Public holidays in Indonesia

The following table indicates declared Indonesian government national holidays for the year 2018 only—cultural variants also provide opportunity for holidays tied to local events. Beside official holidays, there are the so-called "libur bersama" or "cuti bersama", or joint leave(s) declared nationwide by the government. In total there are 15 public holidays, and 5 "cuti bersama" or joint holidays.

List of public holidays

Date English name Local name Remarks
1 January New Year's Day Tahun Baru Masehi New Year of Gregorian calendar
January/February Chinese New Year Tahun Baru Imlek Public holiday since 2003.
March/April Day of Silence Hari Raya Nyepi Public holiday since 1983.
Tahun Baru Saka
March/April Good Friday Wafat Yesus Kristus the Friday before Easter Sunday (the first Sunday after the first Paschal Full Moon following the vernal equinox)
1 May Labour Day Hari Buruh Internasional Public Holiday between 1953 and 1968, reinforced since 2014.
May/June Ascension Day Kenaikan Yesus Kristus
May/June Buddha's Birthday Hari Raya Waisak Public holiday since 1983.
1 June Pancasila Day Hari Lahir Pancasila Public holiday since 2017,
marks the date of Sukarno's 1945 address on Pancasila upon the members of the Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence
17 August Independence Day Hari Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia Anniversary of the proclamation of independence read by Sukarno in 1945
25 December Christmas Day Hari Raya Natal
1st Muharram Islamic New Year Tahun Baru Islam 1440 Hijriah 1st day of the Muharram, the beginning of the New Islamic year
12th Rabi' al-awwal Birthday of the Prophet Maulid Nabi Muhammad Birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (Date varies according to the Islamic calendar)
27th Rajab Ascension of the Prophet Isra Mikraj Nabi Muhammad Date varies according to the Islamic calendar
1st and 2nd Shawwal Eid al-Fitr Hari Raya Idul Fitri Date varies according to the Islamic calendar
Lebaran Mudik
10th Dhu al-Hijjah Eid al-Adha Hari Raya Idul Adha Date varies according to the Islamic calendar
Lebaran Haji

2020 common leave

Common leave (Cuti bersama) is a collective leave day in Indonesia. It was introduced by the Indonesian government as a means of stimulating tourism within the country and increasing the efficiency of public servants. The holiday is counted in public servants' overall leave. Most private companies and businesses follow suit by adjusting employees' annual leave in line with government policy. During major religious holidays such as Eid-al-Fitr (Idul Fitri or Lebaran at the end of the Ramadan fasting month), the joint-holiday can span an entire working week.

(2020, Gregorian)
English name Local name Remarks
21 August Islamic New Year common leave Cuti bersama Tahun Baru Islam The date is movable according to the holiday.
28 and 30 October Eid al-Adha common leave Cuti bersama Idul Adha The date is movable according to the holiday.
28, 29, 30, and 31 December Eid al-Fitr common leave Cuti bersama Idul Fitri The date is movable according to the holiday. The actual dates were May 22, 26, 27, 28, and 29, but was changed due to the coronavirus pandemic
24 December Christmas common leave Cuti bersama Natal The date is movable according to the day of the week.

2019 Bali provincial holidays

(2019, Gregorian)

(Original observance)
English name Local name Remarks
4 January Balinese Pawukon Sukra Wage Kuningan Hari Raya Suci Penampahan Kuningan I
5 January Balinese Pawukon Saniscara Keliwon Kuningan Hari Raya Suci Kuningan I
56 January Balinese Saka Kapitu 14 Hari Raya Suci Siwa Ratri
6 March Balinese Saka Kesanga Tilem Hari Raya Suci Tawur Agung Kesanga Parts of Nyepi procession.
8 March Balinese Saka Kedasa 2 Hari Raya Suci Ngembak Geni Parts of Nyepi procession.
11 May Balinese Pawukon Saniscara Umanis Watugunung Saraswati Day Hari Raya Suci Saraswati I
15 May Balinese Pawukon Buda Keliwon Sinta Hari Raya Suci Pagerwesi I
23 July Balinese Pawukon Anggara Wage Dunggulan Hari Raya Suci Penampahan Galungan
24 July Balinese Pawukon Buda Keliwon Dunggulan Hari Raya Suci Galungan
25 July Balinese Pawukon Wrespati Umanis Dunggulan Hari Raya Suci Umanis Galungan
2 August Balinese Pawukon Sukra Wage Kuningan Hari Raya Suci Penampahan Kuningan II
3 August Balinese Pawukon Saniscara Keliwon Kuningan Hari Raya Suci Kuningan II
7 December Balinese Pawukon Saniscara Umanis Watugunung Saraswati Day Hari Raya Suci Saraswati II
11 December Balinese Pawukon Buda Keliwon Sinta Hari Raya Suci Pagerwesi II

