Public holidays in Mongolia

The following are the public holidays in Mongolia and other special days.

Public Holidays

Date2019 DateEnglish nameLocal nameRemarks
January 1New Year's DayШинэ жил (Shine jil)
First three days of the yearFebruary 22 – February 251Lunar New Year or Tsagaan Sar (White Moon)Цагаан сар (Tsagaan sar)Tsagaan Sar is celebrated according to the lunar calendar. The date falls anywhere between the end of January and early March in the Gregorian calendar.
March 8International Women's DayОлон Улсын Эмэгтэйчүүдийн Баяр (Olon Ulsyn Emegteichüüdiin Bayar), Мартын найман (Martyn Naiman)
June 1Mother's and Children's DayЭх үрсийн баяр (Ekh Ürsiin bayar)
July 11 – July 15Naadam HolidayНаадам (Naadam)A five-day holiday to coincide with the Naadam Festival
First day of the first winter month of the year[1]November 141Genghis Khan's BirthdayЧингис хааны төрсөн өдөр (Chingis Khaany törsön ödör)Established in 2012. This day expresses a symbolic Birthday of Genghis Khan as his exact date of birth is not found.
November 26Republic DayУлс тунхагласны өдөр (Uls tunhaglasnii Üdür)
December 29Independence DayТусгаар Тогтнолын Өдөр (Tusgaar Togtnoliin Üdür)
1.^ Based on the non-Gregorian Mongolian calendar (Bilgiin toolol)

Other special days and celebrations

  • Constitution Day (January 13)
  • Valentine's Day (February 14)
  • Patriots' Day (March 1)
  • Men's and Soldiers' Day (March 18)
  • Health Day (April 7)
  • Intellectual Property Day (April 26)
  • Family Day (May 15)
  • Mongolian Fried Rice day (May 22)
  • State Flag Day (July 10)
  • Youth's Day (August 25)
  • Repression Victims' Day (September 10)
  • Environment Safety Day (fourth week of September)
  • Elders' Day (October 1)
  • Capital City Day (October 29)
  • October Revolution Day (November 7) - celebrated from 1924 to 1990
  • Human Rights Day (December 10)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
gollark: 'Tis altruism.
gollark: You know downloading more RAM? The opposite.
gollark: "Oh yes, I'll just undergo FALSE POSITIVES when looking up beliefs" - wrong people.
gollark: This is inadvisable, however.
gollark: Yes, you can just add them to your belief hashset.


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