List of Intercity-Express railway stations

This is a list of all the Intercity Express stations in Europe.

Line Direction between
10 Berlin, Hanover and Düsseldorf/Cologne
11 Berlin, Mannheim and Munich
12 Berlin, Kassel and Basel
20 Hamburg, Kassel and Basel
22 Hamburg, Kassel and Stuttgart
25 Hamburg/Bremen, Nuremberg and Munich
28 Hamburg, Berlin and Munich
31 Hamburg, Cologne and Nuremberg/Basel
41 Essen, Nuremberg and Munich
42 Dortmund, Mannheim and Munich
43 Cologne, Mannheim and Basel
45 (Cologne, Wiesbaden and Mainz)
47 (Dortmund and Stuttgart)
49 (Cologne and Frankfurt)
50 Dresden, Frankfurt and Wiesbaden
75 (Copenhagen, Hamburg and Berlin)
76 (Aarhus, Hamburg and Berlin)
78 Amsterdam, Cologne and Frankfurt
79 (Brussels, Cologne and Frankfurt)
80 Paris, Brussels, Cologne and Essen (Thalys)
81 Paris and Freiburg im Breisgau (TGV)
82 (Paris, Mannheim and Frankfurt)
83 Paris, Strasbourg and Stuttgart (TGV)
84 Frankfurt, Strasbourg and Marseille (TGV)
87 Stuttgart and 'Zurich (currently operated by InterCity trains of the SBB)
90 (Munich, Salzburg and Vienna)
91 (Dortmund), Frankfurt and Vienna
  (…) = only few trains daily
Frequency of trains and allowed max speed on the German Intercity-Express (ICE) network (2017/18)


From the Deutschen Bahn AG, the Nederlandse Spoorwegen N.V. and the Société nationale des chemins de fer français operating high-speed trains with stops in several cities:


City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Baden-Baden Baden-Baden 20 31, 84
Bruchsal Bruchsal 31
Freiburg im Breisgau Freiburg (Breisgau) Hbf 12, 20, 43 31, 81
Heidelberg Heidelberg Hbf 22, 31, 87
Horb am Neckar Horb 87
Karlsruhe Karlsruhe Hbf 12, 20, 43 31, 83, 84
Mannheim Mannheim Hbf 11, 12, 20, 22, 42, 43 31, 47, 50, 82, 84
Offenburg Offenburg 12, 43 31
Rottweil Rottweil 87
Singen Singen 87
Stuttgart Stuttgart Hbf 11, 22, 42, 87 47, 83
Tuttlingen Tuttlingen 87
Ulm Ulm Hbf 11, 42 83
Vaihingen an der Enz Vaihingen (Enz) 22


City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Aschaffenburg Aschaffenburg Hbf 41 31, 91
Augsburg Augsburg Hbf 11, 28, 42 25, 83
Bamberg Bamberg 28
Donauwörth Donauwörth 28
Erlangen Erlangen 28
Garmisch-Partenkirchen Garmisch-Partenkirchen 25, 28, 41
Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Hbf 25 28 31, 41
Lichtenfels Lichtenfels 28
Munich Munich Hbf (main station) 25, 28, 41 11, 42 31, 83, 90
Munich-Pasing 11, 42 25, 28
Munich East 11
Nuremberg Nuremberg Hbf 25, 28, 41 91 31
Passau Passau Hbf 91
Plattling Plattling Bf 91
Regensburg Regensburg Hbf 91 31
Treuchtlingen Treuchtlingen 28
Würzburg Würzburg Hbf 25, 41 91 31

Berlin and Brandenburg

City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Berlin Berlin Hbf (main station) 10, 28 11, 12 75, 76
Berlin Ostbahnhof (east station) 10 11, 12 75, 76
Berlin Gesundbrunnen 28
Berlin Spandau 10, 28 11, 12
Berlin Südkreuz 28
Wittenberge Wittenberge 28, 75, 76


City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Bad Hersfeld Bad Hersfeld 50 20
Darmstadt Darmstadt Hbf 41, 50, 87
Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt (Main) Hbf (main station) 41 11, 12, 20, 22, 50, 78, 91 31, 49, 79, 82, 84, 87
Frankfurt (Main) South 50 25
Frankfurt am Main Airport long distance train station *) 41, 50 22, 42, 43, 78 20, 31, 47, 49, 79, 91
Fulda Fulda 25, 50 11, 12 20
Hanau Hanau Hbf 11, 12, 91 31
Kassel Kassel Wilhelmshöhe 25 11, 12, 20, 22
Limburg an der Lahn Limburg Süd 41 45, 49, 79
Wiesbaden Wiesbaden Hbf 50 20, 22, 45