Other observances

In addition to the official holidays, many religious, historical, and other traditional holidays populate the calendar, as well as observances proclaimed by officials and lighter celebrations. These are rarely observed by businesses as holidays.

Date (Gregorian calendar)English nameLocal nameYear establishedRemarks
Dates varyGalungan and KuninganGalungan dan Kuningan
Dates varyLantern FestivalCap Go MehEnding of 15th days celebration of Chinese New Year
3 JanuaryMinistry of Religious Affairs Day[1]Hari Kementerian Agama Republik IndonesiaThe founding of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs in 1946, during the First Sjahrir Cabinet
15 JanuaryOcean Duty Day / Day of the Sea and Ocean Event[1]Hari Dharma Samudera / Hari Peristiwa Laut dan SamuderaCommemorate the services and sacrifices of those who died in various battles at sea. The day is the date of the Battle of Arafura Sea in 1962.
25 JanuaryFood and Nutrition Day / National Nutrition Day[1]Hari Gizi dan Makanan / Hari Gizi NasionalThe day of the founding of dietetic school Sekolah Djuru Penerang Makanan on 25 January 1951 by Poorwo Soedarmo.[1]
6 AprilNational Fisherman Day[1]Hari Nelayan Nasional
9 AprilAir Force DayHari Jadi TNI Angkatan Udara1950Honors the active and reserve serving men and women and veterans of the Indonesian Air Force
21 AprilKartini DayHari Kartini"Women Emancipation Day". The birthday of Kartini, an Indonesian women's rights activist.
22 AprilEarth DayHari Bumi
2 MayNational Education DayHari Pendidikan Nasional1959Birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara, founder of Taman Siswa and first Minister of Education during the Presidential Cabinet
11 MayDay of the Military Police of the Indonesian National Armed ForcesHari POM TNI[1]
20 MayNational Awakening DayHari Kebangkitan Nasional1985In remembrance of the 1908 formation of the first nationalist group, Budi Utomo. Since 2008 it was observed by the Indonesian Doctors' Union as Indonesian Doctors' Service Day (Hari Bakti Dokter Indonesia) as Budi Utomo's founding members are STOVIA students
29 MayNational Elderly DayHari Lanjut Usia Nasional1996The date of the opening day of the first plenary meeting of the Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence (BPUPK) which was led by Rajiman Wediodiningrat who was 66 at the time of the event in 1945.[2]
29 JuneNational Family DayHari Keluarga Nasional (Harganas)2014[3][4]
22 JulyAttorney DayHari Kejaksaan / Hari Bhakti Adhyaksa1961The establishment of the Indonesian Attorney as a stand-alone institution in 1960, previously a non-departmental institutions under the Department of Justice.[5]
23 JulyNational Children DayHari Anak Nasional1984[6][1]
10 AugustNational Veterans DayHari Veteran Nasional2014[7]
National Technology Uprising Day Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional 1995 Commemorates the first flight of the IPTN N-250
14 August Indonesian Scout Movement Day Hari Pramuka Commemorates the public inauguration of the Indonesian Scout Movement on 14 August 1961, marked by the handover of the Indonesian scout standard by Presidential Decree. The movement has been established earlier on 20 May in the same year.
24 August Television Day/Anniversary of TVRI Hari Televisi/Hari Ulang Tahun Televisi Republik Indonesia The day of the opening ceremony of the 1962 Asian Games. The opening ceremony was the very first programme broadcast for the general public by TVRI (before, the Independence Day celebrations were also broadcast as a test-transmission), which was established as a Lighthouse Project for the Games. Also TVRI's anniversary.
11 September Radio Republik Indonesia Day Hari Radio Republik Indonesia Commemorates the takeover of Japanese-military operated radio stations by Indonesians
23 September / 21 August(?)National Maritime DayHari Maritim Nasional1964The proposal of 21 August as National Maritime Day (the day when the Indonesian independence fighter attacked the Japanese military storage in Pulau Nyamukan (Djamuan Riff), near Surabaya, on 21 August 1945) was disputed by the Association of Indonesian Marine Youth (APMI) because at that time the Indonesian Navy has not been formed. BKR Laut, the predecessor of the Indonesian Navy, was formed later on 10 September 1945. The 23 September date refers to the first (and last) Musyawarah Maritim in 1963, and actually has been established as National Maritime Day in 1964 during the tenure of Sukarno as the president of Indonesia but was overlooked by the recent government.[8][9]
24 September National Agrarian Day/National Peasants' Day Hari Agraria Nasional/Hari Tani Nasional 1960 Commemorates the promulgation of the Agrarian Basics Act of 1960 (Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria 1960, formal name: Act No. 5 of 1960 on Basic Law on Agrarian Affairs (Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-pokok Agraria))
