Yaksha and revived his brothers. He asked for any other wish as he was impressed and told him he could ask for wealth, strength, power, anything he wished. Yudhishthira said he already got the strength, wealth and power when all his four brothers were revived and said he could not ask for any other wish. Sahadeva said if you do not use this wish, we might be in trouble in the future. Arjuna knowing that his brother Sahadeva knows the future told Yudhishthira to ask another wish. Bhima and Nakula also knew that Sahadeva and Arjuna were very smart and told him to use his wish. Later Yama, his father told him to ask for a wish. Yudhishthira said, "Asking for 1 or 2 boons is not being greedy but asking for 3 or more boons is being greedy and it is one of the gravest sins. My brothers are insisting me to ask for a wish and the person who is ready to give me a boon, my father also wants me to ask for another boon. I do not ask for being the wealthiest man nor being the most powerful man. All I ask is that me, my brothers and Draupadi should not be recognized during the 13th year of exile."This story is often cited as an example of Yudhishthira's upright principles.[10] The Yaksha later identified himself as Yudhishthira's father, Dharma and pointed them to the kingdom of Matsya to spend their last year in exile anonymously.

Along with his brothers, Yudhishthira spent his last year of exile in the kingdom of Matsya. He disguised himself as a Brahmin named Kank (among themselves Pandavas called him Jaya) and taught the game of dice to the king.[11]

Kurukshetra War

When the period of exile was completed, Duryodhana refused to return Yudhishthira's kingdom. Yudhishthira made numerous diplomatic efforts to retrieve his kingdom peacefully but in vain. He was convinced by Krishna to wage war.

The flag of Yudhishthira's chariot bore the image of a golden Moon with planets around it. Two large and beautiful kettle-drums, called Nanda and Upananda, were tied to it.[12] Before the war started, Yudhisthira stepped down from his chariot to take blessings firm his grandsire Bhishma, teachers Drona and Kripa and uncle Shalya, who all were in his opposite side in the war showing his respect towards his elders. He also asked the willing Kauravas to join his side. On his request one of Dhritrasthara sons, Yuyutsu joined the war on the side of Pandavas.

Yudhishthira was described to be an excellent car-warrior and a master at spear-fighting. Yudhishthira defeated many warriors in the War, such as Srutayudha, Dronacharya, Duryodhana, and Karna. He killed Madra king Shalya and his brother on the 18th and final day on the War.

King of Hastinapur

Yudhisthira arrives in Hastinapur at the end of war

After getting victory in the war, Yudhisthira was crowned as the Emperor of Hastinapura for 36 years. He performed Ashwamedha on Krishna and Vyasa's insistence. In this sacrifice, a horse was released to wander for a year, and Yudhisthira's brother Arjuna led the Pandava army, following the horse. The kings of all the countries where the horse wandered were asked to submit to Yudhisthira's rule or face war. All paid tribute, once again establishing Yudhisthira as the undisputed Emperor of Bharat Varsh.[13]

Retirement and Ascent To Heaven

Yudhishthira and His Dog, Ascending

Upon the onset of the Kali-yuga and the departure of Krishna, Yudhishthira and his brothers retired, leaving the throne to their only descendant to survive the war of Kurukshetra, Arjuna's grandson, Parikshit. Giving up all their belongings and ties, the Pandavas, accompanied by a dog, made their final journey of pilgrimage to the Himalayas. Among the Pandavas and Draupadi, one-by-one died on the way to reach the top, starting from Draupadi. Finally, it was Yudhisthira who was able to reach the top, with the dog accompanying him.

Dog Test

On reaching the top, Indra asked him to abandon the dog before entering the Heaven. But Yudhishthira refused to do so, citing the dog's unflinching loyalty as a reason. Indra said he let his family die, but Yudhishthira said he could not prevent their deaths, but to abandon a poor creature was a great sin. It turned out that the dog was his god-father Dharma Deva in disguise.[14]

Yudhishthira's Curse

After he was made aware that Karna was his elder brother, Yudhishthira cursed all women with not being able to hide any secrets. Had Yudhishthira's mother Kunti not kept that fact a secret, the war might have been averted, with millions spared.[15]


He was master in spear-fighting and chariot racing. Yudhishthira was a polyglot, knowing unusual languages. He was known for his honesty, justice, sagacity, tolerance, good behavior and discernment.[16]

Dhritarashtra said to Sanjaya "The son of Kunti and Pandu, Yudhishthira, is virtuous and brave and eschews deeds that bring on shame. Endued with great energy, he hath been wronged by Duryodhana. If he were not high-minded, they would in wrath burn the Dhritarashtras. I do not so much dread Arjuna or Bhima or Krishna or the twin brothers as I dread the wrath of the king, O Suta, when his wrath is excited. His austerities are great; he is devoted to Brahmacharya practices. His heart's wishes will certainly be fulfilled. When I think of his wrath, O Sanjaya, and consider how just it is, I am filled with alarm."[17]

Yudhishthira acquired deep spiritual knowledge from Lord Shiva and many prominent sages including Vyasa, Parashurama, Bhrigu, Savarni Manu, Narada, Markandeya, Asita Devala and Dhaumya. (Mahabharata Sabha Parva Section 77).

In the media

Being an important person in epic Mahabharata, Yudhisthira's role has been enacted by various actors over the years.


  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20100116130453/http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01096.htm
  2. Ashram, Vidur Sewa (1979). Age of Bhārata War. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. p. 167.
  3. Godbole, Justin E. Abbott a. Pandit Narhar R. (1988). Stories of indian saints (4th ed.). Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. p. 402. ISBN 9788120804692.
  4. Lochtefeld, James G. (2002). The illustrated encyclopedia of Hinduism (1st. ed.). New York: Rosen. pp. 194–196. ISBN 9780823931798.
  5. Mittal, J.P. (2006). History of ancient India : a new version. New Delhi: Atlantic. p. 477. ISBN 9788126906161.
  6. "Pandava : Apart from Draupadi, Yudhishthira had one more wife Devika". newstrend.news. Retrieved 28 April 2020.
  7. https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/sutanu
  8. https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/yaudheya
  9. https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/devaka
  10. Sehgal, Sunil (1999). Encyclopaedia of Hinduism (1st ed.). New Delhi: Sarup & Sons. ISBN 9788176250641.
  11. Kishore, B. R. (2001). Hinduism. New Delhi: Diamond Publ. ISBN 9788171820733.
  12. Kapoor, Subodh, ed. (2002). The Indian encyclopaedia : biographical, historical, religious, administrative, ethnological, commercial and scientific (1st ed.). New Delhi: Cosmo Publications. p. 4462. ISBN 9788177552713.
  13. "The Mahabharata, Book 14: Aswamedha Parva Index". www.sacred-texts.com. Retrieved 9 June 2020.
  14. Agarwal, Satya P. (2002). Selections from the Mahabharata : re-affirming Gita's call for the god of all (1. Aufl. ed.). Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 9788120818743.
  15. transl. (2004). Buitenen, J.A.B. van (ed.). Book 11. The book of the women. Chicago [u.a.]: Univ. of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226252506.
  16. "Mahabharata Text".
  17. "Mahabharata Section XXII".
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