 *) one train of the line 31 from Frankfurt (Main) Airport regional station

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Ludwigslust Ludwigslust 28, 75, 76
Neustrelitz Neustrelitz 28
Rostock Rostock Hbf 28
Warnemünde 28
Waren (Müritz) Waren (Müritz) 28

Lower Saxony and Bremen

City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Brunswick Brunswick Hbf 11, 12
Bremen Bremen Hbf 25 10, 22, 31, 42
Celle Celle 25
Delmenhorst Delmenhorst 10
Göttingen Göttingen 25 11, 12, 20, 22
Hannover Hanover Hbf 10, 25 20, 22 11, 43
Hildesheim Hildesheim Hbf 11, 12
Lüneburg Lüneburg 20, 25
Oldenburg (Oldenburg) Oldenburg (Oldb) Hbf 10, 22, 25
Osnabrück Osnabrück Hbf 31, 42
Uelzen Uelzen 25
Wolfsburg Wolfsburg Hbf 10, 12

North Rhine-Westphalia

City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Aachen Aachen Hbf 80 79, 10
Bielefeld Bielefeld Hbf 10 43
Bochum Bochum Hbf 10 42 31, 41, 43, 47, 91
Bonn Bonn Hbf 10 31, 91
Cologne Cologne Hbf (main station) 10 42, 43, 78, 80 31, 45, 49, 79, 91
Cologne Messe/Deutz (trade fair) 41 10 43, 47, 78
Cologne Bonn Airport 10 45, 47, 49
Dortmund Dortmund Hbf 10 42 31, 41, 43, 47, 91
Düren Düren 10
Düsseldorf Düsseldorf Hbf (main station) 10, 41 42, 78 31, 43, 47, 80, 91
Düsseldorf Airport 10 80
Duisburg Duisburg Hbf 10, 41 42, 78 31, 43, 47, 80, 91
Essen Essen Hbf 10, 41 42 31, 43, 47, 80, 91
Gelsenkirchen Gelsenkirchen Hbf (...)
Gütersloh Gütersloh Hbf 10, 43
Hagen Hagen Hbf 10 31, 42, 43, 91
Hamm Hamm (Westf) 10 43
Herford Herford 10, 43
Minden Minden (Westf) 10, 43
Münster (Westfalen) Münster (Westf) Hbf 31, 42
Mülheim an der Ruhr Mülheim (Ruhr) Hbf 10
Oberhausen Oberhausen Hbf 78 43
Recklinghausen Recklinghausen Hbf (...)
Siegburg Siegburg/Bonn 41, 42, 43 45, 49, 79
Solingen Solingen Hbf
former Solingen-Ohligs
42, 43, 91
Wuppertal Wuppertal Hbf
former Wuppertal-Elberfeld
10 31, 42, 43, 91

Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland

City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Andernach Andernach 10
Bingen am Rhein Bingen (Rhein) Hbf 31
Bullay Bullay (DB) 10
Cochem (Mosel) Cochem (Mosel) 10
Homburg (Saar) Homburg (Saar) Hbf 50
Kaiserslautern Kaiserslautern Hbf 50, 82
Koblenz Koblenz Hbf 10, 31, 91
Mainz Mainz Hbf 50 20, 22, 31, 45, 91
Montabaur Montabaur 41 45, 49
Neustadt an der Weinstraße Neustadt (Weinstr) Hbf 50
Saarbrücken Saarbrücken Hbf 50, 82
Trier Trier Hbf 10
Wittlich Wittlich Hbf 10
Worms Worms Hbf 11


City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Dresden Dresden Hbf (main station) 50
Dresden-Neustadt 50
Leipzig Leipzig Hbf (main station) 28, 50
Leipzig/Halle Airport 50
Riesa Riesa 50


City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Bitterfeld Bitterfeld Bf 50
Halle (Saale) Halle (Saale) Hbf 28, 50
Köthen Köthen 50
Lutherstadt Wittenberg Lutherstadt Wittenberg 28
Magdeburg Magdeburg Hbf 50
Naumburg (Saale) Naumburg (Saale) Hbf 28 50
Stendal Stendal 10

Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg

City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Flensburg Flensburg 76
Hamburg Hamburg Hbf (main station) 25, 28 20, 22 31, 42, 75, 76
Hamburg-Altona 25, 28 20, 22 31, 42
Hamburg Dammtor 25, 28 20, 22 31, 42, 76
Hamburg-Harburg 25 20, 22, 31, 42
Kiel Kiel Hbf 20, 22, 28, 31
Lübeck Lübeck Hbf 25, 75
Neumünster Neumünster 25, 28, 31, 76
Oldenburg in Holstein Oldenburg (Holst) 75
Puttgarden Puttgarden 75
Rendsburg Rendsburg 76
Schleswig Schleswig 76


City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Eisenach Eisenach 50 28
Erfurt Erfurt Hbf 50 28
Gotha Gotha 50 28
Jena Jena Paradies 28
Saalfeld/Saale Saalfeld (Saale) 28
Weimar Weimar 50 28

Other countries

City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily


Innsbruck Innsbruck Hbf 11
Jenbach Jenbach 11
Kufstein Kufstein 11
Linz Linz Hbf 91 90
Salzburg Salzburg Hbf 90
St. Pölten St. Pölten Hbf 91 90
Vienna Flughafen Wien 91
Wien Hbf 91 90
Wien Meidling 91 90
Wien Westbf 90
Wels Wels Hbf 91
Wörgl Wörgl Hbf 11


Amsterdam (NL) Amsterdam Centraal 78 43
Arnhem (Arnheim, NL) Arnhem 78 43
Brussels (Brussel, Brüssel, B) Bruxelles-Nord/Brussel-Noord 79
Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid 80 79
Liège (Luik, Lüttich, B) Liège-Guillemins 80 79
Utrecht (NL) Utrecht Centraal 78 43


Århus Aarhus 76
Copenhagen København H 75
Noerreport 75
Oesterport 75
Fredericia Fredericia st 76
Høje Taastrup Hoeje Taastrup st 75
Horsens Horsens st 76
Kolding Kolding st 76
Næstved Naestved st 75
Nykøbing Falster Nykoebing F st 75
Padborg Padborg st 76
Ringsted Ringsted st 75
Rødby Roedby 75
Skanderborg Skanderborg st 76
Vejle Vejle st 76
Vordingborg Vordingborg st 75


City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Aix-en-Provence Aix-en-Provence TGV railway station 84
Avignon Gare d'Avignon TGV 84
Belfort Gare de Belfort – Montbéliard TGV 84
Besançon Gare de Besançon Franche-Comté TGV 84
Chalon-sur-Saône Gare de Chalon-sur-Saône 84
Forbach Gare de Forbach 82
Lyon Gare de Lyon-Part-Dieu 84
Marseille Gare de Marseille-Saint-Charles 84
Mulhouse Gare de Mulhouse 84
Paris Paris Est 82, 83
Strasbourg Gare de Strasbourg 83, 84


City Station stop every 1h stop every 2h few trains daily
Basel Basel Bad Bf 12, 20, 43 31
Basel SBB 12, 20, 43 31, IC-Verkehr*
Bern Bern HB 12, 20, IC-Verkehr*
Bülach Bülach 87
Interlaken Interlaken Ost 12, 20
Interlaken West 12, 20
Liestal Liestal IC-Verkehr*
Olten Olten 12, 20, IC-Verkehr*
Schaffhausen Schaffhausen 87
Spiez Spiez 12, 20
Thun Thun 12, 20
Zürich Zürich HB 87 12, 20

* There are some ICE connections inside of Switzerland which are operated between Basel and Bern(–Interlaken) or Zurich.

gollark: The "degree" is the maximum amount of variables multiplied together in a monomial; 3 there, because x³ is xxx.
gollark: A polynomial is basically something like x³ + xy² + x + 7; the sum of some monomials, which contain variables and stuff multiplied together.
gollark: Plus trigonometry and exponentials are conveniently merged.
gollark: For example, they have the "fundamental theorem of algebra", where a polynomial of degree n *always* has n roots.
gollark: Anyway, by defining an answer to sqrt(-1) you can attain the complex numbers, which are a very powerful extension to the real number line.

See also

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