27 September Post and Telecommunications' Service Day Hari Bakti Pos dan Telekomunikasi Commemorates the 1945 takeover of Japanese military-controlled post, telegraph and telephone systems of Java by the Indonesian revolutionary youth. However, Telkom Indonesia and Pos Indonesia do not commemorate this day anymore as their anniversaries; instead they observed their anniversaries at 6 July (to commemorate the separation of post and telecommunications public corporations in 1965) and 26 August (the opening of the first post office in Batavia by the then Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Gustaaf Willem van Imhoff, in 1746) respectively
28 September Railway Day/Anniversary of the Indonesian State Railway Company Hari Kereta Api/Hari Ulang Tahun Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Kereta Api Indonesia Commemorates the 1945 takeover of Japanese military-controlled railway systems of Java by the Indonesian Railway Youth (Angkatan Moeda Kereta Api (AMKA, literally "Railway Youth Forces"))
1 OctoberNational Day of Pancasila Sanctity and 30 September Movement Memorial DayHari Kesaktian Pancasila1967Mourning day for the events of 30 September Movement of 1965. The song Gugur Bunga is usually sung in this day
2 OctoberNational Batik DayHari Batik Nasional2009The international designation of the Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2009.[10]
5 OctoberIndonesian National Armed Forces DayHari Tentara Nasional IndonesiaThe 1945 founding of Tentara Keamanan Rakyat ("People's Security Forces"), the predecessor of the TNI.
22 OctoberNational Santri DayHari Santri Nasional2015The 1945 date of the declaration by Nahdlatul Ulama that the fight against the Dutch colonial forces was a holy war and obligatory for all Muslims following the declaration of the independence of Indonesia.[11] The declaration is the legal basis for the 1945 Battle of Surabaya in which many fighters are students of Islamic boarding schools (pesantren)
28 OctoberYouth Pledge DayHari Sumpah Pemuda1967Commemoration of the 1928 Youth Pledge
30 OctoberIndonesian Finance DayHari Oeang, Hari Keuangan Republik IndonesiaThe printing of the first Oeang Republik Indonesia, the first 'Indonesian rupiah' bank note, in 1946.[12]
10 NovemberHeroes' DayHari PahlawanCommemoration of the 1945 Battle of Surabaya
12 NovemberFather's DayHari AyahEstablished in 2006 following a suggestion by a group of women in Solo.[13]
12 NovemberNational Health DayHari Kesehatan NasionalMarks the day when Sukarno officially begins the malaria eradication project by spraying DDT in the village of Kalasan (1959).[14]
14 NovemberMobile Brigade Day[1]Hari Brigade MobilFounding of the Mobile Brigade in 1946.
14 NovemberWorld Diabetes DayHari Diabetes SeduniaInternational observance.
15 NovemberIndonesian Marine Corps BirthdayHari Juang Korps Marinir1951Honors the active and reserve serving men and women and veterans of the Indonesian Marine Corps
25 November Teachers' Day/Anniversary of the Teachers' Union of the Republic of Indonesia Hari Guru/Hari Ulang Tahun Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI) Commemorates the Indonesian Teachers' Congress of 24-25 November 1945 in Solo, which established the Teachers' Union of the Republic of Indonesia
29 November Anniversary of the Indonesian Civil Servants Corps Hari Ulang Tahun Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia (KORPRI) Commemorates the establishment of the Indonesian Civil Servants Corps (Indonesian: Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia (KORPRI)) in 1971, originally as the only association for civil servants, state- and regional government-owned enterprises and banks, heads of regional government, and all members of the Indonesian National Armed Forces running for government to ensure their loyalty to the New Order. KORPRI, not legally a trade union, remains the only organisation for all civil servants and heads of regional government (state- and regional-government-owned enterprises and banks now have their own trade unions.)
13 DecemberNusantara DayHari Nusantara2001The recognition of the boundary of the Indonesian archipelago, started with the announcement of the Deklarasi Djoeanda on 13 December 1957, which eventually leads to the recognition of the principles of the Nusantara in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982.[15]
15 DecemberIndonesian Army DayHari Juang KartikaHonors the active and reserve serving men and women and veterans of the Indonesian Army
22 DecemberMother's DayHari Ibu1959Commemorate the anniversary of the Indonesian Women's Congress
gollark: Such as bridging, arbitrary code execution, fortunes, and dice rolling.
gollark: I made a bot and it has MANY* features.
gollark: Everyone knows that Syl is anomalously self-causing.
gollark: Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
gollark: (also, you need to be in here for DTel to see you, not on the bridge)

See also


  1. "Hari-Hari Penting di Indonesia" [Important observances in Indonesia]. Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia. Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia. 3 July 2015. Archived from the original on 8 October 2016. Retrieved 10 August 2016.
  2. Ferry Agusta Satrio (29 May 2017). "29 Mei, Hari Lanjut Usia Nasional". Times Indonesia (in Indonesian). Times Indonesia. Retrieved 18 June 2018.
  3. Keppres no 39 tahun 2014
  4. 29 Juni Ditetapkan Sebagai Hari Keluarga Nasional Tapi Bukan Hari Libur
  5. Redaksi Jaksa Menyapa (22 July 2017). "Inilah Sejarah Hari Lahir Kejaksaan RI" [Here is the History of the Birth of the General Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia]. jaksa Menyapa. Jaksa Menyapa. Archived from the original on 25 October 2017. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  6. Keppres no 44 tahun 1984
  7. Keppres No. 30 Tahun 2014 (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2014 Nomor 188, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5573)
  8. Keppres No. 249 Tahun 1964
  9. "APMI Gugat Pengusulan 21 Agustus sebagai Hari Maritim Nasional" [APMI Sues the Proposal of 21 August as National Maritime Day]. Maritime News (in Indonesian). Maritime News. 21 August 2016. Retrieved 7 May 2017.
  10. Keppres No. 33 Tahun 2009
  11. "Keppres No. 22 Tahun 2015". Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan. Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan. 2018. Archived from the original on 8 July 2018. Retrieved 8 July 2018.
  12. History of Indonesian Money Archived 9 July 2015 at the Wayback Machine accessed on 6 March 2015
  13. Nadya Isnaeni (12 November 2014). "Sejarah Lahirnya Hari Ayah Nasional (Story of the Origin of Father's Day)". Liputan 6 (in Indonesian). Liputan 6. Retrieved 1 July 2018.
  14. "Hari Kesehatan Nasional" [National Health Day]. Pusat Promosi Kesehatan - Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (in Indonesian). Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. 2016. Archived from the original on 13 February 2016. Retrieved 13 February 2016.
  15. Keppres no 126 tahun 2001

Cited works

  • Iwan Gayo (1991). Buku Pintar Seri Junior. Jakarta: Upaya Warga Negara. pp. 342–345.
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